How to express "implies" in ScalaCheck, say, "if an integer n * n = 0 then n = 0"? - scala

I would like to use Scala's property-based testing tool ScalaCheck to express a property
if an integer n * n = 0 then n = 0
How can I write this property in ScalaCheck? I know for example
val myprop = forAll {(n: Int) => n + 1 - 1 = n}
But I do not know how to express "A implies B" in ScalaCheck (without reducing it to Not-A or B, which can look clumsy).

Use ==> (implication operator)
val prop = forAll { n: Int =>
(n * n == 0) ==> n == 0
(see their User Guide )
the catch is: in this particular example the condition is very hard to satisfy so ScalaCheck will give up after several tries (but at least it does tell you so, otherwise you get a false positive because your necessary condition was never checked). In that case you can provide a custom generator so that it will generate values that satisfy your condition.


Good way of testing a class in Coq

Is there a good way to test the implementation of a class in Coq ?
For example, if I have the following very simple Class:
Theorem chekc_modulo (c: nat): {c mod 2 = 0} + {c mod 2 <> 0} .
Definition update(n: nat):= add n one.
Class test :={
f: R -> nat;
g: R -> nat;
counting: nat;
init: counting = zero /\ f 0 = 0 /\ g 0 = 0;
output: forall t, t >= 0 ->
match chekc_modulo counting with
|left _ => f t = 1 /\ g t = 0 /\ update counting
|right _ => g t = 1 /\ g t = 0 /\ update counting
I would like to find a way to test this class, so basically to check that f and g have the required values after processing the output.
What I did so far: I manually implemented f and g by giving them the values I expect they will have at a given t, after processing in output. And now I try to create an instance of the Class test to see what happens with the output.
I am a bit stuck because i do not see how to get the actual output and therefore how to check that the implementation is actually correct.
Does anyone have a tip ? In general, is there a better way to test code in Coq, especially Classes ?
In my testing strategy, I have defined the expected behavior of f and g:
Definition f': nat -> nat :=
fun t =>
match chekc_modulo t with
|left _ => 1
|right _ => 0
Definition g': nat -> nat :=
fun t =>
match chekc_modulo t with
|left _ => 0
|right _ => 1
So the next step, would be to check that this behavior is indeed the same as what happens after output is processed.
For testing Coq code, you might find the QuickChick plugin useful. It allows you to write properties that your definitions should satisfy, and generates random test cases to check if they hold. In principle, it should work fine with type classes as well.
However, given your code snippet, I have the impression that there is some misunderstanding about what classes in Coq are. For instance, the assertion counting = counting + 1 suggests that you are trying to update the value of counting somehow. In Coq, it is not possible to update the value of a variable: the assertion counting = counting + 1 means that the number counting equals its successor, which is impossible.
I don't know if this helps, but classes in Coq are closer to type classes in Haskell than to classes in object-oriented languages such as Java, and an "instance" of a class is more similar to a class that implements a Java interface than an object that is an instance of a class.
Perhaps we could provide more help if you gave us more context about what you are trying to do.

decoding scalacheck and scalatest code

I was trying to decipher what this actually means
check { (n: Int) =>
n > 1 ==> n / 2 > 0
I am first trying to decipher whether that body is
((n: Int) => n > 1) ==> n/2 > 0
(n: Int) => (n > 1 ==> n/2 > 0)
Which one would it be? I am guessing the latter since check method takes a function though the method '==>' could be returning a function as well?
Next, I look at the check method signature at
def check[A1,P](f: A1 => P)
p: P => Prop,
a1: Arbitrary[A1], s1: Shrink[A1]
) {
check(, a1, s1))
I believe A1 would be the Int unless ==> returns a function and changes the return type(doubtful though I think). I am not sure how to find the implicit function P => Prop in the scalacheck library.
I do notice there is an ExtendedBoolean that has a function ==>
Perhaps (n > 1) was converted to an ExtendedBoolean assuming the function was (n: Int) => (n > 1 ==> n/2 > 0) and then we get
ExtendedBoolean( n > 1 ).==>( n / 2 > 0 ) is called then.
Since the implementation of ==> for ExtendedBoolean is Prop(b) ==> p, I end up with
Prop( n > 1 ) ==> (n / 2 > 0)
I get really confused here as in call by name, the values are usually captured except there is no value for n at this point since it was originally a function. ignoring my confusion for a second, the implementation of ==> for Prop is thus
def ==>(p: => Prop): Prop = flatMap { r1 =>
if(r1.proved) p map { r2 => mergeRes(r1,r2,r2.status) }
else if(!r1.success) Prop(r1.copy(status = Undecided))
else p map { r2 => provedToTrue(mergeRes(r1,r2,r2.status)) }
so, we are calling this like so I think with another implicit version to Prop here
Prop( n > 1 ) ==> Prop(n / 2 > 0)
ok, and flatmap is
Prop(prms => f(this(prms))(prms))
hmmm, there must have been another conversion to Prop . I start to trace prms and then look at the object Prop apply method for Booleans which is
def apply(b: Boolean): Prop = if(b) proved else falsified
but I can't resolve b to true or false since those functions have not been evaluated yet. How is all this working together? I think I am missing a few concepts here just barely. Can someone explain this a bit better?
Yours is really a ScalaCheck question, but one way to avoid the whole question is to use ScalaTest's PropertyChecks syntax instead of ScalaCheck's (which is supported in ScalaTest by Checkers):
import org.scalatest.prop.Checkers._
check { (n: Int) =>
n > 1 ==> n / 2 > 0
import org.scalatest.MustMatchers._
import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks._
forAll { (n: Int) =>
whenever (n > 1) {
n / 2 must be > 0

Express X as the sum of the the Nth power of unique natural numbers

I have recently been playing around on HackerRank in my down time, and am having some trouble solving this problem: efficiently.
Problem statement: Given two integers X and N, find the number of ways to express X as a sum of powers of N of unique natural numbers.
Example: X = 10, N = 2
There is only one way get 10 using powers of 2 below 10, and that is 1^2 + 3^2
My Approach
I know that there probably exists a nice, elegant recurrence for this problem; but unfortunately I couldn't find one, so I started thinking about other approaches. What I decided on what that I would gather a range of numbers from [1,Z] where Z is the largest number less than X when raised to the power of N. So for the example above, I only consider [1,2,3] because 4^2 > 10 and therefore can't be a part of (positive) numbers that sum to 10. After gathering this range of numbers I raised them all to the power N then found the permutations of all subsets of this list. So for [1,2,3] I found [[1],[4],[9],[1,4],[1,9],[4,9],[1,4,9]], not a trivial series of operations for large initial ranges of numbers (my solution timed out on the final two hackerrank tests). The final step was to count the sublists that summed to X.
object Solution {
def numberOfWays(X : Int, N : Int) : Int = {
def candidates(num : Int) : List[List[Int]] = {
if( Math.pow(num, N).toInt > X )
List.range(1, num).map(
l => Math.pow(l, N).toInt
candidates(1).count(l => l.sum == X)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
Has anyone encountered this problem before? If so, are there more elegant solutions?
After you build your list of squares you are left with what I would consider a kind of Partition Problem called the Subset Sum Problem. This is an old NP-Complete problem. So the answer to your first question is "Yes", and the answer to the second is given in the links.
This can be thought of as a dynamic programming problem. I still reason about Dynamic Programming problems imperatively, because that was how I was taught, but this can probably be made functional.
A. Make an array A of length X with type parameter Integer.
B. Iterate over i from 1 to Nth root of X. For all i, set A[i^N - 1] = 1.
C. Iterate over j from 0 until X. In an inner loop, iterate over k from 0 to (X + 1) / 2.
A[j] += A[k] * A[x - k]
D. A[X - 1]
This can be made slightly more efficient by keeping track of which indices are non-trivial, but not that much more efficient.
def numberOfWays(X: Int, N: Int): Int = {
def powerSumHelper(sum: Int, maximum: Int): Int = sum match {
case x if x < 1 => 0
case _ => {
val limit = scala.math.min(maximum, scala.math.floor(scala.math.pow(sum, 1.0 / N)).toInt)
(limit to 1 by -1).map(x => {
val y = scala.math.pow(x, N).toInt
if (y == sum) 1 else powerSumHelper(sum - y, x - 1)
powerSumHelper(X, Integer.MAX_VALUE)

Implementing NPlusK patterns in Scala

I thought I could implement n+k patterns as an active pattern in scala via unapply, but it seems to fail with unspecified value parameter: k
object NPlusK {
def apply(n : Int, k : Int) = {
n + k
def unapply(n : Int, k : Int) = {
if (n > 0 && n > k) Some(n - k) else None
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
def fac(n: Int) : BigInt = {
n match {
case 0 => 1
case NPlusK(n, 1) => n * fac(n - 1)
Is it possible to implement n+k patterns in Scala and in that event how?
You should look at this question for a longer discussion, but here's a short adaptation for your specific case.
An unapply method can only take one argument, and must decide from that argument how to split it into two parts. Since there are multiple ways to divide some integer x into n and k such that x = n + k, you can't use an unapply for this.
You can get around it by creating a separate extractors for each k. Thus, instead of NplusK you'd have Nplus1, Nplus2, etc since there is exactly one way to get n from x such that x = n + 1.
case class NplusK(k: Int) {
def unapply(n: Int) = if (n > 0 && n > k) Some(n - k) else None
val Nplus1 = NplusK(1)
val Nplus1(n) = 5 // n = 4
So your match becomes:
n match {
case 0 => 1
case Nplus1(n) => n * fac(n - 1)
Deconstructor unapply does not work this way at all. It takes only one argument, the matched value, and returns an option on a tuple, with as many elements as there are arguments to the your pattern (NPlusK). That is, when you have
(n: Int) match {
case NPlusK(n, 1)
It will look for an unapply method with an Int (or supertype) argument. If there is such a method, and if the return type is a Tuple2 (as NPlusK appears with two arguments in the pattern), then it will try to match. Whatever subpattern there are inside NPlusK (here the variable n, and the constant 1), will not be passed to unapply in anyway (what do you expect if you write case NPlusK(NPlusK(1, x), NPlusK(1, y))?). Instead, if unapply returns some tuple, then each element of the tuple will be matched to the corresponding subpattern, here n which always matches, and 1 which will match if the value is equal to 1.
You could write
def unapply(n: Int) = if (n > 0) Some((n-1, 1)) else None.
That would match when your NPlusK(n, 1). But that would not match NPlusK(n, 2), nor NPlusK(1, n) (except if n is 2). This does not make much sense. A pattern should probably have only one possible match. NPlusK(x, y) can match n in many different ways.
What would work would be something Peano integers like, with Succ(n) matching n+1.

Write this Scala Matrix multiplication in Haskell [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Can you overload + in haskell?
Can you implement a Matrix class and an * operator that will work on two matrices?:
scala> val x = Matrix(3, 1,2,3,4,5,6)
x: Matrix =
[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
[4.0, 5.0, 6.0]
scala> x*x.transpose
res0: Matrix =
[14.0, 32.0]
[32.0, 77.0]
and just so people don't say that it's hard, here is the Scala implementation (courtesy of Jonathan Merritt):
class Matrix(els: List[List[Double]]) {
/** elements of the matrix, stored as a list of
its rows */
val elements: List[List[Double]] = els
def nRows: Int = elements.length
def nCols: Int = if (elements.isEmpty) 0
else elements.head.length
/** all rows of the matrix must have the same
number of columns */
require(elements.forall(_.length == nCols))
/* Add to each elem of matrix */
private def addRows(a: List[Double],
b: List[Double]):
List[Double] =
private def subRows(a: List[Double],
b: List[Double]):List[Double] =
def +(other: Matrix): Matrix = {
require((other.nRows == nRows) &&
(other.nCols == nCols))
new Matrix(
List.map2(elements, other.elements)
def -(other: Matrix): Matrix = {
require((other.nRows == nRows) &&
(other.nCols == nCols))
new Matrix(
List.map2(elements, other.elements)
def transpose(): Matrix = new Matrix(List.transpose(elements))
private def dotVectors(a: List[Double],
b: List[Double]): Double = {
val multipliedElements =
(0.0 /: multipliedElements)(_+_)
def *(other: Matrix): Matrix = {
require(nCols == other.nRows)
val t = other.transpose()
new Matrix(
for (row <- elements) yield {
for (otherCol <- t.elements)
yield dotVectors(row, otherCol)
override def toString(): String = {
val rowStrings =
for (row <- elements)
yield row.mkString("[", ", ", "]")
rowStrings.mkString("", "\n", "\n")
/* Matrix constructor from a bunch of numbers */
object Matrix {
def apply(nCols: Int, els: Double*):Matrix = {
def splitRowsWorker(
inList: List[Double],
working: List[List[Double]]):
List[List[Double]] =
if (inList.isEmpty)
else {
val (a, b) = inList.splitAt(nCols)
splitRowsWorker(b, working + a)
def splitRows(inList: List[Double]) =
splitRowsWorker(inList, List[List[Double]]())
val rows: List[List[Double]] =
new Matrix(rows)
EDIT I understood that strictly speaking the answer is No: overloading * is not possible without side-effects of defining also a + and others or special tricks. The numeric-prelude package describes it best:
In some cases, the hierarchy is not finely-grained enough: Operations
that are often defined independently are lumped together. For
instance, in a financial application one might want a type "Dollar",
or in a graphics application one might want a type "Vector". It is
reasonable to add two Vectors or Dollars, but not, in general,
reasonable to multiply them. But the programmer is currently forced to
define a method for '(*)' when she defines a method for '(+)'.
It'll be perfectly safe with a smart constructor and stored dimensions. Of course there are no natural implementations for the operations signum and fromIntegral (or maybe a diagonal matrix would be fine for the latter).
module Matrix (Matrix(),matrix,matrixTranspose) where
import Data.List (transpose)
data Matrix a = Matrix {matrixN :: Int,
matrixM :: Int,
matrixElems :: [[a]]}
deriving (Show, Eq)
matrix :: Int -> Int -> [[a]] -> Matrix a
matrix n m vals
| length vals /= m = error "Wrong number of rows"
| any (/=n) $ map length vals = error "Column length mismatch"
| otherwise = Matrix n m vals
matrixTranspose (Matrix m n vals) = matrix n m (transpose vals)
instance Num a => Num (Matrix a) where
(+) (Matrix m n vals) (Matrix m' n' vals')
| m/=m' = error "Row number mismatch"
| n/=n' = error "Column number mismatch"
| otherwise = Matrix m n (zipWith (zipWith (+)) vals vals')
abs (Matrix m n vals) = Matrix m n (map (map abs) vals)
negate (Matrix m n vals) = Matrix m n (map (map negate) vals)
(*) (Matrix m n vals) (Matrix n' p vals')
| n/=n' = error "Matrix dimension mismatch in multiplication"
| otherwise = let tvals' = transpose vals'
dot x y = sum $ zipWith (*) x y
result = map (\col -> map (dot col) tvals') vals
in Matrix m p result
Test it in ghci:
*Matrix> let a = matrix 3 2 [[1,0,2],[-1,3,1]]
*Matrix> let b = matrix 2 3 [[3,1],[2,1],[1,0]]
*Matrix> a*b
Matrix {matrixN = 3, matrixM = 3, matrixElems = [[5,1],[4,2]]}
Since my Num instance is generic, it even works for complex matrices out of the box:
Prelude Data.Complex Matrix> let c = matrix 2 2 [[0:+1,1:+0],[5:+2,4:+3]]
Prelude Data.Complex Matrix> let a = matrix 2 2 [[0:+1,1:+0],[5:+2,4:+3]]
Prelude Data.Complex Matrix> let b = matrix 2 3 [[3:+0,1],[2,1],[1,0]]
Prelude Data.Complex Matrix> a
Matrix {matrixN = 2, matrixM = 2, matrixElems = [[0.0 :+ 1.0,1.0 :+ 0.0],[5.0 :+ 2.0,4.0 :+ 3.0]]}
Prelude Data.Complex Matrix> b
Matrix {matrixN = 2, matrixM = 3, matrixElems = [[3.0 :+ 0.0,1.0 :+ 0.0],[2.0 :+ 0.0,1.0 :+ 0.0],[1.0 :+ 0.0,0.0 :+ 0.0]]}
Prelude Data.Complex Matrix> a*b
Matrix {matrixN = 2, matrixM = 3, matrixElems = [[2.0 :+ 3.0,1.0 :+ 1.0],[23.0 :+ 12.0,9.0 :+ 5.0]]}
EDIT: new material
Oh, you want to just override the (*) function without any Num stuff. That's possible to o but you'll have to remember that the Haskell standard library has reserved (*) for use in the Num class.
module Matrix where
import qualified Prelude as P
import Prelude hiding ((*))
import Data.List (transpose)
class Multiply a where
(*) :: a -> a -> a
data Matrix a = Matrix {matrixN :: Int,
matrixM :: Int,
matrixElems :: [[a]]}
deriving (Show, Eq)
matrix :: Int -> Int -> [[a]] -> Matrix a
matrix n m vals
| length vals /= m = error "Wrong number of rows"
| any (/=n) $ map length vals = error "Column length mismatch"
| otherwise = Matrix n m vals
matrixTranspose (Matrix m n vals) = matrix n m (transpose vals)
instance P.Num a => Multiply (Matrix a) where
(*) (Matrix m n vals) (Matrix n' p vals')
| n/=n' = error "Matrix dimension mismatch in multiplication"
| otherwise = let tvals' = transpose vals'
dot x y = sum $ zipWith (P.*) x y
result = map (\col -> map (dot col) tvals') vals
in Matrix m p result
a = matrix 3 2 [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
b = a * matrixTranspose
Testing in ghci:
*Matrix> b
Matrix {matrixN = 3, matrixM = 3, matrixElems = [[14,32],[32,77]]}
There. Now if a third module wants to use both the Matrix version of (*) and the Prelude version of (*) it'll have to of course import one or the other qualified. But that's just business as usual.
I could've done all of this without the Multiply type class but this implementation leaves our new shiny (*) open for extension in other modules.
Alright, there's a lot of confusion about what's happening here floating around, and it's not being helped by the fact that the Haskell term "class" does not line up with the OO term "class" in any meaningful way. So let's try to make a careful answer. This answer starts with Haskell's module system.
In Haskell, when you import a module Foo.Bar, it creates a new set of bindings. For each variable x exported by the module Foo.Bar, you get a new name Foo.Bar.x. In addition, you may:
import qualified or not. If you import qualified, nothing more happens. If you do not, an additional name without the module prefix is defined; in this case, just plain old x is defined.
change the qualification prefix or not. If you import as Alias, then the name Foo.Bar.x is not defined, but the name Alias.x is.
hide certain names. If you hide name foo, then neither the plain name foo nor any qualified name (like or is defined.
Furthermore, names may be multiply defined. For example, if Foo.Bar and Baz.Quux both export the variable x, and I import both modules without qualification, then the name x refers to both Foo.Bar.x and Baz.Quux.x. If the name x is never used in the resulting module, this clash is ignored; otherwise, a compiler error asks you to provide more qualification.
Finally, if none of your imports mention the module Prelude, the following implicit import is added:
import Prelude
This imports the Prelude without qualification, with no additional prefix, and without hiding any names. So it defines "bare" names and names prefixed by Prelude., and nothing more.
Here ends the bare basics you need to understand about the module system. Now let's discuss the bare basics you need to understand about typeclasses.
A typeclass includes a class name, a list of type variables bound by that class, and a collection of variables with type signatures that refer to the bound variables. Here's an example:
class Foo a where
foo :: a -> a -> Int
The class name is Foo, the bound type variable is a, and there is only one variable in the collection, namely foo, with type signature a -> a -> Int. This class declares that some types have a binary operation, named foo, which computes an Int. Any type may later (even in another module) be declared to be an instance of this class: this involves defining the binary operation above, where the bound type variable a is substituted with the type you are creating an instance for. As an example, we might implement this for integers by the instance:
instance Foo Int where
foo a b = (a `mod` 76) * (b + 7)
Here ends the bare basics you need to understand about typeclasses. We may now answer your question. The only reason the question is tricky is because it falls smack dab on the intersection between two name management techniques: modules and typeclasses. Below I discuss what this means for your specific question.
The module Prelude defines a typeclass named Num, which includes in its collection of variables a variable named *. Therefore, we have several options for the name *:
If the type signature we desire happens to follow the pattern a -> a -> a, for some type a, then we may implement the Num typeclass. We therefore extend the Num class with a new instance; the name Prelude.* and any aliases for this name are extended to work for the new type. For matrices, this would look like, for example,
instance Num Matrix where
m * n = {- implementation goes here -}
We may define a different name than *.
m |*| n = {- implementation goes here -}
We may define the name *. Whether this name is defined as part of a new type class or not is immaterial. If we do nothing else, there will then be at least two definitions of *, namely, the one in the current module and the one implicitly imported from the Prelude. We have a variety of ways of dealing with this. The simplest is to explicitly import the Prelude, and ask for the name * not to be defined:
import Prelude hiding ((*))
You might alternately choose to leave the implicit import of Prelude, and use a qualified * everywhere you use it. Other solutions are also possible.
The main point I want you to take away from this is: the name * is in no way special. It is just a name defined by the Prelude, and all of the tools we have available for namespace control are available.
You can implement * as matrix multiplication by defining an instance of Num class for Matrix. But the code won't be type-safe: * (and other arithmetic operations) on matrices as you define them is not total, because of size mismatch or in case of '/' non-existence of inverse matrices.
As for 'the hierarchy is not defined precisely' - there is also Monoid type class, exactly for the cases when only one operation is defined.
There are too many things to be 'added', sometimes in rather exotic ways (think of permutation groups). Haskell designers designed to reserve arithmetical operations for different representations of numbers, and use other names for more exotic cases.