Does kubernetes support non distributed applications? - kubernetes

Our store applications are not distributed applications. We deploy on each node and then configured to store specific details. So, it is tightly coupled to node. Can I use kubernetes for this test case? Would I get benefits from it?

Our store applications are not distributed applications. We deploy on each node and then configured to store specific details. So, it is tightly coupled to node. Can I use kubernetes for this test case?
Based on only this information, it is hard to tell. But Kubernetes is designed so that it should be easy to migrate existing applications. E.g. you can use a PersistentVolumeClaim for the directories that your application store information.
That said, it will probably be challenging. A cluster administrator want to treat the Nodes in the cluster as "cattles" and throw them away when its time to upgrade. If your app only has one instance, it will have some downtime and your PersistentVolume should be backed by a storage system over the network - otherwise the data will be lost when the node is thrown away.
If you want to run more than one instance for fault tolerance, it need to be stateless - but it is likely not stateless if it stores local data on disk.

There are several ways to have applications running on fixed nodes of the cluster. It really depends on how those applications behave and why do they need to run on a fixed node of the cluster.
Usually such applications are Stateful and may require interacting with a specific node's resources, or writing directly on a mounted volume on specific nodes for performance reasons and so on.
It can be obtained with a simple nodeSelector or with affinity to nodes ( )
Or with local persistent volumes ( )
With this said, if all the applications that needs to be executed on the Kubernetes cluster are apps that needs to run on a single node, you lose a lot of benefits as Kubernetes works really well with stateless applications, which may be moved between nodes to obtain high availability and a strong resilience to nodes failure.
The thing is that Kubernetes is complex and brings you a lot of tools to work with, but if you end up using a small amount of them, I think it's an overkill.
I would weight the benefits you could get with adopting Kubernetes (easy way to check the whole cluster health, easy monitoring of logs, metrics and resources usage. Strong resilience to node failure for stateless applications, load balancing of requests and a lot more) with the cons and complexity that it may brings (especially migrating to it can require a good amount of effort, if you weren't using containers to host your applications and so on)


How many side-car proxy is too much in a pod

I am currently studying distributed systems and have seen that many businesses relies on side-car proxy pattern for their services. For example, I know a company that uses an nginx proxy for authentication of their services and roles and permissions instead of including this business logic within their services.
Another one makes use of a cloud-sql-proxy on GKE to use the Cloud SQL offering that comes on google cloud. So on top of deploying their services in a container which runs in a pod, they is a proxy just for communicating with the database.
There is also istio which is a service mesh solution which can be deployed as a side-car proxy in a pod.
I am pretty sure there are other commonly know use-cases where this pattern is used but at some point how much is too much side-car proxy? How heavy is it on the pod running it and what are the complexity that comes with using 2, 3, or even 4 side car proxys on top of your service container?
I recommend you to define what really you need and continue your research based on this, since this topic is too broad and doesn't have one correct answer.
Due to this, I decided to post a community wiki answer. Feel free to expand it.
There can be various reasons for running some containers in one pod. According to Kubernetes documentation:
A Pod can encapsulate an application composed of multiple co-located
containers that are tightly coupled and need to share resources. These
co-located containers form a single cohesive unit of service—for
example, one container serving data stored in a shared volume to the
public, while a separate sidecar container refreshes or updates
those files. The Pod wraps these containers, storage resources, and an
ephemeral network identity together as a single unit.
In its simplest form, a sidecar container can be used to add functionality to a primary application that might otherwise be difficult to improve.
Advantages of using sidecar containers
sidecar container is independent from its primary application in terms of runtime environment and programming language;
no significant latency during communication between primary application and sidecar container;
the sidecar pattern entails designing modular containers. The modular container can be plugged in more than one place with minimal modifications, since you don't need to write configuration code inside each application.
Notes regarding usage of sidecar containers
consider making a small sidecar container that doesn't consume much resources. The strong point of a sidecar containers lies in their ability to be small and pluggable. If sidecar container logic is getting more complex and/or becoming more tightly coupled with the main application container, it may better be integrated with the main application’s code instead.
to ensure that any number of sidecar containers can works successfully with main application its necessary to sum up all the resources/request limits while defining resource limits for the pod, because all the containers will run in parallel. Whole functionality works only if both types of containers are running successfully and most of the time these sidecar containers are simple and small that consume fewer resources than the main container.

Copy-on-write style memory reuse for kubernetes pods? To make pod spawn faster and more memory efficient

Can Kubernetes pods share significant amount of memory?
Does copy-on-write style forking exist for pods?
The purpose is to make pods spawn faster and use less memory.
Our scenario is that we have a dedicated game server to host in kubernetes. The problem is that one instance of the dedicated game server would take up a few GB of memory upfront (e.g. 3 GBs).
Also, we have a few such docker images of game servers, each for game A, game B... Let's call a pod that's running game A's image for game A pod A.
Let's say we now have 3 x pod A, 5 x pod B. Now players rushing into game B, so I need let's say another 4 * pod B urgently.
I can surely spawn 4 more pod B. Kubernetes supports this perfectly. However there are 2 problems:
The booting of my game server is very slow (30s - 1min). Players don't want to wait.
More importantly for us, the cost of having this many pods that take up so much memory is very high. Because pods do not share memory as far as I know. Where as if it were plain old EC2 machine or bare metal, processes can share memory because they can fork and then copy-on-write.
Copy-on-write style forking and memory sharing seems to solve both problems.
One of Kubernetes' assumptions is that pods are scheduled on different Nodes, which contradicts the idea of sharing common resources (does not apply for storage where there are many options and documentation available). The situation is different when it comes to sharing resources between containers in one pod, but for your issue this doesn't apply.
However, it seems that there is some possibility to share memory - not well documented and I guess very uncommon in Kubernetes. Check my answers with more details below:
Can Kubernetes pods share significant amount of memory?
What I found is that pods can share a common IPC with the host (node).
You can check Pod Security Policies, especially field hostIPC:
HostIPC - Controls whether the pod containers can share the host IPC namespace.
Some usage examples and possible security issues can be found here:
Shared /dev/sh directory
Use existing IPC facilities
Keep in mind that this solution is not common in Kubernetes. Pods with elevated privileges are granted broader permissions than needed:
The way PSPs are applied to Pods has proven confusing to nearly everyone that has attempted to use them. It is easy to accidentally grant broader permissions than intended, and difficult to inspect which PSP(s) apply in a given situation.
That's why the Kubernetes team marked Pod Security Policies as deprecated from Kubernetes v1.21 - check more information in this article.
Also, if you are using multiple nodes in your cluster you should use nodeSelector to make sure that pods will be assigned to same node that means they will be able to share one (host's) IPC.
Does copy-on-write style forking exist for pods?
I did a re-search and I didn't find any information about this possibility, so I think it is not possible.
I think the main issue is that your game architecture is not "very suitable" for Kubernetes. Check these articles and websites about dedicated game servers in Kubernetes- maybe you will them useful:
Scaling Dedicated Game Servers with Kubernetes: Part 3 – Scaling Up Nodes
Google Cloud - Dedicated Game Server Solution
Google Cloud - Game Servers
A different way to resolve the issue would be if some of the initialisation can be baked into the image.
As part of the docker image build, start up the game server and do as much of the 30s - 1min initialisation as possible, then dump that part of the memory into a file in the image. On game server boot-up, use mmap (with MAP_PRIVATE and possibly even MAP_FIXED) to map the pre-calculated file into memory.
That would solve the problem with the game server boot-up time, and probably also with the memory use; everything in the stack should be doing copy-on-write all the way from the image through to the pod (although you'd have to confirm whether it actually does).
It would also have the benefit that it's plain k8s with no special tricks; no requirements for special permissions or node selection or anything, nothing to break or require reimplementation on upgrades or otherwise get in the way. You will be able to run it on any k8s cluster, whether your own or any of the cloud offerings, as well as in your CI/CD pipeline and dev machine.

Question about 100 pods per node limitation

I'm trying to build a web app where each user gets their own instance of the app, running in its own container. I'm new to kubernetes so I'm probably not understanding something correctly.
I will have a few physical servers to use, which in kubernetes as I understand are called nodes. For each node, there is a limitation of 100 pods. So if I am building the app so that each user gets their own pod, will I be limited to 100 users per physical server? (If I have 10 servers, I can only have 500 users?) I suppose I could run multiple VMs that act as nodes on each physical server but doesn't that defeat the purpose of containerization?
The main issue in having too many pods in a node is because it will degrade the node performance and makes is slower(and sometimes unreliable) to manage the containers, each pod is managed individually, increasing the amount will take more time and more resources.
When you create a POD, the runtime need to keep a constant track, doing probes (readiness and Liveness), monitoring, Routing rules many other small bits that adds up to the load in the node.
Containers also requires processor time to run properly, even though you can allocate fractions of a CPU, adding too many containers\pod will increase the context switch and degrade the performance when the PODs are consuming their quota.
Each platform provider also set their own limits to provide a good quality of service and SLAs, overloading the nodes is also a risk, because a node is a single point of failure, and any fault in high density nodes might have a huge impact in the cluster and applications.
You should either consider:
Smaller nodes and add more nodes to the cluster or
Use Actors instead, where each client will be one Actor. And many actor will be running in a single container. To make it more balanced around the cluster, you partition the actors into multiple containers instances.
Regarding the limits, this thread has a good discussion about the concerns
Because of the hard limit if you have 10 servers you're limited to 1000 pods.
You might want to count also control plane pods in your 1000 available pods. Usually located in the namespace kube-system it can include (but is not limited to) :
node log exporters (1 per node)
metrics exporters
kube proxy (usually 1 per node)
kubernetes dashboard
DNS (scaling according to the number of nodes)
controllers like certmanager
A pretty good rule of thumb could be 80-90 application pods per node, so 10 nodes will be able to handle 800-900 clients considering you don't have any other big deployment on those nodes.
If you're using containers in order to gain perfs, creating node VMs will be against your goal. But if you're using containers as a way to deploy coherent environments and scale stateless applications then using VMs as node can make sense.
There are no magic rules and your context will dictate what to do.
As managing a virtualization cluster and a kubernetes cluster may skyrocket your infrastructure complexity, maybe kubernetes is not the most efficient tool to manage your workload.
You may also want to take a look at Nomad wich does not seem to have those kind of limitations and may provide features that are closer to your needs.

Kubernetes - Single Cluster or Multiple Clusters

I'm migrating a number of applications from AWS ECS to Azure AKS and being the first production deployment for me in Kubernetes I'd like to ensure that it's set up correctly from the off.
The applications being moved all use resources at varying degrees with some being more memory intensive and others being more CPU intensive, and all running at different scales.
After some research, I'm not sure which would be the best approach out of running a single large cluster and running them all in their own Namespace, or running a single cluster per application with Federation.
I should note that I'll need to monitor resource usage per application for cost management (amongst other things), and communication is needed between most of the applications.
I'm able to set up both layouts and I'm sure both would work, but I'm not sure of the pros and cons of each approach, whether I should be avoiding one altogether, or whether I should be considering other options?
Because you are at the beginning of your kubernetes journey I would go with separate clusters for each stage you have (or at least separate dev and prod). You can very easily take your cluster down (I did it several times with resource starvation). Also not setting correctly those network policies you might find that services from different stages/namespaces (like test and sandbox) communicate with each other. Or pipelines that should deploy dev to change something in other namespace.
Why risk production being affected by dev work?
Even if you don't have to upgrade the control plane yourself, aks still has its versions and flags and it is better to test them before moving to production on a separate cluster.
So my initial decision would be to set some hard boundaries: different clusters. Later once you get more knowledge with aks and kubernetes you can review your decision.
As you said that communication is need among the applications I suggest you go with one cluster. Application isolation can be achieved by Deploying each application in a separate namespace. You can collect metrics at namespace level and can set resources quota at namespace level. That way you can take action at application level
A single cluster (with namespaces and RBAC) is easier to setup and manage. A single k8s cluster does support high load.
If you really want multiple clusters, you could try istio multi-cluster (istio service mesh for multiple cluster) too.
Depends... Be aware AKS still doesn't support multiple node pools (On the short-term roadmap), so you'll need to run those workloads in single pool VM type. Also when thinking about multiple clusters, think about multi-tenancy requirements and the blast radius of a single cluster. I typically see users deploying multiple clusters even though there is some management overhead, but good SCM and configuration management practices can help with this overhead.

Kubernetes best practices in pods

As I have been using kubernetes more I keep on seeing the reference that a pod can contain 1 container or more and I have even looked at examples.
My question is whether there is a case where this would be best practice and more efficient to create multi container pods since you can scale and replicate your pods coupling it with a service.
Thanks in advance
A Pod can contain multiple containers, but for the most portion of the situations, it makes perfect sense for the Pod to be simply an abstraction over a single running container.
In what situations does it make sense to have a multi-container deployed Pod?
What comes to my mind are the scenarios where you have a primary Pod running, but you need to tightly couple helper processes, such as a log watcher. In those situations, it makes perfect sense to actually have multiple containers running inside a single pod.
Another big example that comes to my mind is from the Istio project, which is a platform made to connect, manage and secure microservices and is generally referred as a Service Mesh.
A huge part of what it does and is able to accomplish to provide a greater control and customization over the deployed microservices network, is due to the fact that it deploys a sidecar proxy, denominated Envoy, throughout the environment intercepting all network communication between microservices.
Here, you can check an example of load balancing in a Istio service mesh. As you can see the Proxy is deployed inside the Pod, intercepting all communication that goes through it.