Flutter BLOC state updating but always null value - flutter

I update state bloc builder context like this context.read<SurveyBloc>().add(SurveyModeChanged(mode: 'draft')); in the bloc file state changing is triggered but value always null. the last 2days I struck with this someone please help to resolve this issue.
if (event is SurveyModeChanged) {
yield state.copyWith(mode: state.mode);
This is Survey screen file
class SurveyView extends StatefulWidget {
State<StatefulWidget> createState() => _SurveyViewState();
class _SurveyViewState extends State<SurveyView> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final sessionCubit = context.read<SessionCubit>();
return BlocProvider(
create: (context) => SurveyBloc(
user: sessionCubit.selectedUser ?? sessionCubit.currentUser,
surveyId: '4aa842ff-2b7d-4364-9669-29c200a3fe9b',
dataRepository: context.read<DataRepository>(),
child: BlocListener<SurveyBloc, SurveyState>(
listener: (context, state) {},
child: Scaffold(
backgroundColor: Color(0xFFF2F2F7),
appBar: _appbar(),
body: stepFormContainer(context),
resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false,
Widget saveButton() {
return BlocBuilder<SurveyBloc, SurveyState>(builder: (context, state) {
return Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 10),
child: ElevatedButton.icon(
onPressed: () {
.add(SurveyModeChanged(mode: 'draft'));
label: Text('Save')));
This is my Survey event code
abstract class SurveyEvent {}
class SurveyResultChanged extends SurveyEvent {
final String surveyResult;
class SurveyModeChanged extends SurveyEvent {
final String mode;
class SurveyIdChanged extends SurveyEvent {
final String surveyId;
class SaveSurveyChanges extends SurveyEvent {}
Survey State dart
class SurveyState {
final User user;
final FormSubmissionStatus formSubmissionStatus;
final String surveyId;
final String mode;
final String surveyResult;
{#required User user,
#required String surveyId,
String mode,
String surveyResult,
this.formSubmissionStatus = const InitialFormStatus()})
: this.user = user,
this.surveyId = surveyId,
this.mode = mode,
this.surveyResult = surveyResult;
SurveyState copyWith({
User user,
FormSubmissionStatus formSubmissionStatus,
String surveyId,
String mode,
String surveyResult,
}) {
return SurveyState(
user: user ?? this.user,
surveyId: surveyId ?? this.surveyId,
mode: mode ?? this.mode,
surveyResult: surveyResult ?? this.surveyResult,
formSubmissionStatus ?? this.formSubmissionStatus);
class SurveyBloc extends Bloc<SurveyEvent, SurveyState> {
final DataRepository dataRepository;
#required User user,
#required String surveyId,
}) : super(SurveyState(user: user, surveyId: surveyId));
Stream<SurveyState> mapEventToState(SurveyEvent event) async* {
if (event is SurveyModeChanged) {
yield state.copyWith(mode: state.mode);

class SurveyBloc extends Bloc<SurveyEvent, SurveyState> {
final DataRepository dataRepository;
#required User user,
#required String surveyId,
}) : super(SurveyState(user: user, surveyId: surveyId));
Stream<SurveyState> mapEventToState(SurveyEvent event) async* {
if (event is SurveyModeChanged) {
// This is where the problem occurs. You are emitting the state
// value again and again which is null. Change this:
yield state.copyWith(mode: state.mode);
// into this:
yield state.copyWith(mode: event.mode);


DocumentSnapshot returning null and new screen stuck on loading

When this widget is called, its stuck on loading animation, and when hot reloaded, it shows the transactions
class TransactionList extends StatefulWidget {
final int groupIndex;
final String groupUid;
const TransactionList(
{super.key, required this.groupIndex, required this.groupUid});
State<TransactionList> createState() => _TransactionListState();
class _TransactionListState extends State<TransactionList> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final groupTransaction = Provider.of<DocumentSnapshot?>(context);
if (groupTransaction == null) return const Loading();
return transactionItemsBuilder(groupTransaction);
this is firebase instance created,
class DatabaseServices {
final String? uid;
final CollectionReference groupCollection =
Stream<DocumentSnapshot> get transactions {
return groupCollection.doc(uid).snapshots();
and this is my stream provider
initialData: null,
value: DatabaseServices(uid: widget.item[widget.index].id)
child: TransactionList(
groupIndex: widget.index,
groupUid: widget.item[widget.index].reference.id),
Solved this by providing initial data to the stream provider. The data was obtained earlier.

Why emit.forEach(..) doesn't persist the state of the bloc in this case?

Simplified example using a Todo App approach where data is submitted from different pages and bloc reacts to it subscribing to a stream.
View, I have four pages.
Page A: Shows a ListView of Todos.
Page B-1: Shows a Form to update the overview data related to a Todo.
Page B-2: Shows a ListView of Actions that has a Todo.
Page C: Shows a Form to update the data related to an Action.
Logic, I have four blocs. CollectionBloc which subscribes to a stream of data using Hive and it is supposed to emit states every time there is an update in the repository. Also, EditTodoBloc and ActionBloc which submit data to the same repository. TodoBloc is for managing a Todo in general.
----------> Page B-1
Page A ----------> | ActionBloc
CollectionBloc ----------> Page B-2 ----------> Page C
#HiveType(typeId: 0)
class Action extends Equatable {
Action({this.id, this.name});
String id;
String name;
List<Object?> get props => [id, name];
#HiveType(typeId: 1)
class Todo extends Equatable {
Todo({this.id, this.actions});
String id;
String name;
List<Action> actions;
List<Object?> get props => [id, name, actions];
Database / Repository
class HiveDatabase {
late Box<List<Todo>> todos;
Stream<List<Todo>> watchTodos() {
return todos
.map((event) => todos.values.toList())
Future<void> saveTodo(Todo todo) async {
await todos.put(todo.id, todo);
Future<void> saveAction(Todo todo, Action action) async {
await todos.put(todo.id, todo);
class EditTodoBloc extends Bloc<EditTodoEvent, EditTodoState> {
required TodosRepository todosRepository,
required Todo? todo,
}) : _todosRepository = todosRepository, super(EditTodoState(todo)) {
Future<void> _onTodoSubmitted(
TodoSubmitted event,
Emitter<EditTodoState> emit,
) async {
emit(state.copyWith(status: EditTodoStaus.loading));
try {
await _todosRepository.saveTodo(state.todo!);
emit(state.copyWith(status: EditTodoStaus.success));
} catch (e) {}
class EditTodoState extends Equatable {
final EditTodoStatus status;
final Todo? todo;
class TodoBloc extends Bloc<TodoEvent, TodoState> {
required TodosRepository todosRepository,
required Todo todo,
}) : _todosRepository = todosRepository, super(TodoState(todo)) {
class TodoState extends Equatable {
final TodoStatus status;
final Todo todo,
final List<Action> actions;
Action Bloc:
class ActionBloc extends Bloc<ActionEvent, ActionState> {
required TodosRepository todosRepository,
required Todo todo,
required Action? action,
}) : _todosRepository = todosRepository, super(ActionState(todo, action)) {
Future<void> _onActionSubmitted(
ActionSubmitted event,
Emitter<ActionState> emit,
) async {
emit(state.copyWith(status: ActionStatus.loading));
try {
await _todosRepository.saveAction(todo, state.action!);
emit(state.copyWith(status: ActionStatus.success));
} catch(e) {}
class ActionState extends Equatable {
final ActionStatus status;
final Todo todo,
final Action? action;
And the problem is here.
CollectionBloc can't persist the state of the bloc when I submit data by adding an event from Page C (ActionBloc). Unlike when sending data from Page B-1 (EditTodoBloc) which works successfully.
class CollectionBloc extends Bloc<CollectionEvent, CollectionState> {
required TodosRepository todosRepository,
}) : super(CollectionState()) {
Future<void> _onCollectionRequested(
CollectionRequested event,
Emitter<CollectionState> emit,
) async {
emit(state.copyWith(status: TodoStatus.loading));
await emit.forEach<List<Todo>>(
onData: (todos) {
print('newTodos: ${todos}');
print('oldTodos: ${state.todos}');
// Why oldTodos shows the same modified todo list (with its actions)
// as the one returned from onData
// Page-B2 does not update coming back from Page-C unless I pop up to
// Page-A and then push to Page-B2.
return state.copyWith(status: CollectionStatus.success, todos: todos);
onError: (_, __) => state.copyWith(status: CollectionStatus.failure),
class CollectionState extends Equatable {
final CollectionStatus status;
final List<Todo> todos;
Page A:
class PageA extends StatelessWidget {
const PageA({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final todos = context.watch<CollectionBloc>().state.todos;
return ListView(
children: [
for (final todo in todos) ...[
title: Text(todo.name),
onTap: () {
All in all, I would like to be able to show the list of actions updated when popping back from submitting the form in Page C to Page B-2.
class PageB2 extends StatelessWidget {
const PageB2({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
static Route<void> route(Todo todo) {
return MaterialPageRoute(
builder: (context) => BlocProvider(
create: (context) => TodoBloc(
todoRepository: context.read<TodosRepository>(),
todo: todo,
child: const PageB2(),
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final todos = context.watch<CollectionBloc>().state.todos;
final todo = todos.firstWhere((element) => element.id == state.todo.id);
return BlocBuilder<TodoBloc, TodoState>(
builder: (context, state) {
return ListView.separated(
itemCount: todo.actions.length,
separatorBuilder: (context, index) => const Divider(height: 8),
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return ListTile(
title: Text(todo.actions[index].name),
onTap: () {
PageC.route(todo, todo.actions[index]),
I think I don't know how to apply emit.forEach() in this case. XD

how to use infinite_scroll_pagination for bloc pattern

I'm currently learning and converting my code to BLoc pattern. Before I'm using flutter_pagewise ^1.2.3 for my infinite scroll using Future<> but I don't know how to use it using bloc or is it compatible with it.
So now I'm trying infinite_scroll_pagination: ^2.3.0 since it says in its docs that it supports Bloc. But I don't understand the example code in the docs for bloc. Can you give me a simple example of how to use it with bloc? I'm currently using flutter_bloc: ^6.1.3.
Here are my bloc script:
class TimeslotViewBloc extends Bloc<TimeslotViewEvent, TimeslotViewState> {
final GetTimeslotView gettimeslotView;
TimeslotViewBloc({this.gettimeslotView}) : super(TimeslotViewInitialState());
Stream<TimeslotViewState> mapEventToState(
TimeslotViewEvent event,
) async* {
if (event is GetTimeslotViewEvent) {
yield TimeslotViewLoadingState();
final failureOrSuccess = await gettimeslotView(Params(
id: event.id,
date: event.date,
yield* _eitherLoadedOrErrorState(failureOrSuccess);
Stream<TimeslotViewState> _eitherLoadedOrErrorState(
Either<Failure, List<TimeslotViewEntity>> failureOrTrivia,
) async* {
yield failureOrTrivia.fold(
(failure) => TimeslotViewErrorState(
message: _mapFailureToMessage(failure), failure: failure),
(result) => TimeslotViewLoadedState(result),
//Bloc Events----------------------------------------
abstract class TimeslotViewEvent extends Equatable {
const TimeslotViewEvent();
List<Object> get props => [];
class GetTimeslotViewEvent extends TimeslotViewEvent {
final String id;
final String date;
final int offset;
final int limit;
//Bloc States----------------------------------------
abstract class TimeslotViewState extends Equatable {
const TimeslotViewState();
List<Object> get props => [];
class TimeslotViewLoadingState extends TimeslotViewState {}
class TimeslotViewLoadedState extends TimeslotViewState {
final List<TimeslotViewEntity> records;
List<Object> get props => [records];
UPDATE: Here is the revised code from Davii that works for me
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return BlocProvider(
create: (context) => _timeLotBloc,
child: BlocListener<TimeslotViewBloc, TimeslotViewState>(
listener: (context, state) {
if (state is TimeslotViewLoadedState) {
//Save record count instead of records list
totalRecordCount += state.records.length;
final _next = 1 + totalRecordCount;
final isLastPage = state.records.length < PAGE_SIZE;
if (isLastPage) {
} else {
_pagingController.appendPage(state.records, _next);
if (state is TimeslotViewErrorState) {
_pagingController.error = state.error;
//Removed pagedListview from bloc builder
child: PagedListView<int, TimeslotViewEntity>(
pagingController: _pagingController,
builderDelegate: PagedChildBuilderDelegate<TimeslotViewEntity>(
itemBuilder: (context, time, index) => TimeslotViewEntityListItem(
character: time,
class PaginatedList extends StatefulWidget {
const PaginatedList({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
_PaginatedListState createState() => _PaginatedListState();
class _PaginatedListState extends State<PaginatedList> {
//*bloc assuming you use getIt and injectable
late final _timeLotBloc = getIt<TimeslotViewBloc>();
List<TimeslotViewEntity> records = [];
//*initialize page controller
final PagingController<int, TimeslotViewEntity> _pagingController =
PagingController(firstPageKey: 0);
void initState() {
//*so at event add list of records
(pageKey) => _timeLotBloc
.add(GetTimeslotViewEvent(records: records, offset: pageKey,limit: 10)),
void dispose() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return BlocProvider(
create: (context) => _timeLotBloc,
child: BlocListener<TimeslotViewBloc, TimeslotViewState>(
listener: (context, state) {
if (state is TimeslotViewLoadedState) {
records =state.records;
//forget about existing record
//about the last page, fetch last page number from
int lastPage = state.lastPage
final _next = 1 + records.length;
_pagingController.appendPage(records, _next);
if (state is TimeslotViewErrorState) {
_pagingController.error = state.error;
},child: BlocBuilder<TimeslotViewBloc,TimeslotViewState>(
builder: (context,state)=> PagedListView<int, TimeslotViewEntity>(
pagingController: _pagingController,
builderDelegate: PagedChildBuilderDelegate<TimeslotViewEntity>(
itemBuilder: (context, time, index) => TimeslotViewEntityListItem(
character: time,
now on the bloc event class
class GetTimeslotViewEvent extends TimeslotViewEvent {
final String id;
final String date;
final int offset;
final int limit;
//add this on event
final List<TimeslotViewEntity> records;
required this.records,
on state class
class TimeslotViewLoadedState extends TimeslotViewState {
final List<TimeslotViewEntity> records;
final List<TimeslotViewEntity> existingRecords;
TimeslotViewLoadedState(this.records, this.existingRecords);
List<Object> get props => [records, existingRecords];
and on bloc now
yield* _eitherLoadedOrErrorState(failureOrSuccess,event);
Stream<TimeslotViewState> _eitherLoadedOrErrorState(
Either<Failure, List<TimeslotViewEntity>> failureOrTrivia,
GetTimeslotViewEvent event,
) async* {
yield failureOrTrivia.fold(
(failure) => TimeslotViewErrorState(
message: _mapFailureToMessage(failure), failure: failure),
//existing records from the event,
(result) => TimeslotViewLoadedState(result,event.records),
yap this method worked on me

How to change state of individual list items using bloc flutter?

How to change the widgets in a list item in flutter using bloc pacakage.
Should i use BlockBuilder or listener on the whole ListView.builder or only the individual items.
It would be nice if u share an example or tutorial.
eg If i have a checkbox i need to change its state on clicking it.
These are my Bloc classes
const String SERVER_FAILURE_MESSAGE = 'Server Failure';
const String CACHE_FAILURE_MESSAGE = 'Cache Failure';
class MarkAttendanceBloc extends Bloc<MarkAttendanceEvent, MarkAttendanceState> {
final MarkStudentPresent markStudentPresent;
final MarkStudentAbsent markStudentAbsent;
MarkAttendanceBloc({#required this.markStudentPresent,#required this.markStudentAbsent});
MarkAttendanceState get initialState => MarkedInitial();
Stream<MarkAttendanceState> mapEventToState(MarkAttendanceEvent event) async* {
yield MarkedLoading();
if(event is MarkAbsentEvent){
final remotelyReceived = await markStudentAbsent(MarkStudentParams(classId: event.classId, courseId: event.courseId,studentId: event.studentId));
yield* _eitherLoadedOrErrorState(remotelyReceived);
else if(event is MarkPresentEvent){
final remotelyReceived = await markStudentPresent(MarkStudentParams(classId: event.classId, courseId: event.courseId,studentId: event.studentId));
yield* _eitherLoadedOrErrorState(remotelyReceived);
Stream<MarkAttendanceState> _eitherLoadedOrErrorState(
Either<StudentDetailsFacultyFailure,int> failureOrClasses,
) async* {
yield failureOrClasses.fold(
(failure) => MarkedError(_mapFailureToMessage(failure)),
(studentId) => Marked(studentId),
String _mapFailureToMessage(StudentDetailsFacultyFailure failure) {
switch (failure.runtimeType) {
case ServerError:
return 'No internet';
abstract class MarkAttendanceState extends Equatable{
const MarkAttendanceState();
class MarkedInitial extends MarkAttendanceState{
const MarkedInitial();
List<Object> get props => [];
class MarkedLoading extends MarkAttendanceState{
const MarkedLoading();
List<Object> get props => [];
class Marked extends MarkAttendanceState{
final int studentId;
List<Object> get props => [studentId];
class MarkedError extends MarkAttendanceState{
final String errorMessage;
List<Object> get props => [errorMessage];
import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart';
abstract class MarkAttendanceEvent extends Equatable {
const MarkAttendanceEvent();
class MarkPresentEvent extends MarkAttendanceEvent {
final int studentId;
final int courseId;
final int classId;
MarkPresentEvent(this.studentId, this.courseId, this.classId);
List<Object> get props =>[studentId,courseId,classId];
class MarkAbsentEvent extends MarkAttendanceEvent {
final int studentId;
final int courseId;
final int classId;
MarkAbsentEvent(this.studentId, this.courseId, this.classId);
List<Object> get props =>[studentId,courseId,classId];
Maybe by now you have found a solution but this is how i managed to achieve the same functionality using flutter cubits.
This code is hand written and not tested but it should guide you to achieve your goal
1 Declare the class objects
class ClassItem{
int? price;
bool isChecked;
class ClassOverall{
List<ClassItem> items;
double? total;
Declare the cubit class
class OverallCubit extends Cubit<ClassOverall> {
OverallCubit(ClassOverallinitialState) : super(initialState);
void checkUncheckCart(int index) {
if (!state.items
.elementAt(index).isChecked) {
.elementAt(index).isChecked =
var t_total = double.tryParse(state.items
.elementAt(index).price!)! * 1;
emit(OverallCubit (state.items,state.total));
} else {
state.items.elementAt(index).isChecked =
emit(OverallCubit (state.items,state.total));
void calculateTotal() {
var tot = 0.0;
for (var tick in state.items) {
if (tick.isChecked) {
tot = (tick.t_total! + tot);
emit(OverallCubit (state.items,tot));
Declare the top class widget to hold the state
class TopState extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return BlocProvider(
create: (_) => OverallCubit(ClassOverall(items,0)),//fetch items from your source
child: Home(),
Declare the stateful widget and add a bloc builder
class Home extends StatefulWidget {
_HomePageState createState() => _HomePageState();
class _HomePageState extends State<Home> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return BlocBuilder<OverallCubit, ClassOverall>(
builder: (ctx, state) {
return Column(children:[
padding: EdgeInsets.all(0.0),
shrinkWrap: true,
itemCount: state.items.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return ListTile(
onTap: () {
tileColor: state.elementAt(index).isChecked ? Colors.red : Colors.white
title: Text(state.items.elementAt(index).price!),

Data not being updated after change the placeID in flutter BLoC

I am working on one project with BLoC.I have made some classes to update the data.
Data will come once you pass the placeID.
But once you pass the PlaceID first time it will give the data and widgets updated.
But once I pass new placeID old data not being updated. It shows old data.
All Code Files:
class RestaurantDetailBloc extends Bloc<RestaurantDetailEvent, RestaurantDetailState> {
static final RestaurantDetailBloc _restaurantDetailBlocSingleton = new RestaurantDetailBloc._internal();
factory RestaurantDetailBloc() {
return _restaurantDetailBlocSingleton;
RestaurantDetailState get initialState => new UnRestaurantDetailState();
Stream<RestaurantDetailState> mapEventToState(
RestaurantDetailEvent event,
) async* {
try {
yield await event.applyAsync(currentState: currentState, bloc: this);
} catch (_, stackTrace) {
print('$_ $stackTrace');
yield currentState;
abstract class RestaurantDetailEvent {
Future<RestaurantDetailState> applyAsync(
{RestaurantDetailState currentState, RestaurantDetailBloc bloc});
final RestaurantDetailProvider _provider = RestaurantDetailProvider();
class LoadRestaurantDetailEvent extends RestaurantDetailEvent {
String toString() => 'LoadRestaurantDetailEvent';
String placeID;
LoadRestaurantDetailEvent({Key key,this.placeID});
Future<RestaurantDetailState> applyAsync(
{RestaurantDetailState currentState, RestaurantDetailBloc bloc}) async {
try {
await Future.delayed(new Duration(seconds: 2));
var component = await _provider.getRestaurantReview(placeID);
return new InRestaurantDetailState(component);
} catch (_, stackTrace) {
print('$_ $stackTrace');
return new ErrorRestaurantDetailState(_?.toString());
class RestaurantDetailPage extends StatelessWidget {
static const String routeName = "/restaurantDetail";
final String imageURL;
final String placeID;
const RestaurantDetailPage({Key key, this.imageURL,this.placeID}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
var _restaurantDetailBloc = new RestaurantDetailBloc();
return new RestaurantDetailScreen(restaurantDetailBloc: _restaurantDetailBloc,imageUrl: this.imageURL,placeId: this.placeID,);
class RestaurantDetailProvider {
String getBaseUrl(String placeID){
final urlBase = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/details/json?placeid=$placeID&key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxGooglePlaceKey";
return urlBase;
Future<void> loadAsync(String token) async {
/// write from keystore/keychain
await Future.delayed(new Duration(seconds: 2));
Future<void> saveAsync(String token) async {
/// write from keystore/keychain
await Future.delayed(new Duration(seconds: 2));
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getRestaurantReview(String placeId)async{
var response = await http.get(getBaseUrl(placeId));
RestaurantReviews reviews = RestaurantReviews();
if(response.statusCode == 200){
var decodedJson = jsonDecode(response.body);
//reviews.result = decodedJson['result'];
return decodedJson;
abstract class RestaurantDetailState extends Equatable {
RestaurantDetailState([Iterable props]) : super(props);
/// Copy object for use in action
RestaurantDetailState getStateCopy();
/// UnInitialized
class UnRestaurantDetailState extends RestaurantDetailState {
String toString() => 'UnRestaurantDetailState';
RestaurantDetailState getStateCopy() {
return UnRestaurantDetailState();
class InRestaurantDetailState extends RestaurantDetailState {
final resReview;
String toString() => 'InRestaurantDetailState';
RestaurantDetailState getStateCopy() {
return InRestaurantDetailState(resReview);
class ErrorRestaurantDetailState extends RestaurantDetailState {
final String errorMessage;
String toString() => 'ErrorRestaurantDetailState';
RestaurantDetailState getStateCopy() {
return ErrorRestaurantDetailState(this.errorMessage);
class RestaurantDetailScreen extends StatefulWidget {
const RestaurantDetailScreen({
Key key,
#required RestaurantDetailBloc restaurantDetailBloc,
this.imageUrl, this.placeId,
}) : _restaurantDetailBloc = restaurantDetailBloc,
super(key: key);
final RestaurantDetailBloc _restaurantDetailBloc;
final String imageUrl;
final String placeId;
RestaurantDetailScreenState createState() {
return new RestaurantDetailScreenState(_restaurantDetailBloc, imageUrl,placeId);
class RestaurantDetailScreenState extends State<RestaurantDetailScreen> {
final RestaurantDetailBloc _restaurantDetailBloc;
final String imageUrl;
final String placeId;
RestaurantDetailScreenState(this._restaurantDetailBloc, this.imageUrl,this.placeId);
void initState() {
void dispose() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final width = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;
final height = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height;
return BlocBuilder<RestaurantDetailBloc, RestaurantDetailState>(
bloc: widget._restaurantDetailBloc,
builder: (
BuildContext context,
var currentState,
) {
if (currentState is UnRestaurantDetailState) {
return MaterialApp(
home: new Scaffold(
body: new Container(
color: Colors.white,
child: Center(
child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
if (currentState is ErrorRestaurantDetailState) {
return new Container(
child: new Center(
child: new Text(currentState.errorMessage ?? 'Error'),
if (currentState is InRestaurantDetailState) {
var resList = currentState.resReview;
return MaterialApp(
home: new Scaffold(
Please help me guys.I have spent whole day.
Thank you in advance.
You need to pass the data to the parent class for comparison. That's why we are using equatable. Do these changes and it should work. Let me know if it doesn’t.
class InRestaurantDetailState extends RestaurantDetailState {
final resReview;
//You need to change this line to
String toString() => 'InRestaurantDetailState';
RestaurantDetailState getStateCopy() {
return InRestaurantDetailState(resReview);