Print all Palindromic Subsequences in a given string (not distinct) - palindrome

There are many problems of this kind on GFG like Count All Palindromic Subsequence in a given String. But I have not found this question anywhere:
Print all Palindromic Subsequences in a given string (not distinct).
I looked at this article on GFG and tried to test it for string "aba" for understanding and I found the ans as 5 but according to me, the possible palindromic subsequences are {'a','b','a','aa'} and they are 4.
So my question is why it is 5 and what is the fifth palindromic subsequence in "aba" that I am not able to find?
Because of this I am not able to understand the question Count All Palindromic Subsequence in a given String. Kindly help!

Since aba is already a palindrome, it must be included in the set of all palindromic subsequences.
So the final answer would be: {'a','b','a','aa','aba'}.


Using Matlab to find output at specified input values

spacing_Pin = transpose(-27:0.0001:2);
thetah_2nd = Phi_intrp3(ismembertol(spacing_Pin,P_in2nd));
With this code, I want to evaluate Phi_intrp3at indices where spacing_Pinis equal to P_in2nd
I know I have asked similar questions before. And I have got some really helpful answers already. But in this case they do not seem to apply. P_in2ndhas only 40 entries, whereas spacing_Pinhas far more. Therefore I cannot consider the absolute value of the difference of spacing_Pinand P_in2ndto find out where they are closest to equal.
so P_in2ndhas values between -25.9747 and -0.0147. The decimals have 4 digits after the dot, but these are sometimes rounded by Matlab (format short). That's the catch, I think, P_in2nd is not found in spacing_Pin. The result is an empty matrix.
Here's the first 5 entries of P_in2nd:
Now, I want to evaluate ¸Phi_intrp3at these values. For this purpose I can change spacing_Pin, but not P_in2nd. For example, when I search for the first entry of P_in2ndin spacing_Pin, I find that entry 10254 = -25,9747000000000. So I want to evaluate Phi_intrp3at this input entry.
Is there a way of doing this?

Edit executavble command to make random number generator in Perl

I was using this module for Perl, Crypt::PRNG, to generate random numbers. The number-generation seems truly random when using the random string command, it can use digits 0-9 as well as other characters and create a random string of the specified number of digits, the problem is the leading 0's.
perl -MCrypt::PRNG=:all -E "say random_string_from("1234567890", n)"
where n is the number of digits, is there a executable command similar to the one above to fix the leading 0's so I can for sure get an n digit number? My intent is to fix only the first digit to "123456789". Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks in advance.
How about
random_string_from("123456789", 1) . random_string_from("1234567890", $n-1)
Put the Crypt::PRNG code in a while loop until the leading character is not a 0.

how to find all the possible longest common subsequence from the same position

I am trying to find all the possible longest common subsequence from the same position of multiple fixed length strings (there are 700 strings in total, each string have 25 alphabets ). The longest common subsequence must contain at least 3 alphabets and belong to at least 3 strings. So if I have:
String test1 = "abcdeug";
String test2 = "abxdopq";
String test3 = "abydnpq";
String test4 = "hzsdwpq";
I need the answer to be:
String[] Answer = ["abd", "dpq"];
My one problem is this needs to be as fast as possible. I am trying to find the answer with suffix tree, but the solution of suffix tree method is ["ab","pq"].Suffix tree can only find continuous substring from multiple strings.The common longest common subsequence algorithm cannot solve this problem.
Does anyone have any idea on how to solve this with low time cost?
I suggest you cast this into a well known computational problem before you try to use any algorithm that sounds like it might do what you want.
Here is my suggestion: Convert this into a graph problem. For each position in the string you create a set of nodes (one for each unique letter at that position amongst all the strings in your collection... so 700 nodes if all 700 strings differ in the same position). Once you have created all the nodes for each position in the string you go through your set of strings looking at how often two positions share more than 3 equal connections. In your example we would look first at position 1 and 2 and see that three strings contain "a" in position 1 and "b" in position 2, so we add a directed edge between the node "a" in the first set of nodes of the graph and "b" in the second group of nodes (continue doing this for all pairs of positions and all combinations of letters in those two positions). You do this for each combination of positions until you have added all necessary links.
Once you have your final graph, you must look for the longest path; I recommend looking at the wikipedia article here: Longest Path. In our case we will have a directed acyclic graph and you can solve it in linear time! The preprocessing should be quadratic in the number of string positions since I imagine your alphabet is of fixed size.
P.S: You sent me an email about the biclustering algorithm I am working on; it is not yet published but will be available sometime this year (fingers crossed). Thanks for your interest though :)
You may try to use hashing.
Each string has at most 25 characters. It means that it has 2^25 subsequences. You take each string, calculate all 2^25 hashes. Then you join all the hashes for all strings and calculate which of them are contained at least 3 times.
In order to get the lengths of those subsequences, you need to store not only hashes, but pairs <hash, subsequence_pointer> where subsequence_pointer determines the subsequence of that hash (the easiest way is to enumerate all hashes of all strings and store the hash number).
Based on the algo, the program in the worst case (700 strings, 25 characters each) will run for a few minutes.

Find the m-th smallest number in Matlab? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to find the index of the n smallest elements in a vector
(2 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Is there an efficient way to find the m-th smallest number in a vector of length n in Matlab? Do I have to use sort() function? Thanks and regards!
You don't need to sort the list of numbers to find the mth smallest number. The mth smallest number can be found out in linear time. i.e. if there are n elements in your array you can get a solution in O(n) time by using the selection algorithm and median of median algorithm.
The link is to the Wikipedia article,
Edit 2: As Eitan pointed the first part of the answer doesn't address the question of finding the smallest m-th value but regarding the m-th element after the min value. The rest of the answer remains... +1 for Eitan's sharpness.
While sort is probably very efficient to begin with, you can try to see whether a find will be better. For example:
id(end) % is the index of the smallest m-th element in X
the function find has added functionality that lets you find the 'first' or 'last' elements that meet some criterion. For example, if you want to find the first n elements in array X less than a value y, use find(X<y,n,'first')
This operation stops as soon as the first element meeting the condition is encountered, which can result in significant time savings if the array is large and the value you find happens to be far from the end.
I'd also like to recap what #woodchips said already in this SO discussion that is somewhat relevant to your question:
The best way to speed up basic built-in algorithms such as sort is to get a faster hardware. It will speed everything else up too. MATLAB is already doing that in an efficient manner, using an optimized code internally. Saying this, maybe a GPU add-on can improve this too...
For what it's worth, adding to Muster's comment, there is a FEX file called nth_element that is a MEX wrap of C++ that will get a solution in O(n) time for what you need. (similar to what #DDD pointed to)
As alternative solution, you may follow this way:
A = randi(100,4000,1);
A = sort(A,'ascend');
m = 5; % the 5 smallest numbers in array A
B = A(1:5);
I hope this helps.

Why don't I get zero when I subtract the same floating point number from itself in Perl? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 13 years ago.
Possible Duplicates:
Why is floating point arithmetic in C# imprecise?
Why does ghci say that 1.1 + 1.1 + 1.1 > 3.3 is True?
$l1 = "0+0.590580+0.583742+0.579787+0.564928+0.504538+0.459805+0.433273+0.384211+0.3035810";
$l2 = "0+0.590580+0.583742+0.579788+0.564928+0.504538+0.459805+0.433272+0.384211+0.3035810";
$val1 = eval ($l1);
$val2 = eval ($l2);
$diff = (($val1 - $val2)/$val1)*100;
print " (($val1 - $val2)/$val1)*100 ==> $diff\n";
Surprisingly the output ended up to be
((4.404445 - 4.404445)/4.404445)*100 ==> -2.01655014354845e-14.
Is it not supposed to be a ZERO????
Can any one explain this please......
What every computer scientist should know about floating point arithmetic
See Why is floating point arithmetic in C# imprecise?
This isn't Perl related, but floating point related.
It's pretty close to zero, which is what I'd expect.
Why's it supposed to be zero? 0.579787 != 0.579788 and 0.433273 != 0.433272. It's likely that none of these have an exact floating point representation so you should expect some inaccuracies.
From perlfaq4's answer to Why am I getting long decimals (eg, 19.9499999999999) instead of the numbers I should be getting (eg, 19.95)?:
Internally, your computer represents floating-point numbers in binary. Digital (as in powers of two) computers cannot store all numbers exactly. Some real numbers lose precision in the process. This is a problem with how computers store numbers and affects all computer languages, not just Perl.
perlnumber shows the gory details of number representations and conversions.
To limit the number of decimal places in your numbers, you can use the printf or sprintf function. See the "Floating Point Arithmetic" for more details.
printf "%.2f", 10/3;
my $number = sprintf "%.2f", 10/3;
When you change the two strings to be equal (there are 2 digits different between $l1 and $l2) it does indeed result in zero.
What it is demonstrating is that you can create 2 different floating point numbers ($val1 and $val2) that look the same when printed out, but internally have a tiny difference. These differences can be magnified up if you're not careful.
Vinko Vrsalovic posted some good links to explain why.