Where to find an enumeration of error codes in AWSSDK.S3 for .NET - aws-sdk-net

The possible S3 error codes are listed in the docs here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/API_Error.html
Are they enumerated in the SDK somewhere? If so, where?


Google Calendar API - No such module 'GoogleAPIClientForREST'

I'm trying to integrate the Google Calendar API on iOS. I've followed the iOS Quickstart. I've managed to get the objective-c version to run but I need to get it to work in Swift. I'm getting an error loading the module 'GoogleAPIClientForREST'
I'm using cocoapods as shown in the example. All looks to be loaded fine on the pod side, as you can see in the screenshot.
Has someone succeeded to run the google example in swift ?
Linking the library with the binary resolved the module not found error.
I then ran into another error "Value of type 'GTLRCalendarService' has no member 'authorizer'" in the signin method (Two instances of the error). Found a solution to this error here
Solved this by creating a bridging header where I included these lines
#import <GTMSessionFetcher/GTMSessionFetcher.h>
#import <GTMSessionFetcher/GTMSessionFetcherService.h>
Here's my Xcode project incase it can help someone.

AWS Java SDK (API Gateway): How to disable an API key

Hi I am trying to disable an API key programmatically, but can't find any documentation.
So far I have located 2 classes that might be what I need:
UpdateApiKeyRequest and DeleteApiKeyRequest. Problem is that I have no clue what to do with these.
Please could someone show me how to use these classes to disable or delete an API key?
You can use deleteApiKey API.
The SDK source code is available here. The documentation is available here.
You can disable an API Key using updateApiKey API.
The SDK is documented here. The API reference is here.
The below is a sample PatchOperations object to be sent in the PATCH request:

Cannot access "Parse.setApplicationId()"

I'm trying to make an app with swift/Obj-c (Bridging Header) with parse.com
So here's my question:
I saw on many sites that you can use Parse.setApplicationId("appid","clientid")
When I try this code it says Use of unresolved Identifier 'Parse'
I imported the framework and set the bridging header in the properties.
I also imported the frameworks which are required like it's written on parse.com
All other Classes/Objects from parse can be used by swift in the code.
This problem was because of a bug in xcode... (I think the compiler failed)
After I restarted Xcode the error was gone.

unrecognized objects using Facebook c# sdk samples

I'm starting to use Facebook c# SDK. By starting with a sample provided on the source(CSASPNETWebsiteRegistrationForm) I added the references and using Facebook and Facebook.Web but sentences like FacebookApplication.Current.AppId are not recognized by Visual Studio.(not exist in the current context). Am I missing something?
Sorry for my ignorance
You are missing references to Facebook.dll and Facebook.Web.dll. These are available in the source download in the bin folder.

iPhone Undocumented API of Security.framework

I read some info regarding getting .h files for undocumented API. Most of sources recommend class-dump (or class-dump-x and class-dump-z).
However it doesn't work with iPhone Security.framework. It doesn't contain Objective-C runtime information.
The only other way which I found is to use nm or otool. This will give the names of functions and disassembly for them.
Does anybody know some faster way to get undocumented functions signature than reading disassembly and trying to figure out what parameters go where and what could it be?
You mean this undocumented api, documented here..
Security.framework is not private or undocumented.
As far as headers go, installed on my harddrive in the 3.2 sdk i find:
As for a little reverse engineering 101, you should realise that a framework doesn't contain or in anyway have a use for header files, or function signatures. When provided they are solely for the benefit of the developer. There is no C or C++ or objective-c code in the compiled framework, only the raw machine code.
As you have seen, if objective-c was used Class-Dump can do a pretty good job of arranging objective-c symbols into something that looks like a header file, only missing type information that isn't used at runtime, so still not that useful.
If the source language was C then you are screwed. There may be a function name symbol but there is no info about arguments or return type.
There are bunch of additional undocumented API's which are not mentioned in official documentation. As example, part of them could be seen here: