Apache Netbeans changing default delimiter - netbeans

Despite having changed the pcs regional delimiter to a "." Netbeans 12 is still using a ",". I have tried adding the following to the netbeans.conf file but it has no effect:
-J-Duser.language=en -J-Duser.country=US
How do you force netbeans to use a particular local via the conf file?

I had changed the delimiter on win 10 but not the entire format for the pc. By changing the whole format to English UK, Netbeans honours the change.


How to change default encoding in NetBeans 8.0 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to change file encoding in NetBeans?
(8 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I'm wondering if I can change default encoding in NetBeans 8.0... I searched a lot but I haven't find a way how to change the encoding in this version of NetBeans.
I have this tag in my html document:
<meta charset="utf-8">
BUT! As you can see on attached image, NetBeans notice is warning me about an encoding problem.
Internal encoding declaration "utf-8" disagrees with the actual encoding of the document ("windows-1250").
I created index.html by "new file" function in NetBeans. There is UTF-8 encoding in project properties, so I think it should be UTF-8. I really don't know where that 'windows-1250' came from!!
Where I can find some option to change default encoding or even current file encoding in NetBeans 8.0?
Solution given by Danny
Navigate to <Netbeans installation directory>/etc and open the netbeans.conf file.
Add -J-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 at the end of the line that starts with netbeans_default_options (make sure to include the leading space).
Restart Netbeans and it should be in UTF-8
To verify go to help -> about and check System: Windows Vista version 6.0 running on x86; UTF-8; nl_NL (nb)
Answer here worked well for me on Netbeans 7.3 Stackoverflow Answer
Right click on the project name and click on properties. Sources tab -> Encoding and change it to whatever you need. In my case i needed Windows 1252 encoding.
I had the problem with a cyrillic characters (russian and ukranian letters) in netbeans 8.1 for Ubuntu 14.04. I have fixed problem like #Rex Wagenius adviced + I had to change a font of netbeans (in main menu: Tools -> Option -> Fonts&Colors -> Syntax tab -> Font changed from Courier to Serif 20). Hope this answer will be helpful for some users with the same problem.

Set HSQL script newline format

We have a HSQL .script file in source control. Some of our developers use Linux, some use Windows. Each time there is a commit we have to deal with conflicts (each line in file has one) due to platform specific newline characters in script.
Is there a way to specify newline format for the HSQL script file.
You cannot specify the end of line (eol) format for the HSQLDB script. HSQLDB can read the .script file regardless of the eol format used when the file was saved.
Source control system usually allow to specify the eol format to use for text files. For example, Subversion has a svn:eol-style property which can be set to "native" for all or individual files.

Eclipse is not applying Save Actions when I format a whole (java) package

I have configured Eclipse to format source code and trim trailing spaces on all lines on saving a file. This works as expected when I edit a source file and save it.
However these save actions are not executed when I right click on a package and execute the Source > Format command. The files do get saved after formatting but the trailing spaces are not removed. A quick experiment revealed that none of the actions defined under "Save Actions" are executed when a whole package is formatted.
How can I fix this?
I am using Eclipse Version 3.6.2 (Build id: M20110210-1200) on 64 bit Ubuntu Lucid.
You can try using Source -> Clean Up... command instead of Format for batch normalization, but you will still need to manually configure it.

eclipse - svn synchronize - file differs only in line feed

I'm working in a group where there are developers that use linux, windows and mac.
Often happens that in SVN repository text files have different text file line delimiters (CR / CRLF / LF).
Someone know if I could avoid to compare line delimiters during eclipse svn synchronize?
You can set an svn:eol-style propery on files, possibly even using automatic properties in svn (in linux that would usually be the [auto-props] section in ~/.subversion/config )

Zend Studio for eclipse - Switch character encoding for all files in a project

I'm using Zend Studio for Eclipise on Mac, and it seems to keep setting all files to have and encoding of 'Mac Roman'. This becomes problematic when I save the files, as they all need to be UTF-8.
I know how to change the encoding to UTF-8 on a file by file basis, but I was wondering if I could set this project wide?
Eclipse-Wide: Window->Preferences->Appearence->Workspace
Project-Wide: Rightclick on Project->Properties
Filewide: Rightclick on File->Properties
On my Eclipse for PHP Helios SR 2 for Mac:
Eclipse-Wide: Eclipse->Preferences->General->Workspace
The others are the same as #SkaveRat
On a Zend Studio 8.x,for Mac osx 10.5.8 I changed it like this:
Top menu chose: Edit->Set encoding->Other: UTF-8,. By default it is set Mac Roman.
And then apply.
Just remember, php does not actually support utf-8 encoded sourcefiles.
When creating strings in a utf-8 encoded file, php will just see 2 static bytes per character.
Try running the following with either utf-8 or ISO-8859-1 enconding.
strlen() will report different lengths depending on encoding.
$string = "äüö";
echo (strlen($string));