TL;DR: Is there a doc somewhere online that fully explains the syntax of GitHub REST API URL templates?
Making a simple GET request, I get a collection of URLs in response, e.g. (excerpt):
"current_user_url": "",
"user_url": "{user}",
"gists_url": "{/gist_id}",
"user_repositories_url": "{user}/repos{?type,page,per_page,sort}",
"user_search_url": "{query}{&;amp;page,per_page,sort,order}",
"label_search_url": "{query}&;amp;repository_id={repository_id}{&page,per_page}"
I can surely make some guesses about how to interpret some parts of the syntax:
{user} in /users/{user} is a required path parameter;
{/gist_id} is an optional path parameter;
{?type,page,per_page,sort} is a list of query parameters (unordered, all optional);
… but it feels wrong to guess, and I couldn't find any explanation of this syntax on the Internet.
Can somebody help me understand, what are the constructs of this syntax and how to parse it?
As part of a POC, I’m using spring-cloud-function with spring-cloud-function-adapter-aws to expose a function behind an AWS ALB, that looks up a business object and returns it. However, in the event of a missing object I’m struggling to understand which function signature to use that allows me to return a 404 status code with an empty payload.
I’ve tried a few options, such as Function<APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent, Owner> and Function<APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent, Message<Owner>>. The former doesn’t let you control statusCode and headers that are returned, and the latter doesn’t let you return a Message with a null payload.
I’ve landed on Function<APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent, Message<String>> getOwnerById() which allows me to specify a statusCode and an empty string as the body, but I’m wondering if there’s a more idiomatic approach to this in spring-cloud-function that allows me to return an empty body?
Ideally, I’d just like to return a APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent, which I’d have full control of and would bypass all post-function response conversion.
I have my solution in GitHub, with the function and a test which reproduces the issue
Thanks in advance!
Is there a way to get the resource id given partial url using rest admin api?
Below is the endpoint I call - http://localhost:8180/auth/realms/quickstart-serv-springboot/authz/protection/resource_set?uri=/wb/customer to fetch the resource id.
I want to know if I can pass wild characters in the query string of uri so that it returns the resource id. e.g. - http://localhost:8180/auth/realms/quickstart-serv-springboot/authz/protection/resource_set?uri=/wb/customer/* or http://localhost:8180/auth/realms/quickstart-serv-springboot/authz/protection/resource_set?uri=/wb/cust* or provide a regex pattern to fetch matching resource ids.
From source code it seems to work next way:
First Keycloak tries to find an exact match
Then if no match is found and there is parameter "matchingUri=true" it will try to find resources by pattern matching.
I didn't check but would recommend adding "matchingUri=true" to your query and try again.
Also pay attention that complex patterns are not supported. Keycloak Documentation says:
Currently a very basic logic for path matching is supported. Examples of valid paths are:
Wildcards: /*
Suffix: /*.html
Sub-paths: /path/*
Path parameters: /resource/{id}
Exact match: /resource
Patterns: /{version}/resource, /api/{version}/resource, /api/{version}/resource/*
If I call this Wordpress blog url in a browser
I get back JSON and the result is restricted to 3 fields
So how can I do this when using the node js wp-api module?
I would like something similar to .fields([]) but there is nothing in the docs, can find nothing in the module code.
TypeError: wpapi.posts(...).perPage(...).fields is not a function
Or something like .filter({})
TypeError: wpapi.posts(...).perPage(...).filter is not a function
But I think this might be connected with another Wordpress plugin that's required.
.search( 'search-term' ) //= (search in title or content)
category_name: 'islands',
fields: [ 'id','link','title' ]
.get(function (err, data) {
..... etc.
TypeError: wpapi.posts(...).perPage(...).fields is not a function
Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks
It appears wp-api node module does not allow this.
So I uninstalled it and am now using axios along with standard text urls.
This worked for me:
wpapi.posts().param('_fields', 'id,title,content').get()
The node-wpapi documentation seems to suggest say that perPage() and functions like it are convenience functions that call param(props, value).
wpapi.posts().param('_fields', ['id','title','content']).get()
also seems to work but the first option gives a resulting request url that looks more like the format the Wordpress REST API Handbook uses
I'm running into a problem with adding a query to the callback URL. I'm getting an invalid URI scheme error attempting to authorize the following string:
I've read some conflicting information in forum posts here. Some say that it's possible to add query strings to callbacks, and others say that it results in error.
If I remove ?type=linkedin, I can authorize just fine and receive the token. It would make my life so much easier if I could use a query string on the callback url, as I need to do some additional processing in the callback.
In short, can I append a query string to the end of the callback url?
For fun, I tried encoding the callback url in the request (obviously this is a no-no according to their documentation):
This also resulted in an error but was worth a shot.
The documetation here: indicates that you CAN use query parameters. And in the first request, it appears that I'm doing it correctly. Post #25 on this page - indicates that you have to remove the query parameters to make it work
Anyone have experience with successfully passing additional query paramaters in the callback url for the linkedin API using oAuth2.0? If so, what am I doing wrong?
I couldn't wait around for the Linkedin rep's to respond. After much experimentation, I can only surmise that the use of additional query parameters in the callback is not allowed (thanks for making my application more complicated). As it's been suggested in post #25 from the question, I've tucked away the things I need in the "state=" parameter of the request so that it's returned to my callback.
In my situation, I'm processing multiple API's from my callback and requests from multiple users, so I need to know the type and user number. As a solution, I'm attaching a random string to a prefix, so that I can extract the query parameter in my callback and process it. Each state= will therefore be unique as well as giving me a unique key to cache/get object from cache..
so state="Linkedin-5hnx5322d3-543"
so, on my callback page (for you c# folks)
_receivedUserId = _stateString.Split('-')[2];
_receivedCacheKeyPrefix = _stateString.Split('-')[0];
if(_receivedCacheKeyPrefix == "Linkedin") {
if (oLinkedin.Token.Length > 0) {
_linkedinToken = oLinkedin.Token;
//now cache token using the entire _statestring and user id (removed for brevity)
You not allowed to do that.
Refer to the doc:
Please note that:
We strongly recommend using HTTPS whenever possible
URLs must be absolute (e.g. "", not "/auth/callback")
URL arguments are ignored (i.e. is the same as
URLs cannot include #'s (i.e. "" is invalid)
I have downloaded swagger ui and experimenting it locally. It works fine in scenarios like "path", "body" , and "query" . But most of my use cases use rest comments.
i.e /resourcePath/;tags
URI to retrieve the tags of a specific resource.
When I try this the the UI gets jumbled when adding the semi colon and malformed the sorted UI and cannot go beyond this.
So is this a known limitation ? Is there a workaround to accomplish this target ?
Appreciate any input to this..
Swagger is expecting you to specify path params in curly-brackets like {tags} and query params as comma-delimited, such as id=1,2,3,4. Some frameworks use semi-colons as delimiters but swagger likes commas.
Can you describe more what you're looking to do, with a more concrete example? Per design, comments on the api belong in the description and notes fields for operations, please see swagger-core wiki for details.
The Swagger codegen project has a validator which can be used to verify that your spec is properly formatted.