Changing osd while there are inconsistent objects inside - ceph

I have a disk in my cluster that started giving out pg read errors after scrubs the last 2 days. Manual repairs are taking too much time and the disk's smartctl output does not look good. My question is, can i change disks before the errors are fixed? Will it cause some corruption across cluster? every pg is active+clean, only some pgs (erasure coded) are active+clean+inconsistent. Should i start recovery process and then replace the osd?
PS: none of the data chunks with read error are the primary chunk.

Your question is not entirely clear to me, I answer how I understand it.
The safest way to replace a failed disk is to let ceph rebalance after the disk has been taken out and then let it remap after the new disk has been deployed. This is lots of network traffic and can take quite some time, but you reduce the risk of data loss.
There are ways to prevent ceph from backfilling and deploy a new disk in a degraded state, but this increases the risk of a disk failure during this degraded state which can lead to data loss. I would advise against it, though.
You write
"can I change disks before the errors are fixed?"
How many disks have failed? The PG availability is dependent on k + 1 active chunks for erasure coded pools (pool's min_size).
"Manual repairs are taking too much time"
You mean ceph pg repair <PG_ID>? Usually I would wait for it, it can help, not all scrub errors are corrupted data, but in your case with the smartctl output it's probably just a temporary fix, if it even succeeds.


Can Cassandra or ScyllaDB give incomplete data while reading with PySpark if either clusters are left un-repaired forever?

I use both Cassandra and ScyllaDB 3-node clusters and use PySpark to read data. I was wondering if any of them are not repaired forever, is there any challenge while reading data from either if there are inconsistencies in nodes. Will the correct data be read and if yes, then why do we need to repair them?
Yes you can get incorrect data if reapir is not done. It also depends on with what consistency you are reading or writing. Generally in production systems writes are done with (Local_one/Local_quorum) and read with Local_quorum.
If you are writing with weak consistency level, then repair becomes important as some of the nodes might not have got the mutations and while reading those nodes may get selected.
For example if you write with consistency level ONE on a table TABLE1 with a replication of 3. Now it may happen your write was written to NodeA only and NodeB and NodeC might have missed the mutation. Now if you are reading with Consistency level LOCAL_QUORUM, it may happen that NodeB and 'NodeC' get selected and they do not return the written data.
Repair is an important maintenance task for Cassandra which should be done periodically and continuously to keep data in healthy state.
As others have noted in other answers, different consistency levels make repair more or less important for different reasons. So I'll focus on the consistency level that you said in a comment you are using: LOCAL_ONE for reading and LOCAL_QUORUM for writing:
Successfully writing with LOCAL_QUORUM only guarantees that two replicas have been written. If the third replica is temporarily down, and will later come up - at that point one third of the read requests for this data, reads done from only one node (this is what LOCAL_ONE means) will miss the new data! Moreover, there isn't even a guarantee of so-called monotonic consistency - you can get new data in one read (from one node), and the old data in a later read (from another node).
However, it isn't completely accurate that only a repair can fix this problem. Another feature - enabled by default on both Cassandra and Scylla - is called Hinted Handoff - where when a node is down for relatively short time (up to three hours, but also depending on the amount of traffic in that period), other nodes which tried to send it updates remember those updates - and retry the send when the dead node comes back up. If you are faced only with such relatively short downtimes, repair isn't necessary and Hinted Handoff is actually enough.
That being said, Hinted Handoff isn't guaranteed perfect and might miss some inconsistencies. E.g., the node wishing to save a hint might itself be rebooted before it managed to save the hint, or replaced after saving it. So this mechanism isn't completely foolproof.
By the way, there another thing you need to be aware of: If you ever intend to do a repair (e.g., perhaps after some node was down for too long for Hinted Handoff to have worked, or perhaps because a QUORUM read causes a read repair), you must do it at least once every gc_grace_seconds (this defaults to 10 days).
The reason for this statement is the risk of data resurrection by repair which is too infrequent. The thing is, after gc_grace_seconds, the tombstones marking deleted items are removed forever ("garbage collected"). At that point, if you do a repair and one of the nodes happens to have an old version of this data (prior to the delete), the old data will be "resurrected" - copied to all replicas.
In addition to Manish's great answer, I'll just add that read operations run consistency levels higher than *_ONE have a (small...10% default) chance to invoke a read repair. I have seen that applications running at a higher consistency level for reads, will have less issues with inconsistent replicas.
Although, writing at *_QUORUM should ensure that the majority (quorum) of replicas are indeed consistent. Once it's written successfully, data should not "go bad" over time.
That all being said, running periodic (weekly) repairs is a good idea. I highly recommend using Cassandra Reaper to manage repairs, especially if you have multiple clusters.

"frozen" Google compute engine instance with PostgreSQL

We run several Debian instances with PostgreSQL on Google compute engine and lately we have already seen several occurrences of the following problem.
Instance becomes suddenly non responsive. We cannot ssh it and we cannot connect to the database. Internal monitoring using telegraf is also not running during that period, no monitoring data collected.
Google monitoring of CPU activity shows very low usage during that period. GCP logs do not show any migration in fact do not show anything at all. Also all internal logs for instance - postgresql log, syslog, logs from periodical cronjobs - show the same gap. Looks like the instance was sort of frozen during that time. We so far noticed it only with PostgreSQL instances since these are heavily used.
Instances run these variants of OS and PG:
Debian 9 with PG 11.9
Debian 9 with PG 10.13
These incidents usually take 10-15 minutes, but in one case it was 1:20 hours. At the end of the incident some PG process is killed by an OOM killer but activity on the database immediately before the incident starts is usually relatively low, CPU usage and memory usage too. So it looks more like an instance has limited resources when it starts again? If it is even possible...
Any idea what could be the cause of these issues or what shall we look for? As I mentioned generally no info in internal logs on Debian during the period of the incident.
UPDATE: To avoid misunderstanding - instances in question are data warehouse database running on N1-highmen-8 machine (8 CPUs and 52 GB RAM) with 5 TB SSD. Or database collecting metrics from internet - custom machine 20 CPUs with 90 GB RAM and 3 TB SSD. All SW up to date.
UPDATE 2: Neither syslog, nor kern.log nor messages do not show anything for the time intervals during instance was non responsive. Immediately after incident telegraf recorded huge average load on CPUs but actually quite small CPU usage and Google monitoring shows very small CPU usage during the whole incident. Also immediately after the end of the incident always one of postgresql processes is killed by OOM killer causing database to go to the recovery mode.
As for PG work_mem parameter - instance collecting metrics (20 CPUs 90 GB RAM, 3 TB SSD) uses 8MB - it only inserts data but usually runs like 500 - 1000 connections.
Second instance is data warehouse analytical database and uses work_mem 128MB because lower numbers caused very bad query plans on majority of queries and usually runs only like 10 - 30 connections.
There was no unusual number of connections immediately before incidents happened on both databases.
UPDATE 3: Analytical database had today several small incidents of the same character. During the last one we stopped instance from GCP GUI and started it again after few minutes. Maybe it caused migration to the different HW. Since this operation instance is running OK.
I experienced a similar issue but with a MySQL Instance in GCP, the first issue was related with the type of the VM instance I used, I had a f1-micro machine type on this VM Instance and suddenly I wasn’t able to access the ssh. As this type of VM Instance has only 0.6GB of memory, it became out of memory soon, I changed it to a e2-medium that is value by default and it resolved my problems this time.
As the Instance was out of memory the services in the instance started to fail, it was the reason that I can't access my instance.
At another time I started again with similar issues, but this time, the problem was the disk, I only had 10 GB and there was a process filling my disk, when a partition was out of space, the instance started to fail again.
I only resized my disk, now my instance disk is 20GB and is working fine.
Having said that, I suggest increasing your resources per your convenience to enhance your performance, because to have the problems you described is a good indicator that your existing machine type is not a good fit for your workloads you run on that instance.
If your situation is the same as mine, you could change the machine type to adjust your memory and you can follow the next steps for these tasks please visit the following link to get further information about it.
Changing a machine type
1.- Go to the VM Instances page.
2.- In the Name column, click your instance.
From the instance details page, complete the following steps:
a) Click the Stop button to stop the instance, if you have not stopped it yet.
b) After the instance stops, click the Edit button at the top of the page.
c) Under the Machine configuration section, select the machine type you want to use, or create a custom machine type to increase only the Memory.
d) Save your changes and start again your VM Instance.
You can resize your disk following this guide or with the following command:
gcloud compute disks resize DISK_NAME --size DISK_SIZE
Or with the Console:
Go to the Disks page to see a list of zonal persistent disks in your project.
Click the name of the disk that you want to resize.
On the disk details page, click Edit.
In the Size field, enter the new size for your disk.
Click Save to apply your changes to the disk.
After you resize the disk, you must resize the file system so that the operating system can access the additional space.
Note: Do not resize boot disks beyond 2 TB because this is the limit.
You mentioned that the logs don’t show information about the issue when the instance is frozen.
Did you try with the kernel logs? I think it could provide a wealth of diagnostic information about this issue.
For Debian, this logs should be in the following path:
Also the messages log could help
You can obtain more information about the logs in this link.
Also, I think it could be a PostgreSQL config problem, for example you could take a look at "work_mem", this parameter specifies the amount of memory to be used by internal sort operations and hash tables before writing to temporary disk files. The value defaults is four megabytes (4MB).
You can consult this URL to get more information.
Also I have found a good article that explains how to configure the PostgreSQL for Data Warehouse Usage
Another option could be that the kernel process in charge of identifying memory that could be paged out. You could configure your process to check smaller chunks more often.
This link explains better this configuration.
Additionally, as far as I know a data warehouse server consumes a lot of resources, so it could be a good idea to check if your Instance has enough resources for your workload.
I have found an article that describes a similar problem and it said that:
When you consume more memory than is available on your machine you can start to see out of out of memory errors within your Postgres logs, or in worse cases the OOM killer can start to randomly kill running processes to free up memory. An out of memory error in Postgres simply errors on the query you’re running, where as the the OOM killer in Linux begins killing running processes which in some cases might even include Postgres itself.
And this is the recommendation they give.
When you see an out of memory error you either want to increase the overall RAM on the machine itself by upgrading to a larger instance OR you want to decrease the amount of memory that work_mem uses. Yes, you read that right: out-of-memory it’s better to decrease work_mem instead of increase since that is the amount of memory that can be consumed by each process and too many operations are leveraging up to that much memory.
You could see the complete explanation of this article “Configuring memory for Postgres” here, it may help you with this issue.

Postgres VACUUM and replication

I have a master postgres with 2 async replication salves
I run VACUUM FULL VERBOSE ANALYSE my_table on all tables ,after vacuuming the slaves get out of sync
My application read from slaves , currently everything is wrong!
How can I force to sync or run re-sync ?
Whats problem here? Why running vacuum issued a problem?!
Whats problem here?
Your server log files can probably answer that much more accurately than random strangers without access to your computer can. What do the log files say? The replica logs are probably more interesting then the master logs, but check both.
Do you get messages about requested WAL segment %s has already been removed? If so, you will have to recreate your replicas. (Unless you have a WAL archive someplace which the replicas aren't currently configred to use--but even then, recreating may be faster and easier).
If you are using replication slots, the master should be retaining all the necessary WAL. In that case the replicas would still be trying to catch up, it might just take them a long time to do so. Either wait, or re-create them if you think that that will be faster.
Why running vacuum issued a problem?!
The key here is the FULL. Doing that basically rewrote your entire database, generating massive amounts of WAL which needs to fetched over the network and then replayed. The bottleneck could be anything from the network to the CPU to the disk drive.
Don't do VACUUM FULL without a darn good reason.

Ceph: What happens when enough disks fail to cause data loss?

Imagine that we have enough disk failures in Ceph to cause actual loss of the data. (E.g. all 3 replicas fail in 3-replica; or >m fail in k+m erasure coding). What happens now?
Is the cluster still stable? That is, of course we've lost that data, but will other data, and new data, still work well.
Is there any way to get a list of the lost object ids?
In our use case, we could recover the lost data from offline backups. But, to do that, we'd need to know which data was actually lost - that is, get a list of the object ids that were lost.
Answer 1: what happens if ?
Ceph distributes your data in placement groups (PGs). Think of them as shards of your data pool. By default a PG is stored in 3 copies over your storage devices. Again by default a minimum of 2 copies have to be known to exist by ceph to be still accessible. Should only 1 copy be available (because 2 OSDs (aka disks) are offline), writes to that PG are blocked until the minimum number of copies (2) are online again. If all copies of a PG are offline your reads will be blocked until one copy comes online. All other PGs are free to be accessed if online with enough copies.
Answer 2: what is affected ?
You are probably referring to the S3 like object storage. This is modelled on top of the rados object store, that is the key storage of ceph. Problematic PGs can be traced and associated with the given rados object. There is documentation about identifying blocked RadosGW requests and another section about getting from defective PGs to the rados objects.

Rebalance data after adding nodes

I'm using Cassandra 2.0.4 (with vnodes) and 2 days ago I added 2 nodes (.210 and .195.) I expected Cassandra to redistribute the existing data automatically, but today I still find this nodetool status
Issuing a nodetool repair on any of the nodes doesn't do anything either (the repair finishes within seconds.) The logs state that the repair is being executed as expected, but after preparing the repair plan it pretty much instantly finishes executing said plan.
Was I wrong to assume the existing data would be redistributed at all, or is something wrong? And if that isn't the case; how do I manually 'rebalance' the data?
Worth noting: I seem to have lost some data after adding this new nodes. Issuing a select on certain keys only returns data from the last couple of days rather than weeks, this makes me think the data is saved on .92 while Cassandra queries for it on one of the new servers. But that's really just an uneducated guess, I may have simple broken something during all of my trial & error tests meaning the data is actually gone (even though I don't issue deletes, ever.)
Can anyone enlighten me?
There is currently no manual rebalance option for vnode-enabled clusters.
But your cluster doesn't look unbalanced based on the nodetool status output you show. I'm curious as to why node .88 has only 64 tokens compared to the others but that isn't a problem per se. When a cluster is smaller there will be a slight variance in the balance of data across the nodes.
As for the data issues, you can try running nodetool repair -pr around the nodes in the ring and then nodetool cleanup and see if that helps.