Circle Progress Bar for Swift Count down - swift

Inside the circle progress bar there is a constantly changing number (eg 250, 300, 1000). Whenever I click, the number will decrease and circle progress bar will move. I did it with the time counter. But I want to do it with my control. So when I click the button it will move, if I don't click it won't move.
My code :
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
let shapeLAyer = CAShapeLayer()
let progressLayer = CAShapeLayer()
override func viewDidLoad() {
let center =
let circularPath = UIBezierPath(arcCenter: center, radius: 100, startAngle: -CGFloat.pi/2, endAngle: 2*CGFloat.pi, clockwise: true)
progressLayer.path = circularPath.cgPath
// ui edits
progressLayer.strokeColor =
progressLayer.fillColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
//progressLayer.fillColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
progressLayer.lineCap = .round
progressLayer.lineWidth = 20.0
shapeLAyer.path = circularPath.cgPath
shapeLAyer.fillColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
shapeLAyer.strokeColor =
shapeLAyer.lineWidth = 10
shapeLAyer.lineCap = .round
shapeLAyer.strokeEnd = 0
view.addGestureRecognizer(UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handle)))
#objc func handle(){
let basicAnimation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "strokeEnd")
basicAnimation.toValue = 1
basicAnimation.duration = 3
shapeLAyer.add(basicAnimation, forKey: "urSoBasic")
[![enter image description here][1]][1]

You can achieve this type of progress by setting proper from value, to value and with the mode of CABasicAnimation
Here, I take two var one for total number (for total progress) and one for current progress number.
From these two var, I converted this value to between 0-1.
First, in your code UIBezierPath angle is wrong.
Replace this line by
let circularPath = UIBezierPath(arcCenter: center, radius: 100, startAngle: -CGFloat.pi/2, endAngle: 3*CGFloat.pi / 2, clockwise: true)
class ViewController: UIViewController {
// Other code
private let totalNumber: CGFloat = 300.0
private var currentProgressNumber: CGFloat = 0
private let basicAnimation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "strokeEnd")
// viewDidLoad code
func playAnimation(){
if currentProgressNumber > totalNumber || currentProgressNumber < 0 {
basicAnimation.fromValue = basicAnimation.toValue
basicAnimation.toValue = currentProgressNumber/totalNumber
basicAnimation.isRemovedOnCompletion = false
basicAnimation.duration = 3
basicAnimation.fillMode = CAMediaTimingFillMode.both
shapeLAyer.add(basicAnimation, forKey: "urSoBasic")
#IBAction func onIncrement(_ sender: UIButton) {
currentProgressNumber += 15 //<-- Change your increment interval here
#IBAction func onDecrement(_ sender: UIButton) {
currentProgressNumber -= 15 //<-- Change your increment interval here
Note: Replace your animation function with playAnimation() and also change the increment-decrement value as per your requirement for testing I used 15.


How do I set an endpoint for a CAKeyFrameAnimation?

I am using an arc for a progress bar.
There is a track layer that the progress indicator moves along and I also have a circle that moves with the progress bar for added emphasis. Both the progress bar and the circle move correctly along the path but when the progress is complete, instead of stopping at the end of the path, the circle jumps back to the beginning of the progress path.
screen recording of behavior
The code:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
let shapeLayer = CAShapeLayer()
let trackLayer = CAShapeLayer()
let dotLayer: CALayer = CALayer()
let seconds = 10.0
// MARK: - Properties
private var progressBarView = UIView()
override func viewDidLoad() {
title = "Making Progress"
view.backgroundColor = .systemTeal
// determine the value of Center
let center =
let circularPath = UIBezierPath(arcCenter: center, radius: 100, startAngle: 2.7, endAngle: 0.45, clockwise: true) // these values give us a complete circle
trackLayer.path = circularPath.cgPath
trackLayer.strokeColor = UIColor.lightGray.cgColor
trackLayer.lineWidth = 10
trackLayer.fillColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
trackLayer.lineCap = .round
shapeLayer.path = circularPath.cgPath
shapeLayer.strokeColor =
shapeLayer.lineWidth = 10
shapeLayer.strokeEnd = 0
shapeLayer.fillColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
shapeLayer.lineCap = .round
view.addGestureRecognizer(UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handleTap )))
#objc private func handleTap() {
print("Attempting to animate stroke")
let basicAnimation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "strokeEnd")
basicAnimation.toValue = 1
basicAnimation.duration = seconds
basicAnimation.fillMode = CAMediaTimingFillMode.forwards
basicAnimation.isRemovedOnCompletion = false
shapeLayer.add(basicAnimation, forKey: "anyKeyWillDo")
// circle image
let circleNobImage = UIImage(named: "whiteCircle.png")!
dotLayer.contents = circleNobImage.cgImage
dotLayer.bounds = CGRect(x: 0.0, y: 0.0, width: circleNobImage.size.width, height: circleNobImage.size.height)
dotLayer.position = CGPoint(x: 105, y: 460)
dotLayer.opacity = 1
func dotAnimation() {
let dotAnimation = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath: "position")
dotAnimation.path = trackLayer.path
dotAnimation.calculationMode = .paced
let dotAnimationGroup = CAAnimationGroup()
dotAnimationGroup.duration = seconds
dotAnimation.autoreverses = false
dotAnimationGroup.animations = [dotAnimation]
dotLayer.add(dotAnimationGroup, forKey: nil)
I need to get the circle to stop at the end of the arc with the progress bar. How is this done?
Also set dotAnimationGroup.fillMode and dotAnimationGroup.isRemovedOnCompletion
dotAnimationGroup.fillMode = .forwards
dotAnimationGroup.isRemovedOnCompletion = false

Swift: Animate object along animating path

I would like to animate little red dot rotating around circle that is expanding in a pulse manner (go from small to big, then start back from small). It seems that little dot keeps rotating around original shape and does not take into account that circle it's expanding... I have this in code:
// MARK: - Properties
private lazy var containerView = UIView()
let littleCircleRadius: CGFloat = 10
private lazy var littleRedDot: CALayer = {
let layer = CALayer()
layer.backgroundColor =
let littleDotSize = CGSize(width: 10, height: 10)
layer.frame = CGRect(x: - littleDotSize.width / 2,
y: - littleCircleRadius - littleDotSize.width/2 ,
width: littleDotSize.width,
height: littleDotSize.height)
return layer
private lazy var littleCircleLayer: CAShapeLayer = {
let layer = CAShapeLayer()
layer.lineWidth = 1.5
layer.lineCap = .round
layer.strokeColor =
layer.fillColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
return layer
// MARK: - Setup
func setup() {
containerView.frame = CGRect(x: 40, y: 200, width: 300, height: 300)
containerView.backgroundColor = UIColor.gray.withAlphaComponent(0.2)
littleCircleLayer.path = makeArcPath(arcCenter:, radius: 10)
// MARK: - Animations
func animate() {
func animateLittleRedDotRotation() {
let anim = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath: "position")
anim.duration = 1.5
anim.rotationMode = .rotateAuto
anim.repeatCount = Float.infinity
anim.path = littleCircleLayer.path
littleRedDot.add(anim, forKey: "rotate")
func animateCircleExpanding() {
let maxCircle = makeArcPath(arcCenter:, radius: 100)
let circleExpandingAnim = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "path")
circleExpandingAnim.fromValue = littleCircleLayer.path
circleExpandingAnim.toValue = maxCircle
circleExpandingAnim.repeatCount = Float.infinity
circleExpandingAnim.duration = 1.5
littleCircleLayer.add(circleExpandingAnim, forKey: "pulseCircuitAnimation")
This creates following effect:
However I would like to achieve for little dot to be rotating along the expanding circle path (as it animates from small circle to bigger circle), not the original small circle path. Any ideas ?
Using CoreAnimation to animate the position of the red dot based upon the path assumes that the path isn't changing. You could, theoretically, define a spiral path that mirrors the expanding circle. Personally, I'd just use CADisplayLink, a special timer designed optimally for screen refreshes, and retire the CoreAnimation calls entirely. E.g.
func startDisplayLink() {
let displayLink = CADisplayLink(target: self, selector: #selector(handleDisplayLink(_:)))
displayLink.add(to: .main, forMode: .common)
#objc func handleDisplayLink(_ displayLink: CADisplayLink) {
let percent = CGFloat(displayLink.timestamp).truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: duration) / duration
let radius = ...
let center =
circleLayer.path = makeArcPath(arcCenter: center, radius: radius)
let angle = percent * .pi * 2
let dotCenter = CGPoint(x: center.x + cos(angle) * radius, y: center.y + sin(angle) * radius)
redDot.path = makeArcPath(arcCenter: dotCenter, radius: 5)
That yields:
The full example:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
private let radiusRange: ClosedRange<CGFloat> = 10...100
private let duration: CGFloat = 1.5
private lazy var containerView: UIView = {
let containerView = UIView()
containerView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
return containerView
private lazy var redDot: CAShapeLayer = {
let layer = CAShapeLayer()
layer.fillColor =
return layer
private lazy var circleLayer: CAShapeLayer = {
let layer = CAShapeLayer()
layer.lineWidth = 1.5
layer.strokeColor =
layer.fillColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
return layer
private weak var displayLink: CADisplayLink?
override func viewDidLoad() {
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
// MARK: Private utility methods
private extension ViewController {
func setup() {
func addContainer() {
containerView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.leadingAnchor),
containerView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.trailingAnchor),
containerView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.topAnchor),
containerView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.bottomAnchor)
func makeArcPath(arcCenter: CGPoint, radius: CGFloat) -> CGPath {
UIBezierPath(arcCenter: arcCenter, radius: radius, startAngle: 0, endAngle: .pi * 2, clockwise: true).cgPath
// MARK: - DisplayLink related methods
private extension ViewController {
func startDisplayLink() {
stopDisplayLink() // stop existing display link, if any
let displayLink = CADisplayLink(target: self, selector: #selector(handleDisplayLink(_:)))
displayLink.add(to: .main, forMode: .common)
self.displayLink = displayLink
func stopDisplayLink() {
#objc func handleDisplayLink(_ displayLink: CADisplayLink) {
let percent = CGFloat(displayLink.timestamp).truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: duration) / duration
let radius = radiusRange.percent(percent)
let center =
circleLayer.path = makeArcPath(arcCenter: center, radius: radius)
let angle = percent * .pi * 2
let dotCenter = CGPoint(x: center.x + cos(angle) * radius, y: center.y + sin(angle) * radius)
redDot.path = makeArcPath(arcCenter: dotCenter, radius: 5)
// MARK: - CGRect extension
extension CGRect {
var center: CGPoint { return CGPoint(x: midX, y: midY) }
// MARK: - ClosedRange extension
extension ClosedRange where Bound: FloatingPoint {
func percent(_ percent: Bound) -> Bound {
(upperBound - lowerBound) * percent + lowerBound

Stop animation at a certain point and start up from that point again

Hi all! I am creating a timer feature for my application.
Part of this timer includes a progress ring around the actual countdown numbers that fills as the timer progresses.
I added the image below in case my explanation was not easy to understand.
My goal is for the green stroke to stop animating when the "pause" button is tapped, and to continue animating when the "continue" button is tapped.
So far, the green stroke only animates correctly after pressing a start button.
To provide more background on how my code works, I added the content below.
To make the circle, I create a CAShapeLayer Object (shapeLayer) whose .path is equal to a circular UIBezierPath .CGPath
let center =
let circularPath = UIBezierPath(arcCenter: center, radius: view.bounds.width/2.5, startAngle: -CGFloat.pi/2, endAngle: 2*CGFloat.pi, clockwise: true)
shapeLayer.path = circularPath.cgPath
shapeLayer.strokeColor = UIColor.systemGreen.cgColor
shapeLayer.lineCap = .round
shapeLayer.fillColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
shapeLayer.lineWidth = 7
shapeLayer.strokeEnd = 0
Next, I animate the outside stroke using a CABasicAnimaton Object "basicAnimation". I do all my animation in the doAnimate() function detailed below.
func doAnimate(n: Int){
if n == 1{ //if n is 1, start from zero
basicAnimation.toValue = 0.80 // my circles start point is 0, and the endpoint at the top is .8 not 1
}//end of if
if n == 2{ //if n is 2, the timer was already started and the pause button has been pressed
//stop the animation where it is at
}//end of if
if n == 3{//if n is 3, the continue button has been pressed
// continue the animation from where it was stopped
}//end of if
basicAnimation.duration = CFTimeInterval(1500) //this is a set 25 minute timer which is why the duration is 1500
basicAnimation.fillMode = .forwards
basicAnimation.isRemovedOnCompletion = false
shapeLayer.add(basicAnimation, forKey: "urSoBasic")
}//end of func
In all of my IBOUtlet button functions, I call the doAnimate function with an integer n passed in.
The purpose of my integer 'n' is to decide where the stroke should be on the progress bar.
If n == 1, the stroke will start from 0.
If n == 2, that would mean the user has pressed the pause button, and I need the stroke to stop and hold where it is.
If n == 3, then the user pressed the continue button and I need the stroke to continue again.
I cannot get my animated stroke to pause when I press the pause button.
Similarly, I cannot get it to continue when I press the continue button.
I have been researching all day for code to fix this issue, and I cannot find any.
I need the stroke to stop animating and stay where it is at after pressing the pause button.
I need the stroke to continue animating if the continue button is pressed.
How do I stop an animation and then make it pick back up from that point later?
You asked:
I need the stroke to stop animating and stay where it is at after pressing the pause button.
You can use presentation() to retrieve “a copy of the presentation layer object that represents the state of the layer as it currently appears onscreen”, i.e., the state of the layer mid-animation. Use that to set the strokeEnd before you remove the animation:
if let presentationLayer = progressShapeLayer.presentation() {
progressShapeLayer.strokeEnd = presentationLayer.strokeEnd
progressShapeLayer.removeAnimation(forKey: animationKey)
I need the stroke to continue animating if the continue button is pressed.
Use this strokeEnd value for your fromValue when you restart the animation.
For example:
public class CircularProgressView: UIView {
#IBInspectable var duration: CFTimeInterval = 10
#IBInspectable var lineWidth: CGFloat = 1 { didSet { updatePaths() } }
private(set) var isRunning = false
private var elapsed: CFTimeInterval = 0
private var startTime: CFTimeInterval!
private let animationKey = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier! + ".strokeEnd"
private let backgroundShapeLayer: CAShapeLayer = {
let shapeLayer = CAShapeLayer()
shapeLayer.strokeColor = #colorLiteral(red: 0.8039215803, green: 0.8039215803, blue: 0.8039215803, alpha: 1).cgColor
shapeLayer.fillColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
return shapeLayer
private let progressShapeLayer: CAShapeLayer = {
let shapeLayer = CAShapeLayer()
shapeLayer.strokeColor = #colorLiteral(red: 0.2319213939, green: 0.5, blue: 0.224438305, alpha: 1).cgColor
shapeLayer.fillColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
shapeLayer.lineCap = .round
shapeLayer.strokeEnd = 0
return shapeLayer
override init(frame: CGRect = .zero) {
super.init(frame: frame)
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: coder)
public override func layoutSubviews() {
public override func prepareForInterfaceBuilder() {
progressShapeLayer.strokeEnd = 1 / 3
// MARK: - Public interface
public extension CircularProgressView {
func start(duration: CFTimeInterval) {
self.duration = duration
func pause() {
let presentation = progressShapeLayer.presentation()
else {
elapsed += CACurrentMediaTime() - startTime
progressShapeLayer.strokeEnd = presentation.strokeEnd
progressShapeLayer.removeAnimation(forKey: animationKey)
func resume() {
guard !isRunning else { return }
isRunning = true
startTime = CACurrentMediaTime()
let animation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "strokeEnd")
animation.fromValue = elapsed / duration
animation.toValue = 1
animation.duration = duration - elapsed
animation.delegate = self
progressShapeLayer.strokeEnd = 1
progressShapeLayer.add(animation, forKey: animationKey)
func reset() {
isRunning = false
progressShapeLayer.removeAnimation(forKey: animationKey)
progressShapeLayer.strokeEnd = 0
elapsed = 0
extension CircularProgressView: CAAnimationDelegate {
public func animationDidStop(_ anim: CAAnimation, finished flag: Bool) {
isRunning = false
// MARK: - Utility
private extension CircularProgressView {
func configure() {
func updatePaths() {
let radius = (min(bounds.width, bounds.height) - lineWidth) / 2
let center = CGPoint(x: bounds.midX, y: bounds.midY)
let path = UIBezierPath(arcCenter: center, radius: radius, startAngle: -.pi / 2, endAngle: 3 * .pi / 2, clockwise: true)
backgroundShapeLayer.lineWidth = lineWidth
progressShapeLayer.lineWidth = lineWidth
backgroundShapeLayer.path = path.cgPath
progressShapeLayer.path = path.cgPath

How to generate a custom UIView that is above a UIImageView that has a circular hole punched in the middle that can see through to the UIImageView?

I am trying to punch a circular hole through a UIView that is above a UIImageView, whereby the hole can see through to the image below (I would like to interact with this image through the hole with a GestureRecognizer later). I have 2 problems, I cannot get the circular hole to centre to the middle of the UIImageView (it is currently centred to the top left of the screen), and that the effect that I am getting is the opposite to what i am trying to achieve (Everything outside of the circle is visible). Below is my code. Please can someone advise?
class UploadProfileImageViewController: UIViewController {
var scrollView: ReadyToUseScrollView!
let container: UIView = {
let view = UIView()
view.backgroundColor =
view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
return view
let imgView: UIImageView = {
let imgView = UIImageView()
imgView.backgroundColor =
imgView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
imgView.image = UIImage.init(named: "soldier")!
imgView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
return imgView
var overlay: UIView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
private func setup(){
view.backgroundColor = UIColor.white
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() { =
print(" \(")
overlay.layer.layoutIfNeeded() // I have also tried view.layoutIfNeeded()
private func setupViews(){
let s = view.safeAreaLayoutGuide
imgView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: s.topAnchor).isActive = true
imgView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: s.leadingAnchor).isActive = true
imgView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: s.trailingAnchor).isActive = true
imgView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: s.heightAnchor, multiplier: 0.7).isActive = true
overlay = Overlay.init(frame: .zero, center:
print(" \(")
overlay.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
overlay.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: s.topAnchor).isActive = true
overlay.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: s.leadingAnchor).isActive = true
overlay.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: s.trailingAnchor).isActive = true
overlay.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: imgView.bottomAnchor).isActive = true
private func deg2rad( number: Double) -> CGFloat{
let rad = number * .pi / 180
return CGFloat.init(rad)
class Overlay: UIView{
var path: UIBezierPath!
var viewCenter: CGPoint?
init(frame: CGRect, center: CGPoint) {
super.init(frame: frame)
self.viewCenter = center
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
private func setup(){
backgroundColor =
guard let path = createCirclePath() else {return}
let shapeLayer = CAShapeLayer()
shapeLayer.path = path.cgPath
shapeLayer.fillRule = CAShapeLayerFillRule.evenOdd
self.layer.mask = shapeLayer
private func createCirclePath() -> UIBezierPath?{
guard let center = self.viewCenter else{return nil}
let circlePath = UIBezierPath()
circlePath.addArc(withCenter: center, radius: 200, startAngle: 0, endAngle: deg2rad(number: 360), clockwise: true)
return circlePath
private func deg2rad( number: Double) -> CGFloat{
let rad = number * .pi / 180
return CGFloat.init(rad)
CONSOLE: (0.0, 0.0) (207.0, 359.0)
Try getting rid of the overlay you have and instead add the below UIView. It's basically a circular UIView with a giant black border, but it takes up the whole screen so the user can't tell. FYI, you need to use .frame to position items on the screen. The below puts the circle in the center of the screen. If you want the center of the image, replace self.view.frame with self. imgView.frame... Play around with circleSize and borderSize until you get the circle size you want.
let circle = UIView()
let circleSize: CGFloat = self.view.frame.height * 2 //must be bigger than the screen
let x = (self.view.frame.width / 2) - (circleSize / 2)
let y = (self.view.frame.height / 2) - (circleSize / 2)
circle.frame = CGRect(x: x, y: y, width: circleSize, height: circleSize)
let borderSize = (circleSize / 2) * 0.9 //the size of the inner circle will be circleSize - borderSize
circle.backgroundColor = .clear
circle.layer.cornerRadius = circle.frame.height / 2
circle.layer.borderColor =
circle.layer.borderWidth = borderSize

Swift: How to draw a circle step by step?

I build a project to draw an arc initially, this arc is 1/8 of a circle. Then i put a button on the viewController, whenever I click this button, it will draw another 1/8 of a circle seamless on it .
But I got a problem: when i click the button, it almost draws the arc rapidly(0.25s), not the duration i set before(1s). How to reach that no matter when I click the button, it consumes the same time as the duration i set before?
import UIKit
let π = CGFloat(M_PI)
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var i: CGFloat = 1
var maxStep: CGFloat = 8
var circleLayer: CAShapeLayer?
override func viewDidLoad() {
let startAngle = CGFloat(0)
let endAngle = 2*π
let ovalRect = CGRectMake(100, 100, 100, 100)
let ovalPath = UIBezierPath(arcCenter: CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(ovalRect), CGRectGetMidY(ovalRect)), radius: CGRectGetWidth(ovalRect), startAngle: startAngle, endAngle: endAngle, clockwise: true)
let circleLayer = CAShapeLayer()
circleLayer.path = ovalPath.CGPath
circleLayer.strokeColor = UIColor.blueColor().CGColor
circleLayer.fillColor = UIColor.clearColor().CGColor
circleLayer.lineWidth = 10.0
circleLayer.lineCap = kCALineCapRound
self.circleLayer = circleLayer
let anim = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "strokeEnd")
// here i set the duration
anim.duration = 1.0
anim.fromValue = 0.0
anim.toValue = self.i/self.maxStep
self.circleLayer!.strokeStart = 0.0
self.circleLayer!.strokeEnd = self.i/self.maxStep
self.circleLayer!.addAnimation(anim, forKey: "arc animation")
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
// when this action be triggered, it almost draws the arc rapidly, why?
#IBAction func buttonAnimate(sender: UIButton) {
if self.i<=self.maxStep {
self.circleLayer!.strokeStart = 0.0
self.circleLayer!.strokeEnd = self.i/self.maxStep
Get your animation and reset properties. See code below:
#IBAction func buttonAnimate(sender: UIButton) {
if self.i<=self.maxStep {
self.circleLayer!.strokeStart = 0.0
self.circleLayer!.strokeEnd = self.i/self.maxStep
let anim = self.circleLayer?.animationForKey("arc animation") as? CABasicAnimation
if anim == nil {
let anim = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "strokeEnd")
// here i set the duration
anim.duration = 1
anim.fromValue = (self.i - 1)/self.maxStep
anim.toValue = self.i/self.maxStep
self.circleLayer!.addAnimation(anim, forKey: "arc animation")
Hope this helps!
Here is the correct solution:
import UIKit
import UIKit
let π = CGFloat(M_PI)
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var i: CGFloat = 1
var maxStep: CGFloat = 8
var prevValue : CGFloat = 0.0
var circleLayer: CAShapeLayer?
override func viewDidLoad() {
let startAngle = CGFloat(0)
let endAngle = 2*π
let ovalRect = CGRectMake(100, 100, 100, 100)
let ovalPath = UIBezierPath(arcCenter: CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(ovalRect), CGRectGetMidY(ovalRect)), radius: CGRectGetWidth(ovalRect), startAngle: startAngle, endAngle: endAngle, clockwise: true)
let circleLayer = CAShapeLayer()
circleLayer.path = ovalPath.CGPath
circleLayer.strokeColor = UIColor.blueColor().CGColor
circleLayer.fillColor = nil //UIColor.clearColor().CGColor
circleLayer.lineWidth = 10.0
circleLayer.lineCap = kCALineCapRound
self.circleLayer = circleLayer
self.circleLayer!.strokeStart = 0.0
//Initial stroke-
setStrokeEndForLayer(self.circleLayer!, from: 0.0, to: self.i / self.maxStep, animated: true)
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
#IBAction func buttonAnimate(sender: UIButton) {
if self.i <= self.maxStep {
setStrokeEndForLayer(self.circleLayer!, from: (self.i - 1 ) / self.maxStep, to: self.i / self.maxStep, animated: true)
func setStrokeEndForLayer(layer: CALayer, var from:CGFloat, to: CGFloat, animated: Bool)
self.circleLayer!.strokeEnd = to
if animated
//Check if there is any existing animation is in progress, if so override, the from value
if let circlePresentationLayer = self.circleLayer!.presentationLayer()
from = circlePresentationLayer.strokeEnd
//Remove any on going animation
if (self.circleLayer?.animationForKey("arc animation") as? CABasicAnimation != nil)
//Remove the current animation
self.circleLayer!.removeAnimationForKey("arc animation")
let anim = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "strokeEnd")
// here i set the duration
anim.duration = 1
anim.fromValue = from
anim.toValue = to
self.circleLayer!.addAnimation(anim, forKey: "arc animation")