Why does dropping the last collection drop the database as well - mongodb

I am trying to delete a collection from database using script file (.js).
My js file is a below
db1 = db.getSiblingDB('Books');
and executing like below
mongo localhost:27017 "d:/test.js"
When my database has multiple collection it is deleting that collection means "TestBook".
But if I try to deleted the last collection it is deleting the database as well.
Can anyone suggest what I am doing wrong.

This appears to be how MongoDB works:
MongoDB Enterprise > db.foo.insert({a:1})
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
MongoDB Enterprise > db.getSiblingDB('admin').runCommand({listDatabases:1})
"databases" : [
"name" : "admin",
"sizeOnDisk" : NumberLong(8192),
"empty" : false
"name" : "config",
"sizeOnDisk" : NumberLong(12288),
"empty" : false
"name" : "local",
"sizeOnDisk" : NumberLong(8192),
"empty" : false
"name" : "test",
"sizeOnDisk" : NumberLong(8192),
"empty" : false
"totalSize" : NumberLong(36864),
"totalSizeMb" : NumberLong(0),
"ok" : 1
MongoDB Enterprise > db.foo.drop()
MongoDB Enterprise > db.getSiblingDB('admin').runCommand({listDatabases:1})
"databases" : [
"name" : "admin",
"sizeOnDisk" : NumberLong(8192),
"empty" : false
"name" : "config",
"sizeOnDisk" : NumberLong(12288),
"empty" : false
"name" : "local",
"sizeOnDisk" : NumberLong(8192),
"empty" : false
"totalSize" : NumberLong(28672),
"totalSizeMb" : NumberLong(0),
"ok" : 1
However, it appears that the database retains at least some of the configured state for the dropped database. For example, if you enable sharding on a database, then drop the last collection, then try to enable sharding on a new collection in that database, sharding on the collection will be enabled which requires the sharding to have already been enabled on the database.
Dropping collections does change the list of returned databases, which could be problematic for applications. You can report this as an issue via https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/server if you like.


Find out user who created database/collection in MongoDB

I have so many applications on my server who are using mongo db. I want to find out the user name which is being used to create specific db/collection.
I see some application is malfunctioning and keeps on creating dbs dynamically. I want to find out the application through the user which is being used.
What i have done so far is, i found out the connection information from the mongodb logs by grepping that database and then ran this query,
db.currentOp(true).inprog.forEach(function(o){if(o.connectionId == 502925 ) printjson(o)});
And this is the result i am getting,
"host" : "abcd-server:27017",
"desc" : "conn502925",
"connectionId" : 502925,
"client" : "",
"clientMetadata" : {
"driver" : {
"name" : "mongo-java-driver",
"version" : "3.6.4"
"os" : {
"type" : "Linux",
"name" : "Linux",
"architecture" : "amd64",
"version" : "3.10.0-862.14.4.el7.x86_64"
"platform" : "Java/AdoptOpenJDK/1.8.0_212-b03"
"active" : false,
"currentOpTime" : "2019-07-02T07:31:39.518-0500"
Please let me know if there is any way to find out the user.

Why Mongoose cant create an index in MongoDB Atlas?

I have a Mongoose Schema which contains a field with a certain index:
const reportSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
coords: {
type: [Number],
required: true,
index: '2dsphere'
It works well on my local machine, so when I connect to MongoDB through the shell I get this output for db.reports.getIndexes():
"v" : 2,
"key" : {
"_id" : 1
"name" : "_id_",
"ns" : "weatherApp.reports"
"v" : 2,
"key" : {
"coords" : "2dsphere"
"name" : "coords_2dsphere",
"ns" : "weatherApp.reports",
"background" : true,
"2dsphereIndexVersion" : 3
Then I deploy this app to Heroku and connect to MongoDB Atlas instead of my local database. It works well for saving and retrieving data, but did not create indexes (only default one):
"v" : 2,
"key" : {
"_id" : 1
"name" : "_id_",
"ns" : "weatherApp.reports"
What may cause this problem? Atlas allow to create indexes through Web GUI and it works good as well as creating indexes form the shell. But Mongoose fails this operation for some reason.
I had the same issue when I was on mongoose version v5.0.16. However, since I updated to v5.3.6 it is now creating the (compound) indexes for me on Mongo Atlas. (I just wrote a sample app with both versions to verify this is the case).
I'm not sure which version fixed this issue, but it's somewhere between v5.0.16 and v5.3.6, where v5.3.6 is working.

CosmosDB Invalid BSON With Update using $ [duplicate]

Embedded Update query works fine in mlab and atlas but not working in Cosmos DB:
My Collection structure:
"_id" : ObjectId("5982f3f97729be2cce108785"),
"password" : "$2y$10$F2P9ITmyKNebpoDaQ1ed4OxxMZSKmKFD9ipiU1klqio239c/nJcme",
"nin" : "123",
"login_status" : 1,
"updated_at" : ISODate("2017-05-16T09:09:03.000Z"),
"created_at" : ISODate("2017-05-16T06:08:47.000Z"),
"files" : [
"name" : "abc",
"updated_at" : ISODate("2017-05-16T06:08:48.000Z"),
"created_at" : ISODate("2017-05-16T06:08:48.000Z"),
"_id" : ObjectId("5982f3f97729be2cce108784")
"name" : "demo",
"email" : "email#gmail.com",
"phone" : "1231234",
My query is:
{'_id': ObjectId("5982f3f97729be2cce108785"),
'files._id' : ObjectId("5982f3f97729be2cce108784")},
{ $set: {'files.$.name' : "Changed"}})
I get this response:
"acknowledged" : true,
"matchedCount" : 0.0,
"modifiedCount" : 0.0
According to your description, I tested this issue on my side and found the Array Update could not work as expected. I assumed that the Array Update feature has not been implemented in the MongoDB Compatibility layer of Azure CosmosDB. Moreover, I found a feedback Positional array update via '$' query support talking about the similar issue.

Mongo db update query is not working in embedded documents in azure cosmos db

Embedded Update query works fine in mlab and atlas but not working in Cosmos DB:
My Collection structure:
"_id" : ObjectId("5982f3f97729be2cce108785"),
"password" : "$2y$10$F2P9ITmyKNebpoDaQ1ed4OxxMZSKmKFD9ipiU1klqio239c/nJcme",
"nin" : "123",
"login_status" : 1,
"updated_at" : ISODate("2017-05-16T09:09:03.000Z"),
"created_at" : ISODate("2017-05-16T06:08:47.000Z"),
"files" : [
"name" : "abc",
"updated_at" : ISODate("2017-05-16T06:08:48.000Z"),
"created_at" : ISODate("2017-05-16T06:08:48.000Z"),
"_id" : ObjectId("5982f3f97729be2cce108784")
"name" : "demo",
"email" : "email#gmail.com",
"phone" : "1231234",
My query is:
{'_id': ObjectId("5982f3f97729be2cce108785"),
'files._id' : ObjectId("5982f3f97729be2cce108784")},
{ $set: {'files.$.name' : "Changed"}})
I get this response:
"acknowledged" : true,
"matchedCount" : 0.0,
"modifiedCount" : 0.0
According to your description, I tested this issue on my side and found the Array Update could not work as expected. I assumed that the Array Update feature has not been implemented in the MongoDB Compatibility layer of Azure CosmosDB. Moreover, I found a feedback Positional array update via '$' query support talking about the similar issue.

How to update user-defined roles in MongoDB 3.0 in a sharding environment?

I'm using MMS to manage my a typical sharding cluster with just one shard (at the moment): 3 mongod for shard000 (2 servers + 1 arbiter) + 1 config server + 2 mongos instances.
Auth is enabled and it's working well. I've added a user-defined role in the MMS admin console, and I can see it in mongo shell.
"_id" : "admin.myrole",
"role" : "myrole",
"db" : "admin",
"privileges" : [
"resource" : {
"db" : "",
"collection" : ""
"actions" : [
I want to change it to AnyAction on AnyResource (as doEval action requires). So, I'm trying to execute this:
db.runCommand({ "updateRole": "myrole", "privileges": [ { resource: { anyResource: true}, actions: [ "anyAction" ] } ] }); db.system.roles.findOne()`
and for one second, I get the result I want:
"_id" : "admin.myrole",
"role" : "myrole",
"db" : "admin",
"privileges" : [
"resource" : {
"anyResource" : true
"actions" : [
"roles" : [ ]
But, about two seconds later:
the role got restored:
configsvr> db.system.roles.findOne()
"_id" : "admin.myrole",
"role" : "myrole",
"db" : "admin",
"privileges" : [
"resource" : {
"db" : "",
"collection" : ""
"actions" : [
and I don't know "who" is restoring it.
I've tried the above commands from the PRIMARY and from CONFIG server in admin database.
How can I get the role stored?
P.S: I know that "eval" is deprecated in 3.0, but what I'm asking is the reason I can't update the role.