SV assertion to flag incorrect verilog event region - system-verilog

Is there a system verilog construct which can flag an error if a signal toggled in NBA region in verilog event queue?
Something like

Nothing within the language. And nothing changes in the NBA region anyways—everything changes in the active region. When there are no more events in the active region, the events in the inactive region become active, potentially scheduling more events. This goes on recursively until there are no more events scheduled in the active or inactive regions. Then the events scheduled in the NBA region become active, and this loop continues until there are no more events left in any region. Only then time can advance.
Most tools have the ability to record signal changes in the same order the simulator makes them, so you can see the relative ording. But you might want to look at the XY problem to make sure you've really explained what you are trying to accomplish.


Temporary adjustment of delay time

I have the following problem which I am unable to solve:
I have a situation where a security point (added as delay) holds every half an hour a 15 min break. After the break, the security guards increase their speed till the queue is shorter than 10pp.
I wanted to model this as follows: a state chart with delay.set_capacity(0) after 30 minutes and delay.set_capacity(1) again after the 15 min break. For the increased speed after the break, I added an additional state with condition: queue.size()>10 and now I want to set the action such that the delay function changes the delay time from exponential (1/10) to exponential (1/5) as long as queue.size()>10.
Anyone experience with which function in the action box to use? Or would you suggest a different function?
Since you are using, or at least want to use a statechart I would suggest the following design, where you have composite states inside the working state to indicate if the security agent is working fast or normal and a message transition to let it move from one state to the next.
It is advised to use a message transition and trigger it as needed instead of a conditional state which gets chected for every change inside the agent since this can be a computational expensive exercise.
I assume you already implemented the correct capacity settings for the different on enter actions for working and breaking
Now you simply need to send the message every time an agent enters the queue and every time it exits the delay block, and of course, see the delay time based on the state of the statechart.
Aee screenshot below.

Truck (Agent) Hitbox in process modeling library

im creating some paths with the process modeling library. The trucks shall stop in series when waiting for the "go" signal to go on.
At the moment the trucks are waiting "within" each other.
How to tell the trucks to recognize not the stopnode only but also the hitbox of the truck which arrived before him?
Thanks in advance
The trucks shall stop in series when waiting for the "go" signal to go on.
At the moment the trucks are waiting "within" each other. [...]
How to tell the trucks to recognize not the stopnode only but also the
hitbox of the truck which arrived before him?
AnyLogic allows for agents to queue along a path (from an animation perspective) whilst in a Queue block. So don't make them move to the stop-node (which I assume you are doing explicitly): make them (from a process point-of-view) go into a Queue which is animated via the path from the stop node 'backwards'. (This is the "Agent location" setting of the Queue block.) How you hold them in the queue and release them when they need to depends on the nature of your model; e.g.,
Use a Hold block following the Queue (if it makes sense to release them all at once)
Use a 'dangling' Queue block which you pull agents out of programmatically (e.g., via its removeFirst function) and then add them somewhere else in the process via an Enter block.
Use a Seize block (which has a built-in Queue you can set the location of) with the resource seized representing the 'token' you need to proceed.
NB: From the process perspective, they are in a Queue which happens to be animated as queueing along a path. This isn't exactly the same as modelling the 'spatial reality' of being in a queue: see this question.
Simple solution is to turn your truck agents into Transporters from the Material-handling library. They have build-in collision avoidance.
However, this can slow large models so you may want to convert them only when you need collision avoidance and then convert back to "simple" Truck agents again.
Else, you need to build your own additional stop-nodes and code spatial queuing manually. Possible but not straight forward

What is the correct operation of a CANopen inhibit timer?

I understand that the operation of a CANopen inhibit timer is to ensure a minimum time between successive transmissions of the same message, but the specification does not make it clear what to do if the data changes during the inhibit time (and the transmission is on change-of-state). Should I buffer the data and transmit it when the inhibit timer expires, or discard it and wait for a change after the timer has expired?
My assumption would be, since it is not clearly defined, I can choose whichever approach I want, but I'd appreciate the input of any experienced architects / developers on this.
You're correct that the inhibit time is simply the minimum time between consecutive CAN frames with the same CAN-ID. The standard does not specify the behavior for multiple events during the inhibit time window, because it depends on the situation.
For services like NMT, EMCY and perhaps LSS, you'd want to buffer the messages and send them later. In this case the inhibit time is simply a means to help slow (or badly programmed) devices to handle short bursts of messages. I've seen devices that could only handle 3 CAN frames at once, so it's often necessary, but you would not want them to miss messages.
For event-driven Transmit-PDOs, it depends on what the PDO represents. If you use it to track state, it might make sense to drop events during the inhibit window. They're invalidated by subsequent events anyway. To ensure you always emit the latest state, you can store the most recent event and transmit it once the inhibit time has elapsed, or use the event-timer to ensure you're never too far behind. I've used this strategy in the past for analog inputs where line noise would sometimes cause event bursts.
If you use PDOs to track events (or state changes), you'd be better of buffering them so no events get lost. However, this can introduce potentially unbounded delays if the event period is shorter than the inhibit time.
For the products we're working on at Lely (dairy farm robots), we actually prefer to use SYNC-driven PDOs instead. It results in a much more predictable CAN bus load. And we don't have to track state at the receiver side because we receive a full update on every SYNC. However, the receiver is always one SYNC period behind the transmitter, so this may not be appropriate for your use case.

Anylogic: How do I converge 2 queues into one delay block?

I'm new to Anylogic, and I was wondering if it's possible to have two queues go into one delay block. I'm trying to simulate products coming from 2 separate welding robots that then go into a sandblasting (delay block) installation. This installation can either blast 3 products from one robot or 1 from the other robot.
Maybe it's also possible to have one delay process be blocked as long as the other one is working, and then unblock it as soon as the other one is finished?
Here's a picture of the process.
So this is one way of doing it... I added hold blocks after each queue... one of the hold blocks is initially blocked.
I added a button to toggle the state of the hold block:
This is the basic structure... of course the way you block/unblock the holds is up to you.

Mutli Player Game synchronization

The Situation:
I would like to ask what's the best logic for synchronizing objects in a multiplayer 1:1 game using BT or a web server. The game has two players, each of them has multiple guns & bullets, the bullets are created dynamically and disappear after a while, the players my move objects around simultaneously.
The Problem:
I have a real issue with synchronization, since the bullets on one device may be faster than other, also they may have already gone or hit an object on one device while on the other its still in the air.
What is the best way of handling synchonization in this case? Should all the objects be controlled by one device acting as the server, while th other just gets the values, positions and does very little thinking. Or should control be distributed where each device creates, destroys and moves its own objects and then through synchronization tells the other device.
What is the best to handle transmission delay in this, since BT might be faster than playing over the web?
The best would be a working sample - thanks very much!
You seem to have started on some good ideas about synchronization, but it's possible there are two problems you are running into that are getting overlapped: the synchronization of game clocks and the sychronization of gamestate.
(1) synchronizing game clocks
you need some representation of 'game time' for your game. for a 2 player game it is very reasonable to simply declare one the authority.
so on the authoritative client:
gameTime = GetClockTime();
msg.gameTime = gameTime
on the other client might be something like:
lastGameTimeFromNetwork = msg.gameTime;
lastClockTimeOfGameTimeMessage = GetClockTime();
gameTime = lastGameTimeFromNetwork + GetClockTime() - lastClockTimeOfGameTimeMessage;
there are complications like skipping/slipping (ie getting times from over the network that go forward/backward too much) that require further work, but hopefully you get the idea. follow up with another question if you need.
note: this example doesn't differentiate 'ticks' vs 'seconds' nor does is it tied to your network protocol nor the type of device your game is running on (save the requirement 'the device has a local clock').
(2) synchronizing gamestate
after you have a consistent game clock, you still need to work out how to consistently simulate and propagate your gamestate. for synchronizing gamestate you have a few choices:
each unit of gamestate is 'owned' by one process. only that process is allowed to change that gamestate. those changes are propagated to all other processes.
if everything is owned by a single process, this is often called a 'client/server' game.
note, with this model each client has a different view of the game world at any time.
example games: quake, world of warcraft
to optimize bandwidth and hide latency, you can often do some local simulation for fields with a high update frequency. example:
drawPosition = lastSyncPostion + (currentTime - lastSyncTime) * lastSyncVelocity
of course you to having to reconcile new information with your simulated version in this case.
each unit of gamestate is identical in all processes.
commands from each process are propagated to each other with their desired initiation time (sometime in the future).
in its simplest form, one process (often called the host) sends special messages indicating when to advance the game time. when everyone recieves that message they are allowed to simulate the game up to that point.
the 'in the future' requirement leads to high latency between input command and gamestate change.
in non-real time games like civilization, this is fine. in a game like starcraft, normally the sound acknowledging the input comes immediately, but the actually gamestate affecting action is delayed. this style is not appropriate for games like shooters that require time-sensitive actions (on the ~100ms scale).
synchronous with resimulation
each unit of gamestate is identical in all processes.
each process sends all other processes its input with its current timestamp. additionally a 'nothing happened' message is periodically sent.
each process has 2 copies of the gamestate.
copy 1 of the gamestate is propagated to the 'last earliest message' it has receive from all other clients. this is equivalent to the synchronous model, but has the weakness that it represents a gamestate from 'a little bit ago'
copy 2 of the gamestate is copy 1 plus all the remaining messages. it is a prediction of what is gamestate at the current time on the client, assuming nothing new happens.
the player interacts with some combination of the two gamestate (ideally 100% copy 2, but some consideration must be taken to avoid pops as new messages come in)
example games: street fighter 4 (internet play)
from your description, options (1) and (3) seem to fit your problem. again if you have further questions or require more detail, ask a follow up.
since the bullets on one device may be faster than other
This should not happen if the game has been architected properly.
Most games these days (particularly multiplayer ones) work on ticks - small timeslices. Each system should get the exact same result when it computes what happened during a tick - no "bullets moving faster on one machine than they do on another".
Then it's a much simpler matter of making sure each system gets the same inputs for each player (you'll need to broadcast each player's input to each other player, along with the tick the input was registered during), and making sure that each system calculates ticks at the same rate.