Uber Eats deep links? - uber-api

I know one can deep link into an uber eats restaurant using the following scheme:
But what about categories? Or certain types of stores 'near me'? Does Uber Eats have any other deep links besides individual stores/restaurants?

Check out they're API, they have an API for list of stores
The location is based on the authorization token you provide


Information on the number of rides - UBER

I am trying to understand how many rides are created by Uber in a city. Idea is look at the employment generated by Uber. Is there a way to get such information from API's
No, it is not currently possible to do this with the API.

Facebook graph api search displaying users in Facebook but not in graph [duplicate]

I'm using Facebook graph Api to search users and data that i get is kinda different from that i get from Facebook UI. For example search response of User interface is friends, mutual friends and other related data in first. How can i query to get related data for current user ( i.e friends and mutual friends in first place).
Here is query that i'm using to search users.
and data that i get is kinda different from that i get from Facebook UI
That’s because those are two completely different things.
The search functionality offered via the UI is called Graph Search. But the powerful possibilities that offers are not exposed via API. (To protect user privacy, and keep apps from doing extended user profiling via that data.)
Searching via API is limited to what is listed here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/using-graph-api/#search
That’s not much – but it’s all you get.

Facebook Graph api users search

I'm using Facebook graph Api to search users and data that i get is kinda different from that i get from Facebook UI. For example search response of User interface is friends, mutual friends and other related data in first. How can i query to get related data for current user ( i.e friends and mutual friends in first place).
Here is query that i'm using to search users.
and data that i get is kinda different from that i get from Facebook UI
That’s because those are two completely different things.
The search functionality offered via the UI is called Graph Search. But the powerful possibilities that offers are not exposed via API. (To protect user privacy, and keep apps from doing extended user profiling via that data.)
Searching via API is limited to what is listed here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/using-graph-api/#search
That’s not much – but it’s all you get.

Facebook public feed API

i'm working on project which mostly is a data-mining from social networks, so far, i've done twitter and it have really nice API, which allows me to pick an endpoint and recieve alredy filltered twits as streaming data. Now i'm working on a facebook, and there comes the question: with Graph API i would be able to get public feed of some definite page, but what if i would like to recieve posts from as many people as possible? Does Facebook Public Feed API works as Twitter's, and gives me data from as many sources as possible, or i missunderstood something?
Facebook has restricted public feed api usage and its now available only to handful no of teams: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/public_feed
Access to the Public Feed API is restricted to a limited set of media publishers and usage requires prior approval by Facebook. You cannot apply to use the API at this time.
You're look for the Facebook Search API. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/search/
You'll need an app with a token to access these. Some might need higher permissions though, but the generic one will work to search commons actions types (post, places, etc) who're publicly available on the platform.
You won't be able to search for private publications. Unless you search user who gave you direct permissions to read their timeline (one by one).

Can you obtain friends' postcodes via the facebook api?

Does the facebook api expose friends postcodes? Ie is it possible to make a call to the api and have it return a list of postcodes of your friends which have address information listed under the "friends only" privacy setting?
In short no. Very few people have their addresses on Facebook and the graph API does not expose those fields anyway, just like it does not expose mobile phone numbers.
I recently came up with a workaround for an application of my own. Through Facebook permissions, pull the users location (City, State) out of his/her basic information. With that, you can make an HTTP request to the Google Geocoding API. Make sure to pass the users City and State, and in return, the API will spit out a JSON encoded response containing a handful of useful data -- including the postal code that you're looking for.