search phrase or words in document with timestamped words - elasticsearch-6

I've been trying to do this for some days, I guess it's time to ask for a little help.
I'm using elasticsearch 6.6 (I believe it could be upgraded if needed) and nest for c# net5.
The task is to create an index where the documents are the result of a speech-to-text recognition, where all the recognized words have a timestamp (so that that said timestamp can be used to find where the word is spoken in the original file). There are 1000+ texts from media files, and every file is 4 hours long (that means usually 5000~15000 words).
Main idea was to split every text in 3 sec long segments, creating a document with the words in that time segment, and index it so that it can be searched.
I thought that it would not work that well, so next idea was to create a document for every window of 10~12 words scanning the document and jumping by 2 words at time, so that the search could at least match a decent phrase, and have highlighting of the hits too.
Since it's yet far from perfect, I thought it would be nice to index every whole text as a document so to maintain its coherency, the problem is the timestamp associated with every word. To keep this relationship I tried to use nested objects in the document:
PUT index-tapes-nested
"mappings" : {
"_doc" : {
"properties" : {
"$type" : { "type" : "text" },
"ContentId" : { "type" : "long" },
"Inserted" : { "type" : "date" },
"TrackId" : { "type" : "long" },
"Words" : {
"type" : "nested",
"properties" : {
"StartMillisec" : { "type" : "integer" },
"Word": { "type" : "text" }
This kinda works, but I don't know exactly how to write the query to search in the index.
A very basic query could be for example:
GET index-tapes-nested/_search
"Words.Word": "a bunch of things"
"inner_hits": {}
but something like that, especially with the avg scoring, gives low quality results; there could be the right document in the hits, but it doesn't get the word order, so it's not certain and it's not clear.
So as far as I understand it the span_near should come handy in these situations, but I get no results:
GET index-tapes-nested/_search
"query": {
"score_mode": "avg",
"query": {
"span_near": {
"clauses": [
{ "span_term": { "Words.Word": "bunch" }},
{ "span_term": { "Words.Word": "of" }},
{ "span_term": { "Words.Word": "things" }}
"slop": 2,
"in_order": true
I don't know much about elasticsearch, maybe I should change approach and change the model, maybe rewriting the query is enough, I don't know, this is pretty time consuming, so any help is really appreciated (is this a fairly common task?). For the sake of brevity I'm cutting some stuff and some ideas, I'm available to give some data or other examples if needed.
I also had problems with the c# nest client to manage the nested index, but that is another story.

This could be interpreted in a few ways i guess, having something like an "alternative stream" for a field, or metadata for every word, and so on. What i needed was this: but it's not yet done, so for now i think i'll go with the annotated_text plugin or the 10 words window.
I have no idea if in the case of indexing single words there can be a query that 'restores' the integrity of the original text (which means 1. grouping them by an id 2. ordering them) so that elasticsearch can give the desired results.
I'll keep searching in the docs if there's something interesting, or if i can hack something to get what i need (like require_field_match or intervals query).


Storing a query in Mongo

This is the case: A webshop in which I want to configure which items should be listed in the sjop based on a set of parameters.
I want this to be configurable, because that allows me to experiment with different parameters also change their values easily.
I have a Product collection that I want to query based on multiple parameters.
A couple of these are found here:
within product:
"delivery" : {
"maximum_delivery_days" : 30,
"average_delivery_days" : 10,
"source" : 1,
"filling_rate" : 85,
"stock" : 0
but also other parameters exist.
An example of such query to decide whether or not to include a product could be:
"$or" : [
"delivery.stock" : 1
"$or" : [
"$and" : [
"delivery.maximum_delivery_days" : {
"$lt" : 60
"delivery.filling_rate" : {
"$gt" : 90
"$and" : [
"delivery.maximum_delivery_days" : {
"$lt" : 40
"delivery.filling_rate" : {
"$gt" : 80
"$and" : [
"delivery.delivery_days" : {
"$lt" : 25
"delivery.filling_rate" : {
"$gt" : 70
Now to make this configurable, I need to be able to handle boolean logic, parameters and values.
So, I got the idea, since such query itself is JSON, to store it in Mongo and have my Java app retrieve it.
Next thing is using it in the filter (e.g. find, or whatever) and work on the corresponding selection of products.
The advantage of this approach is that I can actually analyse the data and the effectiveness of the query outside of my program.
I would store it by name in the database. E.g.
"name": "query1",
"query": { the thing printed above starting with "$or"... }
"name" : "query1",
"query": { the thing printed above starting with "$or"... }
Which results in:
2016-03-27T14:43:37.265+0200 E QUERY Error: field names cannot start with $ [$or]
at Error (<anonymous>)
at DBCollection._validateForStorage (src/mongo/shell/collection.js:161:19)
at DBCollection._validateForStorage (src/mongo/shell/collection.js:165:18)
at insert (src/mongo/shell/bulk_api.js:646:20)
at DBCollection.insert (src/mongo/shell/collection.js:243:18)
at (shell):1:12 at src/mongo/shell/collection.js:161
But I CAN STORE it using Robomongo, but not always. Obviously I am doing something wrong. But I have NO IDEA what it is.
If it fails, and I create a brand new collection and try again, it succeeds. Weird stuff that goes beyond what I can comprehend.
But when I try updating values in the "query", changes are not going through. Never. Not even sometimes.
I can however create a new object and discard the previous one. So, the workaround is there.
{"name": "query1"},
{"$set": {
... update goes here ...
doing this results in:
"nMatched" : 0,
"nUpserted" : 0,
"nModified" : 0,
"writeError" : {
"code" : 52,
"errmsg" : "The dollar ($) prefixed field '$or' in 'action.$or' is not valid for storage."
seems pretty close to the other message above.
Needles to say, I am pretty clueless about what is going on here, so I hope some of the wizzards here are able to shed some light on the matter
I think the error message contains the important info you need to consider:
QUERY Error: field names cannot start with $
Since you are trying to store a query (or part of one) in a document, you'll end up with attribute names that contain mongo operator keywords (such as $or, $ne, $gt). The mongo documentation actually references this exact scenario - emphasis added
Field names cannot contain dots (i.e. .) or null characters, and they must not start with a dollar sign (i.e. $)...
I wouldn't trust 3rd party applications such as Robomongo in these instances. I suggest debugging/testing this issue directly in the mongo shell.
My suggestion would be to store an escaped version of the query in your document as to not interfere with reserved operator keywords. You can use the available JSON.stringify(my_obj); to encode your partial query into a string and then parse/decode it when you choose to retrieve it later on: JSON.parse(escaped_query_string_from_db)
Your approach of storing the query as a JSON object in MongoDB is not viable.
You could potentially store your query logic and fields in MongoDB, but you have to have an external app build the query with the proper MongoDB syntax.
MongoDB queries contain operators, and some of those have special characters in them.
There are rules for mongoDB filed names. These rules do not allow for special characters.
Look here:
The probable reason you can sometimes successfully create the doc using Robomongo is because Robomongo is transforming your query into a string and properly escaping the special characters as it sends it to MongoDB.
This also explains why your attempt to update them never works. You tried to create a document, but instead created something that is a string object, so your update conditions are probably not retrieving any docs.
I see two problems with your approach.
In following query
"name" : "query1",
"query": { the thing printed above starting with "$or"... }
a valid JSON expects key, value pair. here in "query" you are storing an object without a key. You have two options. either store query as text or create another key inside curly braces.
Second problem is, you are storing query values without wrapping in quotes. All string values must be wrapped in quotes.
so your final document should appear as
"name" : "query1",
"query": 'the thing printed above starting with "$or"... '
Now try, it should work.
Obviously my attempt to store a query in mongo the way I did was foolish as became clear from the answers from both #bigdatakid and #lix. So what I finally did was this: I altered the naming of the fields to comply to the mongo requirements.
E.g. instead of $or I used _$or etc. and instead of using a . inside the name I used a #. Both of which I am replacing in my Java code.
This way I can still easily try and test the queries outside of my program. In my Java program I just change the names and use the query. Using just 2 lines of code. It simply works now. Thanks guys for the suggestions you made.
String documentAsString = query.toJson().replaceAll("_\\$", "\\$").replaceAll("#", ".");
Object q = JSON.parse(documentAsString);

Search full document in mongodb for a match

Is there a way to match a value with every array and sub document inside the document in mongodb collection and return the document
"_id" : "2000001956",
"trimline1" : "abc",
"trimline2" : "xyz",
"subtitle" : "www",
"image" : {
"large" : 0,
"small" : 0,
"tiled" : 0,
"cropped" : false
"Kytrr" : {
"count" : 0,
"assigned" : 0
for eg if in the above document I am searching for xyz or "ab" or "xy" or "z" or "0" this document should be returned.
I actually have to achieve this at the back end using C# driver but a mongo query would also help greatly.
Please advice.
You could probably do this using '$where'
I'm converting the whole record to a big string and then searching to see if your element is in the resulting string. Probably won't work if your xyz is in the fieldnames!
You can make it iterate through the fields to make a big string and then search it though.
This isn't the most elegant way and will involve a full tablescan. It will be faster if you look through the individual fields!
While Malcolm's answer above would work, when your collection gets large or you have high traffic, you'll see this fall over pretty quickly. This is because of 2 things. First, dropping down to javascript is a big deal and second, this will always be a full table scan because $where can't use an index.
MongoDB 2.6 introduced text indexing which is on by default (it was in beta in 2.4). With it, you can have a full text index on all the fields in the document. The documentation gives the following example where a text index is created for every field and names the index "TextIndex".
{ "$**": "text" },
{ name: "TextIndex" }

How to query a relative element using MongoDB

I have a document like this:
"whoKnows" : {
"name" : "Jeff",
"phone" : "123-123-1234"
"anotherElement" : {
"name" : "Jeff",
"phone" : "321-321-3211"
How can any instance of "name" by queried? For example, using a wildcard may look something like,
db.collection.find( { "*.name" : "Jeff" } )
Or if regex was support in the element place, it might look like,
db.collection.find( { /.*\.name/ : "Jeff" } )
Is it possible to accomplish this using MongoDB?
Side note: I'm not looking for a solution like,
"$or": [
{ "" : "Jeff" },
{ "" : "Jeff" }
I need a truly relative path solution as I do not know what the parent element will be (unless there is a way to generate the name of every element - then I could dynamically generate the $or clause at runtime).
Everything about this is fairly horrible, you cannot possibly index on something like the "name" values and your "path" to each attribute is going to vary everywhere. So this is really bad for queries.
I notice you mention "nested" structures, and you still could accommodate this with a similar proposal and some additional tagging, but I want you to consider this "phone book" type example:
"phones": [
"type": "Home",
"name" : "Jeff",
"phone" : "123-123-1234"
"type": "Work",
"name" : "Jeff",
"phone" : "123-123-1234"
Since this is actually sub-documents within an array, fields like "name" always share the same path, so not only can you index these (which is going to be good for performance) but the query is very basic:
db.collection({ "": "Jeff" })
That does exactly what you need by finding "Jeff" in any "name" entry. If you need a hierachy, then add some fields in those sub-documents to indicate the parent/child relationship that you can use in post processing. Or even as a materialized path which could aid your queries.
It really is the better approach.
If you really must keep this kind of structure then at least do something like this with the JavaScript that will bail out on the first match at depth:
function () {
var found = false;
var finder = function( obj, field, value ) {
if ( obj.hasOwnProperty(field) && obj[field] == value )
found = true;
if (found) return true;
for( var n in obj ) {
if ([n]) === "[object Object]" ) {
finder( obj[n], field, value );
if (found) return true;
finder( this, "name", "Jeff" );
return found;
The format there is shorthand notation for the $where operator, which is pretty bad news for performance, but your structure isn't offering much other choice. At any rate, the function should recurse into each nested document until the "field" with the "value" is found.
For anything of production scale, really look at changing the structure to something that can be indexed and accessed quickly. The first example should give you a starting point. Relying on arbitrary JavaScript for queries as your present structure constrains you to is bad news.
If these are similar instance, what stops you in putting these in an array? That would be easier to query.
In it's current form this looks as good as writing your own $where condition to parse all document structure and is not an efficient operation!
Although highly inefficient and I wouldn't suggest using this in a production environment, following is one of the simplest way (with its own various catches) you can query:
db.query.find({$where: function() { x = tojsononeline(this); return x.indexOf('"name" : "Jeff",') >= 0; } })
Please note that this will cause a tablescan and if you have a pre-condition you may want to specify that before the where clause in the query.

Mongo DB query difference

Can someone please tell me the difference b/w following two queries. Both works for me and seems to be giving correct results, but i am not sure if really there is any difference or not
Retrieve all students having scores between 80 and 95
var query1 = { 'grade' : {"$gt":80}, 'grade' : {"$lt":95} };
var query2 = { 'grade' : {"$gt":80,"$lt":95} };
I think that you will find that your first form does not actually work, even if it did for you on a minimal sample. And it will fail for a very good reason. Consider the following documents:
{ "grade" : 90 }
{ "grade" : 96 }
{ "grade" : 80 }
If you issue your first query form you will get this for a result:
{ "grade" : 90 }
{ "grade" : 80 }
The reason being that you cannot have the "same key" in a document like this, and one will negate the other. In this case the "right" side key takes precedence over the left key and overwrites. This is common behavior for hash or dictionary structures.
This is why the second form is required and will of course return only the document that matches the conditions that are intended to be specified.
When you have an actual case to use the same field and probably using different conditions you can use the $and operator. Not the best example, but just to clarify:
db.collection.find({ "$and": [
{ "grade": { "$gt": 80 } },
{ "grade": { "$lt": 95 } },
It's real purpose is to combine different conditions on the same field.
For your case though, use the second form you specified.
You should use the second query for the following reason: you query is actually a JSON. And in your first query you are providing a duplicate key (grade).
Nonetheless they are permitted by the JSON RFC, however even Doug Crockford mentioned that he regrets leaving this ambiguity in the spec because it inevitably leads to all kinds of confusion.
Maybe Mongo parses it correctly right now (or may be rather in your case), but you do not know for how long will it be this way (and some other json parsers tells you that you have an error).
So the best way is to think about the first query as bad and only use second one.

MongoDB Schema Design for language database

I need some advice on MongoDB schema design for a natural language database.
I need to store for each language texts and words like:
lang: {
_id: "English",
texts : [
{ text : "This is a first text",
date : Date("2011-09-19T04:00:10.112Z"),
tag : "test1"
{ text : "Second One",
date : Date("2011-09-19T04:00:10.112Z"),
tag : "test2"
words : [
word : "This",
word : "is",
word : "a",
word : "first",
word : "text",
word : "second",
word : "one",
And then I need to know each words and texts a user has associated. The word/text amount tends to be huge and I need to list all words on a language and all words a user has associated for that language.
From my perspective I think storing the user_ids that are associated with a given word in an array for the word is maybe a good approach like:
lang: {
_id: "English",
texts : [
words : [
word : "This",
users: [user1,user2,user3]
word : "is",
users: [user1,user2]
Having in mind that a word can be associated to hundreds of thousand of users and the document limit (as I read) is 4MB and that I need to:
List all words for a given user and language
Is this a good approach? Or can you think of a better one?
Hope this question is clear enough and that someone can give me a help on this ;)
Thank you all!
I don't think this is a good approach, for just the reason you mention: the document size limit. It looks like with your approach, you are definitely going to run up against the limit. I would go for a flatter approach (which should also make your collection easier to query). Something like this:
user: "user1",
word: "This",
lang: "en"
user: "user1",
word: "is",
lang: "en"
// et cetera...
In other words, grow vertically by adding documents rather than horizontally by adding more data to one document. You can query words for a given user with db.find( { user: "user1", lang: "en" });.
This approach isn't "normalized", of course, so if you're concerned about space then you might want to create a separate collection for users, words, and languages and reference them in the main collection by an ID. But since there are no join queries in MongoDB, you have to weigh query performance against space efficiency.
dbaseman is correct (and upvoted), but a couple of other points:
First, the document limit is now 16MB (Max Document Size), as of this writing, assuming you are running a recent versionof MongoDB.
Second, unbounded growth is generally a bad idea in MongoDB, this type of document size expansion can cause MongoDB to have to move the document if it exceeds the current space allocated to it. You can read more about this in the Padding Factor section of the documentation.
Those types of moves are relatively expensive, especially if they happen frequently. Therefore, if you do go with this type of design limiting the size (essentially bounding that growth) of the comments equivalent in your main collection (most recent X, most popular X etc.) and perhaps even pre-populating that document field (essentially manual padding) to beyond the average size will reduce the moves caused additions/changes.
This is the reason why tip #6 in the MongoDB Developers tips and tricks book from O'Reilly is:
Tip #6: Do not embed fields that have unbound growth