Kubectl port forward reliably in a shell script - kubernetes

I am using kubectl port-forward in a shell script but I find it is not reliable, or doesn't come up in time:
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Unable to start port forwarding to node ${VOLT_NODE} on port ${VOLT_CLUSTER_ADMIN_PORT}"
exit 1
sleep 10
Often after I sleep for 10 seconds, the port isn't open or forwarding hasn't happened. Is there any way to wait for this to be ready. Something like kubectl wait would be ideal, but open to shell options also.

I took #AkinOzer's comment and turned it into this example where I port-forward a postgresql database's port so I can make a pg_dump of the database:
set -e
# This would show that the port is closed
# nmap -sT -p $localport localhost || true
kubectl port-forward $typename $localport:$remoteport > /dev/null 2>&1 &
# echo pid: $pid
# kill the port-forward regardless of how this script exits
trap '{
# echo killing $pid
kill $pid
# wait for $localport to become available
while ! nc -vz localhost $localport > /dev/null 2>&1 ; do
# echo sleeping
sleep 0.1
# This would show that the port is open
# nmap -sT -p $localport localhost
# Actually use that port for something useful - here making a backup of the
# keycloak database
PGPASSWORD=keycloak pg_dump --host=localhost --port=54320 --username=keycloak -Fc --file keycloak.dump keycloak
# the 'trap ... EXIT' above will take care of kill $pid


How to retrieve the pod/container in which run a given process

Using crictl an containerd, is there an easy way to find to which pod/container belongs a given process, using it's PID` on the host machine?
For example, how can I retrieve the name of the pod which runs the process below (1747):
root#k8s-worker-node:/# ps -ef | grep mysql
1000 1747 1723 0 08:58 ? 00:00:01 mysqld
Assuming that you're looking at the primary process in a pod, you could do something like this:
crictl ps -q | while read cid; do
if crictl inspect -o go-template --template '{{ .info.pid }}' $cid | grep -q $target_pid; then
echo $cid
This walks through all the crictl managed pods and checks the pod pid against the value of the $target_pid value (which you have set beforehand to the host pid in which you are interested).
1. Using pid2pod
pid2pod is a dedicated tool: https://github.com/k8s-school/pid2pod
# Install
$ curl -Lo ./pid2pod https://github.com/k8s-school/pid2pod/releases/download/v0.0.1/pid2pod-linux-amd64
$ chmod +x ./pid2pod
$ mv ./pid2pod /some-dir-in-your-PATH/pid2pod
# Run
$ ./pid2pod 1525
kube-system calico-node-6kt29 calico-node 1284
2. Using sysdig OSS
Install sysdig and run:
sudo csysdig -pc
You'll get something in the htop's style:
3. Custom script
Using #Iarsks answer, I propose a solution based on command belown which provides the pod name for a given PID:
$ pid=1254
$ nsenter -t $pid -u hostname
This solution display namespace, pod, container and container's primary PID. It is possible to copy paste the script below in a file named get_pid.sh and then run ./get_pid.sh 2345 for example.
# Display pod information about a process, using its host PID as input
set -euo pipefail
usage() {
cat << EOD
Usage: `basename $0` PID
Available options:
-h this message
Display pod information about a process, using its host PID as input:
- display namespace, pod, container, and primary process pid for this container if the process is running in a pod
- else exit with code 1
if [ $# -ne 1 ] ; then
exit 2
pod=$(nsenter -t $pid -u hostname 2>&1)
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
printf "%s %s:\n %s" "nsenter command failed for pid" "$pid" "$pod"
cids=$(crictl ps -q)
for cid in $cids
current_pod=$(crictl inspect -o go-template --template '{{ index .info.config.labels "io.kubernetes.pod.name"}}' "$cid")
if [ "$pod" == "$current_pod" ]
tmpl='NS:{{ index .info.config.labels "io.kubernetes.pod.namespace"}} POD:{{ index .info.config.labels "io.kubernetes.pod.name"}} CONTAINER:{{ index .info.config.labels "io.kubernetes.container.name"}} PRIMARY PID:{{.info.pid}}'
crictl inspect --output go-template --template "$tmpl" "$cid"
if [ "$is_running_in_pod" = false ]
echo "Process $pid is not running in a pod."
exit 1
WARNING: this solution does not work if two pods have the same name (even in different namespaces)

How to check if a WildFly Server has started successfully using command/script?

I want to write a script to manage the WildFly start and deploy, but I'm having trouble now. To check if the server has started, I found the command
./jboss-cli.sh -c command=':read-attribute(name=server-state)' | grep running
But when the server is starting, because the controller is not available, ./jboss-cli.sh -c fails to connect and returns an error.
Is there a better way to check whether WildFly started completely?
I found a better solution. The command is
netstat -an | grep 9990 | grep LISTEN
Check the management port (9990) state before the WildFly is ready to accept management commands.
After that, use ./jboss-cli.sh -c command=':read-attribute(name=server-state)' | grep running to check if the server has started. Change the port
if the management port config is not the default 9990.
Here is my start & deploy script, the idea is continually check until the server started.
Then, use the jboss-cli command to deploy my application. And just print the log to the screen, so don't need to use another shell to tail the log file.
printLog(){ #output the new log in the server.log to screen
local newTotal=$(awk 'END{print NR}' ./standalone/log/server.log) #quicker than wc -l
local diff=$(($newTotal-$totalRow))
tail -n $diff ./standalone/log/server.log
nohup bin/standalone.sh>/dev/null 2>&1 &
echo '======================================== Jboss-eap-7.1 is starting now ========================================'
while true #check if the port is ready
sleep 1
if netstat -an | grep 9990 | grep LISTEN
while true #check if the server start success
if bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect command=':read-attribute(name=server-state)' | grep running
sleep 1
echo '======================================== Jboss-eap-7.1 has started!!!!!! ========================================'
bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect command='deploy /bcms/jboss-eap-7.1/war/myApp.war' &
tail -f -n0 ./standalone/log/server.log

How do I get pcp to automatically attach nodes to postgres pgpool?

I'm using postgres 9.4.9, pgpool 3.5.4 on centos 6.8.
I'm having a major hard time getting pgpool to automatically detect when nodes are up (it often detects the first node but rarely detects the secondary) but if I use pcp_attach_node to tell it what nodes are up, then everything is hunky dory.
So I figured until I could properly sort the issue out, I would write a little script to check the status of the nodes and attach them as appropriate, but I'm having trouble with the password prompt. According to the documentation, I should be able to issue commands like
pcp_attach_node 10 localhost 9898 pgpool mypass 1
but that just complains
pcp_attach_node: Warning: extra command-line argument "localhost" ignored
pcp_attach_node: Warning: extra command-line argument "9898" ignored
pcp_attach_node: Warning: extra command-line argument "pgpool" ignored
pcp_attach_node: Warning: extra command-line argument "mypass" ignored
pcp_attach_node: Warning: extra command-line argument "1" ignored
it'll only work when I use parameters like
pcp_attach_node -U pgpool -h localhost -p 9898 -n 1
and there's no parameter for the password, I have to manually enter it at the prompt.
Any suggestions for sorting this other than using Expect?
You have to create PCPPASSFILE. Search pgpool documentation for more info.
Example 1:
create PCPPASSFILE for logged user (vi ~/.pcppass), file content is (hostname:port:username:password), set file permissions 0600 (chmod 0600 ~/.pcppass)
command should run without asking for password
pcp_attach_node -h -U user -p 9897 -w -n 1
Example 2:
create PCPPASSFILE (vi /usr/local/etc/.pcppass), file content is (hostname:port:username:password), set file permissions 0600 (chmod 0600 /usr/local/etc/.pcppass), set variable PCPPASSFILE (export PCPPASSFILE=/usr/local/etc/.pcppass)
command should run without asking for password
pcp_attach_node -h -U user -p 9897 -w -n 1
Script for auto attach the node
You can schedule this script with for example crontab.
#pgpool status
#0 - This state is only used during the initialization. PCP will never display it.
#1 - Node is up. No connections yet.
#2 - Node is up. Connections are pooled.
#3 - Node is down.
source $HOME/.bash_profile
export PCPPASSFILE=/appl/scripts/.pcppass
STATUS_0=$(/usr/local/bin/pcp_node_info -h -U postgres -p 9897 -n 0 -w | cut -d " " -f 3)
echo $(date +%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S.%3N)" [INFO] NODE 0 status "$STATUS_0;
if (( $STATUS_0 == 3 ))
echo $(date +%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S.%3N)" [WARN] NODE 0 is down - attaching node"
TMP=$(/usr/local/bin/pcp_attach_node -h -U postgres -p 9897 -n 0 -w -v)
echo $(date +%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S.%3N)" [INFO] "$TMP
STATUS_1=$(/usr/local/bin/pcp_node_info -h -U postgres -p 9897 -n 1 -w | cut -d " " -f 3)
echo $(date +%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S.%3N)" [INFO] NODE 1 status "$STATUS_1;
if (( $STATUS_1 == 3 ))
echo $(date +%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S.%3N)" [WARN] NODE 1 is down - attaching node"
TMP=$(/usr/local/bin/pcp_attach_node -h -U postgres -p 9897 -n 1 -w -v)
echo $(date +%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S.%3N)" [INFO] "$TMP
exit 0
yes you can trigger execution of this command using a customised failover_command (failover.sh in your /etc/pgpool)
Automated way to up your pgpool down node:
copy this script into a file with execute permission to your desired location with postgres ownership into all nodes.
run crontab -e comamnd under postgres user
Finally set that script to run every minute at crontab . But to execute it for every second you may create your own
service and run it.
# This script will up all pgpool down node
#******NODE STATUS*******
# 0 - This state is only used during the initialization.
# 1 - Node is up. No connection yet.
# 2 - Node is up and connection is pooled.
# 3 - Node is down
server_node_list=(0 1 2)
for server_node in ${server_node_list[#]}
source $HOME/.bash_profile
export PCPPASSFILE=/var/lib/pgsql/.pcppass
node_status=$(pcp_node_info -p 9898 -h localhost -U pgpool -n $server_node -w | cut -d ' ' -f 3);
if [[ $node_status == 3 ]]
pcp_attach_node -n $server_node -U pgpool -p 9898 -w -v

How can I have a custom restart script for runit?

I'm using runit to manage an HAProxy and want to do a safe restart to reload a configuration file (specifically: haproxy -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg -sf $OLD_PROCESS_ID). I figure that I could run sv restart haproxy and tried to add a custom script named /etc/service/haproxy/restart, but it never seems to execute. How do I have a special restart script? Is my approach even good here? How do I reload my config with minimal impact using runit?
HAProxy runit service script
# runit haproxy
# forward stderr to stdout for use with runit svlogd
exec 2>&1
exec /bin/bash <<EOF
trap "echo SIGHUP caught; $BIN_PATH -f $CFG_PATH -D -p $PID_PATH -sf \\\$(cat $PID_PATH)" SIGHUP
trap "echo SIGTERM caught; kill -TERM \\\$(cat $PID_PATH) && exit 0" SIGTERM SIGINT
while true; do # Iterate to keep job running.
sleep 1 # Wake up to handle signals
Graceful reload that keeps things up and running.
sv reload haproxy
Full stop and start.
sv restart haproxy
This solution was inspired by https://gist.github.com/gfrey/8472007

How can I tail a remote file?

I am trying to find a good way to tail a file on a remote host. This is on an internal network of Linux machines. The requirements are:
Must be well behaved (no extra process laying around, or continuing output)
Cannot require someone's pet Perl module.
Can be invoked through Perl.
If possible, doesn't require a custom built script or utility on the remote machine (regular linux utilities are fine)
The solutions I have tried are generally of this sort
ssh remotemachine -f <some command>
"some command" has been:
tail -f logfile
Basic tail doesn't work because the remote process continues to write output to the terminal after the local ssh process dies.
$socket = IO:Socket::INET->new(...);
$pid = fork();
exec("ssh $host -f '<script which connects to socket and writes>'");
$client = $socket->accept;
print $_;
This works better because there is no output to the screen after the local process exits but the remote process doesn't figure out that its socket is down and it lives on indefinitely.
Have you tried
ssh -t remotemachine <some command>
-t option from the ssh man page:
-t Force pseudo-tty allocation. This can be used to execute
arbitrary screen-based programs on a remote machine, which
can be very useful, e.g. when implementing menu services.
Multiple -t options force tty allocation, even if ssh has no local tty.
instead of
-f Requests ssh to go to background just before command execution.
This is useful if ssh is going to ask for passwords or passphrases,
but the user wants it in the background.
This implies -n. The recommended way to start X11 programs at a remote
site is with something like ssh -f host xterm.
Some ideas:
You could mount it over NFS or CIFS, and then use File::Tail.
You could use one of Perl's SSH modules (there are a number of them), combined with tail -f.
You could try Survlog Its OS X only though.
netcat should do it for you.
You can Tail files remotely using bash and rsync. The following script is taken from this tutorial: Tail files remotely using bash and rsync
#Code Snippet from and copyright by sshadmincontrol.com
#You may use this code freely as long as you keep this notice.
FILE=`echo ${0} | sed 's:.*/::'`
if [ -e $RUNFILEFLAG ]; then
echo "Already running ${RUNFILEFLAG}"
exit 1
hostname=$1 #host name to remotlely access
log_dir=$2 #log directory on the remotehost
log_file=$3 #remote log file name
username=$3 #username to use to access remote host
log_base=$4 #where to save the log locally
rsync -q -e ssh $username#$hostname:$log_dir/$log_file ${ORIGLOG}
grep -Ev ".ico|.jpg|.gif|.png|.css" > ${INTERLOG}
if [ ! -e $FINALLOG ]; then
LINE=`tail -1 ${FINALLOG}`
grep -F "$LINE" -A 999999999 ${INTERLOG} \
| grep -Fv "$LINE" >> ${FINALLOG}
exit 0
rsync://[USER#]HOST[:PORT]/SRC... [DEST] | tail [DEST] ?
Someone suggested using nc (netcat). This solution does work but is less ideal than just using ssh -t. The biggest problem is that you have to use nc on both sides of the connection and need to do some port discovery on the local machine to find a suitable port over which to connect. Here is the adaptation of the above code to use netcat:
$pid = fork();
exec("ssh $host -f 'tail -f $filename |nc $localhost $port'");
exec("nc -l -p $port");
There is File::Tail. Don't know if it helps?