Geoserver 2.19.0-MapML - plugins

If I´m using the standard admin account, can I still install the MapML plugin and make it work?
I´ve downloaded the right version of the plugin and put the Jar-files in the lib folder, restarted Geoserver but the plugin does not show. No more options from MapML, and it´s not there when looking at the Layer Preview table.
Any idea of what´s missing?


Deployable JAR file from JB Plugin Repo does not contain my files, but the plugin runs correctly locally

I am working on a simple plugin, and have already deployed to the Plugin Repository once before (successfully).
Since my last successful deployment, I found that I had a lot of issues with the IDE. After completely upgrading, and modifying my plugin's directory structure, I have been able to get the plugin to Run again.
tl;dr - I have an updated plugin in the JetBrain's Plugin Repository that does not work as intended, and I cannot update it correctly!
When I run the plugin, a second instance of the IDE comes up with my plugin working correctly. I edit my code and run the plugin again - the plugin runs smoothly and the updates are applied!!
With all of this, I decided to deploy my updated plugin to the Repository again. Once that was done, I decided to download the plugin and try it out myself; just to make sure things worked.
The issue is that nothing can be found in the plugin file!! Just the updated plugin.xml file and file. The total size of the archive file is around 500bytes. I know a correct archive would have more files in it, and in my case, the file size should be around 6kb (based on my first successful archive file).
So how can my local IDE instance find the files correctly, but the deployment feature cannot? How does the deployment feature actually work? I get the feeling I have the structure wrong, eventhough the new IDE instance works perfectly
JetBrain's Plugin Repository
When you install the plugin, the version is shown as v1.1; however, that is not true, in reality. One of the easiest features to determine the actual version of the plugin is the Folded Text foreground color.
v1.0 - RED
v1.1 - YELLOW
Preparing Plugin Module for Deployment + resulting plugin.jar file
Contents of plugin.jar
It seems possible that because of the restructuring an old ChroMATERIAL.xml file was left somewhere in the build output. Somehow this could end up in the plugin jar. An invocation of Build > Rebuild Project should fix this problem.
There could also be problems in the project or module configuration, but the project files are not included in the GitHub repository, so that cannot be checked.

Redmine 2.6.1 See Project in tree view

I am looking for a way to get redmine to show the projects list as a tree view.
I have looked a lot in internet and so far have found two plugins that should do it but none of them work.
The first on was: redmine_projects_accordion ( and the other was: Projects_Tree_View (
I am using redmine 2.6.1
Thanks for the help!
If anyone is looking also for a solution to this I found one! There is a project call Redmine Projects Treeview. Here you can download a plugin that does work with version 2.6.1.
Here is the link:
Thanks to the CSS Ninja here is an explanition on how this works:
Here is also the Project website:
In order to make it work download the files from here: extract the folder projectstreeview-code-81-trunk from the zip files and rename it to "projects_treeview" and put it in the plugin folder of redmine. Restart Redmine and it should work.
Hope this helps someone else....

using the eclipse extension points in virgo

I am encountering a problem here...our team is trying to port an eclipse Eclipse RCP project into the web and so the first step is to try to use Virgo to use the plugins. I have created all the correct things but when I try to use an extension point (an Eclipse concept) it gives me a null pointer exception on this call:
org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform.getextensionregistry(); // null here
Does anyone have any experience when it comes to solving this problem?
So I got a little further with this. I've added the org.eclipse...registry bundle along with its associated bundles to the repository/usr folder and had to manually login to the console to start it up after I start up my web app. However this is still a problem because now my app doesn't seem to have any of the extension points registered. Could it be the sequence in which the app is started? (ie. I have to start the registry bundle first)?
A first step would be to add the eclipse registry bundle to the initial artifacts for the user region; in, change initialArtifacts to:
This will at least ensure that the registry plugin is available while your eclipse plug-ins are being loaded.
What I am still struggling with is figuring out how to control which plugin.xml are loaded by the registry and what triggers that. Somehow some eclipse runtime will scan some plugins directory, but how to set that up while in Virgo is still unclear to me.

Issue making a Liferay Hook with Eclipse Liferay IDE - getting only empty project

I am using Eclipse Liferay IDE for making a hook to a Liferay native portlet. I mean a porlet that comes with default installation, eg. blogs, content management or similar.
I have done the steps like following:
Select new Liferay Project
Enter project name MyHook
Made configurations (found an SDK directory and Liferay Server instance for Runtime)
Selected Plugin type to Hook
My only option after that was Finish and I ended up having a project with certain structure without any class or properties file inside.
My problem is that I could only get an empty project and don't know how to make the modifications to the files of Liferay because no Liferay originated package names can be found if I make a new class file and try to start typing com.Liferay. or org.Liferay. Because this is a Liferay Hook project, I suppose some Liferay originating tips should normally pop up for my selection, but I didn't see any.
What I am making wrong? What I am missing? Should I know the filenames by myself or is there a trick somewhere to tell the IDE to give me some help?
I use Liferay 6.0 and my IDE version is 6.0.5. At least in my eyes they should match together.
In the IDE you first create a "Liferay Hook Project". This is indeed an empty project. Then you create a Hook, select the Hook project to create it in. You can do the second step manually, but there's a wizard helping you to do this. This might be what you've been missing
I made the same steps again and it worked! Somehow at first time I managed to do a Java project although the project should be interpreted as a Liferay project.
Maybe the IDE is not 100% working always. Whoever knows.

Specifying a target folder for Eclipse 3.4+ plugins when installing via Software Updates

After searching around I see that eclipse 3.4/3.5 now allow you to use their 'dropin' folder to manually install plugins.
This works well in a situation where you have already downloaded the feature and plugin files, however in cases where you use the Software Updates feature to simply point to a URL and download a plugin, you don't appear to have control over what folder the plugin is installed into.
Is it possible to force plugins to be installed to an arbitrary dropin folder, or otherwise export a plugin to a location so that it can be shared with other people's eclipse installations?
I'd prefer not to have to comb through the plugin info and manually determine which plugin jars to copy into a dropin folder :P
I think the answer in this thread and the mentioned blog post of Michael Scharf can be useful for you, although the procedure is not as simple as it should be :(
The new p2 system in 3.4 is supposed to have a feature called bundle pooling that allows for shared plugins. However, I haven't used it, so I'm not sure about the particulars. I hope this at least points you in the right direction.
When using 3.4.1 you can still enable the "old" update manager in Preferences/ General/ Capabilities. Then you can use the extension points again. But it has been removed in 3.4.2 completely.
You have to remove P2 to get the old update manager.
Note: The P2 team managed to broke everything backward compatible. This tricks does not work with 3.5.