Multipeer connection Webrtc Flutter - flutter

I am trying to make 3 peer video chat using Webrtc in Flutter. A needs to see B and C. B needs to see A and C. C needs to A and B. I also use for signalling server. I used 2 peerconnection. two peer connection is successful. When I tried to connect the third one and tried to pass offer I got an error.
to execute 'createAnswer' on 'RTCPeerConnection': PeerConnection cannot create an answer in a state other than have-remote-offer or have-local-pranswer.
is my approach is bad for multiple peer connection?

A mesh of 3 users means each user sets up two connections, one to each of the other two users. At each client's end, these are two entirely different RTCPeerConnections, and you can't reuse candidates between them, as each candidate contains port numbers allocated specifically for the media and the target it is to be sent to.
If you know how to set up one connection, you know how to set up two. Just keep things separate.

just set 1 connection and try to use the direction: many to many


P2P web based automated response based on user query

I would like to create a web based p2p application between two nodes. A website shows a list of nodes. When a user (say A) clicks on a node, it must setup a p2p chat like connection between the two. It goes like this : once connection is established, node A can send a query message to B. Once B receives the query message, B must respond with the correct answer, (if A queries : RETRIEVE x.txt, B's response must be the contents of x.txt) I would like to be pointed into the right direction regarding the proper tech / protocols to be used. Thank you😀
Firstly, if you want to reach all the nodes, you need to collect their information so that when you click, you can connect to it.
Secondly, if you want to connect to these nodes, you need to do NAT traversal so that they can connect to each other.
Thirdly, you may want a reliable connection, so you need reliable UDP.
According these, you need the following protocols:
Creating a center controller like tracker to collect infomations
Creating NAT traversal, like nat-pmp and upnp, and it's better if you can build a ICE in the center controller
When click to some node, using udp to connect to it
If you want the connection reliable, you may also need to do reliable UDP, like QUIC, kcp or libutp.

How does an app keep track of connections to other computers?

I was thinking about the concept of a software port which helps distinguish which internet packets belong to which application and i was wondering what similar construct does an app itself use to distinguish between two different connections that it might be attempting. For example, if an app X with asynchronous execution has initiated a connection on line 10 in its source code and then it starts another one on line 11 while the first connection is still ongoing what does it use to keep track of these connections?
I believe that depending on the connection type, there must be an identifier for it.
Take for example socket connections, assuming a client is using for initiating multiple connections with other processes, for every connection there is a unique id for it.
socket.on('connect', () => {
console.log(; // 'G5p5...'
This might be a little abstracted, but even on the low level, the same thing happens.

When 2 computer interact over a network connection then first they have to make a socket connection?

Please answers in yes or no. This will solve my doubt.
1. Is a post/get request sent from computer-1 to Computer-2 then first they have to make a socket connection?
2. When 2 computers connect with ssh then first they have to make a socket connection , then only then can talk to each other ?
The examples you give involve network connections and sockets are a common abstraction used when communicating over modern computer networks; however, other abstractions could be used. This is what Damien_The_Unbeliever is saying in the comments. For example, you could ask whether for loops are the only way to iterate over an array. The answer is the same: for loops are a common abstraction to loop over elements of an array, but there are other equivalent (in a machine-code sense) methods of doing so using other abstractions.
More fundamentally, computers can communicate with each other without using networks at all. You could have computers communicate over an interface consisting of webcams and monitors; sending is accomplished by putting something on the screen and receiving is accomplished by receiving the video feed. You could do the same with microphones and speakers. You could do the same with robotic arms, keyboards and mice. Two computers can communicate with each other using a human courier; my work and home computers do it regularly! Computers could write letters and mail them, deliver them or use carrier pigeons to send them to other computers designed to accept information in those formats.
Please answers in yes or no. This will solve my doubt.
Is a post/get request sent from computer-1 to Computer-2 then first they have to make a socket connection?
In this case, Yes, but if request is going from browser then it do for you.You can see thr url for get and post have the port number in them. If not mentioned the default port is 80, in general. For example If you use WebSphere Application Server, the default port is 9081 or 80 if IBM HTTP Server is configured.
When 2 computers connect with ssh then first they have to make a socket connection , then only then can talk to each other ?
In this Case, again Yes, the port is 22 in ssh

How to provide multiple services through a cloud gateway?

Assume I'm working on a multiplayer online game. Each group of players may start an instance of the game to play. Take League Of Legends as an example.
At any moment of time, there are many game matches being served at the same time. My question is about the architecture of this case. Here are my suggestions:
Assume we have a cloud with a gateway. Any game instance requires a game server behind this gateway to serve the game. For different clients outside the cloud to access different game servers in the cloud, the gateway may differentiate between connections according to ports. It is like we have one machine with many processes each of them listening on a different port.
Is this the best we can get?
Is there another way for the gateway to differentiate connections and forward them to different game instances?
Notice that these are socket connections NOT HTTP requests to an API gateway.
EDIT 1: This question is not about Load Balancing
The keyword is ports. Will each match be served on a different port? or is there another way to serve multiple services on the same host (host = IP)?
Elaboration: I'm using client-server model for each match instance. So multiple clients may connect to the same match server to participate in the same match. Each match need to be server by a match server.
The limitation in mind is: For one host (=IP) to serve multiple services it need to provide them on different ports. Match 1 on port 1234. So clients participating in match 1 will connect to and communicate with the match server on port 1234.
EDIT 2: Scalability is the target
My match server does not calculate and maintain the world of many matches. It maintains the world of one match. This is why each match need another instance of the match server. It is not scalable to have all clients communicating about different matches to connect to one process and to be processed by one process.
My idea is to serve the world of each match by different process. This will require each process to be listening on a different port.
Example: Any client will start a TCP connection with a server listening on port A. Is there is a way to serve multiple MatchServers on the same port A (so that more simultaneous MatchServers won't result in more ports)?
Is there a better scalable way to serve the different worlds of multiple matches?
Short answer: you probably shouldn't use proxy-gateway to handle user connections unless you are absolutely sure there's no other way - you are severely limiting your scaling ability.
Long answer:
What you've described is just a load balancing problem. You can find plenty of solutions based on given restrictions via google.
For League Of Legends it can be quite simple: using some health-check find server with lowest amount of load and stick (kinda like sticky sessions) current game to this server - until the game is finished any computations for particular game are made there. You could use any kind of caching mechanism to store game - server relation for subsequent requests on gateway side.
Another, a bit more complicated example could be data storage for statistics for particular game - it's usually solved via sharding which is a usual consequence of distributed computing. It could be solved this way: use some kind of hashing function (for example, modulo) with game ID as parameter to calculate server number. For example 18283 mod 15 = 13 for game ID = 18283 and 15 available shards - so 13th server should store/serve this data.
Main problem here would be "rebalancing" - adding/remove a shard from cluster, for example.
Those are just two examples, you can google more of them using appropriate keywords. Just keep in mind that all of this is just a subset of problems of distributed computing.

How to sync an application state over multiple iphones in the same network?

I am developing an iPhone application that allows to basically click through a series of actions. These series are predefined and synced with a common configuration server.
That app might be running on multiple devices at the same time. All devices are assumed to have the same series of actions defined on them. All devices are considered equal, there is not a server and multiple clients or something like that.
(Only) one of these devices is used by a person at any given time, it is however possible that the person switches to a different device at any given time. All "passive" devices need to be synchronized with the active one, so that they display the same action.
The whole thing should happen as automatically as possible. No selection of devices, configuration, all devices in the same network take part in the same series of actions.
One additional requirement is that a device could join during a presentation (a series of actions) and needs to jump to the currently active action.
Right now, I see two options to implement the networking/communication part of that:
Bonjour. I have implemented a working prototype that can automatically connect with one (1) other device in the network and communicate with that. I am not sure at this point how much additional work the "multiple devices" requirement is. Would I have to open a set of connections for every device and manually send the sync events to all of them? Is there a better way or does bonjour provide anything to help me with that? What does Bonjour provide given that I want to communicate with every device in the network anyway?
Multicast with AsyncUdpSocket. Simply define a port and send multicast sync events out to that port. I guess the main issue compared to using bonjour with tcp would be that the connection is not safe and packets could be lost. This is however in a private, protected wlan network with low traffic if that would really be an issue. Are there other disadvantages that I'm not seeing? Because that sounds like a relatively easy option at this point...
Which one would you suggest? Or is there another, better alternative that I'm not thinking of?
You should check out GameKit (built in to iOS)--they have a lot of the machinery you need in a convenient package. You can easily discover peers on the network and easily send data back for forth between clients (broadcast or peer to peer)
In my experience Bonjour is perfect for what you want. There's an excellent tutorial with associated source code: Chatty that can be easily modified to suit your purposes.
I hobbled together a distributed message bus for the iphone (no centralized server) that would work great for this. It should be noted that the UI guy made a mess of the code, so thar' be dragons there:
The basic idea is to use bonjour to form a network with leader election. The leader becomes the hub through which all the slaves subscribe to topics of interest. Then any message sent to a given topic is delivered to every node subscribed to said topic. A master disconnection simple means restarting the leader election process.