JBPM_7.XX: How to change role name "admin" to other name? - jboss

Currently, I am integrating JBPM with LDAP with following guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UpT92-GIxc.
I have done successfully. But, Our LDAP server already have role "admin" and I cannot add this role to my OU. So, How can i change configuration admin role to other name in jbpm?
Thank all!

In the jbpm.usergroup.callback.properties file, you should configure the "binding" user:
You could try any other one, different than admin.
Notice that if the LDAP server doesn’t allow anonymous binding, then ldap.bind.user and ldap.bind.pwd parameters are mandatory in this file.
In this blog post, you can find a sample for a basic LDAP configuration ("LDAP structure" chapter):
Take into account to update jboss LdapExtLoginModule with the bindDN and password accordingly.


Keycloak - restrict the access to the admin console

Is there any way to restrict the access to the keycloak admin console at the level of groups or user roles? The way of restriction by ip (and undertow filter to block external access), unfortunately, does not quite suit me. I will be very grateful for any advice!
I tried to create roles for security-admin-console and realm-management clients, but it didn't work, all the users still have access to admin console.
It turned out, that the problem was because of realms' default groups. I checked them out and there was admin role by default in all the realms' default groups. For this reason, all imported from a third-party idp users had the admin role by default and had access to the admin console.

User descriptions missing when OpenLDAP used with WebLogic

I am using a WebLogic server on Linux. I added an OpenLDAP provider in the security realm. Now I see the list of users and group memberships in WebLogic as defined in LDAP and can login with one of those user cn's and password.
So far, so good.
However, in the Users and Groups list, the description column is blank for the LDAP entries. Which attribute should be added to the LDAP object to fill this?
The field is just named "description" for me

How to link / export existing Keycloak user to LDAP

I'm using Keycloak and just setup some OpenLDAP. Importing from LDAP to Keycloak works fine. Even new registrations and updates to users are synced nicely. But I can't find any way to:
a) Export existing Keycloak users to LDAP
b) Linking existing Keycloak users to existing LDAP users
when users already exist in Keycloak, during import I get the following error:
23:56:39,507 WARN
[org.keycloak.storage.ldap.LDAPStorageProviderFactory] (default
task-22) User 'foo' is not updated during sync as he already exists in
Keycloak database but is not linked to federation provider 'ldap'
Any Ideas? Did I missed something obvious?
To send users to LDAP please try to use options "Edit mode: Writable" and "Sync Registrations: ON" on ldap configuration page in Keycloak (User Federation->Ldap).

Keycloak - Users in Role missing after sync with LDAP

I configured LDAP as User Federation (with role-ldap-mapper) and successfully imported users with their roles to Keycloak.
When I go to Users->{user}->Role Mappings I see every roles that are signed to a user (imported from LDAP), but when I go to Roles->{role}->Users In Role I see nothing.
Is it a bug or a feature? Or maybe I configure something wrong?
Users roles
Empty Users in Roles
LDPA Role mapper configuration
I faced the same issue. I changed the Mode (inside LDAP role mapper) to Import instead of READ_ONLY and I was able to see users under a role.
Please create mapper of type msad-lds-user-account-control-mapper.
It works for me.

Lost access to websphere admin console

I'm kind of new with websphere. I was following an internal guide for setting up one of our company apps in websphere, but I changed one parameter in the admin console and after restarting the server, we cannot access with the administration console.
I checked the first option, when before the second one was, with user admin, and password admin also. Now, because It says "Server identity generated automatically" I have no idea what combination of user and password I need to enter in the administration console..
The administration console I'm referring to is the one located in server:port/ibm/console.
Thanks, this is really a serious problem for me, I would really appreciate any help I can get...
You should still be able to use whatever password you were using for admin user before making the change. Server user id is not used for restricting access to administrative console (see What is security property 'Server user identity' used for in Websphere Application Server?).
Nonetheless, since you can't access admin console at the moment (I'm assuming you mean that admin colsole login page shows up but you can't get admin user authenticated due to wrong password), first thing I'd suggest is turning of global security, so that you can use admin console to fix your settings and re-enable security. Once security is turned off, you won't be asked for a password during admin console login. Changing security settings in WebSphere Application Server with wsadmin technote gives step by step instructions.
If you are not sure about what password you have used for admin user, you must reset the password in the user repository you have configured (for example if you've configured LDAP, you must reset password at LDAP), before enabling security. If you are using a federated repository (this is default if you've not changed it), most probably admin user resides in file based repository, which is the first member of federated repository. In this case, you can just follow steps at How to reset the administrator's password in the file registry technote to reset your password. Otherwise you can try alternative documented at Updating your WAS administrator password (the link is from Lotus documentation but still is applicable).
Given that you have the command line 'xmlstarlet' in your terminal and,
WAS_HOME = Is your Websphere root location
profile's name
CELLNAME = Is your cell's name
xmlstarlet edit --update "/security:Security[#enabled='true']/#enabled" --value "false" $WAS_HOME/profiles/$PROFILENAME/config/cells/$CELLNAME/security.xml > /tmp/security.xml
cp /tmp/security.xml $WAS_HOME/profiles/$PROFILENAME/config/cells/$CELLNAME/security.xml
Summary: You are simply editing the correct security.xml file by changing the enabled="true" attribute to enabled="false" programmatically using xmlstarlet. Note that sed,awk,ed and other GNU tools lack the necessary ability to properly deal with the nested tree structure of XML.