TinyMCE disable link navigation in design mode - tinymce

I'm wondering how to disable ctrl-clicking links when in design mode. I believe it must be possible because when the link plugin is disabled, links cannot be ctrl-clicked while in 'design' mode. I would like to enable the link plugin but have the links remain un-clickable while in 'design' mode. They can still be clicked when in 'readonly' mode.
This fiddle shows the functionality when the link plug in is not enabled. Just use the Add Link button to add a link to the editor and notice when you're in design mode how it cannot be ctrl-clicked to navigate.
This fiddle has the link plugin enabled to show the difference of ctrl-clicking while in edit mode.
Thanks in advance

If you import the link plugin there is currently no way to disable the link opening behavior with configuration.
TinyMCE registers event handlers for click and keydown which check for the click on the link.
Additionally the link plugin registers menu items that are displayed on right click for opening the link.
Ultimately these all call the same method which creates an anchor tag on the body and fires a mouse click event on it.
If you wish to stop clicking from doing anything then you can add an event listener to the body tag for click events and then filter on the event target to look for anchor tags that are directly on the body and have 3 attributes (href, rel and target). Once you find a likely candidate you call preventDefault on the event.
body.addEventListener('click', (evt) => {
const t = evt.target;
if (
t.parentNode === body &&
t.attributes.length === 3 &&
t.hasAttribute('href') &&
target.getAttribute('rel') === 'noreferrer noopener' &&
t.getAttribute('target') === '_blank') {


My question is about Ability for an author to reorder each tab within the component dialog in aem

enter image description here
I want to know how to provide the numbering for each tab, so that author can provide the number as per their requirement.
This is the strangest requirement I ever heard of. You can sure do that, but it didn't make much sense of doing it system wide as one author can feel the dialog one way, other in completely different. The only reasonable solution is to use javascript to reorder the tabs in the way an author want and than save the settings for this specific component in his user profile. You can start implementing it by creating a clientlib with the category cq.authoring.dialog. In your JS you have to listen to specific dialog loading event as shown below. I think this should be enough and it's a good starting point.
// necessary as no granite or coral ui event is triggered, when the dialog is opened
// in a fullscreen mode the dialog is opened under specific url for serving devices with low screen resolution
if (location.href.match(/mnt\/override/)) {
$(window).on('load', function(e) {
setTimeout(doSomething, 100);
} else {
$(document).on('dialog-ready', function(e) {
setTimeout(doSomething, 100);
You can use granite:rel to define specific identifiers in the dialog definition and use save them later in the user settings. You can define drag & drop events using the tab selector [role="tab"].
This is not trivially possible. Decide upfront about the order when building the component, provide meaningful labels and go with that. Touch UI does not provide the feature you need.

Add url redirect to mapbox icon

I am trying to allow a mapbox marker to be clicked on and when clicked it automatically takes you to a new link.
Is this possible?
I currently have a map of 10 locations and when loaded the zoom level shows all. When you click on a location, it zooms you into that location.
I now want it to take you through to a url on the click rather than zoom in, however I cant seem to find any documentation on how to do it.
I am aware that it can be done using a popup box which contains a url in it, but is there a way to remove the extra step.
Thank you
You can use click event on your layer to get the feature clicked and use a property of your feature to build your link :
map.on('click', 'layername', function(e) {
// Here you can access e.features[0] which is the feature cliked
// With that you can do whatever you want with your feature
Sébastien Bousquet's answer work when using a Symbol, but if using a Marker, you'll need to add your your own click eventlistener like https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/click_event.
marker.getElement().addEventListener('click', event => {
window.location.href = 'https://www.mapbox.com/';

Customizing properties dialog screen in IBM Content Navigator

I need to develop a functionality in IBM Content Navigator where after search for an item, right click it-> Properties, I need to either:
1 - add a button in properties dialog screen that will call a service and open another dialog;
2 - or extend the Save button functionality to also call a service and open another dialog;
What's quickest way to achieve that ?
Have a look # ecm.widget.dialog.EditPropertiesDialog and onSave() method. This might help you to extend save button functionality.
You can add your customized code by using aspect before/after:
(choose either depending on your functionality)
aspect.after(ecm.widget.dialog.EditPropertiesDialog.prototype,"onSave", function(event){
aspect.before(ecm.widget.dialog.EditPropertiesDialog.prototype,"onSave", function(event){

How to detect if side menu is open/closed in ionic 2?

I am using cordova-google-maps plugin with my ionic 2 app, and I want to show the menu (sidenav) on that page. Problem is for the sidenav to receive events properly I need to call map.setClickable( false ) while opening the sidenav and set it back to true when the user closes the sidenav. It seems there is an event for checking while the menu is being opened with opening, but I don't know how to track when the user closes the menu.
For using ionDrag, ionOpen, ionClose in Ionic2 you must add it on the menu itself
for example modify menu in your app.html file by
<ion-menu [content]="content" (ionOpen)="menuOpened()" (ionClose)="menuClosed()">
After I use "Events" see doc here: http://ionicframework.com/docs/v2/api/util/Events/
For detect in my page if the menu was close or open.
Example in my app.ts
menuClosed() {
this.events.publish('menu:closed', '');
menuOpened() {
this.events.publish('menu:opened', '');
And in my other page
events.subscribe('menu:opened', () => {
// your action here
events.subscribe('menu:closed', () => {
// your action here
I hope this help
It seems new events have been added to the menu component which solves this problem. I am also using the google maps plugin and it works fine
When the menu is being dragged open.
When the menu has been opened.
When the menu has been closed.
Using these output events, in your handlers you can keep a flag for the menu if its open or not :)

Add a popup Pane to crossrider add-on icon and bliking icons to the add-on icon

I wanted to migrate my existing add-on for firefox and chrome to crossrider in order to have it also with safari and IE, but i've a few doubts that mayble Schlomo (or any Crossrider developercan) can help me to solve them.
Questions :
Can i add a popup pane when someone clicks on the add-on button showing some kind of options inside it?
Can i add a blinking icon to the actual icon showing some kind of event happened like incoming chat or so?
Is there a way to add the red text box like in chrome showing at the bottom right of the icon some kind of text?
Thanks a lot!
When you pose the question like that, I can only hope the following answers will serve to allay your doubts and enlighten :)
First off, I would recommend familiarizing yourself with How to add a browser button to your Crossrider extension in general and the button popup feature specifically.
In answer to your specific questions:
You can use the button popup feature and build the required options in there. Take a look at the Button Popup Menu demo extension to get you started.
Whilst you can't make the button blink, you can alternate the button icon to make it look like blinking (see example).
In short, yes. Simply use the appAPI.browserAction.setBadgeText and appAPI.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor methods (see example).
The following example bring together the key elements in the background.js code required to achieve the solutions mentioned. Look at the popup.html file in the Button Popup Menu for an example of how to build the options page.
appAPI.ready(function() {
var sid, // Blink interval id
alt=0, // Blink alternation state
icon = { // Blink icons
0: 'icons/icon0.png',
1: 'icons/icon1.png'
// Set the initial icon for the button
// Sets the popup for the button
height: 300,
width: 300
if (true) { // blink condition, set to true for this example
// Blink icon
sid = appAPI.setInterval(function() {
alt = 1 - alt;
}, 1 * 1000);
} else {
if (true) { // show button text condition, set to true for this example
// Add red text box to icon
appAPI.browserAction.setBadgeText('ext', [255,0,0,255]);
[Disclosure: I am a crossrider employee]