How to overlap text or image on video file in flutter - flutter

I want to edit the video file and overlap the text or image on this like an Instagram story.


How to show videos in gridview ! (Flutter)

I am getting the video files from filepicker package now i want to show the videos on gridview when clicked on them video should be played (similar to gallery)
Found answer my self first I generated the thumbnail of the video by thumbnail package( from then saved created a model of thumbnail path and video path saved the path of both and accessed them :)

How to design a Custom Photo Gallery in Flutter

How to design a custom photo gallery in flutter.
How to retrieve all the .jpg and .png file paths from mobile internal storage and show them in list view or grid view on the screen.
Attached reference video for better understanding.

how to overlay text on webrtc RTCVideoView flutter

I want to overlay the text on RTCVideoView flutter and also record this text along with the video.
I'm using Flutter Webrtc package for video rendering and I want to overlay text on the screen and save it after that.

How to show image of youtube video after adding url link in objective c

I have an application that is working with one UI Image view. On clicking on the image view i get a UI alert view asking for a video link . Once you have mentioned the link the UI Image view should contain the video image of the particular selected video.
What i have is a working till accepting the URL link , but the video image is not getting rendered in the UI Image view.

IOS save gif image from UIImagePickerController selected image

I am creating an app in which I need to copy image from IOS Photo library to the app's Document directory and then upload the file to the server. I'm using the UIImagePickerController to select the image from the Photo library and save it in the app folder. It works good for the "jpeg" and "png" images using UIImageJPEGRepresentation and UIImagePNGRepresentation.
I don't see any option to copy and save the "gif" images in IOS. Is it possible to save the animated gif images. Please throw some light on how to process and save the original images (bmp, jpg, gif, png, tiff, etc.,).
Thanks in advance.
While you can load them (though you need to split them up for animations; Add animated Gif image in Iphone UIImageView - note the convert command near the bottom) one cannot save them.
To save them you'll need to use a third party library.
See this question, How to save a GIF on the iPhone?, and this library for a solution.