SwiftUI - Involuntary navigation between views - swift

I have two views:
The parent view first decodes a bundled JSON file and then passes an object to the child view. The child view then saves the object (plus a couple additional objects) to Core Data.
That part works fine. The problem is that after saving to Core Data, the child view then navigates back to the parent view and I'm not sure why. Intended behaviour is to navigate back to the root view.
Parent View:
struct SelectCityView: View {
#State private var cities = [Destination]()
#State private var searchText: String = ""
var body: some View {
VStack {
SearchBar(text: $searchText)
List {
// Filter decoded array by search text
ForEach(cities.filter{self.searchFor($0.city)}.sorted(by: { $0.city < $1.city })) { destination in
// Here's where the parent view passes the object to the child view
NavigationLink(destination: SelectTravelDatesView(selectedCity: destination)) {
Text("\(destination.city), \(destination.country)")
}.navigationTitle("Select city")
.onAppear(perform: {
// Decode JSON data from bundle
cities = Bundle.main.decode([Destination].self, from: "cities.json")
private func searchFor(_ searchQuery: String) -> Bool {
return (searchQuery.lowercased(with: .current).hasPrefix(searchText.lowercased(with: .current)) || searchText.isEmpty)
Child View:
struct SelectTravelDatesView: View {
#Environment(\.managedObjectContext) private var viewContext
#State var selectedCity: Destination?
#State private var startDate = Date()
#State private var endDate = Date()
var body: some View {
Form {
Section(header: Text("Trip start date")) {
DatePicker(selection: $startDate, in: Date()..., displayedComponents: .date) {
Text("Trip start date")
Section(header: Text("Trip end date")) {
DatePicker(selection: $endDate, in: startDate..., displayedComponents: .date) {
Text("Trip start date")
}.navigationTitle("Select dates")
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarTrailing) {
// Save to Core Data
Button(action: {
}, label: {
private func addItem() {
withAnimation {
let newItem = Trip(context: viewContext)
if let destination = selectedCity {
newItem.timestamp = Date()
newItem.destination = destination.city
newItem.startDate = startDate
newItem.endDate = endDate
do {
try viewContext.save()
} catch {
let nsError = error as NSError
fatalError("Unresolved error \(nsError), \(nsError.userInfo)")
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

to go back to the root view you can try adding ".isDetailLink(false)" to the NavigationLink.
SwiftUI: How to pop to Root view


FetchedResults not initialized before first use? SwiftUI

kinda new to SwiftUI and CoreData.
My problem is that when CoreData already has data saved, the FetchedResults is not initialized when try to use data in sheet.
When I click on one of the buttons to open .viewApp sheet (which sets currentApplication to the application clicked on), it gives me the default values, implying that applications is not initialized.
After clicking another button, it works as expected.
My question is how can I initilize the FetchResults? Is it not initialized automatically?
Here is my code:
import SwiftUI
enum ActiveSheet: Identifiable {
case newApp, viewApp
var id: Int {
struct ApplicationView : View {
let title: String
let company: String
let date: String
let notes: String
var body : some View {
VStack(alignment: .leading){
struct ContentView: View {
#Environment(\.managedObjectContext) var moc
#FetchRequest(sortDescriptors: []) var applications:FetchedResults<Application>
#State var showAddScreen = false
#State var showApplicationView = false
#State var currentApplication: Application? = nil
#State var activeSheet: ActiveSheet?
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List {
ForEach(applications.indices, id:\.self) { i in
Button(action: {
currentApplication = applications[i]
activeSheet = .viewApp
}, label: {
Text(applications[i].company ?? "Error")
Text(applications[i].title ?? "Error")
Text(applications[i].date ?? "Error")
}.onDelete(perform: deleteApplications)
.toolbar {
Button("Add") {
activeSheet = .newApp
.sheet(item: $activeSheet) { item in
switch item {
case .newApp:
AddScreenView(moc: _moc, activeSheet: $activeSheet)
case .viewApp:
ApplicationView(title: currentApplication?.title ?? "Job Title", company: currentApplication?.company ?? "Company Name", date: currentApplication?.date ?? "Date of Submission", notes: currentApplication?.notes ?? "Notes")
func deleteApplications(at offsets: IndexSet) {
for offset in offsets {
let application = applications[offset]
try? moc.save()
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
I changed it to an if else in the ContentView and this has fixed the problem. However, it would be nice to know when the sheet is initialized prior to the fetchedreults.

SwiftUI: ViewModel making app crash when loading a view

I want to rename an item in a ForEach list. When i try to load the EditListView for a selected list the entire app crashes.
This is a SwiftUI macOS app and the items are saved using CoreData.
The crash happens as soon as you click on "Edit List" for any of the list items.
It doesn't crash if i remove this view model var listVM: MyListViewModel from the EditListViewModel.
Here's the EditListView
struct EditListView: View {
let name: String
#Binding var isVisible: Bool
var list: MyListViewModel
#ObservedObject var editListVM: EditListViewModel
init(name: String,list: MyListViewModel, isVisible: Binding<Bool> ) {
self.list = list
editListVM = EditListViewModel(listVM: list)
_isVisible = isVisible
self.name = name
var body: some View {
VStack {
Button(action: {
}) {
Text("Update List Name")
Button(action: {
self.isVisible = false
}) {
class EditListViewModel: ObservableObject {
var listVM: MyListViewModel
#Published var name: String = ""
init(listVM: MyListViewModel) {
self.listVM = listVM
name = listVM.name
func update(){
struct MyListViewModel: Identifiable {
private let myList: MyList
init(myList: MyList) {
self.myList = myList
var id: NSManagedObjectID {
var name: String {
myList.name ?? ""
MyList Model
public class MyList: NSManagedObject, BaseModel {
static var all: NSFetchRequest<MyList> {
let request: NSFetchRequest<MyList> = MyList.fetchRequest()
request.sortDescriptors = []
return request
extension MyList {
#nonobjc public class func fetchRequest() -> NSFetchRequest<MyList> {
return NSFetchRequest<MyList>(entityName: "MyList")
#NSManaged public var name: String?
extension MyList : Identifiable {
Here's the Main View
struct MyListsView: View {
#StateObject var vm: MyListsViewModel
#State private var showPopover: Bool = false
init(vm: MyListsViewModel) {
_vm = StateObject(wrappedValue: vm)
List {
Text("My Lists")
ForEach(vm.myLists) { myList in
NavigationLink {
MyListItemsHeaderView(name: myList.name)
.sheet(isPresented: $showPopover) {
EditListView(name: myList.name, list: MyListViewModel(myList: MyList()), isVisible: $showPopover)
}.contextMenu {
Button {
showPopover = true
// Show the EditListView
} label: {
Label("Edit List", systemImage: "pen.circle")
First get rid of your view model objects we don't use those in SwiftUI. We use the View struct and the property wrappers like #FetchRequest make the struct behave like an object. It looks like this:
struct ContentView: View {
#Environment(\.managedObjectContext) private var viewContext
sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \Item.timestamp, ascending: true)],
animation: .default)
private var items: FetchedResults<Item>
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List {
ForEach(items) { item in
ItemView(item: item)
I recommend looking at Xcode's app template with core data checked.
Then for editing you can use .sheet(item: like this:
struct ItemEditor: View {
#ObservedObject var item: Item // this is the scratch pad item
#Environment(\.managedObjectContext) private var context
#Environment(\.dismiss) private var dismiss // causes body to run
let onSave: () -> Void
#State var errorMessage: String?
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Form {
Text(item.timestamp!, formatter: itemFormatter)
if let errorMessage = errorMessage {
Button("Update Time") {
item.timestamp = Date()
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarLeading) {
Button("Cancel") {
ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarTrailing) {
Button("Save") {
// first save the scratch pad context then call the handler which will save the view context.
do {
try context.save()
errorMessage = nil
} catch {
let nsError = error as NSError
errorMessage = "Unresolved error \(nsError), \(nsError.userInfo)"
struct ItemEditorConfig: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
let context: NSManagedObjectContext
let item: Item
init(viewContext: NSManagedObjectContext, objectID: NSManagedObjectID) {
// create the scratch pad context
context = NSManagedObjectContext(concurrencyType: .mainQueueConcurrencyType)
context.parent = viewContext
// load the item into the scratch pad
item = context.object(with: objectID) as! Item
struct EditItemButton: View {
let itemObjectID: NSManagedObjectID
#Environment(\.managedObjectContext) private var viewContext
#State var itemEditorConfig: ItemEditorConfig?
var body: some View {
Button(action: edit) {
.sheet(item: $itemEditorConfig, onDismiss: didDismiss) { config in
ItemEditor(item: config.item) {
do {
try viewContext.save()
} catch {
// Replace this implementation with code to handle the error appropriately.
// fatalError() causes the application to generate a crash log and terminate. You should not use this function in a shipping application, although it may be useful during development.
let nsError = error as NSError
fatalError("Unresolved error \(nsError), \(nsError.userInfo)")
itemEditorConfig = nil // dismiss the sheet
.environment(\.managedObjectContext, config.context)
func edit() {
itemEditorConfig = ItemEditorConfig(viewContext: viewContext, objectID: itemObjectID)
func didDismiss() {
// Handle the dismissing action.
struct ItemView: View {
#ObservedObject var item: Item
var body: some View {
Text("Item at \(item.timestamp!, formatter: itemFormatter)")
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarTrailing) {
EditItemButton(itemObjectID: item.objectID)
the params for EditListView in the main view were incorrect.
Fixed it with the following params:
.sheet(isPresented: $showPopover) {
EditListView(name: myList.name, list: myList, isVisible: $showPopover)

Use the same view for adding and editing CoreData objects

I'm working on an iOS app that track people's medication and I got an add view and an edit view, both look almost the same with the exception that on my edit view I use the .onAppear to load all the medication data into the fields with an existing medication using let medication: Medication
My Form looks something like this:
Form {
Group {
TextField("Medication name", text: $name).disableAutocorrection(true)
TextField("Remaining quantity", text: $remainingQuantity).keyboardType(.numberPad)
TextField("Box quantity", text: $boxQuantity).keyboardType(.numberPad)
DatePicker("Date", selection: $date, in: Date()...).datePickerStyle(GraphicalDatePickerStyle())
Picker(selection: $repeatPeriod, label: Text("Repeating")) {
ForEach(RepeatPeriod.periods, id: \.self) { periods in
.onAppear {
if pickerView {
self.name = self.medication.name != nil ? "\(self.medication.name!)" : ""
self.remainingQuantity = (self.medication.remainingQuantity != 0) ? "\(self.medication.remainingQuantity)" : ""
self.boxQuantity = (self.medication.boxQuantity != 0) ? "\(self.medication.boxQuantity)" : ""
self.date = self.medication.date ?? Date()
self.repeatPeriod = self.medication.repeatPeriod ?? "Nunca"
self.notes = self.medication.notes != nil ? "\(self.medication.notes!)" : ""
I thought of using a binding variable like isEditMode and it works fine but I had some issue related to the moc object when calling the add view that doesn't provide an object.
Here's how my editView preview looks like
struct EditMedicationSwiftUIView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static let moc = NSManagedObjectContext(concurrencyType: .mainQueueConcurrencyType)
static var previews: some View {
let medication = Medication(context: moc)
return NavigationView {
EditMedicationSwiftUIView(medication: medication)
Any suggestions?
Here is a simplified version of what I think you are trying to do. It uses code from a SwiftUI sample project. Just create an Xcode SwiftUI project with CoreData.
import SwiftUI
import CoreData
//Standard List Screen where you can select an item to see/edit and you find a button to add
struct ReusableParentView: View {
#Environment(\.managedObjectContext) private var viewContext
sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \Item.timestamp, ascending: true)],
animation: .default)
private var items: FetchedResults<Item>
//Keeps work out of the Views so it can be reused
#StateObject var vm: ReusableParentViewModel = ReusableParentViewModel()
var body: some View {
ForEach(items) { item in
NavigationLink {
//This is the same view as the sheet but witht he item passed fromt he list
ReusableItemView(item: item)
} label: {
Text(item.timestamp.bound, formatter: itemFormatter)
}.onDelete(perform: { indexSet in
for idx in indexSet{
vm.deleteItem(item: items[idx], moc: viewContext)
//Show sheet to add new item
.sheet(item: $vm.newItem, onDismiss: {
vm.saveContext(moc: viewContext)
//You can also cancel/get rid of the new item/changes if the user doesn't save
//vm.cancelAddItem(moc: viewContext)
}, content: { newItem in
ReusableItemView(item: newItem)
//Inject the VM the children Views have access to the functions
.toolbar(content: {
ToolbarItem(placement: .automatic, content: {
//Trigger new item sheet
Button(action: {
vm.addItem(moc: viewContext)
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "plus")
//Inject the VM the children Views have access to the functions
private let itemFormatter: DateFormatter = {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateStyle = .short
formatter.timeStyle = .medium
return formatter
//The Item's View
struct ReusableItemView: View {
//All CoreData objects are ObservableObjects to see changes you have to wrap them in this
#ObservedObject var item: Item
#Environment(\.editMode) var editMode
var body: some View {
if editMode?.wrappedValue == .active{
EditItemView(item: item)
ShowItemView(item: item)
.toolbar(content: {
ToolbarItem(placement: .automatic, content: {
//If you want to edit this info just press this button
Button(editMode?.wrappedValue == .active ? "done": "edit"){
if editMode?.wrappedValue == .active{
editMode?.wrappedValue = .inactive
editMode?.wrappedValue = .active
//The View to just show the items info
struct ShowItemView: View {
//All CoreData objects are ObservableObjects to see changes you have to wrap them in this
#ObservedObject var item: Item
var body: some View {
if item.timestamp != nil{
Text("Item at \(item.timestamp!)")
Text("nothing to show")
//The View to edit the item's info
struct EditItemView: View {
#Environment(\.managedObjectContext) private var viewContext
#EnvironmentObject var vm: ReusableParentViewModel
#Environment(\.editMode) var editMode
//All CoreData objects are ObservableObjects to see changes you have to wrap them in this
#ObservedObject var item: Item
var body: some View {
DatePicker("timestamp", selection: $item.timestamp.bound).datePickerStyle(GraphicalDatePickerStyle())
struct ReusableParentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
ReusableParentView().environment(\.managedObjectContext, PersistenceController.preview.container.viewContext)
class ReusableParentViewModel: ObservableObject{
//Can be used to show a sheet when a new item is created
#Published var newItem: Item? = nil
//If you dont want to create a CoreData item immediatly just present a sheet with the AddItemView in it
#Published var presentAddSheet: Bool = false
func addItem(moc: NSManagedObjectContext) -> Item{
//You should never create an ObservableObject inside a SwiftUI View unless it is using #StateObject which doesn't apply to a CoreData object
let temp = Item(context: moc)
temp.timestamp = Date()
//Sets the newItem variable
newItem = temp
//And returns the new item for other uses
return temp
func cancelAddItem(moc: NSManagedObjectContext){
rollbackChagnes(moc: moc)
newItem = nil
func rollbackChagnes(moc: NSManagedObjectContext){
func deleteItem(item: Item, moc: NSManagedObjectContext){
saveContext(moc: moc)
func saveContext(moc: NSManagedObjectContext){
try moc.save()
And if for some reason you don't want to create a CoreData object ahead of time which seems to be what you are doing you can always Create the temp variables and make a sharable editable view that takes in #Binding for each variable you want to edit.
//The View to Add the item's info, you can show this anywhere.
struct AddItemView: View {
#Environment(\.managedObjectContext) private var viewContext
#EnvironmentObject var vm: ReusableParentViewModel
//These can be temporary variables
#State var tempTimestamp: Date = Date()
var body: some View {
EditableItemView(timestamp: $tempTimestamp)
.toolbar(content: {
ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarLeading, content: {
//Create and save the item
let new = vm.addItem(moc: viewContext)
new.timestamp = tempTimestamp
vm.saveContext(moc: viewContext)
//The View to edit the item's info
struct EditItemView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var vm: ReusableParentViewModel
#Environment(\.managedObjectContext) private var viewContext
#ObservedObject var item: Item
var body: some View {
EditableItemView(timestamp: $item.timestamp.bound)
.onDisappear(perform: {
vm.rollbackChagnes(moc: viewContext)
//Just save the item
vm.saveContext(moc: viewContext)
//The View to edit the item's info
struct EditableItemView: View {
#Environment(\.managedObjectContext) private var viewContext
#EnvironmentObject var vm: ReusableParentViewModel
//All CoreData objects are ObservableObjects to see changes you have to wrap them in this
#Binding var timestamp: Date
var body: some View {
DatePicker("timestamp", selection: $timestamp).datePickerStyle(GraphicalDatePickerStyle())

Same view for both create and edit in SwiftUI

since a couple of days I try to find a solution for using the same view for both create and edit an CoreData object in SwiftUI.
Assume that we have a CoreData entity called Entry. And it only has one property name: String
Now we have a Main/Master view with a List of all Entry objects. To navigate to the DetailView I use the following code:
List {
ForEach(entires) { entry in
NavigationLink(destination: DetailView(entry: entry)) {
Text(item.name ?? "empty")
In this DetailView I can then edit the existing object:
struct DetailView: View {
#Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode
#Environment(\.managedObjectContext) private var viewContext
#State var name: String = ""
#ObservedObject var entry: Entry
init(entry: Entry) {
self.entry = entry
self._name = State(initialValue: entry.name ?? "")
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Form {
Section {
TextField("Name", text: $name)
Button("Save") {
guard name != "" else {return}
entry.name = name
do {
try viewContext.save()
} catch {
Button("Cancel") {
.navigationTitle("Entry Name")
But then I need a different view which looks quite the same just for the new entry, since this view does not require a #ObservedObject. This view I access via a simple add button from the Main/Master view and it looks like this:
struct AddView: View {
#Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode
#Environment(\.managedObjectContext) private var viewContext
#State var name: String = ""
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Form {
TextField("Name", text: $name)
Button("Save") {
guard name != "" else {return}
let entry = Entry(context: viewContext)
entry.name = name
do {
try viewContext.save()
} catch {
Button("Cancel") {
.navigationTitle("Add new Entry")
What I don't like here is that I have two views which are 99% equal except that one has the #ObservedObject and the other does not. How can I combine those two views into one? What I would need is something like a #ObservedObject var entry: Entry? where I can keep the Entry optional.

How to change toggle on just one Core Data item using ForEach in SwiftUI?

How to change just one toggle in a list without subviews? I know how to make it work if I extract Subview from everything inside ForEach, but how to do it on one view?
I cannot use subview, because I have a problem later if I want to delete an item from this subview. It gives me some errors I don't know how to fix, so I am trying to make it on one view where I don't have this error.
The code for the list is quite simple:
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
#Environment(\.managedObjectContext) var moc
var fetchRequest: FetchRequest<Item>
var items: FetchedResults<Item> { fetchRequest.wrappedValue }
#State private var doneStatus : Bool = false
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List {
ForEach(items, id: \.self) {item in
HStack {
Text("\(item.name ?? "default item name")")
Toggle(isOn: self.$doneStatus) {
.onAppear {
self.doneStatus = item.done
.onTapGesture {
try? self.moc.save()
.onDelete(perform: removeItem)
Button(action: {
for number in 1...3 {
let item = Item(context: self.moc)
item.date = Date()
item.name = "Item \(number)"
item.done = false
do {
try self.moc.save()
}) {
Text("Add 3 items")
init() {
fetchRequest = FetchRequest<Item>(entity: Item.entity(), sortDescriptors: [
NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \Item.name, ascending: true)
func removeItem(at offsets: IndexSet) {
for offset in offsets {
let item = items[offset]
try? moc.save()
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
let context = (UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate).persistentContainer.viewContext
//Test data
let testItem = Item.init(context: context)
testItem.date = Date()
testItem.name = "Item name"
testItem.done = false
return ContentView().environment(\.managedObjectContext, context)
I am using 1 Core Data Entity: Item. With 3 attributes: date (Date), done (Boolean), name (String).
When I tap on one toggle, all other toggles change as well.
I couldn't find a solution working with Core Data. I guess maybe I should use .id instead of .self? And add another attribute to my entity: id (UUID). But I tried to do it and failed.
I will appreciate any kind of help.
You bound all Toggle to one state... so
remove this
// #State private var doneStatus : Bool = false
bind Toggle dynamically to currently iterating item (note: .onAppear/.onTapGesture not needed anymore)
Toggle(isOn: Binding<Bool>(
get: { item.done },
set: {
item.done = $0
try? self.moc.save()
})) {