I can't figure out a way to generate a route in pgRouting between 2 Points from another table - pgrouting

I am just starting to get into PostGIS and pgRouting and stumbled upon the following problem:
I imported a Network-Graph into my DB, and the routing inside of that Table (from node A to node B) works fine. However I would like to find a route between Points that are in another table (e.g. Customers and Shops). Can someone help me out on how to use Points (Nodes) from a different table than the network as start/end (or source/target)?


How do I view the source tables of a cube?

I have access to db2.
I also have access to some Cognos Cubes via TM1 explorer.
Is it possible to find out the source tables for the cubes ?
For example, can I see what tables are used for the FST cube shown below ? and if possible even how the tables are joined etc
. ?
To answer your question, you need access to the TurboIntegrator process that load your cube.
In your example, since it's an external source (Db2), the cube is loaded with a TurboIntegrator Process (process object in green). It's seems that you don't have the security access to view the process so you're not able to see the data source.
Hope it helps !

Automatic edge creation in OrientDB

I'm trying to use OrientDB to map the relationship between servers that are managed by multiple different systems (with some overlap). Suppose that each server from each system was a vertex, is there a way to create an edge automatically between two servers that have the same property (e.g. IP address)
Suppose this is my starting data (in CSV format)
System, Name, IP
Alpha, compute-1,
Alpha, compute-2,
Beta, storage-1,
Beta, storage-2,
Question 1 Can I automatically create edges between the first and third entry?
Question 2 If I added a fifth entry Beta, storage-3, , would the link be efficiently (and preferable automatically) created between the second and fifth entry?
Question 3 What if I added a third system Gamma, where only the last byte is specified, and it is assumed that the first three are 192.168.0, can I concatenate the two together and still automatically create edges against Alpha and Beta entries?
Take a look at the OrientDB ETL tool:
It can load from CSVs:
And transform to Vertexes and Endges
Of course, you can write some custom code to load your specific CSV to OrientDB.

Tableau 9.3: using a multi-option set as a filter across multiple data sources

First Post! am kinda feeling the pressure :)
I've created a multiple option filter for my dashboard using a set (with include all members). which is great for my sheets which use that datasource as primary, but when it's the secondary source I've hit a brick wall - I cannot see (or find any reference in searches) how to use the filter. Any calculated dimensions I've seen reference In/Out. Is there a way round this or something I'm missing?
You can't do it when it's based on the secondary source in a data-blending scenario. Currently Tableau only allows for it to be applied to the primary. We are hoping this changes in version 10.0.

After osm2pgrouting disappeared street segments

I'm download osm-file with some city. In QGIS this map looks good, all streets is connected. Next, i execute osm2pgrouting and in QGIS (when i connect to postgres db) i watch map without some segments in street. Therefore, find path not worked (i think so). Because of what the problem is and how to solve it?
And more, after i executed osm2pgrouting in QGIS i watch many lines from what that point (like sun, extensively). I'm define coordinates of point and delete all ways with this coordinates.
UPDATE. I'm download two maps. First map is contain town (Russia, Krasnoyarsk) and i got it from openstreetmap.org, chosen area and export it. Second map contain region. I got it from some gis-site, but i forgot the address. Unfortunately I can not post a picture for an example. In map in postgress missing half segments of all. Some hightways segments is missing, but some is not.
UPDATE2. I have osm2pgrouting log:
Trying to load data
Trying to parse data
Reference nd=1162932299 has no corresponding Node Entry (Maybe Node entry after Reference?)
Reference nd=1162931037 has no corresponding Node Entry (Maybe Node entry after Reference?)
Split ways
Dropping tables...
Creating tables...
Nodes table created
2create ways failed:
Types table created
Way_tag table created
Relations table created
Relation_ways table created
Classes table created
Adding tag types and classes to database...
Adding relations to database...
Adding nodes to database...
Adding ways to database...
Creating topology...
size of streets: 62931
size of splitted ways : 97921
And i use with osm2pgrouting standart mapconfig.xml.
I noticed that line from the some point and the other end is at the beginning of the missing segment. I think, means that this line is missing segments. But osm file open in QGIS and is correct.

how to figure out which columns in the fact table are used for calculating measures in an OLAP cube?

I have to verify that olap cube data and the data from relational tables from where a cube is built is correct.
And I will do so by writing the TSQL queries and compare the values with that of cube.
But, I got stuck in the course of determining which columns are used for measure. How do I figure out which columns are used for measures?
Help appreciated!
You need to look at the cube metadata.
For SSAS2005, take a look at the DSV (data source view) and mappings to dim and fact table values behind the scenes. This should allow you to see what is going on. If you don't have a project you can reverse engineer it using the 'import anslysis services template' (or some such) option from the new project dialog in BIDS.
Calcuated measures are defined in the cube script. If you have a reverse-engineered cube or cube project you can open the cube and see this in the 'calculations' tab.
For AS2000 you can open the cubes on the server (assuming sufficient permissions) and look at the mappings there. There is a tool called OLAPScribe that will help you do this for AS2000. Alternatively you can run a trace on the source database and capture the SQL generated by the cube as it is processed.