Is there a way to reuse Plugins selection in Eclipse Run Configuration - eclipse

I'm creating an Eclipse RCP App.
In order to test/debug, I run this App. from within Eclipse IDE using a run configuration.
I would like to be able to reuse this conf., specially the needed plugins list in order to import it in newer Eclipse IDE release or among several Eclipse IDE instance installed on several computers.
Is there a way to export/import this whole config. or at least selected plugins list ?
thks in advance


Missing plugins when exporting Eclipse e4 RCP Application containing Birt (Eclipse 2019-3)

Currently I am in the process of moving one of our RCP applications from an older version of Eclipse to the current version 2019-03.
Our application is feature based an makes use of the Birt report generator.
When trying to lauch the application via its product-file lots of unresolved plugin requirements appear, as the combination of RCP and Birt now seems to depend on different versions of org.apache.batik.* (1.7.0 and 1.8.0).
I can get the app running by manually enabling the different versions via Run -> Run Configurations -> Plugins. But of course this does not help when trying to export the RCP through the Eclipse product export wizard. The exported app is missing various plugins.
So I tried to manually edit the of the plugin that is dependent on birt:
But this does not seem to have any effect on the plugins beeing exported.
The tip to switch back to a plugin-based project (How best to maintain an Eclipse RCP plugin target? 1 ) does not seem to work either.
So does anybody know how to get Eclipse to export all required versions of the org.apache.batik plugins?
Thanks a lot in advance!

How To Create Webstart From Existing Eclipse Installation

I want to create a java webstart product that includes all of the contents of my current eclipse installation - standard eclipse java edition with some extra plugins that I have developed/downloaded.
There are a number of tutorials showing how to do this for an eclipse RCP application, but I don't want to create an RCP specifically for this purpose (I also tried to do it and never really managed to configure the app to look just like my workbench).
So, is this even possible? Any pointers?
Update: I followed this article, but after deploying my application in the web server and running the jnlp, the jars were downloaded but nothing happened. I tried changing the eclipse.product property to other "possible" values, but didn't help.
Do you really need the web start software?
Since eclipse doesn't requires installation, and the plugins are installed in the same directory of eclipse why don't you zip your eclipse once you have it configured, and redistribute it as a zip. Even eclipse itself is distributed as zip.

Eclipse sharing plugins between workspaces

I usually have a different workspace for each project that I work on (perl, java, PHP, etc.). Sometimes, I find a common new plugin (say EGIT) and install it , but it doesn't show up automatically in the other workspaces. Is there some setting in eclipse where I can enable this? I am using Indigo SR2.
P.S.: I know we have working sets within workspaces to help re-use the same workspace, but sometimes it is easier to manage projects when in separate workspaces.
If you are using the same Eclipse installation, each plug-in that you install will be available in all workspaces. You can see the list of installed plug-ins by selecting Help -> About Eclipse -> Installation Details
From Eclipse Indigo onwards, there is a way to import installations which makes it available across workspaces.
To go with rgerganov's answer:
For certain plugins, although they're installed and available to all workspaces for a given Eclipse installation, they may need to be individually configured within each workspace.
An example of this is the Checkstyle plugin where you need to specify the configuration to use, and enable it for each project within the workspace. This may also be the case for EGit.
For now, I had to use the trick mentioned in here of copying the relevant prefs files from one of the workspace directory to the new workspace directory followed by an eclipse restart to get the plugins enabled. Others feel free to edit if you see a better way.

Multiple installations of Eclipse on Mac OSX

I use Eclipse for everything. Python, Django, GWT, Android... But when you install all the plugins, Eclipse becomes very slow.
Is there a way that I can set it up so that there are two or more icons for Eclipse in the Applications directory, each for specific task?
Developing in Eclipse for the past few years, I've found it's just easier to have several copies of the Eclipse directory, one for each kind of development I do (Android, java app, Grails). It's sometimes cumbersome installing new versions of Eclipse or new versions of the common plugins (Subclipse, etc), but it does make Eclipse start-up MUCH faster.
Simply create another install directory for Eclipse, with another shortcut to it, and only install the plugins you need for that dev environment. I use a different workspace for each one, though I'm not sure that's necessary, as long as you're using the same version of Eclipse for each install.

Many Eclipse installations, or how to install many development tools on one Eclipse?

HI all,
I have Eclipse installed with PDT (PHP Development tools).
I want to program in Java and C++, do I have to download whole Eclipse JDT and Eclipse CDT again, and have separate installations, or can I install "plugins" to handle Java and C++ ?
Yes you can install the plugins into the same Eclipse installation. For Helios you can use the Update manager Help->Install New Software then select the Helios site and select C/C++ in Programming Lagnuages and so on. If there's something else you need you need to get the update URL and add a new site.
You can have one eclipse with all the plugins (and perspective). But that's tedious:
you'll have to find the plugin jars for each of the 'suites' and place it in the plugins dir. Sometimes they might not have an update site url
some plugins cause problems, sometimes mixing certain plugins cause problems - in short, the more plugins, the more likely your environment will crash
The way I'd suggest is to have a separate eclipse installation for each task. I myself have 3, for different sort of java development (one java, one flex, one for specific project with specific plugins)
Eclipse itself is perfectly stable and capable of supporting quite a lot of plugins. However if you are unlucky to need "crappy" plugins, there the problems being.