Using ANY with raw data work but not subquery - postgresql

I just can't figure it out why this query work
SELECT id, name, organization_id
FROM facilities
WHERE organization_id = ANY(
But this query wont work with error operator does not exist: uuid = uuid[]
SELECT id, name, organization_id
FROM facilities
WHERE organization_id = ANY(
SELECT organization_ids
FROM admins
WHERE id = 'jkl-iop-345'
When the subquery
SELECT organization_ids
FROM admins
WHERE id = 'jkl-iop-345'
give the exact result of {abc-xyz-123,678-ght-nmp}.
I'm using postgres (PostgreSQL) 13.3

The subquery produces one row that contains an array.
If you use = ANY (SELECT ...), the result set is converted to an array, so you end up with
which is an array of arrays.
You probably want
SELECT id, name, organization_id
FROM facilities
WHERE = 'jkl-iop-345'
AND facilities.organization_id = ANY (admins.organization_ids)
Let me remark that storing references to other tables in an array, JSON or other composite data type is an exceptionally bad idea. A normalized schema with a junction table would serve you better.


Can postgreSQL OnConflict combine with JSON obejcts?

I wanted to perform a conditional insert in PostgreSQL. Something like:
INSERT INTO {TABLE_NAME} (user_id, data) values ('{user_id}', '{data}')
WHERE not exists(select 1 from files where user_id='{user_id}' and data->'userType'='Type1')
Unfortunately, insert and where does not cooperate in PostGreSQL. What could be a suitable syntax for my query? I was considering ON CONFLICT, but couldn't find the syntax for using it with JSON object. (Data in the example)
Is it possible?
Rewrite the VALUES part to a SELECT, then you can use a WHERE condition:
INSERT INTO { TABLE_NAME } ( user_id, data )
( VALUES ( '{user_id}', '{data}' ) ) sub ( user_id, data )
FROM files
WHERE user_id = '{user_id}'
AND data -> 'userType' = 'Type1'
But, there is NO guarantee that the WHERE condition works! Another transaction that has not been committed yet, is invisible to this query. This could lead to data quality issues.
You can use INSERT ... SELECT ... WHERE ....
SELECT 'abc',
FROM files
WHERE user_id = 'abc'
AND data->>'userType' = 'Type1')
And it looks like you're creating the query in a host language. Don't use string concatenation or interpolation for getting the values in it. That's error prone and makes your application vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. Look up how to use parameterized queries in your host language. Very likely for the table name parameters cannot be used. You need some other method of either whitelisting the names or properly quoting them.

Is it possible to bulk update specific values in postgresql efficiently?

I have created a pipeline which is required to update a high number of rows in postgres where each row should be updated differently.
After looking up I found that this could be done using postgres UPDATE.. FROM.. syntax ( and I came up with the following query that works perfectly fine:
update grades
set course_id = data_table.course_id,
student_id = data_table.student_id,
grade = data_table.grade
(select unnest(array[1,2]) as id, unnest(array['Math', 'Math']) as course_id, unnest(array[1000, 1001]) as student_id, unnest(array[95, 100]) as grade) as data_table
where =;
There's also another way to do it with WITH syntax like this:
update grades
set course_id = data_table.course_id,
student_id = data_table.student_id,
grade = data_table.grade
(WITH vals (id, course_id, student_id, grade) as (VALUES (1, 'Math', 1000, 95), (2, 'Math', 1001, 100)) SELECT * from vals) as data_table
where =;
My problem is that sometimes I want in some raws to update a field and sometime not. When I don't want to update I just want to keep the value that is currently in the table. In this case, I would want to potentially do something like:
update grades g
set course_id = data_table.course_id,
student_id = data_table.student_id,
grade = data_table.grade
(select unnest(array[1,2]) as id, unnest(array[g.course_id, 'Math2']) as course_id, unnest(array[1000, 1001]) as student_id, unnest(array[95, g.grade]) as grade) as data_table
where =;
However this is not possible and I get back the error HINT: There is an entry for table "g", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query.
Also postgresql documentation specifies about it in the From description:
Note that the target table must not appear in the from_list,
unless you intend a self-join (in which case it must appear with an alias in the from_list).
Does anyone know if there's a way to perform such bulk update ?
I've tried to use JOINs in inner query but with no luck..
Chose a value that cannot be a valid value, eg '-1' for course name and -1 for a grade, and use that for your generated values, then use a case in the insert to direct whether to use the current value or not:
update grades g
set course_id = case when data_table.course_id = '-1' then course_id else data_table.course_id end,
student_id = data_table.student_id,
grade = case when data_table.grade = -1 then g.grade else data_table.grade end
from (
unnest(array[1,2]) as id,
unnest(array['-1', 'Math2']) as course_id, -- use '-1' instead of g.course_id
unnest(array[1000, 1001]) as student_id,
unnest(array[95, -1]) as grade -- use -1 instead of g.grade
) as data_table
where =
Pick whatever values you like for the impossible value.
If nulls were not allowed it would have been more straightforward and less code - use null for the impossible value and coalesce() in for the update value.

I'm trying to insert tuples into a table A (from table B) if the primary key of the table B tuple doesn't exist in tuple A

Here is what I have so far:
INSERT INTO Tenants (LeaseStartDate, LeaseExpirationDate, Rent, LeaseTenantSSN, RentOverdue)
SELECT CURRENT_DATE, NULL, NewRentPayments.Rent, NewRentPayments.LeaseTenantSSN, FALSE from NewRentPayments
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Tenants, NewRentPayments WHERE NewRentPayments.HouseID = Tenants.HouseID AND
NewRentPayments.ApartmentNumber = Tenants.ApartmentNumber)
So, HouseID and ApartmentNumber together make up the primary key. If there is a tuple in table B (NewRentPayments) that doesn't exist in table A (Tenants) based on the primary key, then it needs to be inserted into Tenants.
The problem is, when I run my query, it doesn't insert anything (I know for a fact there should be 1 tuple inserted). I'm at a loss, because it looks like it should work.
Your subquery was not correlated - It was just a non-correlated join query.
As per description of your problem, you don't need this join.
Try this:
insert into Tenants (LeaseStartDate, LeaseExpirationDate, Rent, LeaseTenantSSN, RentOverdue)
select current_date, null, p.Rent, p.LeaseTenantSSN, FALSE
from NewRentPayments p
where not exists (
select *
from Tenants t
where p.HouseID = t.HouseID
and p.ApartmentNumber = t.ApartmentNumber

How to find primary key on a table in DB2?

I am unable to fetch primary key in DB2. I used following code but It is not working for me.
And what is the means of TBCREATOR in this code and how to modified TBCREATOR value according to my case?
I'll answer your last question first. creator is sometimes referred to as schema. If you're familiar with Oracle, this is roughly analogous to a database user (though not exactly).
As far as getting the "primary key" information, you probably want to know which index is the "clustering" index (which is what usually, but not always, determines the physical ordering of the rows on disk).
How you find the clustering index depends on the platform you're running:
Mainframe (z/OS):
RTRIM(name) AS index_name
,RTRIM(creator) AS index_schema
FROM sysibm.sysindexes
WHERE tbname = #table
AND tbcreator = #schema
AND clustering = 'Y'
Then, to see the actual columns in that index, you perform this query:
SELECT colname AS name
FROM sysibm.sysindexes a
JOIN sysibm.syskeys b
ON = b.ixname
AND a.tbcreator = b.ixcreator
WHERE = #index_name
AND a.tbcreator = #index_schema
RTRIM(indname) AS index_name
,RTRIM(indschema) AS index_schema
FROM syscat.indexes
WHERE tabname = #table
AND tabschema = #schema
AND indextype = 'CLUS'
Then, to see the actual columns in that index, you perform this query:
SELECT colnames as name
FROM sysibm.sysindexes
WHERE name = #index_name
AND tbcreator = #index_schema
LUW returns the list of columns as one string, delimited by +, which is kind of weird...

Insert multiple rows where not exists PostgresQL

I'd like to generate a single sql query to mass-insert a series of rows that don't exist on a table. My current setup makes a new query for each record insertion similar to the solution detailed in WHERE NOT EXISTS in PostgreSQL gives syntax error, but I'd like to move this to a single query to optimize performance since my current setup could generate several hundred queries at a time. Right now I'm trying something like the example I've added below:
INSERT INTO users (first_name, last_name, uid)
SELECT ( 'John', 'Doe', '3sldkjfksjd'), ( 'Jane', 'Doe', 'adslkejkdsjfds')
SELECT * FROM users WHERE uid IN ('3sldkjfksjd', 'adslkejkdsjfds')
Postgres returns the following error:
PG::Error: ERROR: INSERT has more target columns than expressions
The problem is that PostgresQL doesn't seem to want to take a series of values when using SELECT. Conversely, I can make the insertions using VALUES, but I can't then prevent duplicates from being generated using WHERE NOT EXISTS. suggests in the section EXAMPLE - USING SUB-SELECT that multiple records should be insertable from another referenced table using SELECT, so I'm wondering why I can't seem to pass in a series of values to insert. The values I'm passing are coming from an external API, so I need to generate the values to insert by hand.
Your select is not doing what you think it does.
The most compact version in PostgreSQL would be something like this:
with data(first_name, last_name, uid) as (
( 'John', 'Doe', '3sldkjfksjd'),
( 'Jane', 'Doe', 'adslkejkdsjfds')
insert into users (first_name, last_name, uid)
select d.first_name, d.last_name, d.uid
from data d
where not exists (select 1
from users u2
where u2.uid = d.uid);
Which is pretty much equivalent to:
insert into users (first_name, last_name, uid)
select d.first_name, d.last_name, d.uid
from (
select 'John' as first_name, 'Doe' as last_name, '3sldkjfksjd' as uid
union all
select 'Jane', 'Doe', 'adslkejkdsjfds'
) as d
where not exists (select 1
from users u2
where u2.uid = d.uid);
a_horse_with_no_name's answer actually has a syntax error, missing a final closing right parens, but other than that is the correct way to do this.
For anyone coming to this with a situation like mine, if you have columns that need to be type cast (for instance timestamps or uuids or jsonb in PG 9.5), you must declare that in the values you pass to the query:
-- insert multiple if not exists
-- where another_column_name is of type uuid, with strings cast as uuids
-- where created_at and updated_at is of type timestamp, with strings cast as timestamps
WITH data (id, some_column_name, another_column_name, created_at, updated_at) AS (
(<id value>, <some_column_name_value>, 'a5fa7660-8273-4ffd-b832-d94f081a4661'::uuid, '2016-06-13T12:15:27.552-07:00'::timestamp, '2016-06-13T12:15:27.879-07:00'::timestamp),
(<id value>, <some_column_name_value>, 'b9b17117-1e90-45c5-8f62-d03412d407dd'::uuid, '2016-06-13T12:08:17.683-07:00'::timestamp, '2016-06-13T12:08:17.801-07:00'::timestamp)
INSERT INTO table_name (id, some_column_name, another_column_name, created_at, updated_at)
SELECT, d.survey_id, d.arrival_uuid, d.gf_created_at, d.gf_updated_at
FROM data d
a_horse_with_no_name's answer saved me today on a project, but had to make these tweaks to make it perfect.