Making Grpc calls In Spring Webflux - reactive-programming

Hello we have a Spring WebFlux based application that needs to make a GRPC call to another server that we are working with. I understand that we can use WebFlux's built in WebClient class for making http calls in a reactive way, but I am wondering how we can make GRPC calls in a similar fashion. Right now we are making outbound grpc calls by making a blocking grpc call on a different thread like this.
Mono<Response> responseMono = Mono.just(req)
.flatMap(request -> Mono.just(blockingStub.myMethod(req)))
Is there a way to make these outbound grpc calls in a similar way to how we can make call using the built in WebClient class such that it is reactive and we don't need to use the blocking stub nor make the call on a separate thread?


Vertx WebClient shared vs single across multiple verticles?

I am using vert.x as an api gateway to route calls to downstream services.
As of now, I am using single web client instance which is shared across multiple verticles (injected through guice)
Does it make sense for each verticle to have it's own webclient? Will it help in boosting performance? (My each gateway instance runs 64 vericles and handles approximately 1000 requests per second)
What are the pros and cons of each approach?
Can someone help to figure out what's the ideal strategy for the same?
Vert.x is optimized for using a single WebClient per-Verticle. Sharing a single WebClient instance between threads might work, but it can negatively affect performance, and could lead to some code running on the "wrong" event-loop thread, as described by Julien Viet, the lead developer of Vert.x:
So if you share a web client between verticles, then your verticle
might reuse a connection previously open (because of pooling) and you
will get callbacks on the event loop you won't expect. In addition
there is synchronization in the web client that might become contented
when used intensively from different threads.
Additionally, the Vert.x documentation for HttpClient, which is the underlying object used by WebClient, explicitly states not to share it between Vert.x Contexts (each Verticle gets its own Context):
The HttpClient can be used in a Verticle or embedded.
When used in a Verticle, the Verticle should use its own client
More generally a client should not be shared between different Vert.x
contexts as it can lead to unexpected behavior.
For example a keep-alive connection will call the client handlers on
the context of the request that opened the connection, subsequent
requests will use the same context.

How To call a rest API inside an Apache Flink program

I m wondering if there is a solution to call a
REST API (or multiple REST APIs) inside a flink program directly or not ? if such solution is exist.
Do you think it is better to push my processed data from flink to a message broker like kafka or something at first and then from kafka call REST APIs?
or I can Call REST APIs directly from my flink program as well?
The code in your user functions (e.g. a RichFlatMapFunction or a KeyedProcessFunction) can do anything you want, including making REST calls to external services. However, you should avoid doing blocking i/o in your user functions, because checkpoint barriers can't progress through an operator while it is blocked in the user function.
A good way to approach this then is to use Flink's Async I/O API in combination with an HTTP library that offers an asynchronous client interface.

Designing a REST API with req/resp and pub/sub requirements

Nowadays I'm designing a REST interface for a distributed system. It is a client/sever architecture but with two message exchange patterns:
req/resp: the most RESTful approach, it would be a CRUD interface to access/create/modify/delete objects in the server.
pub/subs: this is my main doubt. I need the server to send asynchronous notifications to the client as soon as possible.
Searching in the web I found that one solution could be to implement REST-servers in the server and client: Publish/subscribe REST-HTTP Simple Protocol web services architecture?
Another alternative would be to implement blocking-REST and so the client doesn't need to listen in a specific port: Using blocking REST requests to implement publish/subscribe
I would like to know which options would you consider to implement an interface like this one. Thanks!
Web Sockets can provide a channel for the service to update web clients live. There's other techniques like http long polling where the client makes a "blocking" request (as you referred to it) where the service holds the request for a period of less than a timeout (say 50 sec) and writes a response when it has data. The web client immediately issues another request. This loop creates a continuous channel where messages can be "sent" from the server to the client but it's initiated from the client (firewalls, proxies, etc...)
There are libraries such as, signalR and many others that wrap this logic and even fallback from websockets to long polling gracefully for you and abstract away the details.
I would recommend write some sample web socket and long polling examples just to understand but then rely on libraries like mentioned above to get it right.

How can the Racket web server be used without managing continuations?

I am trying to develop a simple web API for testing using Racket's web server. The requirements are:
Respond to port requests with a callback in a new thread.
Read the header values and POST data
Write response headers and content to the port.
I do not want to engage the complexity of stateful versus stateless servlets. Essentially I want to avoid the overhead of managing continuations.
By avoiding calls to any send/... function other than send/back the serve/servlet can be used without invoking continuation handling.
Calling (serve/servlet start #:manager web-server/managers/non ...) will cause an error if there is an attempt to use continuations.
Custom headers/content can be created using a "raw" response structure.
Alternatively, using serve\launch\wait with a dispatcher using web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-lift is possible. Raw data may even be written directly to the port.
Reference: Original discussion on Racket discussion list.

Forward HTTP RESTfull API requests from http server to my application

I have a question about the design of an application I'm working on.
I made a monolithic java application with sockets open 24/7, something like a game server. I'm just trying to say it's a single jar application instead of a modular servlet/page based web application.
I would now like to add a RESTful API to this application. So people/clients can make HTTP requests to my application to obtain certain info. Because of the monolithic nature of my java application I'm unsure of how to implement this. One other important thing: I'm expecting multiple requests per second, so it would be nice if I could have an existing http server handle the requests, and somehow forward them to my app to set up a reply, and have the http server send it again.
Some things I have thought of:
wrap my application in a tomcat application, although I'm not sure if tomcat can run an application continuously instead of mapping to servlets on request.
open a socket and parse incoming http requests myself (or there is propably a lib for that?). I fear this will have an impact on performance, and would rather use existing http servers because they are optimized for high traffic.
use an excisting http server to handle the requests (apache, lighttp, ...) and have it forward requests to my app via things like scgi, or use a server that can forward via XMLRPC. Are there any other technologies/protocols to do this?
Any advice on how to handle this?
I'd decouple your RESTful service endpoint as much as possible from your original application. This allows you to scale (add multiple servers for your REST endpoint), but also to change your original application without having to change your REST API directly.
Clients <== REST (HTTP) ==> RESTful endpoint <== legacy (sockets) ==> Legacy backend
So your REST server is one the hand a service provider for your clients, but represents at the same time also a client for your original backend.
I would design the RESTful API and then pick one of the existing REST frameworks for Java, like Restlet, and implement the REST service itself. At the same time you can start implementing a gateway between the REST server and your original backend, by using sockets.
Pay attention to scalability and performance (i.e. you may want to use connection pools for the rest <=> backend bridge and not spawn a socket per incoming API request) and also think of possible advantages of HTTP. You might benefit when you're able to use caching, etc. as far as your backend application logic allows so.