Why is awsconfiguration.json file missing? - flutter

I recently began working with AWS Amplify in a flutter project and completed the initial setup for the project however get the following error message when I configure Amplify when I run the app:
AnalyticsException(message: Unable to read appId or region from the amplify configuration json., recoverySuggestion: Make sure amplifyconfiguration.json is a valid json object in expected format. Please take a look at the documentation for expected format of amplifyconfiguration.json., underlyingException: org.json.JSONException: No value for pinpointAnalytics)
After this error, I researched about the awsconfiguration.json file and saw that I do not have a raw folder in './app/src/main/res' in my android root which should contain this file. I have run amplify init, added multiple plugins, and used amplify push according to the Amplify docs however I still do not see this file which I believe should be created automatically during setup. I would appreciate any help with the problem.
Thank you!

This might be caused if in the pubspec.yml you have amplify_analytics_pinpoint: ^0.2.0 but didn't add the analytics category by running amplify add analytics

After trying to setup Amplify in my flutter project a few more times, Amplify seems to configure properly however I am not sure what changed in the project. It seemed to work after I followed the YouTube video below, so if you are having the same problems, it might be worth checking out.
Link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1seFk3Fkuis


How to upload files to Wasabi from Flutter

I am currently working on an application where I would like to upload videos and images to a Wasabi s3 bucket in Flutter. I first attempted to use amplify_flutter, but this did not work because as detailed in their setup guide I am required to log into Amazon Web Services in order to configure the package.
I did find another stack overflow answer describing how to upload to AWS with an https request. copying this code did give me the ability to connect with https://s3.wasabisys.comm, but when using a POST request to upload the files, the url returns this error message:
<Error><Code>MethodNotAllowed</Code><Message>The specified method is not allowed against this
I did find a post on the AWS forums describing the same issue, and they stated that a "CloudFront Origin Access Identity" needs to be enabled, but since I am not using CloudFront either, enabling this option is not possible for me.
In Wasabi, is there an option similar to "CloudFront Origin Access Identity" that I can enable in order to allow POST requests to a bucket, or is there a better option in Flutter to upload to Wasabi s3 buckets?
Update: I was able to solve this by using the Minio flutter package. We have been using this package for a couple weeks now without any issue to connect to Wasabi.

New To Cloud Storage -- Something Went Wrong

I just created a Google Cloud account and am attempting to load some data from my locale machine to a Storage Bucket for later use in an ML project. I'm following the quite simple instructions in the tutorial supplied to get a bucket up and running through the console and am having no issue creating a bucket, but when attempting to upload a (any) file I get the error message "Failed to upload a file. Something went wrong. Try again."
Surely this cannot be so difficult--is there something that I need to do as a new account user to prepare my account before it will let me upload files to the cloud?
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
I had the same issue. No idea why it isn't working, but I got it to work fine with the gsutil cli. :)
Maybe try that for now until the issue (or whatever this is) is fixed??
try another browser. faced this issue when using firefox, tried with chrome and it worked.

AWS Appsync working example in Swift of s3 image upload?

I'm following this tutorial here:
I'm having some issues getting it to work, wondering if anyone has a working example.
Current issues:
Pods don't match up to the tutorial (awss3 and awsappsync require
different versions of AWSCore (2.6.6 vs 2.6.12)
When using using different pod versions (apsync 2.6.7 and awss3 2.6.6) - the code generated by api-appsync-codegen
doesn't compile - it doesn't create an S3Object class - but tries to
extend it.
Thanks for the help.
AppSync SDK release of 2.6.14 fixes this issue. Now it takes dependency on latest available version of code. You should be able to run pod install --repo-update and be able to get the latest installation.

failed to load Component.js: 404 - Not Found

My colleague has developed an extension project to Approve Purchase Contract application using local trial Web IDE. I imported his project using the licensed Web IDE from SAP gateway server. The folder structure looks like this:
My index.html looks like this:
Whenever I run using index.html or Component.js, I'm getting below error. Kindly help.
Uncaught Error: failed to load
'ui/s2p/mm/purcontract/approve/MM_PC_APVExtension/Component.js' from
./Component.js: Error: failed to load
'ui/s2p/mm/purcontract/approve/Component.js' from
/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/MM_PC_APV/Component.js: 404 - Not Found
The error message says:
ui/s2p/mm/purcontract/approve/MM_PC_APVExtension/Component.js is found but it can not be loaded because a dependency is not found. That missing dependency is ui/s2p/mm/purcontract/approve/Component.js which should be available at /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/MM_PC_APV/Component.js.
Please follow the SAP Documentation DOC-58342 step 4.2 to be sure the "Approve Purchase Contract App" is installed and activated and the necessary roles are assigned.
Thanks schnoedel. I resolved the issue by recreating the extension project and copying the code changes from old project.

Getting BXNUI0005E error while trying to create a new app

I am trying to create a sample app using the Liberty Java API but I am getting following error:
BXNUI0005E: The 'SampleJavaApp' application could not be added. See
the Troubleshooting topics in the IBM Bluemix Documentation to check
service status, review troubleshooting information, or for information
about getting help.
My dashboard is showing that more than 1GB of space is available in my workspace. It seems to be an issue at Bluemix end. Please help in resolving it.
Thanks & Regards,
Usually this problem occurs when an application with the same name already exists. SampleJavaApp is quite generic. Try to choose a unique name.