How to force https on routes play framework - scala

Using Play Framework 2.5.6
I have secured my application with SSL.
Now, page is loaded with https I figured out this error.
Mixed Content: The page at ‘’ was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint ‘’. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
because on page i use rest endpoints (http) to fetch data.
I have multiple rest endpoints to fetch the data.
Is there any support that I can configure at one place like application.config,
and all rest endpoints in routes will use https instead of http??


Whitelist web application for API access without API key

We're developing a web application (SPA) consisting of the following parts:
NextJS container
Django backend for user management
Data API (FastAPI) protected with API keys, for which we also provide 3rd party access
The NextJS container uses an API key to access the data API. We don't want to expose the API key to the client (browser), so the browser sends the API requests to the NextJS container, which then relays it to the data API, see here. This seems secure, but is more complicated and slower than sending requests from the browser to the data API directly.
I'm wondering if it's possible to whitelist the web application in the data API, so that the client (browser) can call the data API directly without API key, but 3rd parties can't. FastAPI provides a TrustedHostMiddleware, but it's insecure because it's possible to spoof the host header. It has been suggested to whitelist IPs instead, but we don't have a dedicated IP for our web application. I looked into using the referer header, but it's not available in the FastAPI request object for some reason (I suspect some config problem in our hosting). Also, the referer header could be spoofed as well.
Is there even a safe way to whitelist our web application for data API access, or do we need to relay the request via NextJS container and use an API key?
Is there even a safe way to whitelist our web application for data API
No, you need in all case an Authentication mechanism, something before the backend that check if the client is an authorize client.
The simplest pattern is using the NextJS container as the proxy. Proxy that have an api-key to call the backend ( what you are currently doing ).
There is many way to implement a secured proxy for a backend, but this authentication logic should not be inside the backend but in a separate service ( like envoy , nginx ... )

How to block HTTP and allows only HTTPS for AWS API Gateway with custom domain name map

I've added certificate with custom domain name map in AWS API gateway but it allows HTTP automatically, how can I block normal HTTP and only allows HTTPS?
All API Gateway APIs are fronted with a CloudFront distribution. Each of these CloudFront distributions (whether it's a Custom Domain like yours or the default *.execute-api distribution) is configured to redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS. Although CloudFront has the option to strictly require HTTPS and return 403 on HTTP requests we currently don't expose this option for simplicity.
If you feel you have valid use case for requiring HTTPS without a redirect please open a support ticket and the team can evaluate your request.

Experiencing the mixed content error while trying to load facebook application

I've got my application on facebook. Its working on https. Recently I've set up the apache reverse proxy. Proxy is doing redirect from https to http port 8080 of tomcat. The game is working if accessed directly. While if accessed from facebook there is an error:
Mixed Content: The page at
was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure form action
''. This request has been blocked; the
content must be served over HTTPS.
I've set spring social facebook's canvas controller's post login url to the "https://..." now it works but tomcat is redirecting the call to to the
Seems like all redirects from tomcat are passed as they are (http) without changing the protocol to the https.
I fixed it by setting apache to use X-Forwarded-Proto
And tomcat to respond on that correctly.

Behaviour of SAML when HTTP Server used for high availability

I have implemented the supporting of SAML SSO to have my application act as the Service Provider using Spring Security SAML Extension. I was able to integrate my SP with different IDPs. So for example I have HostA,HostB, and HostC, all these have different instances of my application. I had an SP metadata file specified for each host and set the AssertionConsumerServiceURL with the URL of that host( ). I added each metadata file to the IDP and tested all of them and it is working fine.
However, my project also supports High Availability by having an IBM HTTP Server configured for load balancing. So in this case the HTTP Server will configure the hosts(A,B,C) to be the hosts used for load balancing, the user will access the my application using the URL of the HTTP server:
If I defined one SP metadata file and had the URL of the HTTP Server specified in the AssertionConsumerServiceURL( ) and changed my implementation to accept assertions targeted to my HTTP Server, what will be the outcome of this scenario:
User accesses the HTTPServer which dispatched the user to HostA(behind the scenes)
My SP application in HostA sends a request to the IDP for authentication.
The IDP sends back the response to my httpserver as: .
Will the HTTP Server redirect to HostA, to have it like this:
When deploying same instance of application in a clustered mode behind a load balancer you need to instruct the back-end applications about the public URL on the HTTP server ( which they are deployed behind. You can do this using the SAMLContextProviderLB (see more in the manual). But you seem to have already successfully performed this step.
Once your HTTP Server receives a request, it will forward it to one of your hosts to URL e.g. and usually will also provide the original URL as an HTTP header. The SAMLContextProviderLB will make the SP application think that the real URL was which will make it pass all the SAML security checks related to destination URL.
As the back-end applications store state in their HttpSessions make sure to do one of the following:
enable sticky session on the HTTP server (so that related requests are always directed to the same server
make sure to replicate HTTP session across your cluster
disable checking of response ID by including bean EmptyStorageFactory in your Spring configuration (this option also makes Single Logout unavailable)

Application in HTTP & HTTPS. But forms on HTTPs

I have a requirement wherein the application must be on both http and https. While the end user must be able to traverse the application in http, all forms should transition to https post submission.
Any advice as to how this can be achieved given that the application is deployed on Tomcat cluster and has a Apache HTTP Server as a load balancer distributing the load in a cluster.