How to make protocol conformed by only required classes? - swift

I'm trying to achieve type constraint on protocols. In my current project I have a following base controller. I examined this answer too but I don't understand why it isn't working.
class BaseViewController: UIViewController {
I declared two protocol based on my requirements.
protocol A: AnyObject {
func execute()
extension A {
func execute() {
protocol B {
func confirm()
extension B where Self: BaseViewController & A {
func confirm() {
What I'm trying to achieve is to prevent all classes which doesn't conform protocol A and BaseViewController also can't conform protocol B also.
However, when I try to conform protocol B in another UIViewController which doesn't conform protocol A there is no error.
class AnotherVC: UIViewController {
extension AnotherVC: B {
func confirm() {
How can I restrict other view controllers to conform protocol B if they don't conform protocol A and inherit from BaseViewController

I am not sure if below code is what you need, do let me know if that’s what you were looking for, else I will be happy to remove my answer.
protocol A:BaseViewController {
func execute()
protocol B:A {
func confirm()
class BaseViewController: UIViewController {
class AnotherVC: B {
In above code compiler will give error saying-:
'A' requires that 'AnotherVC' inherit from ‘BaseViewController'
Once you inherit AnotherVC from BaseViewController, it will give another error saying-:
Type 'AnotherVC' does not conform to protocol ‘A'
Once you confirm the implementations errors will be resolved-:
class AnotherVC:BaseViewController, B {
func confirm() {
func execute() {


In Swift declare protocol variable that has to conform to at least one protocol

How can I define a variable in a protocol in Swift4 that at least needs to conform to a protocol, but can also conform to other protocols as well?
For example I now get an error if the protocol declares that a variable should conform to protocol B and I want the variable in the implementation to conform to a composite of different protocols (B + C).
// For example: Presenter can conform to default stuff
protocol A {
var viewController: C? { get set }
func presentDefaultStuff()
extension protocol A {
func presentDefaultStuff() {
// Presenter can conform to custom stuff
protocol B {
func presentCustomStuff()
// viewController can conform to default stuff
protocol C {
func displayDefaultStuff()
// viewController can conform to custom stuff
protocol D {
func displayCustomStuff()
class SomeClass: A & B {
// Gives an error: Type 'SomeClass' does not conform to protocol 'A'
// because protocol A defines that viewController needs to be of
// type C?
var viewController: (C & D)?
I edited my original post to make the question more clear
I also found a solution to do the thing that I wanted to achieve:
I can split the class and make an extension on the implementation that conforms to one of the protocols like this:
class someClass: B {
customViewController: (C & D)?
extension someClass: A {
var viewController: C? {
return customViewController
The compiler does a type check that customViewController conforms to C?.

How to make self.dynamicType into a typealias

Basically I want to add a typealias to UIViewController or any other default swift classes. The reasoning behind this is that I want to abstract my code so that I can access some static functions by just using this instead of self.dynamicType
extension UIViewController {
typealias this = TheClassThatSubclassedThis
class DetailViewController: UIViewController {
func doStuff() {
static func doStaticStuff() {
I know this is possible by creating a protocol, then just implement said protocol to the class I want to implement it to, like this
protocol CanAccessStaticSelf {
typealias this
class DetailVC: UIViewController, CanAccessStaticSelf {
typealias this = DetailVC
But is there a more efficient way to do this? Like for example, by just subclassing a certain class or by extending a superclass?
Like this for example
extension UIViewController {
public static var defaultNibName: String {
return self.description().componentsSeparatedByString(".").dropFirst().joinWithSeparator(".")
class DetailVC: UIViewController, CanAccessStaticSelf {
func doSomeStuffAgain() {
// no other code just subclass and I can access self.dynamicType as just `this`
Try this instead:
protocol CanAccessStaticSelf {
typealias this = Self
...but what you are trying to achieve looks somewhat confusing to me ;-(
Thanks to this proposal from Erica Sadun we all might be able to use the Self keyword for that in the near future.
For instance:
class MyClass {
static func staticMethod() { ... }
func instanceMethod() {
it is not possible to access through this.
but you can access through "UIViewController.defaultNibName".

Swift Properties that conforms to a protocl

I have this protocol:
protocol TestProtocol {
func doSomething
I would like to use this protocol to ensure some properties are conforming to it like:
class MyClass {
var detailVC : UIViewController <TestProtocol>
like good old ObjC to ensure the detailVC conforms to TestProtocol
protocol MyViewControllerProtocol {
func protoFunc()
class MyClass {
var prop: MyViewControllerProtocol?
It's as simple as that. But if you want a pre-defined class to conform to a protocol, you then need to make an extension (but then this applies to the class as a whole) or you subclass it.
As an extension to the class as a whole:
extension UIViewController: MyProtocol {
func protoFunc() {
print("do whatever")
In this case, when extended, you can just set the property as:
var myProperty: UIViewController?
As after being extended, it'll conform as required.
Or just subclass it with:
class MyConformingViewController: UIViewController, MyProtocol {
override func protoFunc() {
print("do whatever")
In this case, you just set the property as:
var myProp: MyConformingViewController?
And that'll automatically confirm to MyProtocol due to the class being set to conform to it.
You can't force a predesignated class to conform to a protocol which wasn't already designated to conform to it in the first place.
e.g. UIViewController wasn't originally set to confirm to MyOtherProtocol for example
That would defeat the object of protocols in the first place. This is why you either extend it to conform, or subclass it to conform.
So you can implement the method like following:
class detailVC : UIViewController, TestProtocol {
func doSomething() {}
In Swift you can't have a variable of one type and also declared as a protocol type.
What you can have is a variable that needs conform more than one protocol.
class MyClass {
var detailVC : TestProtocol
class MyClass {
var detailVC : protocol<TestProtocol,SecondProtocol>

Swift - Segmentation fault, conforming to a protocol

I have a class
class Presenter<T: UIViewController where T: protocol<ViewInput, ViewController>>: NSObject
override init()
I want Presenter conform to one more Protocol and write an extension:
extension Presenter: OneMoreProtocol
func doSomething()
But this trow an error: While emitting IR for source file ..../Presenter.swift (Segmentation fault)
The protocol looks:
#objc protocol OneMoreProtocol: AnyObject
optional func doSomething()
So if I remove extension the error: addListener that is described above in this case throws this error:
Argument type 'Presenter' does not conform to expected type 'OneMoreProtocol'
How can I make conforming in a right way?
Now I think I understand better the issue. The new protocol you added is marked with #objc attribute. You then have to mark the method in the extension Presenter with the #objc like this:
#objc func doSomething()
But you have a bigger problem now: "#objc is not supported within extensions of generic classes."
I am not sure what you are trying to achieve in the end but a simple trick would be a protocol extension.
protocol OneMoreProtocol
func doSomething()
extension OneMoreProtocol {
func doSomething() {}
And now you have an empty implementation for doSomething so you don't have to write an implementation everywhere where the protocol is adopted.

Swift - class method which must be overridden by subclass

Is there a standard way to make a "pure virtual function" in Swift, ie. one that must be overridden by every subclass, and which, if it is not, causes a compile time error?
You have two options:
1. Use a Protocol
Define the superclass as a Protocol instead of a Class
Pro: Compile time check for if each "subclass" (not an actual subclass) implements the required method(s)
Con: The "superclass" (protocol) cannot implement methods or properties
2. Assert in the super version of the method
class SuperClass {
func someFunc() {
fatalError("Must Override")
class Subclass : SuperClass {
override func someFunc() {
Pro: Can implement methods and properties in superclass
Con: No compile time check
The following allows to inherit from a class and also to have the protocol's compile time check :)
protocol ViewControllerProtocol {
func setupViews()
func setupConstraints()
typealias ViewController = ViewControllerClass & ViewControllerProtocol
class ViewControllerClass : UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
func setup() {
guard let controller = self as? ViewController else {
//.... and implement methods related to UIViewController at will
class SubClass : ViewController {
//-- in case these aren't here... an error will be presented
func setupViews() { ... }
func setupConstraints() { ... }
There isn't any support for abstract class/ virtual functions, but you could probably use a protocol for most cases:
protocol SomeProtocol {
func someMethod()
class SomeClass: SomeProtocol {
func someMethod() {}
If SomeClass doesn't implement someMethod, you'll get this compile time error:
error: type 'SomeClass' does not conform to protocol 'SomeProtocol'
Another workaround, if you don't have too many "virtual" methods, is to have the subclass pass the "implementations" into the base class constructor as function objects:
class MyVirtual {
// 'Implementation' provided by subclass
let fooImpl: (() -> String)
// Delegates to 'implementation' provided by subclass
func foo() -> String {
return fooImpl()
init(fooImpl: (() -> String)) {
self.fooImpl = fooImpl
class MyImpl: MyVirtual {
// 'Implementation' for
func myFoo() -> String {
return "I am foo"
init() {
// pass the 'implementation' to the superclass
You can use protocol vs assertion as suggested in answer here by drewag.
However, example for the protocol is missing. I am covering here,
protocol SomeProtocol {
func someMethod()
class SomeClass: SomeProtocol {
func someMethod() {}
Now every subclasses are required to implement the protocol which is checked in compile time. If SomeClass doesn't implement someMethod, you'll get this compile time error:
error: type 'SomeClass' does not conform to protocol 'SomeProtocol'
Note: this only works for the topmost class that implements the protocol. Any subclasses can blithely ignore the protocol requirements. – as commented by memmons
class SuperClass {
func someFunc() {
fatalError("Must Override")
class Subclass : SuperClass {
override func someFunc() {
However, assertion will work only in runtime.
This is what I usually do, to causes the compile-time error :
class SuperClass {}
protocol SuperClassProtocol {
func someFunc()
typealias SuperClassType = SuperClass & SuperClassProtocol
class Subclass: SuperClassType {
func someFunc() {
// ...
You can achieve it by passing function into initializer.
For example
open class SuperClass {
private let abstractFunction: () -> Void
public init(abstractFunction: #escaping () -> Void) {
self.abstractFunction = abstractFunction
public func foo() {
// ...
public class SubClass: SuperClass {
public init() {
abstractFunction: {
print("my implementation")
You can extend it by passing self as the parameter:
open class SuperClass {
private let abstractFunction: (SuperClass) -> Void
public init(abstractFunction: #escaping (SuperClass) -> Void) {
self.abstractFunction = abstractFunction
public func foo() {
// ...
public class SubClass: SuperClass {
public init() {
abstractFunction: {
(_self: SuperClass) in
let _self: SubClass = _self as! SubClass
print("my implementation")
Compile time check for if each subclassimplements the required method(s)
Can implement methods and properties in superclass
Note that you can't pass self to the function so you won't get memory leak.
It's not the prettiest code
You can't use it for the classes with required init
Being new to iOS development, I'm not entirely sure when this was implemented, but one way to get the best of both worlds is to implement an extension for a protocol:
protocol ThingsToDo {
func doThingOne()
extension ThingsToDo {
func doThingTwo() { /* Define code here */}
class Person: ThingsToDo {
func doThingOne() {
// Already defined in extension
// Rest of code
The extension is what allows you to have the default value for a function while the function in the regular protocol still provides a compile time error if not defined