How to create listener for publisher in CycloneDDS? - eclipse

I am trying to use listeners for publishers in cyclonedds. but CycloneDDS does not have any examples on it.
can someone explain how to use them in the code?
From the above link, the publisher sending data part
For this example, we'd like to have a subscriber to actually read
our message. This is not always necessary. Also, the way it is
done here is just to illustrate the easiest way to do so. It isn't
really recommended to do a wait in a polling loop, however.
Please take a look at Listeners and WaitSets for a much better
solutions, albeit somewhat more elaborate ones.
std::cout << "=== [Publisher] Waiting for subscriber." << std::endl;
while (writer.publication_matched_status().current_count() == 0) { // how to use a listener here?
HelloWorldData::Msg msg(1, "Hello World");
Wait for the subscriber to have stopped to be sure it received the, message not normally necessary and not recommended to do this in a polling loop.
std::cout << "=== [Publisher] Waiting for sample to be accepted." << std::endl;
while (writer.publication_matched_status().current_count() > 0) {// how to use a listener here?

Listeners are installed by:
dds_listener_t *l = dds_create_listener (...);
dds_set_listener (entity, l);
where the "dds_lset_..." stands for setting the listener callbacks you want to install, e.g., "dds_lset_publication_matched". What it doesn't do is help you with waiting until the event happens, you'll simply get a callback. You can of course wait for a trigger on a condition variable (or the writing of a byte into a pipe or ...) and use the callback to generate that trigger.
Using a waitset you can use the DDS API to wait for the event. For example, you could replace the polling loop in the publisher with:
dds_entity_t ws = dds_create_waitset (participant);
// The third argument of attach() is how the entity is
// identified in the output from wait(). Here, we know
// so any value will do.
dds_waitset_attach (ws, writer, 0);
// Wait() only returns once something triggered, and
// here there is only a single entity attached to it,
// with the status mask set to the only event we want
// to wait for, so an infinite timeout and ignoring
// the return value or list of triggered suffices for
// the example.
(void) dds_waitset_wait (ws, NULL, 0, DDS_INFINITY);
If I were to do this "for real" I would add error checking and inspect the result of the wait call. It is only in very limited cases, like this example, that you can get away with not checking anything.


How to use/control RxJava Observable.cache

I am trying to use the RxJava caching mechanism ( RxJava2 ) but i can't seem to catch how it works or how can i control the cached contents since there is the cache operator.
I want to verify the cached data with some conditions before emitting the new data.
for example
filter { it.age < maxAge }.
How can i check and filter the cache value and emit it if its succeeds and if not then i will request a new value.
since the value changes periodically i need to verify if the cache is still valid before i can request a new one.
There is also ObservableCache<T> class but i can't find any resources of using it.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
This is not how replay/ cache works. Please read the #replay/ #cache documentation first.
This operator returns a ConnectableObservable, which has some methods (#refCount/ #connect/ #autoConnect) for connecting to the source.
When #replay is applied without an overload, the source subscription is multicasted and all emitted values sind connection will be replayed. The source subscription is lazy and can connect to the source via #refCount/ #connect/ #autoConnect.
Returns a ConnectableObservable that shares a single subscription to the underlying ObservableSource that will replay all of its items and notifications to any future Observer.
Applying #relay without any connect-method (#refCount/ #connect/ #autoConnect) will not emit any values on subscription
A Connectable ObservableSource resembles an ordinary ObservableSource, except that it does not begin emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its connect method is called.
replay(1)#autoConnect(-1) / #refCount(1) / #connect
Applying replay(1) will cache the last value and will emit the cached value on each subscription. The #autoConnect will connect open an connection immediately and stay open until a terminal event (onComplete, onError) happens. #refCount is smiular, but will disconnect from the source, when all subscriber disappear. The #connect opreator can be used, when you need to wait, when alle subscriptions have been done to the observable, in order not to miss values.
#replay(1) -- most of the it should be used at the end of the observable.
applying #replay without a buffer-limit or expiration date will lead to memory-leaks, when you observale is infinite
cache / cacheWithInitialCapacity
Operators are similar to #replay with autoConnect(1). The operators will cache every value and replay on each subsciption.
The operator subscribes only when the first downstream subscriber subscribes and maintains a single subscription towards this ObservableSource. In contrast, the operator family of replay() that return a ConnectableObservable require an explicit call to ConnectableObservable.connect().
Note: You sacrifice the ability to dispose the origin when you use the cache Observer so be careful not to use this Observer on ObservableSources that emit an infinite or very large number of items that will use up memory. A possible workaround is to apply takeUntil with a predicate or another source before (and perhaps after) the application of cache().
fun skfdsfkds() {
val create = PublishSubject.create<Int>()
val cacheWithInitialCapacity = create
cacheWithInitialCapacity.test().assertValues(1, 2, 3)
cacheWithInitialCapacity.test().assertValues(1, 2, 3)
Use cache operator, when you can not control the connect phase
This is useful when you want an ObservableSource to cache responses and you can't control the subscribe/dispose behavior of all the Observers.
As with replay() the cache is unbounded and could lead to memory-leaks.
Note: The capacity hint is not an upper bound on cache size. For that, consider replay(int) in combination with ConnectableObservable.autoConnect() or similar.
further reading
If your event source (Observable) is an expensive operation, such as reading from a database, you shouldn't use Subject to observe the events, since that will repeat the expensive operation for each subscriber. Caching can also be risky with infinite streams due to "OutOfMemory" exceptions. A more appropriate solution may be ConnectableObservable, which only performs the source operation once, and broadcasts the updated value to all subscribers.
Here is a code sample. I didn't bother creating an infinite periodic stream or including error handling to keep the example simple. Let me know if it does what you need.
class RxJavaTest {
private final int maxValue = 50;
private final ConnectableObservable<Integer> source =
subscriber -> {
log("Starting Event Source");
log("Event Source Terminated");
.filter(value -> value < maxValue)
void run() throws InterruptedException {
log("Starting Application");
source.subscribe(value -> log("Subscriber 1: " + value));
source.subscribe(value -> log("Subscriber 2: " + value));
// Add sleep to give event source enough time to complete
log("Application Terminated");
private Integer readFromDatabase() throws InterruptedException {
// Emulate long database read time
log("Reading data from database...");
int randomValue = new Random().nextInt(2 * maxValue) + 1;
log(String.format("Read value: %d", randomValue));
return randomValue;
private static void log(Object message) {
Thread.currentThread().getName() + " >> " + message
Here's the output:
main >> Starting Application
main >> Subscribing
main >> Connecting
main >> Application Terminated
RxCachedThreadScheduler-1 >> Starting Event Source
RxCachedThreadScheduler-1 >> Reading data from database...
RxCachedThreadScheduler-1 >> Read value: 88
RxCachedThreadScheduler-1 >> Reading data from database...
RxCachedThreadScheduler-1 >> Read value: 42
RxCachedThreadScheduler-1 >> Subscriber 1: 42
RxCachedThreadScheduler-1 >> Subscriber 2: 42
RxCachedThreadScheduler-1 >> Reading data from database...
RxCachedThreadScheduler-1 >> Read value: 37
RxCachedThreadScheduler-1 >> Subscriber 1: 37
RxCachedThreadScheduler-1 >> Subscriber 2: 37
RxCachedThreadScheduler-1 >> Event Source Terminated.
Note the following:
Events only start firing once connect() is called on the source, not when observers subscribe to the source.
Database calls are only made once per event update
Filtered values are not emitted to subscribers
All subscribers are executed in the same thread
Application terminates before the events are processed due to concurrency. Normally your app will run in an event loop, so your app will remain responsive during slow operations.

uvm register write is stuck and never return

I have some block of register along with corresponding register adaptor setup to translate into some bus protocol.
When I called the write method to one of my register, I could see the transaction going on, and driver complete its job, but write is stuck somewhere.
Please see excerpt of driver and sequence below:
// ...uvm driver
forever begin
$display("DEBUG A");
// ... do transaction
$display("DEBUG B");
// ... sequence
$display("START WRITE");
$display("DONE WRITE");
The result:
and then simulation stuck there - I never see DONE WRITE.
I am quite sure all the connect, set_sequencer has been made properly - otherwise my driver shouldn't see transaction in the first place. And this is pretty simple test - only doing that write.
Any idea why it is stuck in register write method eventhough the driver seems to have completed the transaction? I probably missed something.
In uvm_reg_map::do_bus_write(...) there's the following code snippet that handles the bus request for a register access:
if (rw.parent != null && i == 0)
Notice the end_event.wait_on(). This event is normally triggered on a sequence item by the sequencer, once item_done() was called and finish_item() returns:
It's possible to turn this off using the define, which is what I guess is happening in your case.

Signal is always caught by parent process first

Consider the following piece of code running under Solaris 11.3 (a simplified version of system(3C)):
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
pid_t pid = fork();
pid_t w;
int status;
if (pid == 0) {
execvp(argv[1], argv + 1);
perror("Failed to exec");
if (pid > 0) {
w = waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
if (w == -1) {
perror("Wait: ");
else if (WIFEXITED(status) > 0) {
printf("\nFinish code: %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(status));
else {
printf("\nUnexpected termination of child process.\n");
if (pid == -1) {
perror("Failed to fork");
The problem I get is that whenever the process is finished via a signal (for instance, SIGINT) the "Unexpected termination" message is never printed.
The way I see it, the whole process group receives signals from the terminal, and in this case the parent process simply terminates before waitpid(2) returns (Which happens every time, apparently).
If that is the case, I have a follow-up question. How to retrieve infromation about the signal that terminated the child process from the parent without using a signal handler? For example, I could have added another if-else block with a WIFSIGNALED check and a WTERMSIG call passing the variable status (In fact, I did, but upon termination with Ctrl+C the program delivered no output whatsoever)
So what exactly and in which order is happening there?
You say, “… whenever the process is finished via a signal
(for instance, SIGINT) …”, but you aren’t specific enough
to enable anybody to answer your question definitively. 
If you are sending a signal to the child process with a kill command,
you have an odd problem. 
But if, as I suspect (and as you suggest when you say
“the whole process group receives signals from the terminal”),
you are just typing Ctrl+C, it’s simple:
When you type an INTR, QUIT, or SUSP character,
the corresponding signal (SIGINT, SIGQUIT, or SIGTSTP) is sent
simultaneously to all processes in the terminal process group.
OK, strictly speaking, it’s not simultaneous. 
It happens in a loop in the terminal driver
(specifically, I believe, the “line discipline” handler), in the kernel. 
No user process execution can occur before this loop completes.
You say “… the parent process simply terminates
before waitpid(2) returns (… every time, apparently).” 
Technically this is true. 
As described above, all processes in the process group
(including your parent and child processes) receive the signal
(essentially) simultaneously. 
Since the parent is not handling the signal, itself,
it terminates before it can possibly do any processing
triggered by the child’s receipt of the signal.
You say “Signal is always caught by parent process first”. 
No; see above. 
And the processes terminate in an unspecified order —
this may be the order in which they appear in the process table
(which is indeterminate),
or determined by some subtle (and, perhaps, undocumented) aspect
of the scheduler’s algorithm.
Related U&L questions:
What is the purpose of abstractions, session, session leader
and process groups?
What are the responsibilities of each Pseudo-Terminal (PTY) component
(software, master side, slave side)?
Does it work ok if you send signals via a "kill" from another tty? I tried this on linux. Seems the same behavior.
I think you're right if that shell control signals are passed to the process group....and you have a race. You need in the parent to catch and delay them.
What I've done is do "./prog cat"
Doing a kill -SIGINT
works fine.
Doing a control-C prints nothing.
Doing a setsid() in front has the parent terminate, but the child keep running.

Sharing cold and hot observables

I'm confused by the behavior of a shared stream that is created using Rx.Observable.just.
For example:
var log = function(x) { console.log(x); };
var cold = Rx.Observable
.just({ foo: 'cold' });
cold.subscribe(log); // <-- Logs three times
var coldShare = Rx.Observable
.just({ foo: 'cold share' })
coldShare.subscribe(log); // <-- Only logs once
Both streams only emit one event, but the un-shared one can be subscribed to three times. Why is this?
I need to "fork" a stream but share its value (and then combine the forked streams).
How can I share the value of a stream but also subscribe to it multiple times?
I realize that this is probably related to the concept of "cold" and "hot" observables. However:
Is the stream created by Rx.Observable.just() cold or hot?
How is one supposed to determine the answer to the previous question?
Is the stream created by Rx.Observable.just() cold or hot?
How is one supposed to determine the answer to the previous question?
I guess the documentation is the only guide.
How can I share the value of a stream but also subscribe to it multiple times?
You are looking for the idea of a connectable observable. By example:
var log = function(x) { console.log(x); };
var coldShare = Rx.Observable
.just({ foo: 'cold share' })
coldShare.subscribe(log); // Does nothing
coldShare.subscribe(log); // Does nothing
coldShare.subscribe(log); // Does nothing
coldShare.connect(); // Emits one value to its three subscribers (logs three times)
var log = function(x) {
var coldShare = Rx.Observable
.just({ foo: 'cold share' })
coldShare.subscribe(log); // <-- Only logs once
<script src=""></script>
The example above logs three times. Using publish and connect, you essentially "pause" the observable until the call to connect.
See also:
How do I share an observable with publish and connect?
Are there 'hot' and 'cold' operators?
I don-t understand your first question, but about the last one, as I have been having problem getting that one too:
Rxjs implementation of Observables/Observers is based on the observer pattern, which is similar to the good old callback mechanism.
To exemplify, here is the basic form of creating an observable (taken from the doc at
var source = Rx.Observable.create(function (observer) {
// Note that this is optional, you do not have to return this if you require no cleanup
return function () {
Rx.Observable.create takes as argument a function (say factory_fn to be original) which takes an observer. Your values are generated by a computation of your choice in the body of factory_fn, and because you have the observer in parameter you can process/push the generated values when you see fit. BUT factory_fn is not executed, it is just registered (like a callback would). It will be called everytime there is a subscribe(observer) on the related observable (i.e. the one returned by Rx.Observable.create(factory_fn).
Once subscription is done (creation callback called), values flow to your observer according to the logic in the factory function and it remains that way till your observable completes or the observer unsubscribes (supposing you did implement an action to cancel value flow as the return value of factory_fn).
What that basically means is by default, Rx.Observables are cold.
My conclusion after using quite a bit of the library, is that unless it is duely documented, the only way to know FOR SURE the temperature of an observable is to eye the source code. Or add a side effect somewhere, subscribe twice and see if the side effect happens twice or only once (which is what you did). That, or ask on stackoverflow.
For instance, Rx.fromEvent produce hot observables, as you can see from the last line in the code (return new EventObservable(element, eventName, selector).publish().refCount();). (code here : The publish operator is among those operators which turns a cold observable into a hot one. How that works is out of scope so I won-t detail it here.
But Rx.DOM.fromWebSocket does not produce hot observables ( Cf. How to buffer stream using fromWebSocket Subject
Confusion often comes I think from the fact that we conflate the actual source (say stream of button clicks) and its representation (Rx.Observable). It is unfortunate when that happens but what we imagine as hot sources can end up being represented by a cold Rx.Observable.
So, yes, Rx.Observable.just creates cold observables.

Gstreamer 1.0 Pause signal

I need to detect when the current playing audio/video is paused. I cannot find anything for 1.0. My app is a bit complex but here is condensed code
/* This function is called when the pipeline changes states. We use it to
* keep track of the current state. */
static void state_changed_cb(GstBus *bus, GstMessage *msg, CustomData *data)
GstState old_state, new_state, pending_state;
gst_message_parse_state_changed(msg, &old_state, &new_state, &pending_state);
if(GST_MESSAGE_SRC(msg) == GST_OBJECT(data->playbin))
g_print("State set to %s\n", gst_element_state_get_name(new_state));
gst_init(&wxTheApp->argc, &argv);
m_playbin = gst_element_factory_make("playbin", "playbin");
g_printerr("Not all elements could be created.\n");
CustomData* data = new CustomData(xid, m_playbin);
GstBus *bus = gst_element_get_bus(m_playbin);
gst_bus_set_sync_handler(bus, (GstBusSyncHandler) create_window, data, NULL);//here I do video overly stuffs
g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (bus), "message::state-changed", (GCallback)state_changed_cb, &data);
What do I do wrong? I cannot find working example on connecting such events on Gstreamer 1.0 and 0.x seems a bit different than 1.0 so the vast exaples there don't help
I have found a way to get signals. I run wxWidgets timer with 500ms time span and each time timer fires I call
GstMessage* msg = gst_bus_pop(m_bus);
g_print ("New Message -- %s\n", gst_message_type_get_name(msg->type));
Now I get a lot of 'state-change' messages. Still I want to know if that message is for Pause or Stop or Play or End of Media (I mean way to differentiate which message is this) so that I can notify the UI.
So while I get signals now, the basic problem, to get specific signals, remains unsolved.
You have to call gst_bus_add_signal_watch() (like in 0.10) to enable emission of the signals. Without that you can only use the other ways to get notified about GstMessages on that bus.
Also just to be sure, you need a running GLib main loop on the default main context for this to work. Otherwise you need to do things a bit different.
For the updated question:
Check the documentation: gst_message_parse_state_changed() can be used to parse the old, new and pending state from the message. This is also still the same as in 0.10. From the application point of view, and conceptionally nothing much has changed really between 0.10 and 1.0
Also you shouldn't do this timeout-waiting as it will block your wxwidget main loop. Easiest solution would be to use a sync bus handler (which you already have) and dispatch all messages from there to some callback on the wxwidget main loop.