How to find total passed, failed test cases in Protractor? - protractor

How to find total passed, failed test cases in Protractor?
Please recommend npm package which serves the problem statement

what's wrong with native Jasmine framework?

okay, if you want the number of describes failed you can add this code in your onPrepare in the config
onPrepare() {
suites: [],
jasmineStarted: function(suiteInfo) {
let jasmineSuites = jasmine.getEnv().topSuite();
for (let suite of jasmineSuites.children) {
suite: suite.description,
status: 'pass',
specDone: function(spec) {
if (spec.status === 'failed') {
let suiteName = spec.fullName.replace(' ' + spec.description, '');
this.suites.find(item => item.suite === suiteName).status = 'failed'
jasmineDone: function(result) {
let failed = this.suites.filter(item => item.status === 'failed')
console.log(`${failed.length} of ${this.suites.length} describe(s) failed`)
And it will result this output in your console


I am developing VS Code extension and I need to capture the call stack records and log the result

I am writing a simple VS Code extension that suppose to just log the call stack in the console at specific point while debugging a code.
I was able to write a code to retrieve the current session of debugging, the break points and things like this, but I failed to find any property or method to allow me retrieve the call stack records.
This is the code I wrote:
export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
console.log('Congratulations, your extension "sampleextension1" is now active!');
let disposable = vscode.commands.registerCommand('sampleextension1.hello', () => {
vscode.window.showInformationMessage('Hello World from sampleextension1!');
vscode.debug.onDidStartDebugSession(x => {
vscode.debug.onDidChangeActiveDebugSession(c => {
var b = vscode.debug.breakpoints[0];
As you see in the code, there is an event handler for onDidChangeActiveDebugSession which enables me to capture the session of the debugging but no chance to find how to capture the stack trace.
I went through the documentation but it's not helpful though.
I was able to achieve what I want by sending a CutomRequest to the debugging session to retrieve the stack frames.
More information could be found in the DAP page here
The code is as shown below:
x.customRequest('stackTrace', { threadId: 1 }).then(reply => {
const frameId = reply.stackFrames[0].id;
}, error => {
vscode.window.showInformationMessage(`error: ${error.message}`);
or more efficient is to register tracker as shown below:
vscode.debug.registerDebugAdapterTrackerFactory('*', {
createDebugAdapterTracker(session: vscode.DebugSession) {
return {
onWillReceiveMessage: m => console.log(`> ${JSON.stringify(m, undefined, 2)}`),
onDidSendMessage: m => console.log(`< ${JSON.stringify(m, undefined, 2)}`)
The full example is shown here:
export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
console.log('Congratulations, your extension "sampleextension1" is now active!');
let disposable = vscode.commands.registerCommand('sampleextension1.hello', () => {
vscode.window.showInformationMessage('Hello World from sampleextension1!');
vscode.debug.onDidStartDebugSession(x => {
// x.customRequest("evaluate", {
// "expression": "Math.sqrt(10)"
// }).then(reply => {
// vscode.window.showInformationMessage(`result: ${reply.result}`);
// }, error => {
// vscode.window.showInformationMessage(`error: ${error.message}`);
// });
x.customRequest('stackTrace', { threadId: 1 }).then(reply => {
const frameId = reply.stackFrames[0].id;
}, error => {
vscode.window.showInformationMessage(`error: ${error.message}`);
vscode.debug.onDidChangeActiveDebugSession(c => {
var b = vscode.debug.breakpoints[0];
vscode.debug.registerDebugAdapterTrackerFactory('*', {
createDebugAdapterTracker(session: vscode.DebugSession) {
return {
onWillReceiveMessage: m => console.log(`> ${JSON.stringify(m, undefined, 2)}`),
onDidSendMessage: m => console.log(`< ${JSON.stringify(m, undefined, 2)}`)
Steps to run:
F5 to run the Extension Dev Environment.
Ctl+Shift+P then write your cmd, in my case it was Hello
Then F5 to start the debugging in the Dev Environment then you will be able to see the result.
Hope it helps

Mochawesome with Cypress - how to get aggregated charts at higher level?

I've just started using mochawesome with Cypress (9.7). Our test structure is basically a number of spec files, each following something like the following format:
describe('(A): description of this spec', () => {
describe ('(B): description of test abc', () => {
before(() => {
// do specific set up bits for this test
it('(C): runs test abc', () => {
// do actual test stuff
Where within each spec file there would be a single 'A' describe block, but there can be many 'B' level blocks (each with a single 'C') - done this way because the before block for each 'C' is always different - I couldn't use a beforeEach.
When I run my various spec files, each structured similarly to the above, the mochaewsome output is mostly correct - I get a collapsible block for each spec file at level 'A', each with multiple collapsible blocks at level B, each with test info as expected at level C.
But... The circular charts are only displayed at level B. What I was hoping, was that it might be possible to have aggregated charts at level A, and a further aggregated chart for all the level A blocks.
Not sure I've explained this brilliantly(!), but hopefully someone understands, and can offer a suggestion?!
In cypress-mochawesome-reporter there's an alternative setup using on('after:run') which can perform the aggregation.
In Cypress v9.7.0
// cypress/plugins/index.js
const { beforeRunHook, afterRunHook } = require('cypress-mochawesome-reporter/lib');
const { aggregateResults } = require('./aggregate-mochawesome-report-chart');
module.exports = (on, config) => {
on('before:run', async (details) => {
await beforeRunHook(details);
on('after:run', async () => {
await afterRunHook();
In Cypress v10+
// cypress.config.js
const { defineConfig } = require('cypress');
const { beforeRunHook, afterRunHook } = require('cypress-mochawesome-reporter/lib');
const { aggregateResults } = require('./aggregate-mochawesome-report-chart');
module.exports = defineConfig({
reporter: 'cypress-mochawesome-reporter',
video: false,
retries: 1,
reporterOptions: {
reportDir: 'test-report',
charts: true,
reportPageTitle: 'custom-title',
embeddedScreenshots: true,
inlineAssets: false,
saveAllAttempts: false,
saveJson: true
e2e: {
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
on('before:run', async (details) => {
await beforeRunHook(details);
on('after:run', async () => {
await afterRunHook();
The module to do the aggregation is
// aggregate-mochawesome-reporter-chart.js
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs-extra')
function aggregateResults(config) {
const jsonPath = path.join(config.reporterOptions.reportDir , '/.jsons', '\mochawesome.json');
const report = fs.readJsonSync(jsonPath)
const topSuite = report.results[0].suites[0]
fs.writeJsonSync(jsonPath, report)
function aggregate(suite, level = 0) {
const childSuites = => aggregate(child, ++level))
suite.passes = suite.passes.concat( => child.passes)).flat()
suite.failures = suite.failures.concat( => child.failures)).flat()
suite.pending = suite.pending.concat( => child.pending)).flat()
suite.skipped = suite.skipped.concat( => child.skipped)).flat()
if (!suite.tests.length && suite.suites[0].tests.length) {
// trigger chart when to describe has no tests
suite.tests = [
"title": "Aggregate of tests",
"duration": 20,
"pass": true,
"context": null,
"err": {},
"uuid": "0",
"parentUUID": suite.uuid,
return suite
module.exports = {
The function aggregate() recursively loops down through child suites and adds the test results to the parent.
json files
Note the json file is different at the point where afterRunHook runs and at the end of the test run.
If you have the option saveJson: true set, you will get a final json file in the report directory called index.json.
At the afterRunHook stage the file is mochawesome.json.
Before aggregation
After aggregation

How we do Exception handling in protractor-cucumber and do a email notification

I am using Protractor-Cucumber framework with protractor 5.2.2 and cucumber 3.2. I have a requirement of posting in no.of locations. So I have written a script in a loop for it. But it randomly fails before completing the loop. So when the script ends abnormally, is there like an exception handling section that gets control before exiting.The script can be fail due to any of the reasons like web driver issue,NoSuchElementError,ElementIsNotIntractable,ElementIsNotVisible etc.So whatever be the issue I have to handle that, and if it fails, I have to do an email notification. I have tried try catch, as given below, but it does not work for me.
When(/^I login$/, function () {
var count=post_details.length ;
for (var i=0; i<count; i++){
How we can do this in protractor-cucumber.Thanks in advance
For the exception problem you can try this. ignoreUncaughtException
For the email part create a hooks.js file. Here you can setup the After() function, to check your scenario fails or not. Cucumber Docs.
After(function (scenario) {
if (scenario.result.status === Status.FAILED)
failed = true;
const attach = this.attach;
//creates a screenshot for the report
return browser.takeScreenshot().then(function(png) {
return attach(new Buffer(png, "base64"), "image/png");
Then you can use nodemailer to send messages. Nodemailer
In your AfterAll() function you can handle the send part.
if (failed)
var transporter = nodemailer.createTransport(
host: '',
port: xx,
secure: false,
//proxy: '',
auth: {
user: userMail,
pass: pw
var mailOptions = {
from: 'xx', // sender address (who sends)
subject: 'your subject', // Subject line
text: 'Your test failed....', // plaintext body
/*attachments: [
filename: 'report.html',
path: htmlReport,
transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, function(error, info)
return console.log(error);
console.log('Email sent: ' + info.response);
} else {
//do your stuff
setTimeout(callback, 2000);

Running k6 script for load tests returns an error

I'm first time user of k6 and I've already manage to get an error when running the script:
"Request Failed [33merror[0m="Get https:///: stopped
after 0 redirects"
Script k6.js:
import http from "k6/http";
import { sleep } from "k6";
export let options = {
stages: [
{ duration: "30s", target: 20 },
{ duration: "1m30s", target: 10 },
{ duration: "20s", target: 0 },
export default function() {
let res = http.get("https://<our_page_URL>/");
check(res, {
"status code MUST be 200": (res) => res.status == 200,
}) || fail("status code was *not* 200");
Why do I get this error and what is the solution?
You have to set up the maxRedirects option; maxRedirects is the maximum number of HTTP redirects that k6 will follow before giving up on a request and erroring out with ("Get $PATH stopped after $MAX_REDIRECT_VALUE redirects")
You can pass the option as CLI argument or script options. More about this option at
export let options = {
// Max redirects to follow (default is 10)
maxRedirects: 10
The default is 10, so there is likely a bug skipping the default value being assigned.
This is a redirect example to test how it works.
import http from "k6/http";
import {check} from "k6";
export let options = {
// Max redirects to follow (default is 10)
maxRedirects: 5
export default function() {
// If redirecting more than options.maxRedirects times, the last response will be returned
let res = http.get("");
check(res, {
"is status 302": (r) => r.status === 302
// The number of redirects to follow can be controlled on a per-request level as well
res = http.get("", {redirects: 1});
check(res, {
"is status 200": (r) => r.status === 200,
"url is correct": (r) => r.url === ""

How to use botkit with facebook and

I am a novice in chatbot development and I would like some help.
While it seems quite simple to connect botkit with facebook messenger and in orger to use NLP. I haven't managed to do so. My initial goal is to have a simple conversation like hello-hello but using as middleware.
Below I attach the code. What it should do is receive a "hello" message, pass it to and then respond "I heard hello!" as a reply (without using wit at this stage). Instead I just receive
debug: No handler for message_received
after every message I send to facebook messenger bot. In wit it seems like I am getting the messages since I receive messages in my inbox to update the intents.
If there is any code much simpler than the one below I would be very happy to have it so that I can start with something much simpler :).
if (!process.env.page_token) {
console.log('Error: Specify page_token in environment');
if (!process.env.page_token) {
console.log('Error: Specify page_token in environment');
if (!process.env.verify_token) {
console.log('Error: Specify verify_token in environment');
if (!process.env.app_secret) {
console.log('Error: Specify app_secret in environment');
var Botkit = require('./lib/Botkit.js');
var wit = require('./node_modules/botkit-middleware-witai')({
token: process.env.wit,
minConfidence: 0.6,
logLevel: 'debug'
var os = require('os');
var commandLineArgs = require('command-line-args');
var localtunnel = require('localtunnel');
const ops = commandLineArgs([
{name: 'lt', alias: 'l', args: 1, description: 'Use to make your bot available on the web.',
type: Boolean, defaultValue: false},
{name: 'ltsubdomain', alias: 's', args: 1,
description: 'Custom subdomain for the URL. This option can only be used together with --lt.',
type: String, defaultValue: null},
if( === false && ops.ltsubdomain !== null) {
console.log("error: --ltsubdomain can only be used together with --lt.");
var controller = Botkit.facebookbot({
debug: true,
log: true,
access_token: process.env.page_token,
verify_token: process.env.verify_token,
app_secret: process.env.app_secret,
validate_requests: true, // Refuse any requests that don't come from FB on your receive webhook, must provide FB_APP_SECRET in environment variables
var bot = controller.spawn({
controller.setupWebserver(process.env.port || 3000, function(err, webserver) {
controller.createWebhookEndpoints(webserver, bot, function() {
if( {
var tunnel = localtunnel(process.env.port || 3000, {subdomain: ops.ltsubdomain}, function(err, tunnel) {
if (err) {
console.log("Your bot is available on the web at the following URL: " + tunnel.url + '/facebook/receive');
tunnel.on('close', function() {
console.log("Your bot is no longer available on the web at the URL.");
controller.hears(['hello'], 'direct_message', wit.hears, function(bot, message) {
bot.reply(message, 'I heard hello!');
function formatUptime(uptime) {
var unit = 'second';
if (uptime > 60) {
uptime = uptime / 60;
unit = 'minute';
if (uptime > 60) {
uptime = uptime / 60;
unit = 'hour';
if (uptime != 1) {
unit = unit + 's';
uptime = uptime + ' ' + unit;
return uptime;
Make sure you have a few conversations in beforehand so for example hello there and highlight the hello in that statement as something like, greetings.
Now i'm not sure what your intents are called in but in your statement controller.hears(['hello'] you're actually listening to the intents. So in the example i mentioned above, we'd be using hears(['greetings']) since that's the intent in
Also, instead of using direct_message use message_received this is what it should look like:
controller.hears(['hello'], 'message_received', wit.hears, function(bot, message) {
bot.reply(message, 'I heard hello!');
If you're struggling tracking down the problem you can stick a console statement in your controller so something like console.log(" detected entities", message.entities); and see what you get back from that.
Let me know if you're still having any issues :)