Meaning of if(!$_) - perl

I have a script in Perl that is reading a file. At some point, the code utilize the following if statement inside a for loop:
for (my $i = 0; $i<10 ; $i++ ) {
$_ = <INPUT>;
if (!$_) {last;}
I am new in Perl, so I would like to know the meaning of !$_. In this example, $_ is a line of my file. So, what content the line should have to the if statement be true.

The if condition, what is inside (), is evaluated in a boolean scalar context to be tested for "truthiness." So if it's undef or '' (empty string) or 0 (or string "0") it's false.
That ! negates what follows it, so if (!$_) is true if $_ is false (undef or '' or 0 or "0"). However, in this case that $_ is assigned from <> operator so it'll always have a linefeed at the end -- unless the source for <> was exhausted in which case <> returns undef.
So, in this case, that if (!$_) tests for whether there is nothing more to read from INPUT, and exits the for loop with last if that is the case.
A few comments on the shown code.
That C-style for loop can also be written as for my $i (0..9), what is considered far nicer and more readable.† See foreach, and really follow links for flow-control key-words
The piece of code
if (!$_) { last; }
reads from INPUT filehandle and exits its loop (see last) once there is end-of-file. (That need not be an actual file but any resource readable via a filehandle.)
This is clumsy, to say the least; a common way of doing it is
while (<INPUT>) {
† So much so that even hard-core compiled languages now have it. The C++11 introduced the range-based for loop
for (auto var: container) ... // (really, const auto&), or auto&, or auto&&
and the standard reference linked above says
Used as a more readable equivalent to the traditional for loop [...]


Operator to read a file using file handle

I am trying to read a file,
while($line = $file_handle)
When I ran this code, the program hung.
I noticed to read the file using file handle, we need to used <>
while($line = <file_handle>)
The later code obviously ran.
Now I know operator <> is to read the file line by line, I want to know what exactly is happening when I dont provide <> operator?
Is it not able to find the end of the line ?or?
Given this code:
use warnings;
use strict;
open my $fh, '<', 'in.txt' or die $!;
while (my $x = $fh){
print "$x\n";
when run in the debugger, you can see that $x now contains a GLOB (a copy of the file handle). On each iteration, $x takes the whole handle as an assignment, and causes an infinite loop, because the statement is always true. Because you're always assigning a true value (the handle), the while statement is effectively no different than writing while(1){....
perl -d
main::( open my $fh, '<', 'in.txt' or die $!;
DB<1> s
main::( while (my $x = $fh){
DB<1> s
main::( $DB::single=1;
DB<1> x $x
0 GLOB(0xbfdae8)
-> *main::$fh
FileHandle({*main::$fh}) => fileno(6)
DB<2> s
main::( $DB::single=1;
DB<2> x $x
0 GLOB(0xbfdae8)
-> *main::$fh
FileHandle({*main::$fh}) => fileno(6)
<$fh> essentially extracts a single line from the file handle, and when EOF is hit (or an error occurs), returns undef, which terminates the loop (because undef is false).
Short File is read by the <> operator so without it it is only an assignment, thus the infinite loop.
The while (...) { ... } checks the condition inside () and if true it executes the body in the block {}. It keeps doing this until the condition in () evaluates to what is understood as false (generally 0, '0', '', or undef). This is what the operator <> provides, for example, so we have an idiom
while (my $line = <$file_handle>) { ... }
The <> operator reads a line at each iteration from the resource that $file_handle is associated with and when it reaches end-of-file it returns undef so the loop terminates and the program execution continues at the next statement after the loop. The diamond operator <> is the operator form for the function readline. See I/O Operators in perlop. For all this to work $file_handle has to be a valid resource that can retrieve data.
Without the <> operator nothing is read from anywhere, but there is only an assignment. The code does the following. It copies the variable $file_handle into the variable $line. The return value of that operation in Perl is the value that ends up in $line, and if that is a 'truthy' value then the body { ... } is executed. The $file_handle clearly evaluates to 'true', otherwise the loop body would not execute even once and the program would continue. Thus $line is true, too. So if the $file_handle doesn't change in the body {...} of the loop the condition is always true.
Then whatever is in the body keeps being executed, without a reason for the loop to terminate, and it thus never returns control to the program. It's an infinite loop, and the program appears to hang.
Note that this is sometimes used deliberately and you may see code like
while (1) {
# Compute what is needed
# Recalculate the condition for when to stop
last if $condition_to_terminate;
This approach can be risky though, since the condition can get more and more complicated and an error could sneak in, in which case we end up with an infinite loop. There are usually clearer ways to control loops.
A completely different example is an event loop, where it is crucial to enter an infinite loop so that we can then wait for an event of some sort, at which point a particular action is taken. This is how GUI's work, for example, and a number of other systems.
For the example that 'hung':
while($line = $file_handle)
The elements $line = $file_handle is purely an assignment. At that point, your while is just checking that the assignment is truthy, i.e. that $line is not the number 0, the string 0, an empty string, or undef, which of course it's not -> hense you get an infinite loop.

Changes in function param() behavior? [duplicate]

I am a little confused as which way to test parameters. Here are two examples from source code posted below. First is this
if(!defined($DBHdl) || !defined($acct_no));
the way to test for undefined parameters?
Second, after assigning to a hashref
$ptMtrRecRef = $ptSelHdl->fetchrow_hashref;
is the best way to test for $ptMtrRecRef being defined to use
# Returns count of meters per account number.
# $PkNam -- package name discarded
# $DBHdl -- ICS database handle
# $acct_no -- water account number
sub mgbl_get_meter_count
my ($PkNam, $DBHdl, $acct_no) = #_;
die("mgbl_get_meter_count passed undef handles.\n")
if(!defined($DBHdl) || !defined($acct_no));
my $ptSelHdl;
my $ptMtrRecRef;
my $sql_statement =
"select count(*) from meter m where m.acct_no = ".$acct_no.";";
$ptSelHdl = $DBHdl->prepare($sql_statement);
die("Cannot prepare select count(*) from meter m\n")
if(!$ptSelHdl || !$ptSelHdl->execute);
$ptMtrRecRef = $ptSelHdl->fetchrow_hashref;
return $ptMtrRecRef;
$sth->fetchrow_hashref will either return undef or a reference to a hash. As such
if (defined($row))
if ($row)
are equivalent here. (undef is false, and reference is always true.) I opt for the simpler alternative.
Same idea for $dbh->prepare.
In the case of the code you posted, I would also do as ikegami said, and use the shorter form.
There are occasions when that isn't suitable, however, for example if a variable could have a legitimate value that would be treated as false if simply used in a true/false test. For example:
my $value = 0;
print "defined\n" if defined $value; # prints 'defined'
print "true\n" if $value; # does not print anything
Well , in perl script language, defined($a) is just a sub routine to test if $a is "undef",nothing else. So ,you will ask ,what is undef?
To be accurate, it is a perl subroutine ,the same as defined.But when it has no parameter, it can be considered as a perl-special scalar . For example , when you pop a value from an empty array ,it will return an undef.When you call subroutine "undef $b",then $b will become undef($b must be an left value),nothing else. Only in this case, defined($b) will return false.But if $c is an empty string like "" ,number zero ,or string "0" ,defined($c) will still return true;
But if you use a simple boolean expression instead of defined,it becomes totally different. A simple Boolean test will not distinguish among undef, zero, the empty string, and "0" .So , it absolutely depends on your pratical requirement when determining using defined() or just a boolean test.

Definition of empty {} after If() statement in eval{} statement

I am currently attempting to document a Perl script in preparation for converting it to .NET. I have no prior experience in Perl before now, however I was managing to get through it with a lot of Google-fu. I have run into a single line of code that has stopped me as I am unsure of what it does. I've been able to figure out most of it, but I'm missing a piece and I don't know if it's really that important. Here is the line of code:
eval { if(defined $timeEnd && defined $timeStart){}; 1 } or next;
I know that defined is checking the variables $timeEnd and $timeStart to see if they are null/nothing/undef. I also believe that the eval block is being used as a Try/Catch block to trap any exceptions. The line of code is in a foreach loop so I believe the next keyword will continue on with the next iteration of the foreach loop.
The part I'm having difficulty deciphering is the {};1 bit. My understanding is that the ; is a statement separator in Perl and since it's not escaped with a backslash, I have no idea what it is doing there. I also don't know what the {} means. I presume it has something to do with an array, but it would be an empty array and I don't know if it means something special when it is directly after an if() block. Lastly, I no idea what a single integer of 1 means and is doing there at the end of an eval block.
If someone could break that line of code down into individual parts and their definitions, I would greatly appreciate it.
Bonus: If you can give me a .NET conversion, and how each Perl bit relates to it, I will most certainly give you my internet respects. Here's how I would convert it to VB.NET with what I know now:
For each element in xmlList 'This isn't in the Perl code I posted, but it's the `foreach` loop that the code resides in.
If Not IsNothing(timeEnd) AND Not IsNothing(timeStart) then
End If
Catch ex as Exception
Continue For
End Try
Ignoring elsif and else clasuses, the syntax of an if statement is the following:
The block is executed if the EXPR evaluates to something true. A block consists of a list of statements in curly braces. The {} in your code is the block of the if statement.
It's perfectly valid for blocks to be empty (to contain a list of zero statements). For example,
while (s/\s//) { }
is an inefficient way of doing
The thing is, the condition in the following has no side-effects, so it's quite useless:
if(defined $timeEnd && defined $timeStart){}
It can't even throw an exception![1] So
eval { if(defined $timeEnd && defined $timeStart){}; 1 } or next;
is equivalent to
eval { 1 } or next;
which is equivalent to[2]
1 or next;
which is equivalent to
# Nothing to see here...
Technically, it can if the variables are magical.
$ perl -MTie::Scalar -e'
our #ISA = "Tie::StdScalar";
tie(my $x, __PACKAGE__);
sub FETCH { die }
Died at -e line 4.
I doubt the intent is to check for this.
Technically, it also clears $#.
eval{} returns result of last expresion (1 in your example) or undef if there was an exception. You can write same code as,
my $ok = eval {
if (defined $timeEnd && defined $timeStart){};
$ok or next;
From perldoc -f eval
.. the value returned is the value of the last expression evaluated inside the mini-program; a return statement may be also used, just as with subroutines.
If there is a syntax error or runtime error, or a die statement is executed, eval returns undef in scalar context or an empty list in list context, and $# is set to the error message

Why doesn't my subroutine return value get assigned to $_ default variable

I have a Perl subroutine which updates an RSS feed. I want to test the returned value, but the function is used in many places so I wanted to just test the default variable $_ which as far as I understand should be the assigned the return value if no variable is specified.
The code is a bit too long to include all of it, but in essence it does the following
sub updateFeed {
if($error) {
return 0;
return 1;
Why then does
$rtn = updateFeed("My message");
if ($rtn < 1) { &Log("updateFeed Failed with error $rtn"); }
NOT log any error
if ($_ < 1) { &Log("updateFeed Failed with error $_"); }
logs an error of "updateFeed Failed with error"? (Note no value at the end of the message.)
Can anyone tell me why the default variable seems to contain an empty string or undef?
Because Perl doesn't work that way. $_ doesn't automatically get the result of functions called in void context. There are some built-in operators that read and write $_ and #_ by default, but your own subroutines will only do that if you write code to make it happen.
An ordinary function call is not one of the contexts in which $_ is used implicitly.
Here's what perldoc perlvar (as of v5.14.1) has to say about $_:
The default input and pattern-searching space. The following pairs are equivalent:
while (<>) {...} # equivalent only in while!
while (defined($_ = <>)) {...}
$_ =~ /^Subject:/
$_ =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/
Here are the places where Perl will assume $_ even if you don't use it:
The following functions use $_ as a default argument:
abs, alarm, chomp, chop, chr, chroot, cos, defined, eval, exp, glob, hex, int, lc, lcfirst, length, log, lstat, mkdir, oct, ord, pos, print, quotemeta, readlink, readpipe, ref, require,
reverse (in scalar context only), rmdir, sin, split (on its second argument), sqrt, stat, study, uc, ucfirst, unlink, unpack.
All file tests (-f, -d) except for -t, which defaults to STDIN. See -X in perlfunc
The pattern matching operations m//, s/// and tr/// (aka y///) when used without an =~ operator.
The default iterator variable in a foreach loop if no other variable is supplied.
The implicit iterator variable in the grep() and map() functions.
The implicit variable of given().
The default place to put an input record when a <FH> operation's result is tested by itself as the sole criterion of a while test. Outside a while test, this will not happen.
As $_ is a global variable, this may lead in some cases to unwanted side-effects. As of perl 5.9.1, you can now use a lexical version of $_ by declaring it in a file or in a block with my.
Moreover, declaring our $_ restores the global $_ in the current scope.
Mnemonic: underline is understood in certain operations.
You never assigned the flag to $_, so why would it contain your flag? It appears to contain an empty string (or perhaps undef, which stringifies to the empty string with a warning).
$_ isn't by set by subroutines in void context by default. It is possible to write your subs to set $_ when is void context. You start by checking the value of wantarray, and set $_ when wantarray is undefined.
sub updateFeed {
my $return
if($error) {
$return = 0;
$return = 1;
# $return = !$error || 0;
if( defined wantarray ){ # scalar or list context
return $return;
}else{ # void context
$_ = $return;
I would recommend against doing this as it can be quite a surprise to someone that is using your subroutine. Which can make it harder to debug their program.
About the only time I would do this, is when emulating a built-in subroutine.

Perl while loop / reading file

I'm new to Perl and I have a problem when reading a file line by line. I started with a tutorial which suggested using a while loop. That worked fine, however I wanted to have an option to break out of the loop in case of an error. I know I can use the "last" keyword, but I don't like that very much, I would like to include it in the while loop's boolean expression so it is easier to see on what conditions it stops. So I did
while ( (!$error) && (<MYFILE>) ) {
print $_;
Unfortunately, this doesn't work because $_ seems to contain a "uninitialized value". For some reason, when I change (!$error) to (!0), it works again. I would understand that it was not working had I used || because of lazy evaluation, but with && in this case both sides need to be evaluated so I don't understand why it doesn't initialize the line variable.
The magical assignment to $_ only occurs if there is nothing else in the loop:
while (<MYFILE>) {
print $_;
If you want the error test too - which is not recommended - then you need to do the assignment:
my $error = 0;
while (!$error && ($_ = <MYFILE>)) {
$error = 1 if m/quit/i;
Don't forget to add:
use warnings;
use strict;
The reason why the version with '!0' worked is probably because Perl optimizes and recognizes that '!0' is always true and removes it from the loop, leaving just the I/O operator, which then assigns to $_.
NB: it is far better to use idiomatic Perl and the last statement:
while (<MYFILE>) {
last if m/quit/i;
First, as Jonathan points out you should always write languages idiomatically unless you have a very good reason and here you don't.
Your larger problem is misunderstanding the while loop. The automatic assignment of the result of the angle operator to $_ only occurs if it is the only thing in the while conditional test. If there are multiple items in the conditional test they are evaluated and then discarded (Programming Perl pp. 80-81 and I/O Operators at Perldoc).