In unity how to make in-game menu? - unity3d

I'm making a Unity2D mobile game but I'm stuck on making a menu. I want the in-game menu and if the player touches the screen or clicks the screen, the game will start and the menu will be have store, options but I don't know how to do it. I tried to do the same scene but this time when it goes to the next level, the menu disappears. I searched on the internet but couldn't find it. Thanks.

You should first create a UIManager script for yourself.
In this script, you must define 2D elements such as Text, Canvas, Panel and provide their functionality.
Then you can control these functions in your main manager (GameManager).
To put it simply, it takes almost a video tutorial to explain it.
Because this is not a simple code error question, man.


Why can't I see my WebView Prefab in Unity game window?

I used 3D WebView in Unity development. I dragged a WebViewPrefab into my scene and clicked 'play'. From the console I knew that it had already loaded the webpage I wanted, but I could't see it in the game window.
I had looked around, but still nothing in the game window.
Could anyone please tell me what had happened?
I had a similar problem not long ago. I found that WebView doesn't seem to be like those GameObjects we commonly use in unity, it can only be viewed from one direction. This means that if you look at it from behind, you won't see anything. Therefore, you need to adjust your main camera angle.
Also, when you use WebViewPrefab.Instantiate to create your WebView Object, it defaults to a somewhat strange position and angle. I usually set its position manually, and after that, it's easier to find in the game window in play mode.

Drop In Drop Out System with Input?

I'm trying to code a drop in drop out system with input. Basically i have 2 sprites and im trying to swap between controlling each one. Right now I have a button i press and it switches which sprite is active however it does not let me show the animations for the other sprite and i can't control it. It also makes the other sprite that i'm not swapped to go off screen. I need both sprites to stay on screen and be able to press a button and and be able to control the other with the same input. If anyone could help me it would be much appreciated i couldn't find anything about it on google considering this is a very specific problem.

When to use scene or panel

I just have a question and I don't know exactly what to type on google.
I am making a game which is always instantiating scenes now on my login process I am trying to login wrong account so there should be something that needs to pop up like an error message
Now my question is . Is there going to be a problem when I build this up because there's a tons of them or it is just normal?
But basically when i try to input the correct id and password this scenes will be deleted.
There shouldn't be a problem but this looks like an abuse of scene to me. You have too many unnecessary scenes.
Here is when you need to create or use a new scene:
1.Main Menu
This is the first scene that loads. By separating it with your game scene, you will increase loading time.
2.Game Levels
The levels in your game requires scene for each one. This makes loading them faster. You can also separate one scene into multiple ones if it's really a big scene. This also increases the speed of loading time.
You do not need scene for other things you have in your question. Those should be a UI Panels. You can create a panel by going to the GameObject ---> UI --> Panel menu. It's really easy to show/hide a panel.
For example, you have login and emergency panels:
public GameObject loginPanel;
public GameObject emergencyPanel;
to show the login panel, you disable or deactivate the emergency panel first then activate the login panel:
That's all you have to do.

Randomly Appearing Popups In Unity3D

How can i make an image to randomly appear while in-game in Unity3D ? It will serve as my popup advertisements for my game. I want to have ads without using AdMobs or any other plugins.
Depending on how you plan to display your images. You could write a script to randomly Enable a GUI Image, then have the GUI Image become disables after a specified time is over or by a button click (like a "X" symbol or close button).
My recommendation would be some mix of the following:
Create an UI Image GameObject. Use this as the main Advertisement GameObject.
Create a script to set this gameobject active/inactive randomly throughout the game. Place this script on an object in the hierarchy that will exist throughout the game.
Create a script that will be your advertisement handler. Attach this to your UI GameObject. In this you can create some sort of structure to hold different ads or however you plan to populate the ads. Then you can customize the way the ads will be displayed. Will it be random? Will it happen sequentially? Are there different types of ads?
Create logic to disable the gameobject based on a timer or by way of a close button.
If you get around to coding and have trouble, then please feel free to ask about the coding. Also, check out the Unity Forums for questions specific to Unity.

simple UI menu and canvas for DK2

I am using Unity 5.1.2p3 with DK2 SDK and I understand from this post that Screen Space - Overlay is not supported in Unity VR. It is recommended to use Screen Space - Camera (which in my case does not work) or World Space (which I am using now) but I need someone to help me understand how I get simple menu with buttons and toggles to show as a still image and how I can make selections and button presses with my mouse cursor.
I have created a menu for my app, with 4 toggles and 1 button. When I check the Virtual Reality Supported option with the Oculus being in Direct Mode and Canvas being in World Space, I can see it in VR, but I cannot see/find my mouse cursor to tick one of the toggles.
When I take off the headset, on my monitor's Game View tab, I can see and even use the mouse and select a toggle. Obviously, I have to keep the headset steady, so in my Game View, things do not shake!
Another thing I notice is that the VR camera is the same as the Main Camera in the Unity Hierarchy, but when I take off the headset and move it around, the position of the camera does not change, only looking up and down and around is reflected.
How do I simply do a static menu like a 2D surface that does not move in VR and a user can use button presses and muse clicks with the headset on? What settings are required for this way of doing UI and canvas stuff? There are 2 attachments, showing my current settings...
Are you specifically wanting to use the mouse? If you look through a blog entry I wrote below, it will show you how to use Gaze looking to trigger menu buttons:
You can achieve this by some code I list there that raycasts from the center of the screen and if it hits any UI, it will trigger the correct events and make it clickable by button (or by time).