Instagram in-app browser does not support add to home screen feature for pwa - android-webview
Here it says, android webview supports add to home screen. Even then in instagram's in-app browser it doesn't work.
Even the custom install that we trigger using beforeinstallprompt also doesn't show up.
Not any of the documentations mention anything about this.

In IOS there's a way you can install web apps using profile configuration files. Do you know if there is a way to do the same in Android? If so, we can redirect the bio link to an install page of our web apps.


when the dynamic link is opened from browser(especially in safari) it is always redirecting to the app store even though app is installed in iOS

My URL is same as below, i will get this link to my mail from sendgrid and in iOS when i tap on this it always loads the browser first (safari most of the case) and opens in app preview page even though app is installed.
URL:<a clicktracking="off" href="https://{project_name}{project_name}{{ $email_token }}&apn=com.{project_name}.app&isi={applestoreid}&ibi=com.{project_name}.app&efr=1">https://{project_name}{project_name}{{ $email_token }}&apn=com.{project_name}.app&isi={applestoreid}&ibi=com.{project_name}.app&efr=1</a>
When you access a dynamic link in a browser. It will intentionally not go to your app because the actions indicate that your intent is to open a web page.
If you have your custom domain from Firebase ie: [your custom domain], send it into your link like so:
https://[your custom code]
And then tap that link. Does it open the app, or does it go to Safari? If it goes to Safari, it means that you haven't configured your iOS app for universal links yet, which is needed to support opening your custom domain url directly in the app. In Xcode, go to the Capabilities tab, and ensure that you've added the universal link domain as described in Apple's docs.
If you tapped the site address on the far top-right on iOS, it disables universal linking on that iOS app, until you long-tap and ask to open in the app again.
Second, you can't type in universal links into Safari's address bar and navigate to the app. Safari, by design, will open that URL in the browser. The easiest, most reliable way to test whether universal links are working is to put a universal link into the app, and tap the link from there.

How can I open my PWA app from other native app?

I am implementing a PWA application and a native application on Android. I need to open the native app from PWA app which I know how to do that. Basically I need a URL provided from the native app and open the URL from PWA which will bring the native application. This approach is pretty much like opening google map by clicking its url:,Infinite+Loop,Cupertino,California..
Now I have a requirement to open my PWA from the native app. For example, if I share the PWA url through facebook, I'd like other people open the PWA app when they click on the url in facebook if they have installed the PWA.
How can I achieve that?.
You don't need to implement anything to do that. Android does it for you. For example, if your PWA is hosted on and the user clicks a link with the href, Android first looks through your PWAs and if the URL matches, it opens the PWA. Otherwise Android opens the Chrome browser.
Just verified this on an Android 6 device.

Adobe AIR Facebook login setup

I need to implement facebook login in Adobe AIR app for Desktop/Mobile.
I saw some docs on the code required for this.
My concern is, which platform should be selected in facebook apps console. Is it web ? Then what should be the web urls & where to place them ?
Well if you are building a mobile app, then you might want to select Android or iOS depending on the platform. If you are building the same app for both platforms then select any one of those and later under settings of your app dashboard you can click on Add Platform and add the other one. If your app has a canvas presence then you can add that as well later on. Regardless of what you pick initially, you can always add/edit platforms on your app dashboard.

How to make ios App Store link with parameters?

The new "smart app banners" have a method where you can pass parameters to yor app so that it can know, for examples what page on your site the user was on before they bought your app. This is useful, for example, with a news site where you ant to show them the article you were previously displaying.
The way to do this with he smart app banners is:
<meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=311507490, app-argument=http://bookID/1234"/>
Is there a way to make a general link that does this, instead of a smart app banner?
The advantage of smart app banners is that the iOS detects if the app is installed or not. If it is installed on the device the banner opens the app directly. Otherwise it takes you to the app store.
A disadvantage is that they only show up in mobile safari and they require iOS 6.
As an alternative you could use custom URL schemes. The application has to implement this scheme. The URL would look like this: myapp://bookID/1234.
You can also check if this link works (app is installed) using javascript.

My web app not showing on facebook native app

My app is showing on facebook desktop,, but not on the native app?
I meant not showing on bookmark or favorite. When I search for it within the native app I can find it.
According to the documentation it should also appear on the native Facebook app bookmark?
Can anyone please advise what did I do wrong? I have set the mobile web setting already.
If your app has a native app, the it will show up in the Facebook app bookmark list. If you app is a desktop or canvas app, it shows up on desktop. If your app is a mobile site, then it shows up on You need to specify the type of app or apps you support/have/exist in the developer dashboard for the app.