Is there a font chooser for vscode in Windows? - visual-studio-code

I know I can set the font in VSCode by typing in a family name. Is there a way to simply choose from a list? I don't know what fonts are available and even when I do I can never figure out exactly what to type.


How to add support for a custom non-unicode font in VSCode?

I have a custom fantasy script which looks like this (just the text portion):
It is a monospaced font built with FontForge. How can I add support for it to VSCode, so I can type in ASCII (like the left side here), and it outputs the random UTF-8 symbol mapped to the custom font in VSCode? So I can then save the file and have it be either a bunch of gobbledygook characters or the ASCII characters I originally typed?
Ideally this could be a plugin, so if you know of an open source VSCode plugin which I could use as inspiration, that would be a perfect answer as well.
I see how to set a custom font in VSCode, but (a) that is globally, and (b) it doesn't necessarily solve the typing problem. I just really would like to know how to do this, not necessarily requiring an answer to implement it.
Recommended UX is to have a "separate keyboard" for it, meaning typing the keys on the keyboard would result in different values. Maybe something like that can be done on a per-file basis?

Is it possible to change the font in VARIABLES in debugger in VSCode?

How can I change the font family and font size of variables in the screenshot in VSCode?
There is a GitHub issue discussing this problem:
Allow to change the font size and font of the workbench
and someone has added a PR to resolve it:
Add settings for changing the workbench font size and font #144365
So maybe you need to wait for vscode to merge this function.
By the way, in my case,
because the font in variables use the default font of windows10 system - Consolas.
So I choose to change the default font, using Jetbrains Mono to replace Consolas, and it works.

What are the "font settings theme" packages available in emacs

Is there any emacs package for font settings similar to color-theme for color. I am looking for a package which already has some good font settings and can be selected without restart of emacs
(I agree with #lawlist that might be a better site for this question.)
Here are two answers such packages:
Icicles, with command icicle-font.
Do Re Mi, with command doremi-font+ (also commands doremi-font-size+, doremi-frame-font-size+, and doremi-buffer-font-size+, which affect only the font size).
All of these commands let you choose a font interactively, seeing the effect immediately. You can cycle among some or all of the available fonts. With icicle-font you can type parts of the font name, to narrow the font choices, then cycle among that subset etc.
These are the quickest and friendliest ways I know of to choose a font -- either once and for all (e.g. customize Emacs so it uses that font by default) or to change on the fly.

Choosing a font string for Emacs

I like this specific font for Emacs:
-unknown-DejaVu LGC Sans Mono-normal-normal-normal-*-*-*-*-*-m-0-iso10646-1
I know I like it because I tested it using M-x helm-select-xfont using the Emacs helm extension (previously known as anything). This command shows a list of fonts available on my system, and it allows me to try them temporarily.
How do I make this font my default font in my Emacs init file?
(set-default-font "FONT-NAME")
You replace FONT-NAME with -unknown-DejaVu LGC Sans Mono-normal-normal-normal-*-*-*-*-*-m-0-iso10646-1.
Perhaps an easier solution is to do so using the menu (while I am against using the menu, though if you don't want to get your hands dirty, try the following):
Menu: Options -> Set Default Font..., and then pick that font (you can also set it to be bold and what not).
Next, go back to Options and hit "Save Options". I believe this would save this for future sessions.

Change default font in netbeans?

Is it possible to change the default font in netbeans? The documentation says:
The font Monospaced is maped to different fonts on different systems.
On Windows it is mapped to "Courier ", on Linux it is mapped to
"Lucida Typewriter".
I'm on windows and want to map Monospaced font to 'Consolas' instead of 'Courier'.
P.S. I know that fonts can easily be changed from options, but when I change it in this way, I can no longer use unicode characters. Guess I need to do what they call 'mapping' the monospaced font to other font.
Tools > Options > Fonts and Colors
Set the category "Default", and to the right of that, the font you want to use.
If this does not fix it, try adding:
--laf Nimbus -J-Dswing.aatext=true -J-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=lcd
-J-Dswing.aatext=true -J-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=lcd --laf Metal
to the file : netbeans.conf. You can find it in $NETBEANS_HOME/etc/ folder. Make your application font smaller from system preferences.
To change the font size outside of the editor you can configure by editing the Net Beans conf file, you can find it here:
C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.0.2\etc\netbeans.conf
Then edit this line:
by adding this at the end:
--fontsize 18
I hope it helps :-)
Life becomes more easier now. Just from Tools menu choose Options and then follow steps on the following screen shot and take care with step 3 and 4 which they are making the default font for all languages:
I have a NetBeans plugin called 'UI-Editor' which allows you to customize virtually any Swing property, including font sizes, colors, and types. Go to Tools->Plugins and search for 'UI-Editor' or go here:
also don't not forget to change the font to the one that support Arabic like Arial for example i am not sure of some one mention that i just tried it
As far as I can tell there's no way to do this. jEdit ( also uses Swing and DOES do font substitution for all fonts - there's a "automatic font substitution" checkbox in Global Options > Text Area, along with a list of preferred fonts. But jEdit is otherwise not as capable as Netbeans.