Use in PeopleCode to list files in directory - peoplesoft-app-engine

I would like to be able to create a list ,array, of file names on a folder so that I can use PeopleCode to loop through them and delete files that match a pattern and are in a date range.
I'm pretty sure I have the last half of that, matching a pattern and in a date range, but I do not know how to get the list on remote servers. I can do it on our local servers, but not remote ones.
I had hoped that this would work:
Local object &files = CreateJavaObject("", SFO_DEL_FTP_AET.FTPDIRECTORY | "*.*");
But I don't think it is working.
Can somebody help me?

You can use Java to access/modify the files in a directory. Try:
Local JavaObject instead of Local object
We created a PS component to view, upload, and delete files in an App Server directory. You can see how we did it here:


copy a list of files from gcs to local

I have a gcs bucket with many files
In a juputer notebook, I can copy everything to local with something like"gsutil -m cp {gcs_path}/*.txt {local_path}/".strip().split())
Now suppose I am given a list of file names
f = ['file_0123', 'file_0456', 'file_0789']
My question is, how can I copy the files in this list, without a for loop?
EDIT: In a simpler setup, I just want to copy all the files within a numeric range, e.g., file_0010, file_0011, ..., file_0100. How can I do that? I found using regex to be very messy..

Blast+ Local Configuration: How to configure nt and nr databases?

I am configuring Blast+ on my mac (os sierra) and am having trouble configuring my nr and nt databases that I also downloaded locally. I am trying to follow NCBI's instructions here, and am getting hung up on the Configuration and Example Execution steps.
They say to change my .bash_profile so that it says:
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/Documents/Luke/Research/Pedulla\ 17-18/blast/ncbi-blast-2.6.0+/bin
That works fine, and they say configure a path for BLASTDB "similarly" but to the file where my DB will be, so I have done this:
export BLASTDB=$BLASTDB:$HOME/Documents/Luke/Research/Pedulla\ 17-18/blast/blastdb/nt.00
which specifies the exact folder that I got when I unzipped the nt tar file from their FTP. With this path, if I run the command...
blastn -query test_query.fa -db nt.00 -task blastn -outfmt "7 qseqid sseqid evalue bitscore" -max_target_seqs 5
then it runs successfully and I get results, but I am worried that these are only being checked against the nt.00 section of the entire nt.00 database file, especially because if I run my test_query.fa sequence on the Web Blast, I get different results.
Also, their instructions say that the path only needs to point to the folder that contains the whole database folder nt.00, from the tar I unzipped--and not the specific nt.00 itself--, which in my case would just be "blastdb/" (As opposed to "blastdb/nt.00/" which then contains nt.00.nhd, nt.00.nal, etc.). That makes sense because when I am working I want to be able to blastn on the nt database but also blastp on the nr one, etc. by changing the -db flag on my command, and there shouldn't be a problem with having them all in this folder, right? But if I must specify the path for BLASTDB with the nt.00 DB added to the end, how could I ever use nr.00 in the same folder (blastdb/)? Essentially, I want to do as the instructions say, and just have this:
export BLASTDB=$BLASTDB:$HOME/Documents/Luke/Research/Pedulla\ 17-18/blast/blastdb/
And then depending on what database I want to use I could just say so after the -db flag on my command. But when I make the path like that above, it gives me this error:
BLAST Database error: No alias or index file found for nucleotide database [nt] in search path [/Users/LJStout::/Users/LJStout/Documents/Luke/Research/Pedulla 17-18/blast/blastdb:]
I have tried running that same blastn command from above and swapping out "nt" for "nt.00", and have tried these commands with the path for BLASTDB ending in both "blastdb/" and "blastdb/nt" and of course "blastdb/nt.00" which is the only one that runs without errors.
Here's an example of another thread I read where the OP is worried about his executions not checking the entire nt.00 folder, this was different than my problem however.
Thanks for you help!
This whole problem came down to having the nt.00 & nr.00 files, the original folders that result from unzipping their respective .tar.gz's, in the same parent folder when it should be that their contents are in the same parent folder. I simply deleted the folders they came in and copied the contents over to my new, singular parent. I was kind of mislead by the instructions, it was a simple mistake. Now, I have one folder, blastdb/ that contains all of the contents of every database I plan on using, including nt,nr, and refseq.

Zip files with encryption in a remote share, keeping orignal names and location

My team faces the need to encrypt all files in a repository with AES256. For this purpose, we decided we are going to zip all files with such encryption, using the same key for all of them.
The problem we have is that these files sit in a NAS, so from windows boxes they are accessible by \ to them.
The directory structure is something like this:
Original Structure:
and so on...
Essentially, what we need is to have all the original files contained in a zip file, keeping their original names, which would be something like this:
Desired Outcome:
and so on...
To accomplish this, we tried a batch script that calls 7zip, but it only works if it's run from the root directory, which is something we cannot use as the files are not in a server.
Here is the syntax of the batch script we came up with:
FOR /R %%i IN ("*.wmv") DO "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -mx0 -tzip -pPasswordHere "" "%%i"
But, as wrote previously, it only works when run from the root folder, which is something we cannot do as files sit on a network location.
Mapping the drive or making a symbolic link to it doesn't do the trick either.
I've also checked on 7zip to do this, namely, making use of its "-r" operator, but I couldn't find a way to get the desired outcome (namely, recurse through all folders in the remote tree structure -there are a lot of them...- and keep the original file name).
I'm open to any suggestions as any kind of script, trick or guizmo that gets the job done will be more than welcome. =)
Thanks a million in advance!,
I actually found a sollution here, mapping the drive in a different way (it's so simple it just made me feel stupid(er), but it's altogheter beautiful).
Using the batch script below, the remote share can be mapped like so:
You can map a drive using
net use X: \\server\directory
and then you can change to that directory using
pushd X:
(Post from which the answer was taken from: Batch File Iterating through files on a local network server)

gsutil - is it possible to list only folders?

Is it possible to list only the folders in a bucket using the gsutil tool?
I can't see anything listed here.
For example, I'd like to list only the folders in this bucket:
Folders don't actually exist. gsutil and the Storage Browser do some magic under the covers to give the impression that folders exist.
You could filter your gsutil results to only show results that end with a forward slash but this may not show all the "folders". It will only show "folders" that were manually created (i.e., not implicitly exist because an object name contains slashes):
gsutil ls gs://bucket/ | grep -e "/$"
Just to add here, if you directly drag a folder tree to google cloud storage web GUI, then you don't really get a file for a parent folder, in fact each file name is a fully qualified url e.g. "/blah/foo/bar.txt" , instead of a folder blah>foo>bar.txt
The trick here is to first use the GUI to create a folder called blah and then create another folder called foo inside (using the button in the GUI) and finally drag the files in it.
When you now list the file you will get a separate entry for
rather than only one

how to check for activity or lack thereof on a unix file directory using perl or unix commands

I have a process where many files are being copied (scp'd) to a DestinationServer by Host1, Host2, Host3, Host4 for example. Going to the same common directory: DestinationServer:/home/target. All the files are unique so no files will be overwritten. Host1-Host4 will have a cronjob that will launch their scp script to DestinationServer. The caveat is the Hosts are in different time zones, locations. So, they will finish at different times.
Since the files are being scp'd to Destination:/home/target, what is the best way to programmatically check when those scp's from the other Hosts are done??
My options are to programmatically do this either in perl or shell if possible.
What do I look for, what unix commands or perl modules could I use to help determine when the processes would finish? Any ideas, examples would be great! Thanks.
Use a Maildir kind of approach: copy all files to a temporary directory, then after the transfer is complete have the originating host perform a rename into the target directory via ssh. That way when a file appears in the target directory, you know that it is complete.
I suggest this because if you just scp files into the target directory and monitor the directory in whatever way, you cannot distinguish a complete transfer from an interrupted scp command or a network failure.
SGI::FAM, Sys::Gamin
Similar but alternative way to Jouni is to use semaphore files. Before scp-ing files originating host puts up semaphore-file and when finished, remove it. So you know, it's time.