Google Pay API: Braintree Gateway Configurations - paypal

I'm just getting started with Google Pay API and I planned to use Braintree as the gateway. According to the Google Pay API Doc here, we have to specify the sdkversion number of braintree.client.VERSION:
"gateway": "braintree"
"braintree:apiVersion": "v1"
"braintree:sdkVersion": "braintree.client.VERSION"
"braintree:merchantId": "YOUR_BRAINTREE_MERCHANT_ID"
My questions:
Where can we find the version number of braintree.client and what would be the syntax to specify the version number? According to the Braintree's doc here, there are so many version numbers and seems like 3.40.0 is the latest. Shall we put braintree.client.3.40.0?
What is braintree:apiVersion on the other hand?
Is it possible to use my PayPal merchant ID since I've generated my Braintree SDK Credential from within my PayPal's API Access setting?
For braintree.clientKey, it should be the Braintree SDK Credential that I've generated with PayPal, am I right?
It's kind of confusing, hope someone can shed me some light, thanks!

Firstly, signup for the Braintree Sandbox:
Configure Google Pay on the Braintree Sandbox account,
Get the JavaScript SDK
See the client SDK setup guide for JavaScript v3.
Use Drop-In type of integration which is easy one.
Then, go onto Server Side integration,
To obtain a tokenization key, follow these steps:
Log into either the sandbox Control Panel, depending on which environment you are working in
Click on the gear icon in the top right corner
Click API from the drop-down menu
Scroll to the Tokenization Keys section
If no key appears, click the Generate New Tokenization Key button.
To find your merchant ID:
Log into the sandbox Control Panel, depending on which environment you are working in
Click on the gear icon in the top right corner
Click Business from the drop-down menu
You'll find your merchant ID at the top of this page.
Your merchant ID can also be found when logged into your Control Panel, as the string of letters and numbers following /merchants/ in the URL.
Note: You cannot use PayPal Merchant Id here in the Braintree integration.


trying to do negative testing for paypal on their sandbox

how do i enable negative testing on the paypal sandbox?
I have found many old articles that suggest, you go to the dev dashboard click on the settings of a generated user and there is suppose to be a option for negative testing.
i have created 2 users plus the default user and none of them have the negative testing option in settings or anywhere else
Thanks for any help
What PayPal API are you testing? The setting in each sandbox account options only applies to the old classic NVP/SOAP APIs, which you should not be integrating anyway.
With current REST APIs such as v2/checkout/orders, request headers or test values are used to trigger negative responses in sandbox. No option needs to be enabled for this.

Cannot enable PayPal API in Magento

In Magento I'm trying to enable PayPal payments under System > Config > Payment Methods. I've entered the correct PayPal API credentials and chosen API Signature as the authentication method. We are not using a proxy server. When I save the config the 'Enable this solution' dropdown remains greyed out and the solution cannot be enabled.
Can anyone help?
Have you followed the below? Taken from PayPal site.
OpenStep 1: Complete the Required Settings:
On the Admin menu, select System > Configuration.
In the panel on the left, under Sales, select Payment Methods.
If your Magento installation has multiple websites, stores or views, set Current Configuration Scope in the upper-left corner to the target configuration.
In the Merchant Location section, select the Merchant Country where your business is located.
In the PayPal All-in-One Payments Solutions section, click the Configure button for PayPal Payments Standard.
In the Required PayPal Settings section, do the following:
Enter the Email Address that is associated with your PayPal merchant account.
Set Enable this Solution to “Yes.”
You have now completed the Required PayPal Settings. At this point, you can either continue with the Basic and Advanced Settings, or click the Save Config button. You can always come back later to fine-tune the configuration.
I had this same issue after upgrading a Magento site from 1.7.x to 1.9. I want to emphasize that I'm not 100% sure of the sequence, as I tried a few things before solving it, and didn't document the process. But hopefully the info helps you or someone else in the future.
I found suggestions about running an SQL query to change one or both payment methods to active. I did this first, and wound up setting both as active using a statement like this - make sure to add your table prefix:
update core_config_data
set value = 1
where path IN ('payment/paypal_express/active','payment/paypal_standard/active');
Next, I think, I went to Magento System->Configuration->Payment Methods and edited the values in each - PayPal Payments Standard, and PayPal Express Checkout.
I still couldn't insert the PayPal account details in Express Checkout, but eventually realized it was just missing the UI option to expand the section; see below image, you can click that grey bar to expand it and reveal the account info. It took way too long for me to figure that out.
Again, going from memory, but once I did that and saved it with the credentials, the "enable" option was back to "no" and could not be changed.
I'm not sure if somehow "Standard" was pulling info from Express, or if I had also just missed the collapsed box at the top of the "Standard" section, which expands to reveal the e-mail address & "enable" option. But it wound up getting me sorted out and accepting orders with PayPal.
See if that gets you anywhere. Good luck!

Paypal app. From sandbox to live

I implemented paypal sandbox in my application and after hours of headaches with their documentation, I managed to implement a working app that uses their RestAPI. Now I want to go live with the application.
In their documentation the steps to go live with the app are as follows:
1. Ensure your application adheres to the PayPal Application Policies and Guidelines.
2. Update the Sandbox API credentials in your PayPal calls to those assigned to a live PayPal account.
3. Update your PayPal endpoints from the Sandbox to the PayPal production servers.
4. Register your application with PayPal.
5. If your application makes use of Adaptive operations, obtain a live AppID.
6. Go Live!
I don't understand how can I register my application with PayPal (point 4). In the documentation, it says that my app needs to be approved by PayPal and that's it. How do I do that ? How do I submit my app for reviewing ?
If I understand correctly, point 1, 2 and 3 affect only my code, registering the new credentials, right ?
Finally, I need an appID, but I guess that comes as soon as the app has been approved by PayPal to go live.
The full documentation I followed is here.
Thank you.
As Per Paypal Documentation : Registering your application with PayPal :
Submitting your application
To submit your website or mobile application to PayPal:
Log into the PayPal Developer website using the credentials of the
PayPal account registered to the application owner.
Note: The PayPal account associated with the application must be a
verified Premier or verified Business account. Click Dashboard at the
top of the page to open the My Apps & Credentials page. (Alternately,
you can go directly to the My Applications page by navigating to the
My Apps & Credentials page on the Developer website.)
Registering a REST API app
In the REST API apps section, click Create app. See creating an app
for more information. Registering an NVP/SOAP API app
Click Dashboard at the top of the page to open the My Apps &
Credentials page. Click the Create and manage NVP/SOAP API apps link
at the bottom of the page. Click New App on the left nav bar to access
the App Information form. Complete the form and click the Submit App
button. To ensure the fastest possible application review, supply as
much information as possible when completing the submittal form. Tip:
When filling out the application, be sure to provide the e-mail
address that corresponds to the PayPal account that is used make API
calls. The type of API operations used in your application dictates
the review process applied to your application. PayPal divides
applications into three distinct review categories:
Merchant APIs include Express Checkout, Website Payments Pro, Button
Manager, Mass Pay, Recurring Payments, and all of the Informational
APIs. Adaptive APIs include Adaptive Payments, Adaptive Accounts, the
Permissions Service, and the Invoicing Service. Calls to these APIs
require an AppID value. Mass Pay includes only the MassPay operation
As per 2020
PayPal developer guideline, you just have to mail them all the required things that they want to register your app.
Login to
Click on the Dashboard menu item at the top.
Under the REST API Apps section, click the Create App button.
Proceed with the steps to create the app.

How can I simulate an error using Paypal Payments Pro sandbox?

How do I simulate an error with PayPal Payments Pro? I am trying to simulate things such as Suspected Fraud, Declined cards etc.
We are using Magento Commerce Enterprise edition and would love to be able to see errors from the user interface. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
We are developing using the PayPal sandbox.
On the Developer Central site (, log in and go to Dashboard >> Sandbox >> Accounts. Find the email address for the PayPal Payments Pro account. Click on it, then click Profile. On the Settings tab, make sure that Negative Testing is enabled.
Once Negative Testing is enabled, make sure that the order total matches one of PayPal's error codes (you can see the full list here). For example, to simulate error code 15005 (which is your basic "card was declined" error), run a transaction for $150.05.
More info available here.
Edit 7/7/2017: Changed instructions to reflect the current location of the negative test mode toggle, and changed the link to PayPal's dev documentation.

How to get paypal API credentials?

I am using Paypal recurring payments and direct payment.
I tested it using beta-sandbox and works fine.
Now I want to make to real paypal account.
I have been given real paypal account, and I login with it on, but I don't know how can I generate API Credentials ?
this looks completely different from sandbox environment.
Check out this guide to Obtaining API Credentials from PayPal. You will find how to create/view/remove your API signature/certificate in PayPal's live setting.
As per the comment, the previously held answer is out of date. To obtain your API credentials, log in here.
If you want to retrieve the api user name, api password and api signature for live then you can get it directly by log in to this url from Paypal.
Log in to Paypal. Click Tools or hover over Tools and click All Tools from the drop down menu. Sort alphabetically and API Credentials will be the first one.
Login to PayPal, go to Profile and then Selling tools. Click the update link on API access and request API credentials. Refer to this link for a detailed step by step guide.