Convert row to column in influxDB - select

In my InfluxDB I want to convert the output of my query from raw to column.
The query is:
SELECT max(*) FROM table_X WHERE time > now() - 6m GROUP BY time(5m) fill(previous) ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 1
The result is:
But I want to get, for example, this output
How Can I do?
Help me please

Influx db provides the pivot function feature which will enable the converting rows to columns.
pivot(rowKey:["_time"], columnKey: ["_field"], valueColumn: "_value")
Note: Pivot function feature available in 2.x version of the influx db flux queries. In 1.xx version of influx database doesn't support pivot.


How to run Grafana with QuestDB

I've imported a demo dataset in QuestDB and I can query it successfully from the console. I'm using Grafana to build a dashboard to test visualization.
My QuestDB installation is running on port 9000 and I can import it without any issues:
curl -F data=#weather.csv http://localhost:9000/imp
I'm running the following query which is failing:
SELECT timestamp as time,
avg(visMiles) AS average_visibility
FROM 'weather.csv'
WHERE $__timeFilter(timestamp)
SAMPLE BY $__interval
LIMIT 1000
The error I get is
pq: unknown function name: between(TIMESTAMP,STRING,STRING)
I'm using a dataset provided in their examples.
QuestDB relies on a designated timestamp specified during table creation. This would not cause an error if one was provided with the curl request as a URL param, given a column named 'timestamp':
curl -F data=#weather.csv http://localhost:9000/imp?timestamp=timestamp
Another option is during a SELECT operation, a timestamp() function can specify one dynamically. If you've imported using curl and not set a designated timestamp, there are two options:
Modify your query to use timestamp() on the column you want to designate:
SELECT timestamp as time,
avg(visMiles) AS average_visibility
FROM (‘weather.csv’ timestamp(timestamp))
WHERE $__timeFilter(timestamp)
SAMPLE BY $__interval
LIMIT 1000
Create a new table which is a copy of your original dataset but designate a timestamp during creation. ORDER BY is used because the demo dataset has unordered timestamp entries:
create table temp_table as (select * from ‘weather.csv’ order by timestamp) timestamp(timestamp);
And instead of querying your original dataset, use the temp_table:
SELECT timestamp as time,
avg(visMiles) AS average_visibility
FROM temp_table
WHERE $__timeFilter(timestamp)
SAMPLE BY $__interval
LIMIT 1000
If you need more info on the use of designated timestamps, the QuestDB concepts / timestamp docs page has further details.
Edit: There are some more resources to with this topic such as a guide for Grafana with QuestDB and GitHub repo with docker-compose.

Grafana PostgreSQL distinct on() with time series

I'm quite new to Grafana and Postgres and could use some help with this. I have a dataset in PostgreSQL with temperature forecasts. Mutiple forecasts are published at various points throughout the day (indicated by dump_date) for the same reference date. Say: at 06:00 today and at 12:00 today a forecast is published for tomorrow (where the time is indicated by start_time). Now I want to visualize the temperature forecast as a time series using Grafana. However, I only want to visualize the latest published forecast (12:00) and not both forecasts. I thought I would use DISTINCT ON() to select only the latest published forecast from this dataset, but somehow with Grafana this is not responding. My code in Grafana is as follows:
$__time(distinct on(t_ID.start_time)),
concat('Forecast')::text as metric,
forecast_table t_ID
and t_ID.start_time >= (current_timestamp - interval '30 minute')
and t_ID.dump_date >= (current_timestamp - interval '30 minute')
t_ID.start_time asc,
t_ID.dump_date desc
This is not working however since I get the message: 'syntax error at or near AS'. What should I do?
You are using Grafana macro $__time, so your query in the editor:
$__time(distinct on(t_ID.start_time)),
generates SQL:
distinct on(t_ID.start_time AS "time"),
which is incorrect SQL syntax.
I wouldn't use macro. I would write correct SQL directly, e.g.
distinct_on(t_ID.start_time) AS "time",
Also use Generated SQL and Query inspector Grafana features for debugging and query development. Make sure that Grafana generates correct SQL for Postgres.

Converting a TEXT to dateColumn in Grafana

New to Grafana.
I have set a Postgres as a data source and am trying to create a sample time series dashboard like so...
count(events) AS "events"
FROM source_table
The problem is that in my table in postgres the start_time is of a type TEXT and this throws a
macro __timeGroup needs time column and interval and optional fill value
on Grafana side.
Can someone explain how can my start_time be properly converted to DateColumn so that the macros would work?
Thank you

DB2 : Need to get the list of columns and distinct value counts for a given db2 table

For data profiling purpose , I just need to get the idea if a columns in a given table has values populated or not. For that, I need to get the list of columns and distinct value counts for a given db2 table.
If you are using Db2 for Linux, Unix or Windows you could try

PostgreSQL does not order timestamp column correctly

I have a table in a PostgreSQL database with a column of TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE type. I need to order the records by this column and apparently PostgreSQL has some trouble doing it as both
...ORDER BY time_column
...ORDER BY time_column DESC
give me the same order of elements for my 3-element sample of records having the same time_column value, except the amount of milliseconds in it.
It seems that while sorting, it does not consider milliseconds in the value.
I am sure the milliseconds are in fact stored in the database because when I fetch the records, I can see them in my DateTime field.
When I first load all the records and then order them by the time_column in memory, the result is correct.
Am I missing some option to make the ordering behave correctly?
EDIT: I was apparently missing a lot. The problem was not in PostgreSQL, but in NHibernate stripping the milliseconds off the DateTime property.
It's a foolish notion that PostgreSQL wouldn't be able to sort timestamps correctly.
Run a quick test and rest asured:
CREATE TEMP TABLE t (x timestamp without time zone);
('2012-03-01 23:34:19.879707')
,('2012-03-01 23:34:19.01386')
,('2012-03-01 23:34:19.738593');
Then try to find out, what's really happening in your query. If you can't, post a testcase and you will be helped presto pronto.
try cast your column to ::timestamp like that:
ORDER BY time_column::timestamp