Update a widget in the background from database - flutter

I have a widget (called RecordsListWidget) that load a list of records from a database using sqflite.
From this widget (or a third widget) is possible to open another widget (called NewRecordFormWidget) with Navigator.pushNamed(context, NewRecordFormWidget.ROUTE);
In NewRecordFormWidget the user can enter some data, and save a new record in the database.
I would like to display the new record in RecordsListWidget after the user left the NewRecordFormWidget. What is the best approach?
I'd like to keep using sqflite, and not migrate to another library if possible.

When you pop back to RecordsListWidget from NewRecordFormWidget, you can send back a boolean as a check for if the UI is to be updated or not.
For example (loose code) -
class ClassOne {
onPressed () async {
var res = await Navigator.push(ClassTwo);
//run query on database again and update UI
//do nothing
class ClassTwo {
onPressed () {
Navigator.pop(context, true); //send true for updating the UI, or false for not updating


How to call a function when returning to view/controller with `Get.back()`?

I am switching from the home view to another using Get.toNamed(Routes.DETAIL). When I want to return from the details view to the home view, I am calling Get.back() (or the user is using the back button of the devices).
Back on the home view, I would like to fetch all data from my database again.
Is there any function that is triggered when I am leaving a few and returning to it, so I can put my logic there?
Thank you
I would suggest you to use Get.offNamed() instead of Get.toNamed() as the offNamed() function will clear the data stored in catch and thus will again call the API declared in onInit() or onReady() lifecycle when returning back to that screen.
In Getx they have a funtion like
so in order to trigger some funtion when going back to any page route
try doing this as the document written
final gotoHome = await Get.toNamed(Route.name); // or use the simple one Get.to(()=> Home());
then if you trigger to go back in page you should indicate some result e.g.
from back button in phone using willpopscope or a back button in UI.
Get.back(result:"triggerIt"); // this result will pass to the home.
so in will use
// It depend on you on where you gonna put this
// onInit or onReady or anything that would trigger
someTrigger() async{
final gotoHome = await Get.toNamed(Route.name);
if(gotoHome == "triggerIt"){
for more info about it try to read the documentation.
Edited: // Maybe some answer will pop up for better
I do have one but it's not that quite a real practice just a sample
e.g // sample you are now in the current page and this page is also connected to homecontroller or using Get.find() it need to bind the controller to the page;
class BindingHome with Bindings{
void dependencies() {
Get.lazyPut(() => HomeController(), fenix: true);
then from GetPage add Binding
name: "/currentpage",
binding: BindingHome(),
page:() => HomeView(),
so while homecontroller is bind to the current page you are now so
// lets assume this one is put to the CurrentController
final homeController = Get.find<HomeController>();
so while calling back button on ui or willpopscope
when back try to trigger the function from home
No you can't really call a function when doing so.
You should be using callback function just before popping the view.
onBackClick() async {
() => MainController(),
Here is an example how you can do it without any complications:
onWillPop: () async {
await onBackClick();
return Future(() => false);
child: Scaffold(
appBar: CustomAppBarWithBack(
title: "Appbar",
OnClickBack: onBackClick,
body: Widget(),

Edit object in edit screen and sync updated object in first screen (list of object screen)

I have a list of class user showing with StateNotifier in one screen. Clicking on any item, opens the edit screen of that user.
I have 2 questions to ask:
Should I send user object In another screen and edit the user or create state provider (without auto dispose) of single object and set it before opening edit screen and access it on another screen.
After edit the user, how to sync updated user object in user list screen (first screen).
Please feel free to ask any further detail.
Thank you in advance.
Should I send user object In another screen and edit the user or
create state provider (without auto dispose) of single object and set
it before opening edit screen and access it on another screen.
No, just send user object to edit screen, then after you edit done, pass data back to list screen by Navigator.pop(context, editedUser);
After edit the user, how to sync updated user object in user list
screen (first screen).
On list screen :
Navigator.pushNamed(context, 'yourEditScreen', arguments: editUser).then((value) {
if (value != null) {
//update your state list;
I won't cover how you send data between screens because it depends on what state manager you are using and there are actually many ways.
Assuming that you are on screen 1 after finishing screen 2, you have a list of old objects and a new object that has been modified. now you'll want to inject the changes into the old list object and call the update state
var objects = [{...}];
return ListView(
children: objects.map((object) {
final index = objects.indexOf(object);
onPressed() {
// handle will call when screen2 poped
handleEditedData(editedObject) {
// check object was edited and differences with old object (can override operator ==)
if (editedObject != null && editedObject != object) {
setState(() {
// replace old object by editedObject with the index
objects[index] = editedObject;
// push screen2 and wait to data from screen2 (using .pop with editedObj as parameter)
.pushNamed('screen2route', arguments: object)
return ElevatedButton(onPressed: onPressed, child: const Text('edit'));

pop and push the same route back with different params in Futter (GET X)

I have 2 screens,
Screen one contains a list view with onPressed action on every item
screen two contains the detail of the pressed item as well as a drawer with the same list view as screen one.
What I want to do here is when the user goes to the detail screen and click on an item from the drawer the detail screen should pop and push back with new params.
Code so far,
name: '/market-detail',
page: () => MarketDetail(),
binding: MarketDetailBinding(),
class MarketDetailBinding extends Bindings {
void dependencies() {
Get.lazyPut(() => MarketDetailController());
Click action in screen one
onTap: () {
arguments: {'market': market});
Detail Screen Class
class MarketDetail extends GetView<MarketDetailController> {
final Market market = Get.arguments['market'];
Click action in detail screen sidebar
onTap: () {
arguments: {'market': market});
First Get.back() is to close the drawer, then remove the route and push the same route back again,
Expected behaviour,
MarketDetailController should be deleted from memory and placed again,
What actually happening
The controller only got delete and not getting back in memoery on drawer click action until I hot restart the app(By clicking save).
If anybody understands it, please help I am stuck here.
As I can see, you're trying to pop and push the same route with a different parameter in order to update a certain element on that route. Well, if that's the case then just let me show you a much better way.
In your MarketDetailController class you should add those:
class MarketDetailsController extends GetxController {
// A reactive variable that stores the
// instance of the market you're currently
// showing the details of.....
Rx<Market> currentMarket;
// this method will be called once a new instance
// of this controller gets created
// we will use it to initialize the controller
// with the required values
void onInit() {
// some code here....
// .......
// intializing the variable with the default value
currentMarket = Market().obs;
void updateCurrentMarket(Market market) {
// some code here if you need....
// updating the reative variable value
// this will get detected then by the Obx widgets
// and they will rebuild whatever depends on this variable
currentMarket.value = market;
Now inside your page UI, you can wrap the widget that will display the market details with the Obx widget like this:
() {
final Market currentMarket = controller.currentMarket.value;
// now you have the market details you need
// use it and return your widget
return MyAwesomeMarketDetailsWidget();
Now for your click action, it can just be like this:
onTap: () => controller.updateCurrentMarket(myNewMarketValue)
This should be it. Also, I advise you to change GetView to GetWidget and Get.lazyPut() to Get.put()

Flutter : How to refresh screen when user come back to it from any other screen

For ex.
I am on Screen-1 , push screen and goto Screen-2.
and then I replace Screen-2 with Screen-3
and now I pop that Screen-3 with pass some data
and come back to Screen-1
and I want refresh data in Screen-1
You can use something like this (but you must go from 3 to 2 and finally 1) to get some value then refresh it:
var result = await Navigator.of(context).push(
MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => Screen2()));
if (result != null) {
setState(() {
valueYouChangeIt = result;
And then send this value back from Screen2 with:
_sendDataBack(BuildContext context) {
Navigator.pop(context, valueToSendBack);
Or if you want to refresh everything you can write _initState function where you initialize your data and then call _initState on result.
Said that, all this can be super tedious process, so if it's a small app with 2 to 5 screens it can be ok, but with more screens, like someone else commented, I'd prefer to use Provider.

flutter bloc - wrong state is sent from bloc to widget

It seems like bug in bloc v0.11.2
I have the following Event/State:
class DeleteReceipt extends ReceiptEvent {
final Receipt receipt;
DeleteReceipt(this.receipt) : super([receipt]);
class ReceiptDeleted extends ReceiptState {
final Receipt receipt;
ReceiptDeleted(this.receipt) : super();
and the following code in bloc:
if (event is DeleteReceipt) {
var delReceipt = event.receipt;
await _receiptDao.delete(delReceipt);
print("deleting: " + delReceipt.snapshot.documentID);
yield ReceiptDeleted(delReceipt);
and my widget I have:
if (state is ReceiptDeleted) {
print("delete: "+state.receipt.snapshot.documentID);
and when I do: _receiptBloc.dispatch(DeleteReceipt(receipt));
the first time I get:
I/flutter (28196): deleting: AzgAzcn5wRNFVd7NyZqQ
I/flutter (28196): delete: AzgAzcn5wRNFVd7NyZqQ
which is correct, but the second time I do _receiptBloc.dispatch(DeleteReceipt(receipt)); on a different receipt, I get:
I/flutter (28196): deleting: d4oUjrGwHX1TvIDr9L2M
I/flutter (28196): delete: AzgAzcn5wRNFVd7NyZqQ
You can see that in the second time the DeleteReceipt event was received with the correct value, but the ReceiptDeleted State was received with the wrong value, and then it just get stuck like this, it never fires ReceiptDeleted State with the correct value, only with the first value.
My app is not trivial, and I have set many events and state in the past, and it worked with no issue (except this one, that probably is related flutter bloc state not received)
Basically I let the user create photos of receipt, that are persistent (using bloc/firestore), and I want to let the user delete them, so when the user click on a receipt, it opens in a new screen:
builder: (context) {
return ReceiptDetailPage(widget.receipt);
and when the user click on delete, I show a dialog, and delete the receipt if is OK
var result = await showDialog(
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext dialogCtxt) {
// return object of type Dialog
return AlertDialog(
title: new Text(AppLocalizations.of(context).deleteReceiptQuestion),
actions: <Widget>[
// usually buttons at the bottom of the dialog
new FlatButton(
child: new Text(AppLocalizations.of(context).cancel),
onPressed: () {
new FlatButton(
child: new Text(AppLocalizations.of(context).ok),
onPressed: () {
if (result == 'OK') {
add state/event:
class EmptyState extends ReceiptState {}
class EmptyEvent extends ReceiptEvent {}
after receiving the delete state do:
if (state is ReceiptDeleted) {
print("delete: "+state.receipt.snapshot.documentID);
_receiptBloc.dispatch(EmptyEvent()); // add this line
and add this to your bloc
if (event is EmptyEvent) {
yield EmptyState();
This will cause an empty event and state to be fired and will clear the problem
Explain: I noticed that once I fire a State, the block provider will send that state every time I change a screen, which is strange since the app is receiving a Delete State many time. this is not a problem in my case, since the code will try to delete an element that is already delete and will fail quietly:
void delete(Receipt receipt) {
try {
Receipt oldReceipt = receipts.firstWhere(
(r) => r.snapshot.documentID == receipt.snapshot.documentID);
} catch (e) {
NOTE: this seems to happen with all State that the app is firing, not only the Delete state
So I guest that if I will fire an empty event, it will clear the old Delete state, and will somehow fix the issue, and WALLA...
Note that I didn't had to actually listen to the EmptyState any where in my code
I realize that although the bloc seems to loose state, also my design is wrong, because the Data Structure should be updated in the bloc, once the event is received and not in the widget, when the state is received (or not received in this case, which cause the bug)
Initially I used bloc with sembast, but then I wanted the data to be sync with the remote DB, so I replaced sembast with firestore.
but that causes the load time to go from nothing, to more than 2 seconds, and that is a problem since in the original design I load all the data from the DB on every update.
So I tried to update the store and the UI seperatly, ie. instead of reading all the data, I keep a List in my widget and update the widget when the state changes - per update/delete state.
That was a problem, since many state were lost (especially when the user click fast - which cause many events/states to fire)
So I guess a correct solution would be to manage the in-memory Data in a separate Service, and update the Data when the Event is received, and then read all data from the Service instead of the store (when possible)