How to $sum a specific array inside an array? - mongodb

Consider the following structure:
"groups": [
"group_id": "A",
"total": -1
"items": [
"item_id": "a",
"val": 1
"item_id": "b",
"val": 2
"group_id": "B",
"total": -1
"items": [
"item_id": "c",
"val": 3
"item_id": "d",
"val": 4
given a group_id, I'd like to $sum the items values of this group and set the total value with that number (e.g. the total of group A is 3)
How can I do that?
I know about $unwind but I don't fully understand how to do that only to the specific array I'm interested in

$map to iterate loop of groups array
$cond to check if group_id match then do sum operation otherwise nothing
$sum to get total of items.val
$mergeObjects to merge group object and new updated total field
$set: {
groups: {
$map: {
input: "$groups",
in: {
$mergeObjects: [
$cond: [
{ $eq: ["$$this.group_id", "A"] },
{ total: { $sum: "$$this.items.val" } },


MongoDB - Sum the field in an array

How can I get all the sum of fields in an array in Mongoose?
I want to sum up all the amounts in the payments array.
"_id": 0,
"name": "shoe",
"payments": [
"type": "a",
"amount": 10
"type": "b",
"amount": 15
"type": "a",
"amount": 15
"_id": 0,
"name": "shirt",
"payments": [
"type": "a",
"amount": 5
"type": "b",
"amount": 20
Expected result:
"amountSum": 65
There is a shorter and most likely faster solution:
$group: {
_id: null,
amountSum: { $sum: { $sum: "$payments.amount" } }
$group - Group all documents.
1.1. $sum - Sum the value returned from 1.1.1 for the amountSum field.
1.1.1. $reduce - As payments is an array of objects, sum all the amount for the elements and transform the result from the array to number.
$group: {
_id: null,
amountSum: {
$sum: {
$reduce: {
input: "$payments",
initialValue: 0,
in: {
$sum: [
Demo # Mongo Playground

how to project the nested array as individual object with total count in mongodb

I have a collection like this, I need to unwind the array and return the total count. I also need to skip and limit in the result set. Any help in very much appreciated Input
"a": "b",
xyz: [
"c": "d"
"e": "f"
"g": "h",
xyz: [
"i": "j"
"k": "l"
Expected output
"xyz": {
"c": "d"
"xyz": {
"e": "f"
"xyz": {
"i": "j"
"xyz": {
"k": "l"
"totalCount": 4
Also I need a paging feature on the above the result data set
$project to show required fields
$unwind deconstruct xyz array
$facet to separate result and count
$skip to skip number of documents
$limit to limit number of documents
$arrayElemAt to get first element from totalCount array
{ $project: { xyz: 1 } },
$unwind: "$xyz"
$facet: {
result: [
{ $skip: 0 },
{ $limit: 10 }
totalCount: [
{ $count: "totalCount" }
$addFields: {
totalCount: {
$arrayElemAt: ["$totalCount.totalCount", 0]

MongoDB: Assign document objects to field in '$project' stage

I have a user collection:
{"_id": 1,"name": "John", "age": 25, "valid_user": true}
{"_id": 2, "name": "Bob", "age": 40, "valid_user": false}
{"_id": 3, "name": "Jacob","age": 27,"valid_user": null}
{"_id": 4, "name": "Amelia","age": 29,"valid_user": true}
I run a '$facet' stage on this collection. Checkout this MongoPlayground.
I want to talk about the first output from the facet stage. The following is the response currently:
"user_by_valid_status": [
"_id": false,
"count": 1
"_id": true,
"count": 2
"_id": null,
"count": 1
However, I want to restructure the output in this way:
"analytics": {
"invalid_user": {
"_id": false
"count": 1
"valid_user": {
"_id": true
"count": 2
"user_with_unknown_status": {
"_id": null
"count": 1
The problem with using a '$project' stage along with 'arrayElemAt' is that the order may not be definite for me to associate an index with an attribute like 'valid_users' or others. Also, it gets further complicated because unlike the sample documents that I have shared, my collection may not always contain all the three categories of users.
Is there some way I can do this?
You can use $switch conditional operator,
$project to show value part in v with _id and count field as object, k to put $switch condition
"$facet": {
"user_by_valid_status": [
"$group": {
"_id": "$valid_user",
"count": { "$sum": 1 }
$project: {
_id: 0,
v: { _id: "$_id", count: "$count" },
k: {
$switch: {
branches: [
{ case: { $eq: ["$_id", null] }, then: "user_with_unknown_status" },
{ case: { $eq: ["$_id", false] }, then: "invalid_user" },
{ case: { $eq: ["$_id", true] }, then: "valid_user" }
"users_above_30": [{ "$match": { "age": { "$gt": 30 } } }]
$project stage in root, convert user_by_valid_status array to object using $arrayToObject
$project: {
analytics: { $arrayToObject: "$user_by_valid_status" },
users_above_30: 1

Mongo db not in query by having two subset of documents from same collection

I am new to mongodb. Assume the following. There are 3 types of documents in one collection x, y and z.
docs = [{
"item_id": 1
"type": "x"
"item_id": 2
"type": "x"
"item_id": 3
"type": "y",
"relavent_item_ids": [1, 2]
"item_id": 3
"type": "y",
"relavent_item_ids": [1, 2, 3]
"item_id": 4
"type": "z",
I want to get the following.
Ignore the documents with type z
Get all the documents of type x where it's item_id is not in relavent_item_ids of type y documents.
The result should have item_id field.
I tried doing match $in but this returns me all the records, I am unable to figure out how to have in condition with subset of documents of type y.
You can use below query
const item_ids = (await db.collection.find({ "type": "y" })).map(({ relavent_item_ids }) => relavent_item_ids)
const result = db.collection.find({
"item_id": { "$exists": true },
"type": { "$ne": "z", "$eq": "x" },
"relavent_item_ids": { "$nin": item_ids }
console.log({ result })
Ignore the documents with type z --> Use $ne not equal to query operator to filter out z types.
Get all the documents of type x where it's item_id is not in relavent_item_ids of type y documents --> Use $expr to match the same documents fields.
The result should have item_id field --> Use $exists query operator.
The solution:
db.test.aggregate( [
$facet: {
firstQuery: [
$match: { type: { $eq: "x", $ne: "z" } }
$project: {
item_id : 1, _id: 0
secondQuery: [
$match: { type: "y" }
$group: {
_id: null,
relavent: { $push: "$relavent_item_ids" }
$project: {
relavent: {
$reduce: {
input: "$relavent",
initialValue: [ ],
in: { $setUnion: [ "$$value", "$$this" ] }
$addFields: { secondQuery: { $arrayElemAt: [ "$secondQuery", 0 ] } }
$project: {
result: {
$filter: {
input: "$firstQuery" ,
as: "e",
cond: { $not: [ { $in: [ "$$e.item_id", "$secondQuery.relavent" ] } ] }
] )
Using the input documents in the question post and adding one more following document to the collection:
"item_id": 11,
"type": "x",
: only this document's item_id (value 11) will show in the output.
The aggregation uses a $facet to make two individual queries with a single pass. The first query gets all the "x" types (and ignores type "z") as an array. The second query gets an array of relavent_item_ids with unique values (from the documents of type "y"). The final, $project stage filters the first query result array with the condition:
Get all the documents of type x where it's item_id is not in
relavent_item_ids of type y documents
I am not sure if its an elegant solution.
"$unwind": {
"path": "$relavent_item_ids",
"preserveNullAndEmptyArrays": true
"$group": {
"relavent_item_ids": {"$addToSet":"$relavent_item_ids"},
"other_ids": {
{"$eq":["$type", "x"]},
"includeIds": {"$setDifference":["$other_ids", "$relavent_item_ids"]}
"$unwind": "$includeIds"
"$match": {"includeIds":{"$ne":null}}
"from": "test",
"let": { "includeIds": "$includeIds"},
"pipeline": [
{ "$match":
{ "$expr":
{ "$and":
{ "$eq": [ "$item_id", "$$includeIds" ] },
{ "$eq": [ "$type", "x" ] }
"as": "result"
"$unwind": "$result"

Intersection of several arrays

I have some documents having a array protperty Items.
I want to get the intercept between n docuements.
db.things.insert({name:"A", items:[1,2,3,4,5]})
db.things.insert({name:"B", items:[2,4,6,8]})
db.things.insert({name:"C", items:[1,2]})
db.things.insert({name:"D", items:[5,6]})
db.things.insert({name:"E", items:[9,10]})
db.things.insert({name:"F", items:[1,5]})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("57974a0d356baff265710a1c"), "name" : "A", "items" : [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] },
{ "_id" : ObjectId("57974a0d356baff265710a1d"), "name" : "B", "items" : [ 2, 4, 6, 8 ] },
{ "_id" : ObjectId("57974a0d356baff265710a1e"), "name" : "C", "items" : [ 1, 2 ] },
{ "_id" : ObjectId("57974a0d356baff265710a1f"), "name" : "D", "items" : [ 5, 6 ] },
{ "_id" : ObjectId("57974a0d356baff265710a20"), "name" : "E", "items" : [ 9, 10 ] },
{ "_id" : ObjectId("57974a1a356baff265710a21"), "name" : "F", "items" : [ 1, 5 ] }
For example:
things.mane.A intercept things.mane.C intercept things.mane.F:
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] intercept [ 1, 2 ] intercept [ 1, 5 ]
Must be: [1]
I think that it's doable using $setIntersectionbut I can't find the way.
I can do it with two documents but how to do it with more ?
db.things.aggregate({$match:{"name":{$in:["A", "F"]}}},
{$group:{_id:null, "setA":{$first:"$items"}, "setF":{$last:"$items"} } },
"$project": {
"set1": 1,
"set2": 1,
"commonToBoth": { "$setIntersection": [ "$setA", "$setF" ] },
"_id": 0
{ "commonToBoth" : [ 5, 1 ] }
A solution which is not specific to the number of input items could look like so:
$match: {
"name": {
$in: ["A", "F"]
$group: {
_id: "$items",
count: {
$sum: 1
$group: {
_id: null,
totalCount: {
$sum: "$count"
items: {
$push: "$_id"
$unwind: {
path: "$items"
$unwind: {
path: "$items"
$group: {
_id: "$items",
totalCount: {
$first: "$totalCount"
count: {
$sum: 1
$project: {
_id: 1,
presentInAllDocs: {
$eq: ["$totalCount", "$count"]
$match: {
presentInAllDocs: true
$group: {
_id: null,
items: {
$push: "$_id"
which will output this
"_id" : null,
"items" : [
Of course you can add a last $project stage to bring the result into the desired shape.
The basic idea behind this is that when we count the number of documents and we count the number of occurrences of each item, then the items with a count equal to the total document count appeared in each document and are therefore in the intersection result.
This idea has one important assumption: your items arrays have no duplicates in it (i.e. they are sets). If this assumption is wrong, then you would have to insert an additional stage at the beginning of the pipeline to turn the arrays into sets.
One could also build this pipeline in a different and probably shorter way but I tried to keep the resource usage as low as possible and therefore added possibly unnecessary (from the functional point of view) stages. For example, the second stage groups by the items array as my assumption is that there are far fewer different values/arrays than documents so the rest of the pipeline has to work with a fraction of the initial document count. However, from the functional point of view, we just need the total count of documents and therefore we could skip that stage and just make a $group stage counting all documents and pushing them into an array for later usage - which of course is a big hit for memory consumption as we have now an array of all possible documents.
If your are using mongo 3.2, you could use arrayElemAt to precise all arguments of $setIntersection :
$match: {
"name": {
$in: ["A", "B", "C"]
}, {
$group: {
_id: 0,
elements: {
$push: "$items"
}, {
$project: {
intersect: {
$setIntersection: [{
"$arrayElemAt": ["$elements", 0]
}, {
"$arrayElemAt": ["$elements", 1]
}, {
"$arrayElemAt": ["$elements", 2]
You would have to dynamically add the require number of JsonObject with index such as :
"$arrayElemAt": ["$elements", <index>]
It should match with the number of elements of your input items in ["A", "B", "C"]
If you want to deal with duplicates (some name are present multiple time), regroup all your items by name, $unwind twice and $addToSet to merge all array for a specific $name before executing the previous aggregation :
$match: {
"name": {
$in: ["A", "B", "C"]
}, {
$group: {
_id: "$name",
"items": {
"$push": "$items"
}, {
"$unwind": "$items"
}, {
"$unwind": "$items"
}, {
$group: {
_id: "$_id",
items: {
$addToSet: "$items"
}, {
$group: {
_id: 0,
elements: {
$push: "$items"
}, {
$project: {
intersect: {
$setIntersection: [{
"$arrayElemAt": ["$elements", 0]
}, {
"$arrayElemAt": ["$elements", 1]
}, {
"$arrayElemAt": ["$elements", 2]
It isn't a clean solution but it works