Provisioning users in Azure Devops and creating tasks for them - azure-devops

We have a bulk import mechanism where we add users to ADO and create tasks assigned to them using the user Entitlements API. We have observed that after initially adding the users to ADO, any tasks created for them via the API does not resolve the user's identity correctly. Any subsequent tasks are created correctly and show the users resolved.
Any task's 'Assigned To field should be an Identity -
Fname Lname
but for the first upload, it is just
Is there a way to do this so that this works, even for first upload?

I have tested it in my side and I can assign the new user for the work item by api.
And you should check if the new account has the right permission.
These are my json test:
"op": "add",
"path": "/fields/System.Title",
"from": null,
"value": "xxx"
"op" : "add",
"path": "/fields/System.AssignedTo",
"from": null,
"value": ""
I can use it under postman. Also, you could use the e-mail or user name under value.
Besides, you could share the used tool and the steps about your operation with us to help us troubleshoot your issue more quickly.


MLFlow Webhook calling Azure DevOps pipeline - retrieve body

I am using the MLFlow Webhooks , mentioned here. I am using that to queue an Azure Devops Pipeline.
However, I can't seem to to find a way to retrieve the payload variables inside my pipeline.
E.g. during transition of models, according to the document, such a payload is passed
--data {
"webhook_id": "c5596721253c4b429368cf6f4341b88a",
"event_timestamp": 1589859029343,
"model_name": "Airline_Delay_SparkML",
"version": "8",
"to_stage": "Production",
"from_stage": "None",
"text": "Registered model 'someModel' version 8 transitioned from None to Production."
My webhook is created like this:
"description": "Integration with Azure DevOps",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"http_url_spec": {
"url": "",
"authorization": "Basic " + base64_message
}'https://databricksurl/api/2.0/mlflow/registry-webhooks/create', headers=header, proxies=proxies, json=mlflow_webhook_body)
How do I then retrieve the payload variable e.g. model_name, inside my pipeline definition in Azure Devops?.
I looked at this post, but I can't seem to see any payload information (like mentioned above) under the Network-payload tab (or I am not using properly).
Right now, I can trigger the pipeline, but can't seem to find a way to retrieve the payload.
Is it possible? Am I missing something?

Azure DevOps - Unable to Create Var Group using Azure DevOps API and Auth Token

Requirements: We would like to create a Variable Group (along with some variables) in a given Project.
Option1: We are able to create a new Variable Group successfully
when we create a request via PostMan using PAT Token which has FULL access.
Option2: Our end goal is to invoke the ADO Rest API in the Web App which uses
OAuth. When the end user logs in and make a call (pls see the input
details below) we are getting '401 Un Authorized - The user is not authorized to access this resource.' error. The Web App's application has the Variable Groups manage scope as shown below.
TroubleShooting: As part of troubleshooting, for Option1 which uses PAT (with full access) in Postman, we have updated the permissions of the PAT to just have Create, Read and Manage Var Groups as shown below.
Now, even the Option1 is not working after making the PAT to have Custom Defined access.
Are we missing something?
Postman Details:
Verb: Post
Headers: Authorization: Basic
"name": "This is ignored",
"description": "This is ignored",
"type": "Vsts",
"variables": {
"BuildConfiguration": {
"value": "Release"
"variableGroupProjectReferences": [
"name": "VarGroup",
"description": "The variable group to store the information about the variables using in the Pipeline",
"projectReference": {
"id": "#ProjectId#",
"name": "#ProjectName#"
I can also reproduce your issue with option 1, not only Read, create, & manage for Variable Groups, even I select all the scopes via Custom defined, it still does not work.
According to this doc -
Some of our public APIs are currently unassociated with a PAT scope, and can therefore only be used with “full-scoped” PATs. Because of this, restricting the creation of full-scoped PATs might block some workflows. We're working to identify and document the affected APIs and eventually associate them with the appropriate scope. For now, these workflows can be unblocked by using the allow list.
I believe this should be the reason for this issue, there may be some additional permissions to create variable groups. For option 2, there may be a similar cause.
So in this case, you may need to use the Full access PAT temporarily, as mentioned in the doc We're working to identify and document the affected APIs and eventually associate them with the appropriate scope.

Set Pull Request polices based on raising user(s)

I want to assign required approvers based on who raises a PR and not what the PR is on.
I have a set of repos that is maintained by multiple teams. I want to have a team be automatically added as required reviewers based on the user making the PR.
Is this even possible?
Is this even possible?
It's possible. But the process would be very complex since Azure Devops doesn't have such out-of-box feature, so we have to use Build Validation/Rest API/PS to achieve what you want.
1.Create a Classic Build pipeline with PS task.
2.Add build validation in branch policy. So this pipeline will run first if anyone raises a PR.
3.If one pipeline is triggered by PR, we can access the variables like $(Build.Repository.ID),$(Build.RequestedFor)(the user making the PR),$(Build.RequestedForEmail)(the user's email). See predefined variables.
4.Use Teams-Get to get list of teams in current project. You now have the TeamIDs, you now know the corresponding TeamIDs the user belongs to.
5.Use powershell switch or if statement to dynamically define the team the user belongs to.
switch ("$(Build.RequestedFor)")
"User1" {$TeamID="xxxx"; Break}
"User2" {$TeamID="xxxx"; Break}
"User3" {$TeamID="xxxx"; Break}
Default {
"No matches"
6.Use Configurations-List to list the ConfigurationIDs in this project. (You may also need to determine the correct ConfigurationID by SourceRepo and SourceBranch)
7.Then use Configuration-Update to update the branch policy to define required approvers dynamically.
The request body would look like this:
"isEnabled": true,
"isBlocking": true,
"type": {
"id": "fd2167ab-b0be-447a-8ec8-39368250530e"
"settings": {
"requiredReviewerIds": [
"{replace it with corresponding TeamID}"
"filenamePatterns": [],
"addedFilesOnly": false,
"scope": [
"repositoryId": "{replace it with your repoID in step3}",
"refName": "refs/heads/master",
"matchKind": "exact"
You can do step5 and step7 in same PS task.


I am trying to integrate Servicenow with Azure Devops Board to create/update etc etc on a work item using REST APIs
I was successful in creating and updating lot of things on the workitems
I am not able to find an API which tells the workitem to fall in a specific Swimlane
If you look in to the image I have attached, which has a default swimlane(test) and custom ones... so H have an api which moves it from "ToDo" to "Doing", but if you notice there multiple "Doing" as there are different swimlanes, so can anyone please help what the trick is or an API which tells the workitem to fall in a specific SwimLane
I did some research and found "System.BoardLane" I did use that in post and patch
"$id": "1",
"customProperties": {
"ReferenceName": null
"innerException": null,
"message": "TF401326: Invalid field status 'ReadOnly' for field 'System.BoardLane'.",
"typeName": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Server.WorkItemFieldInvalidException, Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Server",
"typeKey": "WorkItemFieldInvalidException",
"errorCode": 600171,
"eventId": 3200
then I used operation "op" :"move"
"$id": "1",
"innerException": null,
"message": "Move/Copy is not implemented.",
"typeName": "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.WebApi.Patch.PatchOperationFailedException, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.WebApi",
"typeKey": "PatchOperationFailedException",
"errorCode": 0,
"eventId": 3000
In fact, you were very close to the correct answer.
The first error you faced: TF401326: Invalid field status 'ReadOnly' for field 'System.BoardLane' has indicate that if you want to modify the SwimLane by updating the System.BoardLane field via API, we does not allow that because of its read-only.
(For those fields, not only System.BoardLane is read-only, but also the System.BoardColumn)
This is by designed.
In order to update the SwimLane, here you need to update the extension fields instead of System fields via the API.
Call the Get - Boards API to get the information about the Board. In its response body, the extension field names will display under fields -> rowField.
GET{org name}/{project name}/{team name}/_apis/work/boards/Stories?api-version=5.1
The reference names for these extension fields will include a GUID that is unique for the board(e.g. WEF_6623ED31B8E04C778FB1129D3239B1A7_Kanban.Lane).
Call the Update - Work Items API, using the field names you got above as the path (e.g. /fields/WEF_6623ED31B8E04C778FB1129D3239B1A7_Kanban.Lane) and input the lane value as the name of the row you want to move the item into:
PATCH{org name}/{project name}/_apis/wit/workitems/{WIT id}?api-version=5.1
Request body:
"op": "add",
"path": "/fields/WEF_6623ED31B8E04C778FB1129D3239B1A7_Kanban.Lane",
"from": null,
"value": "Lane for product team"
Lane for product team is one of the Swimlane.
Now, you would see that the work item moved into the corresponding lane you specified.
Note: The GUID of the extension fields is unique for the board. Different boards has different extension fileds GUID value.
The swimlane that is used is based on the status of the workitem (I believe the field you want is System.Status) If you update that value of the workitem, it should move the workitem into the appropriate swimlane.
You can configure your team's board settings to map statuses to the swim lanes you want. If you are using an standard board process, then it should be pretty straightforward mapping between statuses and swim lanes, but if you have customized work items you will need to apply that logic to your code(IE this new item should be in a status of X to show as doing)

Is it possible to have TFS fetch email from a POP3 account?

Is it possible to have TFS 2017 fetch email from Gmail?
For instance...
I have a ticketing system (OS Ticket) on an external server. I have TFS sitting on a private server and would like to have it pull those tickets that are emailed out from OS Ticket to a Gmail account and create tasks within TFS automatically.
First: If this even remotely possible?
Second: Can it be done?
Third: If it can be done, How, are there any examples or is it something seriously easy?
Your requirement is able to be achieved, but there is not default way. You have to code your solution which should contain two parts:
Filter the emails in ticketing system or in Gmail account. For example, in Gmail, you can filter emails by sender with criteria.from=''(check Managing Filters for more information). You would need to get more help from OS Ticket or Gmail side for this part.
Use TFS REST API to create a work item:
PATCH https://{instance}/DefaultCollection/{project}/_apis/wit/workitems/${workItemTypeName}?api-version={version}
Content-Type: application/json-patch+json
"op": "add",
"path": { string }
"value": { string or int, depending on the field }
"op": "add",
"path": "/relations/-",
"rel": { string },
"url": { string },
{ name/value pairs }
You can buy a product like TeamBox or code your solution using TFS API.
It is not trivial to implement a robust solution (you can see a fullly functioning code example in, so you need to add some monitoring on top that everything is running smoothly.