I'm using Frappe Framework to build a website along with an admin portal. Unable to display doctypes to portal users in calendar view. I was able to create Calendar View on desk, but unable to export this to the portal pages.
There is a PowerApp that collects some data from developers. The most natural place for them to access it would be from Azure Devops, where they spend most of their day so ideally the app shows up right there.
How can I embed the PowerApp in a dashboard on Azure Devops dashboard?
The app is a standard PowerApp with a list and an edit form which connect to a SQL Database on Azure.
I never tried this, but an idea.
Azure DevOps Dashboard allows to Embed web page which is like an iframe with url. Read more
Adds a configurable tile to display the contents of a web page. Only webpages that allow iframe embedding are supported.
Use the above webpage tile to embed the canvas app using its url. Canvas PowerApp will have an accessible url just like shown below:
I have a html5 application, called Portal that holds a collection of tiles that simply link to other apps when pressed. I created a custom domain for the portal app. So now when I call https://example.org it shows the portal app.
What I want to do is to show other apps by calling https://example.org/{app_name}. For example http://example.org/records should show the records app. I tried to accomplish this using Destinations, but without any luck. Do you have any idea on how to do this?
If you have SAP Cloud Platform Portal or onPrem NW GW Fiori Launchpad you could use app-to-app-navigation with semantic objects:
Cloud: https://help.sap.com/viewer/3ca6847da92847d79b27753d690ac5d5/Cloud/en-US/1a51a606964141579d14079455ac03b8.html
OnPrem: https://blogs.sap.com/2017/06/23/cross-app-navigation-in-sap-fiori-launchpad/
OnPrem with Web IDE: https://blogs.sap.com/2015/02/19/app-to-app-navigation-in-the-web-ide-fiori-launchpad-sandbox/
If you have a custom Portal, it depends where your apps are deployed. You might need a dns entry solving https://example.org/{app_name} to the real url where the app is available.
from my private Facebook profile I created a page for the club I'm a member of. I now want to export all the events created on the page to a google calendar via the webcal-link. There are manuals on how to do this but the calendar link I get only contains the events of my private profile and not the club events. How can I get the club-events and not my private ones?
Based from this thread, you can get the xml link to your Gcal in the individual calendar's settings(hover over the calendar's name in the sidebar, click the arrow that shows up, and choose "Calendar settings") and use an rss-to-Facebook service like RSS Graffiti, IFTTT, Zapier or Networked Blogs to post new items to your Facebook page. However, it is also stated that Facebook isn't a calendar management application and there's no native method of importing events.
According to this discussion:
Click "Discussion" then click "Write Post". This is not the same as embedding, but it's the only option for group members. If you are the group administrator, you can put the link in the description (on the right).
You can check this tutorial on how to sync Facebook events with Google Calendar. You can also check this site to integrate Facebook pages and Google Calendar.
BOX used to allow creation of BOX View apps before. There is no option to select BOX View API today. Did this change or is there a way to switch a Content App to a view app?
According to an email from Box Customer Services, they are no longer providing the View API for free users.
So if you are a free user, that is why you can no longer create a View application.
If you are a paid developer or trying to replace a View Application you are advised to contact Customer Services.
My company has developed two pages that we would like to publish on a clients facebookpage. These pages are hosted at my company, and are basic webpages but with a width of 520 pixels with facebook in mind.
I have created two apps in the facebook developer section, and I have filled in my url there and set it to publish as a page tab. I also set the namespace to a unique name and uploaded an icon.
when I'm looking at the app, I can't find a button like publish it on a profile page, and when I'm looking at client's facebook page (where I have been made an admin of), I can go to the apps but not browse to a custom made one to link mine to the facebook page
Try using this link to add the tab to your (client's) page:
The Facebook documentation can be found here: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/appsonfacebook/pagetabs/