How to create a valid key for azurite storage explorer, when I give some random alpha numeric values, it's failing saying not a valid base64 value
can you provide some more details on the scenario you are trying to address?
The storage emulator will default to the standard dev account key see:
If you want to use a different key, you need to replace the account key with a valid base64 string, found in the constants.ts files, one per API.
You can see how it is done in the code :
export const EMULATOR_ACCOUNT_KEY = Buffer.from(
The transit secrets engine returns encrypted data with a prefix:
% vault write transit/encrypt/my-key plaintext=$(base64 <<< "my secret data")
Key Value
ciphertext vault:v1:C7BqsulaJTww6+zyO+0TnjFUUdDVTQWIatlbxOtEkZbF5govTZAp8S6gjQ==
Is there any way of customazation where we can change vault:v1: >>>> CMPname:APP:
So that it becomes:
Vault has a default version template that evaluates to vault:v{{version}}. There is code that support a custom version template, but the version_template parameter is ignored when you create the key.
So as of today, this option does not exist, sorry.
This metadata is not encrypted (nor signed). I suggest you either add a prefix to it:
Or replace it:
To be future proof (so that you can remove your custom code and use version_template one day), I suggest that you keep a link between my-key (the name of the key) and the prefix. As the code stands today, it is unlikely that Vault will support multiple prefixes for a single key name.
I have a table in a storage account. I would like to do a test by inserting an entity into this table using Web Activity with the guide from this link (
I also tried to create a header in the Web Activity settings with the following format for my shared key (
Authorization="SharedKey <_AccountName>:<_Signature>"
But it seems that there is no function in the dynamic expression to make a Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) for the <_Signature>.
Could someone give me some sample or some hints? Thanks.
We have a provision for using sha2 encoding in expression builder while using Data Flows.
But while using web activity in Data factory pipelines you will have to use a workaround. Here is what I tried, Call a serverless function app based on powershell to encode the signature.
basic idea in powershell:
$ClearString = "String_to_sign"
$hasher = [System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create('sha256')
$hash = $hasher.ComputeHash([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($ClearString))
$hashString = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($hash)
$body = $hashString.Replace('-', '').ToLower()
1. Call the function app:
With body: a JSON with String_to_sign
"name": 'pipeline().parameters.StringToSign'
2. Assign function app output(HMAC) to a variable: (to later encode using base64)
#activity('Azure Function1').output.Response
3. Configure WebActivity as per your scenario:
Note: I have used sample data for demonstration purpose, please use this method modifying as per your need.
Encode HMAC and prep Authorization header by using base64 function.
Authorization: #concat('SharedKey kteststoragee:',base64(variables('sha256')))
Build Authorization header following MS doc: Table service (Shared Key authorization Use string function such as Concat to build the final string.
I'm trying to set up a TURN server for a project using Coturn but am finding that documentation is sketchy at best...
I realise that there is a turnadmin tool that will do this for you, but I would greatly prefer to just run queries on my database directly. This is an app with potentially many users and their shared keys (hmackey in turnusers_lt) are subject to change (in order to not share passwords with the app the app uses a 'fake' password which is a hash of certain volatile user parameters that aren't so secret).
I can gather from the scant docs that the hmackey is computed using the realm, username and password:
$ turnadmin -k -u myusername -r -p my-password
> e.g. 0x7a69b0e2b747a4560045f79d171b78c0
Given that my code will know these three parameters, how do I build the hmac hash? E.g. in PHP I have
string hash_hmac ( string $algo , string $data , string $key [, bool $raw_output = false ] )
$algo here should be SHA1, but what values would go into $data (e.g. concat of user/pass) and $key (e.g. realm)?
There's also a turn_secret table listing a 'value' for a realm, I was guessing this should be used as the $key in the above example, but adding and modifying the keys still give the same result when I call turnadmin.
Essentially, what I want to do is (pseudo-code):
// user registers
// pseudo-code, this is of course computed using php's password_hash function
$hashed_pw = hash($pw);
$db->query('insert into usertable (name, pass) values ($name, $hashed_pw)');
// this is implemented somewhere...
$coturn_pw = get_secret_hash($name);
// this needs implementing...
$HAMC = calc_hmac($name, $coturn_pw, '');
$turndb->query('insert into turnusers_lt values (...)');
// on update, delete also update turnusers_lt
...and then in the client, I should now be able to connect to the TURN server using $name and $coturn_pw as credentials for
Or am I over-thinking this and should I just use a generic user for my app, hardcode the password and let Coturn figure out who is talking to who?
How to build the HMAC key is described in RFC 5389:
key = MD5(username ":" realm ":" SASLprep(password))
where MD5 is defined in RFC 1321 and SASLprep() is defined in RFC 4013
The only table you need to update is turnusers_lt. The turn_secret table and SHA1 algorithm is used for generating time-limited credentials.
INSERT INTO turnusers_lt (realm, name, hmackey) VALUES (:realm, :username, :key);
And of course, use prepared statements rather than building the SQL string manually.
OrangeDog answer is correct.
With node.js:
const crypto= require("crypto");
const username= "foo";
const realm= "here";
const password= "secret";
const hmac = crypto
In my form it showing my policy and x-amz-credential, x-amz-alorithm, x-amz-signature, my bucket, etc...
data-form-data = "{"key":"/uploads/temporary/<some random numbers/letters>/${filename}",
"policy":"<bunch of random numbers/letters",
"x-amz-algorithm":"<some random numbers/lettering>",
"x-amz-date":"<some random numbers/letters>",
"x-amz-signature":"<some random numbers/letters>"}"
Yes, that's fine. It's designed not to expose sensitive data, and this data isn't sensitive.
Your AWS Access Key Secret is the only value that is secret and must not be revealed. (There's also a sensitive intermediate value called the signing key that's generated from the secret, which you won't see unless you wrote your own V4 request signing code). The signature is derived from the signing key and other request parameters; the signing key is service and region specific and is derived from the secret and used in your code, then discarded... and both of these values are generated using in a one-way process that makes it computationally infeasible to reverse-engineer.
Can you let me know the best way to set aws access key and aws secret key while inside spark-shell. I tried setting it using
sc.hadoopConfiguration.set("fs.s3n.awsAccessKeyId", MY_ACCESS_KEY)
sc.hadoopConfiguration.set("fs.s3n.awsSecretAccessKey", MY_SECRET_KEY)
and got
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key must be specified as the username or password (respectively) of a s3n URL, or by setting the fs.s3n.awsAccessKeyId or fs.s3n.awsSecretAccessKey properties (respectively)
I am able to get it to work by passing it as part of the url
after replacing the slashes in my secret key with %2F but wanted to know if there was an alternative to embedding my access key and secret key in the url.
in Addition to Holden's answer, here's amore specific example:
val jobConf = new JobConf(sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration)
jobConf.set("fs.s3n.awsAccessKeyId", MY_ACCESS_KEY)
jobConf.set("fs.s3n.awsSecretAccessKey", MY_SECRET_KEY)
val rdd = sparkContext.hadoopFile(jobConf, ...)
You can use the hadoopRDD function and specify the JobConf object directly with the required properties.