I am trying to update a document using a Cloud Store trigger function. Below is the code but when I try to deploy the function I get this error:
119:30 error Parsing error: Unexpected token deviceDoc
✖ 1 problem (1 error, 0 warnings)
exports.onTrxnUpdate = functions.firestore.document('/trxns/{trxnId}').onUpdate((change, context) => {
const afterData = change.after.data();
const agentId = afterData.agentId;
console.log('agentId: ', afterData.agentId);
console.log('A transaction has been updated');
const deviceDoc = db.collection('device').doc(agentId);
console.log('deviceDoc: ', deviceDoc);
if (deviceDoc == null) {
console.log('No device document found');
const deviceData = await deviceDoc.get(); <<<< THIS IS THE PROBLEM CODE
The last line is the one that is causing the error but I don't know why. I use this same line in another function and it works there.
Please help!
You need to add async to your callback like below:
exports.onTrxnUpdate = functions.firestore.document('/trxns/{trxnId}').onUpdate(async (change, context) => {
//... rest of the code
I am attempting to use firebase-functions to create a Stripe ephemeral key via a tutorial. Here is the node.js code to do so:
exports.createEphemeralKey = functions.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
const customerId = data.customer_id;
const stripeVersion = data.stripe_version;
const uid = context.auth.uid;
if (uid === null) {
console.log('Illegal access attempt due to unauthenticated attempt.')
throw new functions.https.HttpsError('internal', 'Illegal access attempt');
return stripe.ephemeralKeys.create(
{ customer: customerId },
{ stripe_version: stripeVersion }
).then((key) => {
return key
}).catch( (err) => {
functions.logger.log('Error creating ephemeral key', err)
throw new functions.https.HttpsError('internal', 'Unable to create ephemeral key: ' + err)
Immediately upon running, Xcode shows the following error code:
Error Domain=com.firebase.functions Code=13 "INTERNAL" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=INTERNAL}
When I click to Manage my credit cards (which triggers the Stripe Payment Sheet), the Stripe payment sheet never loads and just shows "Loading..."
My hunch is that my Swift code is OK, and that this is a problem solely with the node.js createEphemeralKey function. I think the customerID is fine, as I can generate it with a print function in Xcode. Might this be an issue with the stripeVersion? Or something else?
Figured it out. There were two issues:
You need to use camelcase (camelCase) as opposed to snakecase (snake_case).
You need to use apiVersion as opposed to stripeVersion.
Here is the code that worked:
exports.createEphemeralKey = functions.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
const customerId = data.customerId;
const apiVersion = data.stripeVersion;
const uid = context.auth.uid;
if (uid === null) {
console.log('Illegal access attempt due to unauthenticated attempt.')
throw new functions.https.HttpsError('internal', 'Illegal access attempt');
return stripe.ephemeralKeys.create(
{ customer: customerId},
{ apiVersion: apiVersion}
).then((key) => {
return key
}).catch( (err) => {
functions.logger.log('Error creating ephemeral key', err)
throw new functions.https.HttpsError('internal', 'Unable to create ephemeral key: ' + err)
Then in Xcode remember to change your data:
let data = [
"apiVersion": apiVersion,
"customerId": UserManager.instance.user?.stripeId
I'm trying to create an asset report from Plaid, I'm using Cloud Functions for these calls, all the other cloud functions work (link, transactions, balance) but assetReportCreate fails and return UNAUTHENTICATED

The Plaid logs do not show the call...so I guess something is wrong in my Cloud Function, but the Google Console Logs show status 200.
has anybody experienced the same issue and know how to fix it?
PS: just double checked today to make sure I'm authenticated and I am...
//create ASSET report
exports.createAssetReport = functions.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
const accessToken = data.accessToken;
const daysRequested = data.daysRequested;
// const options = {
// client_report_id: '123',
// webhook: "https://www.example.com", //to let you know when report is ready, get link from cloud console
// };
const configuration = new Configuration({
basePath: PlaidEnvironments[functions.config().app.env],
baseOptions: {
headers: {
"PLAID-CLIENT-ID": functions.config().plaid.client_id,
"PLAID-SECRET": functions.config().plaid.secret,
const plaidClient = new PlaidApi(configuration);
//call the createLinkToken METHOD of the plaidClient instance!
return plaidClient
access_tokens: [accessToken],
days_requested: daysRequested,
.then((response) => {
const assetReportId = response.data.asset_report_id;
const assetReportToken = response.data.asset_report_token;
return assetReportToken; //token is needed to retrieve the report via //pdf/get
.catch((err) => {
throw new functions.https.HttpsError(
" Unable to create asset report: " + err
I found that for whatever reason the function wasn't open for all users to invoke, adding a principal with role: "cloud functions invoker" fixed the issue, shame on you google cloud, I spent two full days on this!! jk, thanks for your services but fix these small details and you could become the #1 cloud provider
I'm trying to fetch a single field value from a doc in a collection (stored in Firestore).
The following function is called (by the triggered function) to perform this query and return the result.
Firestore data structure:
After I fetch the query result into helper_token object - I cannot access the DATA (fields) in it.
I tried many things, including:
Nothing works for me.
The log always shows results like these:
helper_token = {}
helper_token = undefined
What am I missing? how can I get the device_token based on user?
const admin = require('firebase-admin'); //required to access the FB RT DB
const db = admin.firestore();
function getHelperToken(helperId) {
//Get token from Firestore
const tokensRef = db.collection('tokens');
const helper_token = tokensRef.where('user', '==', 'TM1EOV4lYlgEIly0cnGHVmCnybT2').get();
if (helper_token.empty) {
functions.logger.log('helper_token EMPTY');
functions.logger.log('helper_token=' + JSON.stringify(helper_token));
return helper_token.device_token;
For completeness, adding here the full calling function to the above function:
//DB triggered function - upon writing a child in the HElpersInvitations reference
exports.sendHelperInvitation = functions.database.ref('/HelpersInvitations/{helper_invitation_id}')
.onCreate((snapshot, context) => {
const helperId = snapshot.val().helperId;
const title = snapshot.val().title;
const body = snapshot.val().body;
//Get the helper token by Id
functions.logger.log('HelperID=' + helperId);
functions.logger.log('getHelperToken=' + getHelperToken(helperId));
const helper_token2 = getHelperToken(helperId);
//Notification payload
const payload = {
notification: {
title: title,
body: body,
icon: 'default',
click_action: 'com.skillblaster.app.helperinvitationnotification'
// //Send the notification
functions.logger.log('helper_token [BEFORE sendToDevice]=' + helper_token2);
return admin.messaging().sendToDevice(helper_token2, payload);
You need to consider that the get() call is asynchornous and also that you get a list of documents and not a single doc. Can you try it with this code:
const admin = require("firebase-admin"); //required to access the FB RT DB
const db = admin.firestore();
async function getHelperToken(helperId) {
//Get token from Firestore
const tokensRef = db.collection("tokens");
const helperTokens = await tokensRef
.where("user", "==", "TM1EOV4lYlgEIly0cnGHVmCnybT2")
let helper_token = "";
helperTokens.forEach((token) => {
helper_token = token.data();
functions.logger.log("helper_token=" + JSON.stringify(helper_token));
return helper_token.device_token;
As the get() call in Firestore is asynchronous you need to use an asynchronous function. You can go through this article to know more about why Firebase APIs are asynchronous. Next when we query with the where clause in Firestore we get a list of documents even if there is only one document in the list. So we have to run a for loop to get the document inside the list of documents. Now as you are returning the value from an asynchronous function the return value will be a promise in pending state. So to get the value from the promise we need to use the then() block while calling the function.
Also I think the parameter helperId you are using in the function definition is not used anywhere in the function. Though it will not make a difference I would suggest you remove it if it is not required in the function.
So consider using the following code -
const admin = require(‘firebase-admin’);
const db = admin.firestore();
async function getHelperToken() {
//Get token from Firestore
const tokensRef = db.collection(‘tokens’);
const helper_token = await tokensRef.where(‘user’, ‘==’, ‘TM1EOV4lYlgEIly0cnGHVmCnybT2’).get();
let helper_token_needed;
helper_token.forEach((token) => {
helper_token_needed = token.data();
return helper_token_needed.device_token;
//when calling to the function use then() block to get the value as a promise is returned from asynchronous function
I use the FindRow function that I found here : How to test ag-grid with protractor?
but unfortunately when I execute the function, it returns me a known error message:
Failed: Index out of bound. Trying to access element at index: 0, but there are only 0 elements that match locator By(css selector, .ag-body-container > .ag-row)
this my test code :
it('My Test', async function() {
const rows = element.all(by.css('.ag-body-container > .ag-row'));
const row = await findRow(rows, 'Some Text');
expect(await row.getText()).toContain('Some Text');
this my function :
async function findRow(rows, matcher) {
const relevantRow = await rows.filter(row => {
return row.getText().then(text => {
return text.includes(matcher);
return relevantRow;
I have already tried the following solution but without success :
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(rows), 500);
I know that this error message often comes up in e2e tests, but I can't find a solution.
if there is another solution that would allow me to find a value in a grid I am also interested
I am using the inline editor within Dialogflow with the aim of making queries to the database I have created within Firestore.
In short, the user requests a list of courses, I'd like the chatbot to then grab that information form the db and display that back to the user.
Below I have tried to create a function that will do this, I want to take the user input, say "Art Courses" and have my db return those results.
So far, I have created a function that is triggered when the intent is matched, like so;
function getCourses(agent){
let courseRequest = agent.parameters.courseRequest;
if (getCourses){
console.log('Here is the list you requested for ${getCourses}' + parameters.courseRequest);
return admin.firestore().collection('Course_Information').doc.where('CoureTypes').get();
Are there any notable things I need to add to my function to perform what I wish to achieve?
Thank you.
This code deploys fine, but when I communicate with my bot and trigger the CourseEnquiry intent, cloud Functions shows this error:
admin.collection is not a function
Whilst this seems self explanatory I can't make sure of what it means, I thought declaring const admin = require('firebase-admin');enables me to use admin.collection
// See https://github.com/dialogflow/dialogflow-fulfillment-nodejs
// for Dialogflow fulfillment library docs, samples, and to report issues
'use strict';
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const {WebhookClient} = require('dialogflow-fulfillment');
const {Card, Suggestion} = require('dialogflow-fulfillment');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
process.env.DEBUG = 'dialogflow:debug'; // enables lib debugging statements
exports.dialogflowFirebaseFulfillment = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
const agent = new WebhookClient({ request, response });
console.log('Dialogflow Request headers: ' + JSON.stringify(request.headers));
console.log('Dialogflow Request body: ' + JSON.stringify(request.body));
function getDate(agent){
var today = new Date();
function welcome(agent) {
agent.add(`Welcome to my agent!`);
function test(agent){
agent.add("The test is successful");
function getCourses(agent){
// Get the database collection and document
const getCourseDoc = admin.collection('Course_Information').doc('Course_Types');
return getCourseDoc.get()
.then(doc => {
if (!doc.exists) {
agent.add('No data found in the database!');
} else {
return Promise.resolve('Here is the information you wanted');
}).catch(() => {
agent.add('Error reading entry from the Firestore database.');
function getSubmissionDateSep(agent){
agent.add('Your next submission date is for coursework 1 is');
let intentMap = new Map();
intentMap.set('Default Welcome Intent', welcome);
intentMap.set('Test_Test', test);
intentMap.set('CourseEnquiry', getCourses);
intentMap.set('Submission_Dates - sept', getSubmissionDateSep);
Hey guys, still not got anywhere with this, I have tried adding:
const db = admin.firestore();
According to this document but I get this error when deploying:
The deployment of your Cloud Function failed:
Function load error: Code in file index.js can't be loaded.
Is there a syntax error in your code?
Detailed stack trace: Error: Firebase config variables are not available. Please use the latest version of the Firebase CLI to deploy this function.
You don't show how you're responding to the user with your results, but you'll want to make sure you handle that as part of the then() clause in a Promise. Since the get() in the firestore collection returns a Promise, and you are returning it from your function, you need to make sure that the calling function treats it as a Promise, has a then() clause, and sends back the result as part of something inside this clause.