Creating a trigger function in SQL - postgresql

I've been given a task to create a trigger function for this question:
Add an update to the support ticket from a given staff member. If the ticket is closed no more updates should be allowed by either customers or staff members.
Insert an update to a ticket with values: ticketUpdateID = 10050; Message ='Highlight folder for backup and press to trash or right click and choose delete'; TicketID = 1010 ; StaffID=2
All I've managed so far is:
I would just like to know the layout of what i would have to put next.

The question becomes "How do you want to handle bypassing the update: silently ignore the action or raise an exception"? Postgres provides for both cases. The trigger function for an Update DML receives 2 pseudo rows conveniently named old and new (at least by default) which represent the current database row and the "tobe" database row respectively. Somewhere in the table definition you have some column indicating the current status of the some value indicating "closed". Unfortunately you have not defined either so I will just make something up for demo purpose. The following will suppress the any update on a 'closed' ticket. I will leave Raising an exception for your research.
create or replace
function update_ticket()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
as $$
if old.status = 'closed' then
return null;
end if;
return new;


How to make a PostgreSQL constraint only apply to a new value

I'm new to PostgreSQL and really loving how constraints work with row level security, but I'm confused how to make them do what I want them to.
I have a column and I want add a constraint that creates a minimum length for a text column, this check works for that:
(length((column_name):: text) > 6)
BUT, it also then prevents users updating any rows where column_name is already under 6 characters.
I want to make it so they can't change that value TO that, but can still update a row where that is already happening, so they can change it as needed according to my new policy.
Is this possible?
BUT, it also then prevents users updating any rows where column_name is already under 6 characters.
Well, no. When you try to add that CHECK constraint, all existing rows are checked, and an exception is raised if any violation is found.
You would have to make it NOT VALID. Then yes.
You really need a trigger on INSERT or UPDATE that checks new values. Not as cheap and not as bullet-rpoof, but still pretty solid. Like:
RETURNS trigger
AND OLD.column_name IS NOT DISTINCT FROM NEW.column_name THEN
-- do nothing
RAISE EXCEPTION 'New value for column "note" must have at least 6 characters.';
-- trigger
CREATE TRIGGER tbl1_column_name_min_len6
WHEN (length(NEW.column_name) < 7)
EXECUTE FUNCTION trg_col_min_len6();
db<>fiddle here
It should be most efficient to check in a WHEN condition to the trigger directly. Then the trigger function is only ever called for short values and can be super simple.
Trigger with multiple WHEN conditions
Fire trigger on update of columnA or ColumnB or ColumnC
You can create separate triggers for Insert and Update letting each completely define when it should fired. If completely different logic is required for the DML action this technique allows writing dedicated trigger functions. In this case that is not required the trigger function reduces to raise exception .... See Demo
-- Single trigger function for both Insert and Delete
create or replace function trg_col_min_len6()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
as $$
raise exception 'Cannot % val = ''%''. Must have at least 6 characters.'
, tg_op, new.val;
return null;
-- trigger before insert
create trigger tbl_val_min_len6_bir
before insert
on tbl
for each row
when (length(new.val) < 6)
execute function trg_col_min_len6();
-- trugger before update
create trigger tbl_val_min_len6_bur
before update
on tbl
for each row
when ( length(new.val) < 6
and new.val is distinct from old.val
execute function trg_col_min_len6();

select statement in postgres function called inside a trigger

I'm trying to develop a notification system for the backend of a social media application/website. For now I'm focusing on status updates. What I'm going to do, is putting a trigger on the postgres table that related to status updates so that every time a new status update is posted, a notification is sent to my code.
So far I have been able to do that. But an extra feature that I like to implement is extracting all of the people who follow the user who posted the status update, so that I can also send them a notification that the person they're following has posted a new status update.
Of course it can be implemented by first receiving the notification for a new status update from postgres, extracting the user id of the person who posted it, and make a query to the database to find out which users follow them.
But I figured it would be more efficient if I don't make the query, and instead, each time postgres wants to send me a notification about a new status update, it also makes a query to find out which users are following the poster of the status update and send that information along with the notification for the new status update.
But I can't figure out how I can make a query in a postgres function that depends on the argument of that function, and then send the result of that query along with the argument as a notification.
this is what I've tried:
create table example (c1 text, c2 text);
create function notif()
returns trigger as
perform pg_notify('event',row_to_json(new)::text);
return new;
$$ language plpgsql;
create trigger trig after insert
on example
for each row execute procedure notif();
And then I listen to the event channel from my code and receive the row that was inserted. But I want to do a select statement based on the new row in my notif() function and send the result with the new row to the listening code.
I'd appreciate any clarification
Something like this?
data JSONB;
result JSONB;
SELECT json_agg(tmp) -- requires Postgres9.3+
INTO data
-- your subquery goes here, for example:
SELECT followers.following_user_id
FROM followers
WHERE followers.followed_user_id = NEW.user_id
) tmp;
result := json_build_object('data', data, 'row', row_to_json(NEW));
PERFORM pg_notify('event', result::TEXT);
$$ language plpgsql;
Also from comments:
But somehow magically using return new the row is returned within the notification.
You misunderstand things. Return and notification are two different things.
First of all lets deal with return. For AFTER INSERT triggers the return value is totally ignored:
The return value of a row-level trigger fired AFTER or a statement-level trigger fired BEFORE or AFTER is always ignored; it might as well be null.
The return value only matters for BEFORE triggers. In which case you can modify (or even prevent) the row before writing to the table. See this: This has nothing to do with notifications.
So what about notifications? Whatever you receive from a notification is what you pass as second argument to pg_notify. All of that is quite well documented:

Postgresql: run trigger AFTER update FOR EACH STATEMENT ONLY if data changed

In Postgresql I can have two kinds of triggers: FOR EACH ROW and FOR EACH STATEMENT. If I do a FOR EACH ROW trigger, I can add a WHERE clause something like OLD.* != NEW.* so it only fires if something has actually changed. Is there any way to do something similar with STATEMENT level triggers? I know I can't do the same thing since OLD and NEW aren't available, but I was thinking perhaps there might be a way to check the number of rows changed from within my function itself or the like.
Usage case: I am using the postgresql NOTIFY system to notify my app when data changes. Ideally, the app would get a single notification each time one or more records changes, and not get notified at all if data stays the same (even if an UPDATE was run). With a basic AFTER UPDATE FOR EACH STATEMENT trigger, I am getting notified every time an update statement runs - even if it doesn't actually change anything.
You should create two triggers: before update for each row and after update for each statement.
The first trigger checks if the table is being updated and sets a flag if so.
The second trigger checks the flag and performs notify if it was set.
You can use a custom configuration parameter as the flag (e.g. flags.the_table).
The solution is simple and safe, as the parameter is local in the current session.
create or replace function before_each_row_on_the_table()
returns trigger language plpgsql
as $$
if new <> old then
set flags.the_table to 'on';
end if;
return new;
end $$;
create or replace function after_each_statement_on_the_table()
returns trigger language plpgsql
as $$
if current_setting('flags.the_table', true) = 'on' then
notify your_channel, 'the_table was updated';
set flags.the_table to 'off';
end if;
return null;
end $$;
create trigger before_each_row_on_the_table
before update on the_table
for each row execute procedure before_each_row_on_the_table();
create trigger after_each_statement_on_the_table
after update on the_table
for each statement execute procedure after_each_statement_on_the_table();
The function current_setting() with two arguments is available in Postgres 9.6 or later.

Update field updated by trigger

I have a table with multiple fields and an additional outofsync field.
Created a trigger and trigger function to set outofsync field value to true before any update/insert.
CREATE TRIGGER goods_update_outofsync
ON goods
EXECUTE PROCEDURE tg_update_goods_outofsync();
Trigger function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tg_update_goods_outofsync()
RETURNS trigger AS
COST 100;
ALTER FUNCTION tg_update_goods_outofsync()
OWNER TO postgres;
And now comes to a "simple" question I am not able to find answer: how to update manually outofsync field to false, because after each attempt it is automatically changed to true by trigger.
This almost works:
IF (NEW.outofsync = OLD.outofsync) THEN
Except when value of outofsync field is already false and I want to set it to false, because it became true then...
Thank you for your help in advance!
At least four options:
Set to in sync as another user and test current_user in the trigger;
Define a custom config variable (GUC) and SET LOCAL or set_config(...) it in the transaction before updating the in sync field; test that GUC in the trigger and change behaviour based on it;
Temporarily disable the trigger in the transaction before setting in sync;
Have the trigger check if all the other values are unchanged by the update and allow in sync to be set to true if no other values have changed. Use IS DISTINCT FROM for this test to handle nulls conveniently.
I'd probably use a custom GUC myself, with current_setting('my.guc') to fetch the value from within the trigger.
If you're on Pg 9.1 or older you must add my (or whatever you really call the prefix) to custom_variable_classes. In 9.2 and above any variable with a period (.) in it is assumed to be a custom variable.
See also passing user ID to triggers.

PostgreSQL trigger not working - neither BEFORE nor AFTER DELETE

I have just left MySQL behind in favor of PostgreSQL, and I have a question regarding triggers. This trigger is designed to update a field in the 'workflow' table if a row is deleted in the 'processes' table.
UPDATE workflow SET deleted_process_name = OLD.process_name
WHERE process_id = OLD.process_id;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS process_delete ON processes;
CREATE TRIGGER process_delete
EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_process_delete();
My question is two-fold:
If I use AFTER DELETE as above, the row will delete, but the update statement does not update the field in the 'workflow' table.
If I use BEFORE DELETE, the processes table will not perform the delete at all and delivers an error saying "No unique identifier for this row".
Can anyone advise?
Question 2:
Your trigger function ends with:
With that you skip the execution of the triggering event. Per documentation on trigger procedures:
Row-level triggers fired BEFORE can return null to signal the trigger
manager to skip the rest of the operation for this row (i.e.,
subsequent triggers are not fired, and the INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE does
not occur for this row).
You need to replace that with:
for the system to proceed with the deletion of the row. Here is why:
In the case of a before-trigger on DELETE, the returned value has no
direct effect, but it has to be nonnull to allow the trigger action to
proceed. Note that NEW is null in DELETE triggers, so returning that
is usually not sensible. The usual idiom in DELETE triggers is to
return OLD.
Bold emphasis mine.
Question 1
I see no reason why your trigger and trigger function should not work as AFTER DELETE. It goes without saying that a row with a matching process_id has to exist in table workflow.