How are values compared in NatTable with GlazedLists? - nattable

I do use NatTables with GlazedLists. I can not find in documentation, how default comparator compares values. According ASCII code values?

If you have not configured any other Comparator for a column, NatTable will use its DefaultComparator. The DefaultComparator checks if both objects are of type Comparable, if so it will use the compareTo(String) method of that type. If not it will try to get the String representation of the object and perform a comparison based on that. String itself is also a Comparable so you find the detailed information how Strings are compared in the Javadoc.


Is empty string value generally allowed by the FIX protocol?

When I look at the definition of a String type in the FIX protocol (e.g. here or here), I don't see a minimum length specified. Is it allowed to use empty strings? One online decoder seems to accept an empty string value (see tag 320), an other complains that it's invalid.
The FIX 4.4 specification states the following (emphasis in the original text):
Each message is constructed of a stream of <tag>=<value> fields with a
field delimiter between fields in the stream. Tags are of data type
TagNum. All tags must have a value specified. Optional fields without
values should simply not be specified in the FIX message. A Reject
message is the appropriate response to a tag with no value.
That strongly suggests (but does not unambiguously state) to me that the use of an empty value for a string is invalid. It is unsurprising to me that different FIX implementations might treat this edge case in different ways. So, I think the best approach is to avoid using empty values for strings.
+1 for Ciaran's and Grant's answer/comments. Just want to add something.
I generally suggest to look up things like this in the most current specification since they usually have been refined/reworded/clarified to eliminate unclear or ambiguous statements from older specs.
The answer is on the very page you link to in your question (emphasis mine, search for "Well-formed field"):
A well-formed field has the form:
A field shall be considered malformed if any of the following occurs as a result of encoding:
the tag is empty
the tag delimiter is missing
the value is empty
the value contains an <SOH> character and the datatype of the field is not data or XMLdata
the datatype of the field is data and the field is not immediately preceded by its associated Length field.

Filter, Option or FlatMap in spark

I have next code in Spark:
At convert function I get more complex object - MyObject, so I need to prefilter basic object. I have 3 options:
Make map return option(MyObject) and filter it at additionalFilter
Replace map with flatMap and return empty array when filtered
Use filter before map function, to filter out RawObject, before converting it to MyObject.
Now I am go with option 3. But may be 1 or 2 is more preferable?
If, for option 2, you mean have convert return an empty array, there's another option: have convert return an Option[MyObject] and use flatMap instead of map. This has the best of options 1 and 2. Without knowing more about your use case, I can't say for sure whether this is better than option 3, but here are some considerations:
Should convert contain input validation logic? If so, consider modifying it to return an Option.
If convert is used, or will be used, in other places, could they benefit from this validation?
As a side note, this might be a good time to consider what convert currently does when passed an invalid argument.
Can you easily change convert and its signature? If not, consider using a filter.

Which part of PostgreSQL code is handling type definition?

In PostgreSQL when I call NUMERIC(10,2) to define a variable type. Which part of the PostgreSQL C code is handling it?
I am interested in knowing where the precision and scale are handled.
Lots of parts.
The lexer and parser transforms it into a type name and type modifier.
The system catalogs and syscache look up numeric to find the matching type oid.
The numeric.c code handles the actual type input/output and operators, and interprets the type modifier.
The index access methods and index operator classes handle selection of operators for comparisons etc.

Difference between Formatter and Factory Function

Please explain what is the difference between Factory and Formatter function. Because as I see both can be used to format or manipulate the output results. How to choose between both of them ?
Factory functions allows you to create different types of controls in runtime. Let's assume that you have a list and you want to display different type of list items according to your list index for instance, or maybe to some value that you have in your model. Factory functions allows you to do it in the binding way.
Formatters are some kind of an helper functions which receive and input and return an output. The most popular examples are date and time that you receive date in form A and return date in form B. formatter functions are defined on a property level so if you have a field in your list item which display a date you can use formatter in order to do a very simple manipulation to this date

In Scala, is it possible to simultaneously extend a library and have a default conversion?

For example in the following article
Two separate examples are given:
Automatic string conversion
Addition of append method
Suppose I want to have automatic string conversion AND a new append method. Is this possible? I have been trying to do both at the same time but I get compile errors. Does that mean the two implicits are conflicting?
You can have any number of implicit conversions from a class provided that each one can be unambiguously determined depending on usage. So the array to string and array to rich-array-class-containing-append is fine since String doesn't have an append method. But you can't convert to StringBuffer which has append methods which would interfere with your rich array append.