I am trying to capitalize some words in a column in my spark dataframe. The words are all in a list.
val wrds = ["usa","gb"]
val dF = List(
(1, "z",3, "Bob lives in the usa"),
(4, "t", 2, "gb is where Beth lives"),
(5, "t", 2, "ogb")
).toDF("id", "name", "thing", "country")
I would like to have an output of
val dF = List(
(1, "z",3, "Bob lives in the USA"),
(4, "t", 2, "GB is where Beth lives")
(5, "t", 2, "ogb")
).toDF("id", "name", "thing", "country")
It seems I have to do a string split on the column and then capitalize based on if that part of a string is present in the value. I am mostly struggling with row 3 where I do not want to capitalize ogb even though it does contain gb. Could anyone point me in the right direction?
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val words = Array("usa","gb")
val df = List(
(1, "z",3, "Bob lives in the usa"),
(4, "t", 2, "gb is where Beth lives"),
(5, "t", 2, "ogb")
).toDF("id", "name", "thing", "country")
val replaced = words.foldLeft(df){
case (adf, word) =>
adf.withColumn("country", regexp_replace($"country", "(\\b" + word + "\\b)", word.toUpperCase))
| id|name|thing| country|
| 1| z| 3|Bob lives in the USA|
| 4| t| 2|GB is where Beth ...|
| 5| t| 2| ogb|
I got two DataFrames, with the same schema (but +100 columns):
Small size: 1000 rows
Bigger size: 90000 rows
How to check every Row in 1 exists in 2? What is the "Spark way" of doing this? Should I use map and then deal with it at the Row level; or I use join and then use some sort of comparison with the small size DataFrame?
You can use except, which returns all rows of the first dataset that are not present in the second
You can inner join the DF and count to check if ther eis a difference.
def isIncluded(smallDf: Dataframe, biggerDf: Dataframe): Boolean = {
val keys = smallDf.columns.toSeq
val joinedDf = smallDf.join(biggerDf, keys) // You might want to broadcast smallDf for performance issues
joinedDf.count == smallDf
However, I think the except method is clearer. Not sure about the performances (It might just be a join underneath)
I would do it with join, probably
This join will give you all rows that are in small data frame but are missing in large data frame. Then just check if it is zero size or no.
val seq1 = Seq(
("A", "abc", 0.1, 0.0, 0),
("B", "def", 0.15, 0.5, 0),
("C", "ghi", 0.2, 0.2, 1),
("D", "jkl", 1.1, 0.1, 0),
("E", "mno", 0.1, 0.1, 0)
val seq2 = Seq(
("A", "abc", "a", "b", "?"),
("C", "ghi", "a", "c", "?")
val df1 = ss.sparkContext.makeRDD(seq1).toDF("cA", "cB", "cC", "cD", "cE")
val df2 = ss.sparkContext.makeRDD(seq2).toDF("cA", "cB", "cH", "cI", "cJ")
df2.join(df1, df1("cA") === df2("cA"), "leftOuter").show
| cA| cB| cH| cI| cJ| cA| cB| cC| cD| cE|
| C|ghi| a| c| ?| C|ghi|0.2|0.2| 1|
| A|abc| a| b| ?| A|abc|0.1|0.0| 0|
It seems this issue asked couple of times, but the solutions that suggested in previous questions not working for me.
I have two dataframes with different dimensions as shown in picture below. The table two second was part of table one first but after some processing on it I added one more column column4. Now I want to join these two tables such that I have table three Required after joining.
Things that tried.
So I did couple of different solution but no one works for me.
I tried
val required =first.join(second, first("PDE_HDR_CMS_RCD_NUM") === second("PDE_HDR_CMS_RCD_NUM") , "left_outer")
Also I tried
val required = first.withColumn("SEQ", when(second.col("PDE_HDR_FILE_ID") === (first.col("PDE_HDR_FILE_ID").alias("PDE_HDR_FILE_ID1")), second.col("uniqueID")).otherwise(lit(0)))
In the second attempt I used .alias after I get an error that says
Error occured during extract process. Error:
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Resolved attribute(s) uniqueID#775L missing from.
Thanks for taking time to read my question
To generate the wanted result, you should join the two tables on column(s) that are row-identifying in your first table. Assuming c1 + c2 + c3 uniquely identifies each row in the first table, here's an example using a partial set of your sample data:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import spark.implicits._
val df1 = Seq(
(1, "e", "o"),
(4, "d", "t"),
(3, "f", "e"),
(2, "r", "r"),
(6, "y", "f"),
(5, "t", "g"),
(1, "g", "h"),
(4, "f", "j"),
(6, "d", "k"),
(7, "s", "o")
).toDF("c1", "c2", "c3")
val df2 = Seq(
(3, "f", "e", 444),
(5, "t", "g", 555),
(7, "s", "o", 666)
).toDF("c1", "c2", "c3", "c4")
df1.join(df2, Seq("c1", "c2", "c3"), "left_outer").show
// +---+---+---+----+
// | c1| c2| c3| c4|
// +---+---+---+----+
// | 1| e| o|null|
// | 4| d| t|null|
// | 3| f| e| 444|
// | 2| r| r|null|
// | 6| y| f|null|
// | 5| t| g| 555|
// | 1| g| h|null|
// | 4| f| j|null|
// | 6| d| k|null|
// | 7| s| o| 666|
// +---+---+---+----+
I am looking for a way to get a new column in a data frame in Scala that calculates the min/max of the values in col1, col2, ..., col10 for each row.
I know I can do it with a UDF but maybe there is an easier way.
Porting this Python answer by user6910411
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val df = Seq(
(1, 3, 0, 9, "a", "b", "c")
).toDF("col1", "col2", "col3", "col4", "col5", "col6", "Col7")
val cols = Seq("col1", "col2", "col3", "col4")
val rowMax = greatest(
cols map col: _*
val rowMin = least(
cols map col: _*
df.select($"*", rowMin, rowMax).show
// +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+---+---+
// |col1|col2|col3|col4|col5|col6|Col7|min|max|
// +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+---+---+
// | 1| 3| 0| 9| a| b| c|0.0|9.0|
// +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+---+---+
The Following code gives a dataframe having three values in each column as shown below.
import org.graphframes._
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
val v = sqlContext.createDataFrame(List(
("1", "Al"),
("2", "B"),
("3", "C"),
("4", "D"),
("5", "E")
)).toDF("id", "name")
val e = sqlContext.createDataFrame(List(
("1", "3", 5),
("1", "2", 8),
("2", "3", 6),
("2", "4", 7),
("2", "1", 8),
("3", "1", 5),
("3", "2", 6),
("4", "2", 7),
("4", "5", 8),
("5", "4", 8)
)).toDF("src", "dst", "property")
val g = GraphFrame(v, e)
val paths: DataFrame = g.bfs.fromExpr("id = '1'").toExpr("id = '5'").run()
val df=paths
df.select(df.columns.filter(_.startsWith("e")).map(df(_)) : _*).show
OutPut of Above Code is given below::
| e0| e1| e2|
In the above output, we can see that each column has three values and they can be interpreted as follows.
e0 :
source 1, Destination 2 and distance 8
source 2, Destination 4 and distance 7
source 4, Destination 5 and distance 8
basically e0,e1, and e3 are the edges. I want to sum the third element of each column, i.e add the distance of each edge to get the total distance. How can I achieve this?
It can be done like this:
val total = df.columns.filter(_.startsWith("e"))
.map(c => col(s"$c.property")) // or col(c).getItem("property")
.reduce(_ + _)
df.withColumn("total", total)
I would make a collection of the columns to sum and then use a foldLeft on a UDF:
scala> val df = Seq((Array(1,2,8),Array(2,4,7),Array(4,5,8))).toDF("e0", "e1", "e2")
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [e0: array<int>, e1: array<int>, e2: array<int>]
scala> df.show
| e0| e1| e2|
|[1, 2, 8]|[2, 4, 7]|[4, 5, 8]|
scala> val colsToSum = df.columns
colsToSum: Array[String] = Array(e0, e1, e2)
scala> val accLastUDF = udf((acc: Int, col: Seq[Int]) => acc + col.last)
accLastUDF: org.apache.spark.sql.UserDefinedFunction = UserDefinedFunction(<function2>,IntegerType,List(IntegerType, ArrayType(IntegerType,false)))
scala> df.withColumn("dist", colsToSum.foldLeft(lit(0))((acc, colName) => accLastUDF(acc, col(colName)))).show
| e0| e1| e2|dist|
|[1, 2, 8]|[2, 4, 7]|[4, 5, 8]| 23|
I have the following df:
| 1| fn| red|
| 2| fn| blue|
| 3| fn|green|
If any of the color column values is red, then I all values of the color column should be updated to be red, as below:
| 1| fn| red|
| 2| fn| red|
| 3| fn| red|
I could not figure it out. Please help; I have tried following code:
val gp=jdbcDF.filter($"dept".contains("fn"))
val row1=row.getAs[String](1)
var row2=row.getAs[String](2)
val make=if(row1 =="fn") row2="red"
val df = Seq(
(1, "fn", "red"),
(2, "fn", "blue"),
(3, "fn", "green"),
(4, "aa", "blue"),
(5, "aa", "green"),
(6, "bb", "red"),
(7, "bb", "red"),
(8, "aa", "blue")
).toDF("id", "fn", "color")
Do the calculation:
val redOrNot = df.groupBy("fn")
.agg(collect_set('color) as "values")
.withColumn("hasRed", array_contains('values, "red"))
// gives null for no option
val colorPicker = when('hasRed, "red")
val result = df.join(redOrNot, "fn")
.withColumn("resultColor", colorPicker)
.withColumn("color", coalesce('resultColor, 'color)) // skips nulls that leads to the answer
.select('id, 'fn, 'color)
The result looks as follows (that seems to be an answer):
scala> result.show
| id| fn|color|
| 1| fn| red|
| 2| fn| red|
| 3| fn| red|
| 4| aa| blue|
| 5| aa|green|
| 6| bb| red|
| 7| bb| red|
| 8| aa| blue|
You can chain when operators and have a default value with otherwise. Consult the scaladoc of when operator.
I think you could do something very similar (and perhaps more efficient) using windowed operators or user-defined aggregate functions (UDAF), but...well...don't currently know how to do it. Leaving the comment here to inspire others ;-)
p.s. Learnt a lot! Thanks for the idea!
Efficient solution which doesn't require expensive grouping:
// All groups with `red`
df.where($"color" === "red").select($"fn".alias("fn_")).distinct
// Join with input
.join(df.as("df"), $"fn" === $"fn_", "rightouter")
// Replace `color`
.withColumn("color", when($"fn_"isNull, $"color").otherwise(lit("red")))
You are conditionally updating the DataFrame if it satisfies a certain property. In this case the property is "the color column contains 'red'". The idiomatic way to express this is to filter with the desired predicate and then determine whether any rows satisfy it. There is no need for a join.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.lit
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
def makeAllRedIfAnyAreRed(df: DataFrame) = {
val containsRed = df.filter(df("color") === "red").count() > 0
if (containsRed) df.withColumn("color", lit("red")) else df
Spark 2.2.0:
Sample Dataframe ( taken from above examples)
val df = Seq(
(1, "fn", "red"),
(2, "fn", "blue"),
(3, "fn", "green"),
(4, "aa", "blue"),
(5, "aa", "green"),
(6, "bb", "red"),
(7, "bb", "red"),
(8, "aa", "blue")
).toDF("id", "dept", "color")
created a UDF to perform the update by checking the condition.
val replace_val = udf((x: String,y:String) => if (Option(x).getOrElse("").equalsIgnoreCase("fn")&&(!y.equalsIgnoreCase("red"))) "red" else y)
val final_df = df.withColumn("color", replace_val($"dept",$"color"))
spark 1.6:
val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local").setAppName("My app")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
import sqlContext.implicits._
// For implicit conversions like converting RDDs to DataFrames
val df = sc.parallelize(Seq(
(1, "fn", "red"),
(2, "fn", "blue"),
(3, "fn", "green"),
(4, "aa", "blue"),
(5, "aa", "green"),
(6, "bb", "red"),
(7, "bb", "red"),
(8, "aa", "blue")
) ).toDF("id","dept","color")
val replace_val = udf((x: String,y:String) => if (Option(x).getOrElse("").equalsIgnoreCase("fn")&&(!y.equalsIgnoreCase("red"))) "red" else y)
val final_df = df.withColumn("color", replace_val($"dept",$"color"))
As there could be few rows in filtered dataframe I'm adding solution with isin() and .withColumn() combination.
Sample DataFrame
val df = Seq(
(1, "fn", "red"),
(2, "fn", "blue"),
(3, "fn", "green"),
(4, "aa", "blue"),
(5, "aa", "green"),
(6, "bb", "red"),
(7, "bb", "red"),
(8, "aa", "blue")
).toDF("id", "dept", "color")
Now Let's pick only depts which have at least one red color row and place it in broadcast variable like below.
val depts = sc.broadcast(df.filter($"color" === "red").select(collect_set("dept")).first.getSeq[String](0)))
Update red color for filtered depts records.
isin() takes a vararg so convert list to vararg (depts.value:_*)
//creating new column by giving diff name (clr) to see the diff
val result = df.withColumn("clr", when($"dept".isin(depts.value:_*),lit("red"))
| id|dept|color| clr|
| 1| fn| red| red|
| 2| fn| blue| red|
| 3| fn|green| red|
| 4| aa| blue| blue|
| 5| aa|green|green|
| 6| bb| red| red|
| 7| bb| red| red|
| 8| aa| blue| blue|