Why is VSCode latex snippet not working (// character)? - visual-studio-code

I want to have create the following snippets:
"fraction": {
"prefix": ["//"],
"body": [
"description": "Fraction"
I have many snippets in my latex.json file and all seem to work fine but this one doesn't, any idea why this could be the case?


VS Code Custom Snippets parameters hints

I am creating my own snippets for my script, and would like to make hints in the parameters.
"GDX Round": {
"prefix": "gdxround",
"GDX.Round(${1:int}, ${2:round_decimal})"
"description": "GDX Round"
Something like this:

Extending an existing VSCode syntax highlighter with new elements

I am working on a new flavor of Markdown that introduces some new syntactical elements. I have manually modified the markdown.tmLanguage.json file bundled with VSCode to implement some syntax highlighting for them. I would now like to create a VSCode extension that provides the new additions to Markdown's syntax highlighting.
However, I do not really think that copy-pasting the original Markdown syntax highlighting logic just to add a few things on top is a good idea -- is there a way to create a .json syntax highlighting file that inherits (for lack of a better word) the existing syntax highlighting from another file?
For example, here's some pseudocode:
"version": "1.0.0",
"name": "My Markdown Flavor",
"extends": "markdown.tmLanguage.json", // <- PSEUDOCODE
"repository": { "... insert my extensions here ..." }
Is that possible? Or do I have to copy-paste the entire markdown.tmLanguage.json file?
I figured it out -- it is sufficient to include text.html.markdown as the last pattern:
"$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/martinring/tmlanguage/master/tmlanguage.json",
"name": "Majsdown",
"patterns": [
"include": "#majsdown_inject_expression"
"include": "#majsdown_execute_statement"
"include": "text.html.markdown"
// ...

Can't get suggestions in snippets

I have customized one snippet:
"Import for eslint": {
"prefix": "import",
"body": [
"import { $2 } from '$1'",
"description": "import (eslint)"
Though it works well, but I can't get suggestions when you code the file path($1), Like this:
the image No Suggestions
the code has highlight background, and don't have suggestions, How should I do some work to implement the feature like this:
only has cursor
Try changing to
"editor.suggest.snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions": false,
true is the default which may be preventing you from seeing suggestions inside your snippet. You want false.

Correctly escaping in snippet?

I'm currently facing an issue where my snippet is not correctly rendered when used.
"Import": {
"prefix": "import",
"body": ["import ${1: { ${2:module} } } from \"${0:library}\";"],
"description": "Import module (es6)"
The problem
This is the first tab, as you can see it does not select the } for some reason. The other tabs are working fine. I've tried a couple of possibilities but they are not resolving the issue.
You need to escape the second '}' with '\'. The following works.
"body": ["import ${1:{ ${2:module} \\}} from \"${0:library}\";"],

Wrap Selection Snippet on Visual Studio Code (vscode)

I want to create an snippet when triggered it will surround the given text. Currently my snippet is:
"Function Creator Helper": {
"prefix": "_w",
"body": [
"public function $TM_SELECTED_TEXT () {",
" $1",
"description": "Creates a function given the text selection"
This results on:
What I do is:
Select the text.
Write the prefix (_w)
Press Tab
This results on:
public function () {
But I was expecting
public function person () {
Any ideas on how can I make this snippet or how can I triggered it correctly?
See https://stackoverflow.com/a/48676522/836330 Your example will work, as of vscode v1.49, as you have it. Vscode snippets have been updated to "remember" your selected text even though you seemingly overwrite it with your snippet prefix.
Older answer:
You can use $TM_SELECTED_TEXT if you trigger it with a hotkey:
"key": "cmd+k 1",
"command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
"when": "editorTextFocus",
"args": {
// "langId": "csharp",
"name": "Function Creator Helper"
The currently selected text is exposed as ${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}, not $TM_SELECTED_TEXT.
edit: As commented below, this is not the case for this particular use-case
I was just struggling with this myself. In order to get this to work, the only thing you have to do is press F1, run the Insert Snippet command and then select your snippet from the list.
${TM_SELECTED_TEXT} does not work for me either.
${selectedText} has been added as a Snippet Editor Variable:
"JS Block Quote": {
"prefix": "c2",
"body": [
"/* ${selectedText} */",
"description": "JS Block Quote"
At this time it is not correctly documented:
NOTE: In a multi-line selection, ${selectedText} is truncated to the first line. An alternative is to use the the clipboard and the ${CLIPBOARD} variable.
An extra step :(
from Mitches example:
"JS Block Quote": {
"prefix": "c2",
"body": [
"description": "JS Block Quote" }
from the article: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/userdefinedsnippets#_variables
the docs must have been ahead of the release.
This works fine in vscode v1.30.2
If somebody wants to know, it works like that for me :
I created two same snippet which only matches when I'm in html or php file (just create two snippets files in your snippets folder "php.json" and "html.json" it works for any languages) and added this code inside :
"unicommentary": {
"prefix": "unicommentary",
"body": "<?php /* ${TM_SELECTED_TEXT} */ ?> ${0}",
"description": "Creates a universal comment to disable both html and php."
The ${TM_SELECTED_TEXT} tag works when you select some text and trigger your snippet by the Insert Snippet command, you can't just write on selected text.
When you want to use this, select the text you want in your snippet, press Ctrl + Shift + P and select Insert snippet then, type the name of your snippet, press enter and there you go !