Having a static list/seq of users with 10K records, is this threadsafe? - scala

Say I have a static reference to a list/seq of a collection of users:
val users = List(User(..), User(...))
In my controllers, depending on the querystring filters passed in I will filter the users collection.
The action would look something like:
def findUsers(...) = Action {
val filteredUsers = users.filter(.....)
So if this endpoint is getting 10K requests per second, the fact that the users reference is a val and I a am simply filtering the results in a read-only manner, this endpoint should be blazing fast correct?
The second part to this question is, since I cannot hard code 10K users in a collection, what would be the best way to mimic this behaviour or am I forced to make this a var in this case if I load the data from a db?
var users = userService.getAll()
I would need to reload this users periodically, like maybe every 3-4 hours.

So if this endpoint is getting 10K requests per second, the fact that
the users reference is a val and I a am simply filtering the results
in a read-only manner, this endpoint should be blazing fast correct?
Yes, no concerns with thread safety here. If you use something that refreshes this list you might get varying responses if 2 clients hit the same url when cache is being refreshed. It's possible to remediate this if that's an issue. In most cases it's not a problem.
You could use a var if you want to implement refresh yourself. There are other ways like using an actor which will hold this state. However, the best option I think is already provided by Play framework: ScalaCache
It has cache refresh and expiry.
If you want further speedups you can cache results of your filtering if it makes sense for you. So it could be double cache for all results and filtered results or just for filtered results. Depends on your needs.


Contention-friendly database architecture for large documents and inner arrays

I have a database with a collection of documents using this schema (shortened schema because some data is irrelevant to my problem):
title: string;
order: number;
modificationsHistory: HistoryEntry[];
items: ListRow[];
finalItems: ListRow[];
These documents can easily reach 100 or 200 kB, depending on the amount of items and finalItems that they hold. It's also very important that they are updated as fast as possible, with the smallest bandwidth usage possible.
This is inside a web application context, using Angular 9 and #angular/fire 6.0.0.
When the end user edits one item inside the object's item array, like editing just a property, reflecting that inside the database requires me to send the entire object, because firestore's update method doesn't support array indexes inside the field path, the only operations that can be done on arrays are adding or deleting an element as described inside documentation.
However, updating an element of the items array by sending the entire document creates poor performances for anyone without a good connection, which is the case for a lot of my users.
Second issue is that having everything in realtime inside one document makes collaboration hard in my case, because some of these elements can be edited by multiple users at the same time, which creates two issues:
Some write operations may fail due to too much contention on the document if two updates are made in the same second.
The updates are not atomic as we're sending the entire document at once, as it doesn't use transactions to avoid using bandwidth even more.
Solutions I already tried
This was a very simple solution: create a subcollection for items, finalItems and modificationsHistory arrays, making them easy to edit as they now have their own ID so it's easy to reach them to update them.
Why it didn't work
Having a list with 10 finalItems, 30 items and 50 entries inside modificationsHistory means that I need to have a total of 4 listeners opened for one element to be listened entirely. Considering the fact that a user can have many of these elements opened at once, having several dozens of documents being listened creates an equally bad performance situation, probably even worse in a full user case.
It also means that if I want to update a big element with 100 items and I want to update half of them, it'll cost me one write operation per item, not to mention the amount of read operations needed to check permissions, etc, probably 3 per write so 150 read + 50 write just to update 50 items in an array.
Cloud Function to update the document
const {
} = require('fast-json-patch');
function applyOffsets(data, entries) {
entries.forEach(customEntry => {
const explodedPath = customEntry.path.split('/');
let pointer = data;
for (let fragment of explodedPath.slice(0, -1)) {
pointer = pointer[fragment];
pointer[explodedPath[explodedPath.length - 1]] += customEntry.offset;
return data;
exports.updateList = functions.runWith(runtimeOpts).https.onCall((data, context) => {
const listRef = firestore.collection('lists').doc(data.uid);
return firestore.runTransaction(transaction => {
return transaction.get(listRef).then(listDoc => {
const list = listDoc.data();
try {
const [standard, custom] = JSON.parse(data.diff).reduce((acc, entry) => {
if (entry.custom) {
} else {
return acc;
}, [
applyPatch(list, standard);
applyOffsets(list, custom);
transaction.set(listRef, list);
} catch (e) {
Using a diff library, I was making a diff between previous document and the new updated one, and sending this diff to a GCF that was operating the update using the transaction API.
Benefits of this approach being that since transaction happens inside GCF, it's super fast and doesn't consume too much bandwidth, plus the update only requires a diff to be sent, not the entire document anymore.
Why it didn't work
In reality, the cloud function was really slow and some updates were taking over 2 seconds to be made, they could also fail due to contention, without firestore connector knowing it, so no possibility to ensure data integrity in this case.
I will be edited accordingly to add more solutions if I find other stuff to try
I feel like I'm missing something, like if firestore had something I just didn't know at all that could solve my use case, but I can't figure out what it is, maybe my previously tested solutions were badly implemented or I missed something important. What did I miss? Is it even possible to achieve what I want to do? I am open to data remodeling, query changes, anything, as it's mostly for learning purpose.
You should be able to reduce the bandwidth required to update your documents by using Maps instead of Arrays to store your data. This would allow you to send only the item that is being updated using its key.
I don't know how involved this would be for you to change, but it sounds like less work than the other options.
You said that it's not impossible for your documents to reach 200kb individually. It would be good to keep in mind that Firestore limits document size to 1mb. If you plan on supporting documents beyond that, you will need to find a way to fragment the data.
Regarding your contention issues... You might consider a system that "locks" the document and prevents it from receiving updates while another user is attempting to save. You could use a simple message system built with websockets or Firebase FCM to do this. A client would subscribe to the document's channel, and publish when they are attempting an update. Other clients would then receive a notice that the document is being updated and have to wait before they can save their own changes.
Also, I don't know what the contents of modificationsHistory look like, but that sounds to me like the type of data that you might keep in a subcollection instead.
Of the solutions you tried, the subcollection seems like the most scalable to me. You could look into the possibility of not using onSnapshot listeners and instead create your own event system to notify clients of changes. I suppose it could work similar to the "locking" system I mentioned above. A client sends an event when it updates an item belonging to a document. Other clients subscribed to that document's channel will know to check the database for the newest version.
Your diff-approach appeared mostly sensible, details aside.
You should store items inline, but defer modificationsHistory into a sub collection. For the entire root document, record which elements of modificationsHistory have been merged yet (by timestamp should suffice), and all elements not merged yet, you have to re-apply individually on each client, querying with aforementioned timestamp.
Each entry in modificationsHistory should not describe a single diff, but whenever possible a set of diffs.
Apply changes from modificationsHistory collections onto items in batch, deferred via GCF. You may defer this arbitrarily far, and you may want to exclude modifications performed only in the last few seconds, to account for not established consistency in Firestore. There is no risk of contention, that way.
Cleanup from the modificationsHistory collection has to be deferred even further, until you can be sure that no client has still access to an older revision of the root document. Especially if you consider that the client is not strictly required to update the root document when the listener is triggered.
You may need to reconstruct the patch stack on the client side if modificationsHistory changes in unexpected ways due to eventual consistency constraints. E.g. if you have a total order in the set of patches, you need to re-apply the patch stack from base image if the collection unexpectedly suddenly contains "older" patches unknown to the client before.
All in all, you should be able avoid frequent updates all together, and limit this solely to inserts into to modificationsHistory sub-collection. With bandwidth requirements not exceeding the cost of fetching the entire document once, plus streaming the collection of not-yet-applied patches. No contention expected.
You can tweak for how long clients may ignore hard updates to the root document, and how many changes they may batch client-side before submitting a new diff. Latter is also a tradeof with regard to how many documents another client has to fetch initially, with regard to max-documents-per-query limits.
If you require other information which are likely to suffer from contention, like list of users currently having a specific document open, that should go into sub-collections as well.
Should the latency for seeing changes by other users eventually turn out to be unacceptable, you may opt for an additional, real-time capable data channel for distribution of patches on a specific document. ActiveMQ or some other message broker operated on dedicated resources, running independently from FireStore.

REST: How best to handle large lists

It seems to me that REST has clean and clear semantics for basic CRUD and for listing resources, but I've seen no discussion of how to handle large lists of resources. It doesn't scale to dump an entire database table over the network in a resource-oriented architecture (imagine a customer table with a million customers!), especially if you only need a few items. So it seems that some semantics should exist to filter, map and reduce a list of resources on the server-side.
So, do you know any tried and true ways to do the following kinds of requests in REST:
1) Retrieve just the count of the resources?
I could imagine doing something like GET /api/customer?result=count
Is that how it's usually done?
I could also imagine modifying the URL (/api/count/customer or /api/customer/count, for example), but that seems to either break the continuity of the resource paths or inflict an ugly hack on the expected ID field.
2) Filter the results on the server-side?
I could imagine using query parameters for this, in a context-specific way (such as GET /api/customer?country=US&state=TX).
It seems tricky to do it in a flexible way, especially if you need to join other tables (for example, get customers who purchased in the last 6 months).
I could imagine using the HTTP OPTIONS method to return a JSON string specifying possible filters and their possible values.
Has anyone tried this sort of thing?
If so, how complex did you get (for example, retrieving the items purchased year-to-date by female customers between 18 and 45 years old in Massachussetts, etc.)?
3) Mapping to just get a limited set of fields or to add fields from joined tables?
4) More complicated reductions than count (such as average, sum, etc.)?
EDIT: To clarify, I'm interested in how the request is formulated rather than how to implement it on the server-side.
I think the answer to your question is OData! OData is a generic protocol for querying and interacting with information. OData is based on REST but extends the semantics to include programatic elemements similar to SQL.
OData is not always URL-based only as it use JSON payloads for some scenarios. But it is a standard (OASIS) so it well structured and supported by many APIs.
A few general links:
The most common ways of handling large data sets in GET requests are (afaict) :
1) Pagination. The request would be something like GET /api/customer?country=US&state=TX&firstResult=0&maxResults=50. This way the client has the freedom to choose the size of the data chunk he needs (this is often useful for UI-based clients).
2) Exposing a size service, so that the client gets to know how large the data set is before actually requesting it. The service would be something like
GET /api/customer/size?country=US&state=TX
Obviously the two can (and imho should) be used together, so that when/if a client (be it mobile or web or whatever) waints to fill its UI with content, he can choose what's the best data chunk size based also on the size of whole data set (e.g. to avoid creating 100 pages for the user to navigate).

How to optimize collection subscription in Meteor?

I'm working on a filtered live search module with Meteor.js.
Usecase & problem:
A user wants to do a search through all the users to find friends. But I cannot afford for each user to ask the complete users collection. The user filter the search using checkboxes. I'd like to subscribe to the matched users. What is the best way to do it ?
I guess it would be better to create the query client-side, then send it the the method to get back the desired set of users. But, I wonder : when the filtering criteria changes, does the new subscription erase all of the old one ? Because, if I do a first search which return me [usr1, usr3, usr5], and after that a search that return me [usr2, usr4], the best would be to keep the first set and simply add the new one to it on the client-side suscribed collection.
And, in addition, if then I do a third research wich should return me [usr1, usr3, usr2, usr4], the autorunned subscription would not send me anything as I already have the whole result set in my collection.
The goal is to spare processing and data transfer from the server.
I have some ideas, but I haven't coded enough of it yet to share it in a easily comprehensive way.
How would you advice me to do to be the more relevant possible in term of time and performance saving ?
Thanks you all.
It depends on your application, but you'll probably send a non-empty string to a publisher which uses that string to search the users collection for matching names. For example:
Meteor.publish('usersByName', function(search) {
check(search, String);
// make sure the user is logged in and that search is sufficiently long
if (!(this.userId && search.length > 2))
return [];
// search by case insensitive regular expression
var selector = {username: new RegExp(search, 'i')};
// only publish the necessary fields
var options = {fields: {username: 1}};
return Meteor.users.find(selector, options);
Also see common mistakes for why we limit the fields.
Meteor is clever enough to keep track of the current document set that each client has for each publisher. When the publisher reruns, it knows to only send the difference between the sets. So the situation you described above is already taken care of for you.
If you were subscribed for users: 1,2,3
Then you restarted the subscription for users 2,3,4
The server would send a removed message for 1 and an added message for 4.
Note this will not happen if you stopped the subscription prior to rerunning it.
To my knowledge, there isn't a way to avoid removed messages when modifying the parameters for a single subscription. I can think of two possible (but tricky) alternatives:
Accumulate the intersection of all prior search queries and use that when subscribing. For example, if a user searched for {height: 5} and then searched for {eyes: 'blue'} you could subscribe with {height: 5, eyes: 'blue'}. This may be hard to implement on the client, but it should accomplish what you want with the minimum network traffic.
Accumulate active subscriptions. Rather than modifying the existing subscription each time the user modifies the search, start a new subscription for the new set of documents, and push the subscription handle to an array. When the template is destroyed, you'll need to iterate through all of the handles and call stop() on them. This should work, but it will consume more resources (both network and server memory + CPU).
Before attempting either of these solutions, I'd recommend benchmarking the worst case scenario without using them. My main concern is that without fairly tight controls, you could end up publishing the entire users collection after successive searches.
If you want to go easy on your server, you'll want to send as little data to the client as possible. That means every document you send to the client that is NOT a friend is waste. So let's eliminate all that waste.
Collect your filters (eg filters = {sex: 'Male', state: 'Oregon'}). Then call a method to search based on your filter (eg Users.find(filters). Additionally, you can run your own proprietary ranking algorithm to determine the % chance that a person is a friend. Maybe base it off of distance from ip address (or from phone GPS history), mutual friends, etc. This will pay dividends in efficiency in a bit. Index things like GPS coords or other highly unique attributes, maybe try out composite indexes. But remember more indexes means slower writes.
Now you've got a cursor with all possible friends, ranked from most likely to least likely.
Next, change your subscription to match those friends, but put a limit:20 on there. Also, only send over the fields you need. That way, if a user wants to skip this step, you only wasted sending 20 partial docs over the wire. Then, have an infinite scroll or 'load more' button the user can click. When they load more, it's an additive subscription, so it's not resending duplicate info. Discover Meteor describes this pattern in great detail, so I won't.
After a few clicks/scrolls, the user won't find any more friends (because you were smart & sorted them) so they will stop trying & move on to the next step. If you returned 200 possible friends & they stop trying after 60, you just saved 140 docs from going through the pipeline. There's your efficiency.

Get request with very long query string. (CSV)

I'm looking to implement an API call where you can specify any combination of up to ~6000 ids to get data from the server. Trouble is it's quite likely that a request will contain a large number of id's - say around 4000. The query string would therefore be very long and possibly too long for the browser?
I wonder, what would be the best approach? I could use a POST but it doesn't really fit with REST - but then again I'm not too fussed about that. Is there a better way of doing this?
In this case, POST really is the solution. From a REST perspective and also from an optimization perspective, if you expect this call to be invoked multiple times with the same list of IDs, you may want to consider one POST call to create a server-side named/defined list and then for subsequent GET requests to reference the created list so that this data doesn't have to be repeated each and every time.

Breeze: complex graph returns only 1 collection

I have a physician graph that looks something like this:
The query I use to get data from a WebApi backend looks like this:
var query = new breeze.EntityQuery().from("Physicians")
.where("ContactInfo.LastName", "startsWith", lastInitial).take(5);
(note the ContactInfo is a pseudonym of the People object)
What I find is that If I request Contact.Phones to be expanded, I'll get just phones and no Notes or Specialties. If I comment out the phones I'll get Contact.Addresses and no other collections. If I comment out ContactInfo along with Phones and Addresses I'll get Notes only etc. Essentially, it seems like I can only get one collection at a time.
So, Is this a built in 'don't let the programmer shoot himself in the foot'?? safeguard or do I have to enable something?
OR is this graph too complicated?? should I consider a NoSql object store??
You need to put all your expand clauses in a single one like this:
var query = new breeze.EntityQuery().from("Physicians")
.expand("ContactInfo, ContactInfo.Phones, ContactInfo.Addresses, PhysicianNotes, PhysicianSpecialties")
.where("ContactInfo.LastName", "startsWith", lastInitial).take(5);
You can see the documentation here: http://www.breezejs.com/sites/all/apidocs/classes/EntityQuery.html#method_expand
JY told you HOW. But BEWARE of performance consequences ... both on the data tier and over the wire. You can die a miserable death by grabbing too widely and deeply at once.
I saw the take(5) in his sample. That is crucial for restraining a runaway request (something you really must do also on the server). In general, I would reserve extended graph fetches of this kind for queries that pulled a single root entity. If I'm presenting a list for selection and I need data from different parts of the entity graph, I'd use a projection to get exactly what I need to display (assuming, of course, that there is no SQL View readily available for this purpose).
If any of the related items are reference lists (color, status, states, ...), consider bringing them into cache separately in a preparation step. Don't include them in the expand; Breeze will connect them on the client to your queried entities automatically.
Finally, as a matter of syntax, you don't have to repeat the name of a segment. When you write "ContactInfo.Phones", you get both ContactInfos and Phones so you don't need to specify "ContactInfo" by itself.