Inconsistent behavior after isExternalStorageManager() = true in Android 11 - android-external-storage

I added a Preference button in my PreferenceScreen to call for Settings.ACTION_MANAGE_APP_ALL_FILES_ACCESS_PERMISSION in Android 11:
prefn.setOnPreferenceClickListener(arg0 -> {
Uri uri = Uri.fromParts("package", getPackageName(), null);
return true;
if (Environment.isExternalStorageManager()) {
} else {
pref.setSummary("Not Allowed");
When I change the setting from Allow to Not allow and the setting screen is closed, the PreferenceScreen is reloaded (in particular, the onCreate()), and the pref summary changes to "Not Allowed", as expected. However, if I click and change the setting from Not allow to Allow, it is not reloaded, and the summary still shows "Not allowed" despite the fact that the setting is in the Allow state. Even stranger, if I change 3 times, Not allow to Allow to Not allow to Allow, it is reloaded and the summary shows "Allowed", as it should.
Any clue?? I tried calling startActivityForResult without success.

This is not a solution, but a workaround. And a coward one, sorry.
Simply fix the thing through the onResume() method of the Preference activity. Namely, before calling Settings.ACTION_MANAGE_APP_ALL_FILES_ACCESS_PERMISSION, set a variable:
lastManagerPerm = Environment.isExternalStorageManager();
and then in the onResume():
public void onResume() {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 30 && !lastManagerPerm && Environment.isExternalStorageManager()) {


MAUI Text Entry on Complete not Working - Possible Work around?

I'm trying to use text entry on maui to fire an event when completed. I have set the "Completed" event to a handler and it works correctly on windows. But on Android I have no joy, the event just isn't firing.
I realise there is a bug in Maui which is preventing this. But it looks like the problem was discovered in August? It's a fairly basic thing, well at least it appears to be on the face of things.
What is the best work around for this? The only thing I can think is by using the textchanged event instead of completed. This works correctly, but then i have to bodge it by doing this sort of thing:
if (entry1.Text.EndsWith("#"))
//Then string is complete, so need to fire correct event
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Complete String Detected");
This works and I can use it since I'm awaiting for input from a barcode scanner, so I can set the last terminating character to whatever I want. In this case I set it to a #. I can't figure out a way to detect the return key being pressed.
There is a similar issue on the github about the Entry.Completed and Entry.ReturnCommand not executed.
This comment shows the cause and the workaround about this problem.
detect the return key being pressed
In addition, I can't understand the problem. I have created a sample to test. The Entry.Completed event will call when I pressed the enter key. I don't kown the return key you mentioned is what. But you can use the IOnKeyListener for the android to detect any key being pressed.
Create a Listener class in the /Platform/Android:
public class MyKeyListener : Java.Lang.Object, IOnKeyListener
public bool OnKey(global::Android.Views.View v, [GeneratedEnum] Keycode keyCode, KeyEvent e)
var edittext = v as AppCompatEditText;
if (keyCode == Keycode.Enter && e.Action == KeyEventActions.Down )
//I used the Entry key as the example, you can use any other key you want to replace it.
return true;
return false;
And in the page.xml:
<Entry Completed="Entry_Completed" x:Name="entry"/>
Set the listener to the entry by overriding the OnHandlerChanged() in the page.cs:
protected override void OnHandlerChanged()
(entry.Handler.PlatformView as AndroidX.AppCompat.Widget.AppCompatEditText).SetOnKeyListener(new MauiAppTest.Platforms.Android.MyKeyListener());
You can also set the listener with the handler. Finally, you can try both the method above and the workaround in the issue on the github.

Wicket 6 - Feedback message not showing until request after the request in which it happened

I have an AjaxButton. The event fires, and I'm testing a scenario where I need to add a feedback and return without committing the change. I add the feedback at the page level (our feedback only shows page level messages...others are showing on component level feedback panels). I add the WebMarkupContainer that contains the feedback panel to the target. This exact thing works on every other button on the page.
But for this button, which happens to be the only one where defaultformprocessing is not false, the feedback doesn't show. To the user's view, nothing happens except our processing veil appears and then disappears. If I hit submit again, THEN the message and feedback are shown. I stuck a timestamp on it to see if it was showing the one from the 2nd request or the 1st. It's from the 1st.
What's more, a breakpoint in the feedback's filter shows that the filter was never called in the 1st request, but is called BEFORE the event processing on the 2nd request. It accepts the message as intended.
I set defaultformprocessing to FALSE on this button as a test, and in fact, messages suddenly work. But of course, that also means the form doesn't get processed. Can someone help me square this circle?
add(new AjaxButton("btnCreateRequest", getForm()) {
public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?> form) {
//stuff happens
String date = new Date().toGMTString();
System.out.println("ADDING MESSAGE - " + date);
getPage().error("This is a message! " + date);
public void onError(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?> form) {
getPage().error("There was an error processing your request");
getFeedbackPanelForAjax returns the web markup container that the feedback resides in. I've also tried adding the feedback directly to the target.
public Component getFeedbackPanelForAjax() {
return (Component) getForm().get("feedbackWmc");
Where the feedback is added:
feedback = new FRFeedbackPanel("feedback") {
public boolean isVisible() {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// feedback container
WebMarkupContainer feedbackWmc = new WebMarkupContainer("feedbackWmc");
I can say that through debugging, I put a breakpoint in anyMessage() and it returns false in this case at the same time that getPage().getFeedbackMessages() returns the message correctly. I commented out this override of isVisible() and indeed, the message shows. The problem is, that it means the artifacts of the feedback panel show when there are no messages as well, which is not what we want.
This anyMessage() solution works perfectly when I'm in an event that is defaultformprocessing=false. I suppose I could do an anyMessage() || getPage().getFeedbackMessages(), but my understanding was that anyMessage was supposed to find if there was ANY message in the hierarchy for this panel. Is that not so?
I assume you cannot replicate the problem in a small quickstart?
One idea: I've seen similar problems when the FeedbackPanel collects its messages too early, i.e. before you add the error to the page.
FeedbackMessagesModel keeps the messages to render until the end of the request - maybe some of your code triggers this by accessing the messages model.

button back to my app in the background and when you resume it starts again

I am developing an app in Xamarin.Forms, before I was trying to make a master detail page to become my MainPage when I logged in to my app, this I have already achieved. Now I have the problem that when I use the button behind the phone my app is miimiza and goes to the background which is the behavior I hope, but when I return to my app does not continue showing my master detail page, but returns to my LginPage.
It is as if my app was running twice or at least there were two instances of LoginPage existing at the same time, this is because in my LoginPage I trigger some DisplayAlert according to some messages that my page is listening through the MessaginCenter and they are they shoot twice.
Can someone tell me how I can return the same to my app on the master detail page and not restart in the strange way described?
public partial class LogonView : ContentPage
LogonViewModel contexto = new LogonViewModel();
public LogonView ()
InitializeComponent ();
BindingContext = contexto;
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<LogonViewModel>(this, "ErrorCredentials", async (sender) =>
await DisplayAlert("Error", "Email or password is incorrect.", "Ok");
protected override void OnDisappearing()
MessagingCenter.Unsubscribe<LogonViewModel>(this, "ErrorCredentials");
Part of my ViewModel:
if (Loged)
App.token = token;
Application.Current.MainPage = new RootView();
MessagingCenter.Send(this, "ErrorCredentials");
I hope this is in Android. All you can do is, you can override the backbuttonpressed method in MainActivity for not closing on back button pressed of the entry page. like below, you can add some conditions as well.
public override void OnBackPressed()
Page currentPage = Xamarin.Forms.Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.NavigationStack.LastOrDefault();
if (currentPage != null)
if (currentPage.GetType().Name == "HomePage" || currentPage.GetType().Name == "LoginPage")
When you press the Home button, the application is paused and the
current state is saved, and finally the application is frozen in
whatever state it is. After this, when you start the app, it is
resumed from the last point it was saved with.
However, when you use the Back button, you keep traversing back in
the activity stack, closing one activity after another. in the end,
when you close the first activity that you opened, your application
exits. This is why whenever you close your application like this, it
gets restarted when you open it again.
Answer taken from this answer. The original question asks about the native Android platform, but it still applies here.
It means you have to Use Setting Plugin or save data in Application properties.
You have to add below code in App.xaml.cs file:
if (SettingClass.UserName == null)
MainPage = new LoginPage();
MainPage = new MasterDetailPage();
For Setting Plugin you can refer this link.

MS Word VSTO Addin Find.Execute fires ContentControlOnEnter event

It seems that if Find.Execute finds a result inside a ContentControl, it will cause the ContentControlOnEnter and ContentControlOnExit events to fire. It's particularly annoying because the exit event fires even if the selection is still in the content control, so any code which sets the states of buttons dependent upon a content control being active will appear to be in the incorrect state.
Given a document containing a single content control with the word "test", and the following code:
// In setup
Application.ActiveDocument.ContentControlOnEnter += ActiveDocument_ContentControlOnEnter;
private void ActiveDocument_ContentControlOnEnter(Word.ContentControl ContentControl)
var selRange = _Application.Selection.Range;
_logger.Debug(m => m("Selection: {0}-{1}", selRange.Start, selRange.End));
//Later in another method
var finder = _Application.ActiveDocument.Range().Find;
_logger.Debug("Find.Execute start");
_logger.Debug("Find.Execute end");
The following gets logged:
38137 [VSTA_Main] DEBUG - Find.Execute start
38141 [VSTA_Main] DEBUG - Selection: 1-5
38149 [VSTA_Main] DEBUG - Find.Execute end
We have a lot of code that handles ContentControlOnEnter and ContentControlOnExit events, and having the find operation cause them to be called is really causing problems!
Is there any way to use Find.Execute without having it trigger these events? Failing that, is there a good way to distinguish between the Find-triggered ones and the genuine user ones? I have tried using the time between the enter and exit events, but this is not reliable.
I had similar problems in Word, though it was about the Selection event. I tried many solutions, but only one helped. In your case, make a new field bool _skipEnterAndExitEvents and set it true before calling
finder.Execute("test) and false after calling. And in the enter and exit event handlers check this field, if the field is true then just skip. This solutions is not beautiful, looks like a hack, but other solutions are even uglier and don't really work.
I think I found a decent solution:
private bool _doIgnoreNextExit = false;
private void ActiveDocument_ContentControlOnEnter(Word.ContentControl ContentControl)
if (Application.Selection.Find.Found)
_logger.Debug("Ignoring CC enter event caused by Find operation");
_doIgnoreNextExit = true;
// Do things
private void ActiveDocument_ContentControlOnExit(Word.ContentControl ContentControl)
_logger.Debug("Ignoring fake exit");
_doIgnoreNextExit = false;
// Do things

TabControl avoid changing to another tab

I have a tab control with 2 tabs.. When the user clicks on the second tab, it does some validation and then if that validation returns false, the user gets a message indicating to go back. Now, here's my problem, it changes tabs anyways with the code below:
Although the user doesn't see the tab 2, it is showing as changed.
private void tabprincipal_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!saved_plan)
MessageBox.Show("You need to save a plan first.");
How can I avoid this behavior? I want to display the message and the user to remain in the first tab
I think I'm looking for an event prior to the selectedindexchanged to detect that the user clicked tab2 and then don't let him move..
I actually found a way using the Deselecting method of the TabControl
private void tabprincipal_Deselecting(object sender, TabControlCancelEventArgs e)
if (!saved_plan)
MessageBox.Show("You need to save a plan first");
e.Cancel = true;