How to uninstall an exe generated using electron-builder - command-line

I am using electron-builder to generate an exe (NSIS) file for my electron application. I am using the below commands in command prompt for installing and uninstalling.
myapplicaton.exe /install /noreboot /silent
myapplicaton.exe /uninstall /noreboot /silent
The install command is working, but the uninstall command does not work. There is no error shown as well. I did not find any leads in the web for uninstalling an exe generate using electron builder. Could you please let me know the correct way to uninstall the exe?


have problems installing plugins in neovim/vim

Whenever i install any plugin in neovim/vim, the commands don't work, neovim/vim gives me the same error saying that the command that the plugin has isn't a command. Am i doing something wrong?
For more info, i use windows 10 (want to switch to linux but i don't have a computer of my own to do so). I checked everything i installed, they have a windows version, they have instructions on how to download it on windows, i followed them, but the plugins still refuse to work.
The first thing i installed is vim-plug. But no command i enter works.
I tried re-installing, but that doesn't work either.
You have first to install vim-plug.
On Windows 10 you have to start a powershell (WinpowershellEnter) run the following command:
iwr -useb |`
ni "$(#($env:XDG_DATA_HOME, $env:LOCALAPPDATA)[$null -eq $env:XDG_DATA_HOME])/nvim-data/site/autoload/plug.vim" -Force
You need to have the following lines in your ~\AppData\Local\nvim\init.vim
call plug#begin()
Plug 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons' " optional, for file icons
Plug 'nvim-tree/nvim-tree.lua'
call plug#end()
You need to start Neovim and run:
You need to restart Neovim

How to give Installer options from msiexec command

I want to install my msi file using msiexec command. However using the UI, I get to choose some things during the install. How can I give these options using the msiexec command
This is what i get on double clicking the installer
Installer Step 1
Installer Step 2
On selecting an option in step 2 i get a textbox to give new location for my installer
I cant understand how to give these options using msiexec.
On doing a
msiexec.exe /i "path\" /L*V "path\mylogfile.log"
The installer UI pops up.
But I want my msiexec command to do everything for me.
I tried using the /quiet option and it does not pop open the installer UI but also it does not install my msi package.
So, how can i give my UI options using just the msiexec command

'raml2html' is not recognized though installed via npm i -g raml2html: Windows

I was trying to run raml2html to convert some contracts to HTML, this was working initially when first time I did the installation on my Windows machine but after some weeks when I tired running this again then this command stopped working. Not sure what happened.
What I again tired installing raml2html by running npm i -g raml2html but still its saying:
'raml2html' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I again tried uninstalling and reinstalling also but still the same issue.
Try to find where the installation is creating the command line script for Windows (a file ending .cmd). That can be found opening a Powershell terminal and using the where command. It usually is under the C:\Users\<YourUserName>\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules directory.

command line silent installation for .exe

I used advanced installer for my project and I can install my .exe using wizard,
but I want to perform it using command line so something which can help silent installation with advanced installer ?
just use /exenoui /qn command line arguments for a silent install

Install app using PowerShell

I must install .air file using PowerShell script. Because of that, I converted to .exe, and tried running installation with PowerShell, but this not work.
Also I converted to .msi and that installation too has error.
This is my error :
"This is a problem with the windows installer package.
A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected."
This is my script for msi:
Msiexec /a C:\Users\PC-MS\Downloads\vmaxstudios.msi
This is my script for exe:
Start-Process -FilePath 'C:\Users\smilos\Downloads\Firefox Installer (1).exe -ArgumentList '/silent', '/install' -Wait
1) I convert .air file to .exe,
2) I convert the .exe file to .msi.
3) Trying to install the .msi does not work.
Does anyone have an idea of how to install using .air file? Or solution for .msi installation?