Cannot Launch KDiff3 External Merge Tool from Sourcetree - merge

I am having an issue with source tree.
I have a conflict in my merge, and tried to run kdiff3.
for some reason it is not work with the new sourcetree.
this is my source tree config
this is what display on screen after I try to run external merge tool
I found someone wrote this that helped him, but I did not understand what to do?
can someone explains step by step what is the solution?
My source tree version is 3.4.2
After trying various external diff tools, this is what finally worked for me in the release of Source Tree I downloaded today (9/9/2020). Too bad this is not documented anywhere? You need a HOME environment variable for the Windows source tree client to work with external diff and external merge tools.


Confusion: GitHub Project broken(?), Instructions not clear: Mercurial setup(?)

first of all, i've never done something with github, this is my first try, so please be polite and help me on the train.
I would like to use this github-project: which is completly in go language.
from the instructions:
If you'd like to get things build from source, it will first require you to have a working Go build environment with the GOPATH setup. Additionally, you'll probably want Git and Mercurial setup to gather the various libraries and plugins that we've used in the code.
Here are my Questions:
I've done installing git and i'm able to clone the repro, which works fine.
I've installed mercurial, but have no idea how to "setup" mercurial.
Can someone explain what mercurial setup togehter with this githubproject example means?
why i'm asking
after creating a directory git-repos
changing into this directory with cd git-repos
path is now /root/git-repos
# set GOPATH to /root/git-repos
export GOPATH=/root/git-repos
and doing go get
gives this error-message:
go get
can't load package: package no Go files in /root/git-repos/src/
So, when i'm following the instructions i'm not able to finish. Can someone explain what i'm doing wrong?
Thank you
You don't need to set gopath anymore, it is set by default to:
You don't say which os you're using, but given your paths I assume linux. I suspect you haven't exported the environment variable correctly. You might want to try setting up a simpler package first and verifying you have your go setup right. Follow the instructions here (including verifying your setup is working, and just using the default gopath):
And try downloading and running something simpler (which doesn't require several components installed) to verify your setup first.

Using Mercurial & Tortoisehg

I am a long time user of Visual Source Safe, TFS or SVN at different times of my career. I want to switch over to Mercurial & TortoideHG.
I have downloaded TortoiseHG version 2.5 from
this page.
To start with I want to transfer a .net solution and the entire structure (folders/files etc) for that solution into the Mercurial Source Code control using TortoiseHG.
Can any one tell me in simple terms how to transfer the .net solution to source code control?
Do I use the Shell extension command to create a repository or the Tortoise Workbench?
I want to start using and learning the bare basics as I have mostly been using plugins from within Visual Studio.
You can do what you need from the UI.
Start out from Mercurial Webpage.
Also good resources on getting started: Re-educate yourself on version control.

Why are my Eclipse project builds so slow?

We use Eclipse (Indigo, with STS). Certain of our projects take inordinately long to build. Often the progress indicator sticks on, say, 87%, for 30 seconds.
I'm trying to find out what Eclipse is spending it's time on during the build cycle. I hope to be able to optimize the build or disable components that are causing it to be so slow. I'd like to see a log file saying ("compiling java code", "processing resources", etc).
I've poked around the log files in the .metadata directory. I've looked on the Eclipse site for tips. I've tried using "-debug" when starting Eclipse. I still can't find the information I'm looking for.
Is there any way to get Eclipse to spit out a log of what activities it is spending its time on when it builds a project?
What kind of projects are these? Java? Dynamic Web? Two things to look at for hints about what's going on are in the project Properties dialog; look at the Builders section and the Validation section. Try disabling the validations to see if that makes a difference in your build times.
To get some insight into what's happening at the times when the build seems to hang, try setting the -debug and -consoleLog options, as described here.
Disable your virus scanner software for your workspace and project directories. I increased the speed of my build in that way.
You can go to edit Windows->preference->general->workspace->build order to edit the default that exist according to your project need.
And check the maximum number of iteration when building with cycle.
I hope it works.
Since eclipse is a Java application, the usual debugging tools are at your disposal. In particular, you might try connecting to eclipse with JConsole and inspect the thread dump taken when the build "hangs", or run eclipse within a profiler.
You might find out things like a validator trying to download an xml schema, and waiting for the timeout since eclipse is not configured to use the corpoate proxy server - something which is very hard to find out by other means ;-)
Look into Apache Ant build scripts. Eclipse has support to auto generate them as a starting point instead of coding the whole thing by hand. The shop I worked in used tuned ANT scripts to optimize and control build order. We then piped output to log files using shell scripts.
You can try and replace with this aapt . My build for a particular project went from 3 minutes to 41 seconds....
This is an old post but thought of sharing my solution. I was using eclipse Luna and I noted that when you keep on working on a GIT branch without checking into git over the time the build becomes very slow. In my case I just deleted the folder .git and the file .gitignore and the build was very fast. Please note that this will disconnect eclipse from git, therefore use this aproach only if you know how to connect back to git branch using git commands.

Controlling eGit's treatment of symbolic links

I am setting up a project that will be shared among several programmers at my organization. We are using git--to which I am a newcomer. The project directory includes symbolic links to documentation directories that should not be under version control. I want to maintain the symlinks under version control as symlinks, rather than having them dereferenced and all of the content of the symlinked directory placed under version control.
I find that the git command line tool behave the way I want: git add -A. However if I try to use the Eclipse version of git, eGit, to add all the currently unversioned files, using Team->Track on the project context menu, eGit wants to add every file in the symlinked directories. Is there a way to tell eGit that, no, these are really symlinks, and should not be dereferenced?
Our problem was discussed in this: Eclipse Community Forums Thread
It looks like currently the Linux native lstat support is not too easy to make portable. The Least Common Denominator paradigm that they have for programming Eclipse in Java make it harder to do Linux or Mac native stuff. (read: *cough* Windows doesn't support symlinks *cough*).
The good news is:
It seems possible, but they'd need to code it in a way that complies to their 'Write Once Test Everywhere' programming standards. I feel that it's important to have some native stat and lstat support on Linux when using EGit because of this problem, as well as Eclipse bug #346079.
Simply having EGit installed causes slowdowns & IDE freezes when doing a Git Refresh :-(
The bad news is:
These two bugs are stopping me from using EGit for the majority of my git commands. The user experience makes EGit unusable for me. It would be really nice to be able to use EGit within Eclipse so that Mylyn User Stories & Tasks could be tied to feature branches automatically. It would also be great to have the automatic commit message template features. This would make putting the current task & status in the commit message a breeze.
This is bugging me almost enough that I'm ready to see if it's possible to make some scripts to query Eclipse / Mylyn for the current commit message template output, and do the git commit from the commandline using this. I'm not sure how automatic per-user-story feature branch creation would work though.
Until these problems get fixed, I'm sure a lot of EGit users will not be happy :-(
We suffered from this problem cluttering up the commit screen no end, and occasionally causing someone to forget to include a file they had created.
The solution we came up with was to manually edit the .gitignore files to include the paths where the linked files would appear when the symlinks were dereferenced:
Since we were working in the Play Framework we also edited the following ignores:
We simply added
/ModuleName for each of the modules that were symlinked and now egit ignores them properly, for completeness here is the full contents of my root .gitignore file, that sits in the root directory of the project:

Subversive (Eclipse SVN plugin) reports externals as obstructed

After doing a fresh checkout using Subversive, some of the directories retrieved because of svn:external properties are showing up as obstructed. However not all of them are. A command-line use of "svn status" properly shows all the directories as externals with no obstructions.
Why is this happening?
This does looks like this thread
We checked the situation and we had found that the problem can happen in case if working copy is locked by external process in time of update.
For example, the process TSVNCache that related to TortoiseSVN time-to-time produces conflicts with working copy access and JavaSVN library cannot complete working copy modification in correct way. As result working copy goes into "Obstructed" state, i.e. it is damaged.
The same diagnosis related to any process which locks working copy in time of working copy meta-data modification. (We found same behavior for MS Visual Studio 2005 Express Edition, but I don't know why the Studio locks WC?)
So be sure to make the checkout with the least possible number of application running.
Another source of conflict could be:
The SVN 1.4.x-compatible clients are automatically converts working copy into 1.4.x-compatible format. At the current moment Subversive Default client is incompatible with SVN 1.4.x working copy format.
So, if you performed any modification of the working copy using command line SVN client in your case you will get "Obstructed" state indicated over the resources in the workspace tree.
In order to resolve the problem I will propose you to switch SVN client option and select SVN Kit 1.1.0-based client or Native JavaHL 1.4.2 client.
Next, if resources already decorated as "Obstructed", please close and then open again corresponding projects or simply restart Eclipse IDE in order to reload SVN meta-information cache.
Now : the exact version may not be the same for you, but that is another lead to check.